The Rules Regarding Gray (26 page)

Read The Rules Regarding Gray Online

Authors: Elizabeth Finn

Tags: #Erotica, #contemporary romance, #menage

BOOK: The Rules Regarding Gray
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She closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of what he was doing to her. It was pain, it was pressure, it was intense heat that invaded her and stretched her. She could feel every inch of his length leaving her and then filling her again—plunging and retracting. And when he came, it was on a hard thrust and a curse. He released her hair, and she instantly collapsed onto the table in front of her as he slammed himself into her a couple more times, spilling his seed within her. She grunted as her stomach pressed harshly into the edge of the table, forcing the air from her lungs.

He left her body slowly, and he pulled her back into his lap as he sat in the dining room chair behind him. His fingers stroked gently over her back as she rested her cheek to his shoulder. She inhaled slowly. His