The Same Sky (26 page)

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Authors: Amanda Eyre Ward

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Literary, #Sagas

BOOK: The Same Sky
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home the next day. Jane was doing fine with her big and small boys around her, and I missed Jake and the restaurant and my friends and the swampy smell of Austin and its buttery, sumptuous light. When I called Jake to give him my arrival info, he answered his phone with a whisper, “Hey, can’t talk, I’m at Dillard’s.”

“What?” I said. “What are you doing at Dillard’s?”

“We already tried Forever 21, the Limited, and Macy’s,” Jake said. “Evian can’t find the perfect dress. It’s a freaking disaster.”

“You took Evian to the

“You weren’t here and her mom had to work,” said Jake matter-of-factly. “She can’t go to Homecoming in a

“So Marion’s going ahead with Homecoming?”

“I don’t know.” Jake’s voice dropped again. “But I don’t want to be the one to tell Evian, and that’s for damn sure.”

I heard Evian’s voice in the background, bossy and loud: “Jake! Are you even
at this dress?”

“I am!” called Jake. “Hold the phone, Evian, I think that’s the one!” To me, he said quickly, “Got to run, honey. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Okay,” I said. “Jake …?”

But his attention was diverted back to Evian. “I’m not sure about the sequined headpiece,” I heard him say, and then the phone cut off.

Jake and Pete were waiting for me in the truck outside Austin-Bergstrom Airport. “I missed you so much,” I said, bending down to the passenger window to hug my dog.

“Hey,” protested Jake from the driver’s seat.

“You the most,” I said, climbing into the truck, scooting Pete to the backseat, and kissing Jake. He kissed me back, then handed me some pieces of paper stapled together.

“Hot off the presses,” he said.

“Oh,” I said. “The
Bon Appétit

He waited, his eyes bright and trained on me. I looked down. In the grainy mock-up his agent had faxed, there was my husband in jeans and a dark shirt, standing with his boots crossed next to the pit. The caption read, “Best Barbecue in America?
Bon Appétit
Talks to Jake Conroe, Rising Star.”

“Rising star?” I said. “My God, honey! Look at you! Look at your hair!”

“They did it for me,” said Jake. “That’s called ‘product’ in there.”

“I’m so proud of you,” I said. And I felt it, too, coursing through me—pride and gratitude. “You’re a rising star.”

“True,” said Jake.

A security guard rapped on the truck. “Move along,” she said.

I opened the window, holding up the fax. “Look!” I said. “That’s him! That’s Jake Conroe!”

“I don’t care if you’re Lyle Lovett,” said the woman. “Move along!”

“Take me to bed, hon,” I said.

“Whoa,” said the guard.

“You heard me,” I said. Jake hit the gas.

On the way home, I tried to apologize. “I’m going to try not to be such a …”

“Meddler?” he suggested.

“Jeez!” I said. “Such a …”

“Instigator? Tyrant? Stone-cold fox?”

“You know me pretty well,” I said.

“I do.”

“Jane’s sad, but she’s going to be okay.”

“How about you?” said Jake.

“It’s hard,” I said. “I still want a baby. I’m not going to lie to you, honey.”

Jake turned onto Mildred Street. “I know,” he said. “I still want one, too.”

“You do?” I said.

“Of course I do,” said Jake. “But you know …” His voice trailed off. “I don’t have a great statement here,” he said finally. “I don’t have a moving conclusion.”

“Me neither,” I said. “It hurts, to want something you can’t have.”

“Yeah,” said Jake. He parked in front of our house, and I looked at his face, his ruddy skin. He smelled of barbecue and soap. I had always thought we’d be a family by now, but here we were, and it wasn’t nothing, what we had. It was a lot. I leaned into him, my sweet one.



American high school for three months. The teachers were kind to me, although I did not understand most of what they said. Before school, in between classes, and after school as I waited for the bus, I was nervous—not in the harrowing way I had been scared on The Beast, but in a more aching way. I was frightened of being singled out or ridiculed. I wanted so much to be noticed, and I also wanted to disappear.

Even in Room Sixteen, I was lonely. My mother stopped paying special attention to me. I began to feel angry at all the other children (including my new sister and Carlos), who had not been left behind in Tegu. I hated being sent to the Laundromat. I hated feeling sick all the time, and I hated the used clothes my mother brought me from Savers. I missed Humberto and wrote him endless letters in
my school notebook. I would make something of myself, I decided, and then I would go back to Tegu with enough money to save us both. In the middle of the night, I prayed to God that Humberto would never know what had happened to me on the train. I prayed for God to make me a virgin again.

One night I heard my mother and Mario arguing in English, which meant they were talking about me. My mother was saying, “No, no, it can’t be true.”

Mario said, “Look at her,
! Are you blind?”

Their words escalated in intensity and everyone else in Room Sixteen pretended to be asleep. I pressed my eyes shut and prayed. In the morning, my mother took me on the bus to a medical clinic. When the test results came back, she said, “Carla, who did this to you?”

I bowed my head in shame and told her what had happened at night on The Beast.

She looked very sad and shook her head. “I will speak to my boss at the Texas Chicken,” she said. “You can work until the baby comes, and then I just don’t know.”



our restaurant as Marion walked in front of the crowd. Since the Chávez gymnasium had been closed down due to the discovery of asbestos beneath the floorboards, Marion had had to use any place she could find to convene school meetings. And this was an important one. Marion, wearing a yellow pantsuit with her gold jaguar pin, cleared her throat. “Hello, everyone,” she said in English and then in Spanish. “Good evening.”

We had no sound system, so Marion had to raise her voice to be heard. The crowd had a few white members, but most Chávez parents were Latino and black. “Are you closing Johnson down?” yelled a heavyset man in the back.

Marion raised her hand. The group fell silent. “As most of you know, I am fighting my hardest to keep Chávez Memorial open. If some of you have heard rumors about a
van coming to get your student if they’re marked absent, I can confirm that those rumors are
. I’ve got a
and a
GPS unit
, and I have your
. So get your kids to school.” This announcement was met with laughter and encouraging shouts.

She took a breath. “We have a big fight ahead of us. We have the TAKS tests coming up this spring, and I believe that we will raise our scores enough to keep this school open. Chávez has the smartest kids in town, and I also want you to know I believe we have the
kids in town.” At this, Sam, who was sitting by the kitchen with Evian, yelled, “You know it!”

“That’s enough from the peanut gallery,” said Marion, adjusting her glasses. “I have called you all here tonight to talk about the Homecoming football game and dance.” The room became silent. Jake put his hand on my knee and squeezed.

“Now, this isn’t an easy thing to say,” said Marion. “I was a teenager myself, and I know how …” Her voice broke, but she regained control and continued, “I know how very much this night means to our kids.” She took a deep inhale. “The Austin Police Department has offered me extra security at the football field. We are taking a risk—a big risk—but I trust your children,” she said. “We have to trust them. We have to believe in them. And I’ll be honest, I’m scared someone’s going to do something stupid. I’m afraid. But I choose trust over fear. The Homecoming football game will go on as scheduled this Friday night.”

Cheers erupted, and the parents—some of whom had played for the Jaguars themselves—began to sing the Johnson
Jaguars fight song. Marion bowed her head and let the applause roll over her. Jake whispered, “Wait till you see Evian’s dress!” I smiled and shook my head.

“I’m not finished,” continued Marion. The crowd settled down, and Marion spoke. “I’m very sorry to say what I have to say next. But I haven’t been able to find a solution, I haven’t, and so I just …” She put her shoulders back, lifted her head, and spoke. “There will be no Homecoming dance after the game. The gymnasium is unfit, and we don’t have anything left in the budget for the rental of an event space, much less money for food, music.…” Her voice trailed off. “We will have the game,” she said, “and I hate to send the kids out into the street afterward, but I don’t know what else to do.” She nodded firmly, and though the crestfallen group was utterly quiet, she said no more.

I felt the sadness around us—it was a real thing, like toxic gas. People’s shoulders fell forward, and sighs were audible. “It’s not Homecoming without a dance,” whispered one mother.

“It’ll have to be,” said another. “It’ll just have to be.”

People began to gather their things. I saw Evian’s mom at her side, consoling her. Out of habit, I tried to think of how I could fix things, what I could do, but it seemed there was no damn solution—this disappointment just was the way it was.

Someone pushed open the front door, and I felt a breeze on my face. I turned to my husband, but he wasn’t sitting next to me. Scanning the room, I saw him climbing on a chair. I frowned.

“Stop!” cried Jake “Wait! Don’t go!” The most famous man in Austin (this week) yelled at the top of his lungs, “Listen to me!” People turned toward Jake and listened.

“I’m Jake Conroe,” he said. “This is my restaurant, mine and my wife’s. That’s her, my wife, that’s Alice.” I lifted my arm, confused.

“We care about your school,” said Jake. He wasn’t a man who liked public speaking, so I worried a bit for him, standing up there. None of these people needed our sympathy. “We care about Marion, and also we care about kids who deserve a party. And your kids deserve a party!”

People began to clap, and I joined them. We all waited for the nice white guy to step down. But Jake wasn’t finished.

“We’d like to offer Conroe’s for the dance,” said Jake. “We’ll cover the food, and I’ll find a DJ. If you want it, you can have it.”

I wasn’t the only one who broke into a stunned smile. People exchanged glances, excitement gathering. “So the question, I guess,” said Jake. “The question is, do you want it?”

“Hell, yeah, we want it!” yelled a tall, skinny man in a T-shirt that said “Austin Fest.”

“We want it!” echoed another.

The room erupted in cheers. Jake made his way back to me and took my hand. “I think these people want a party,” he said.


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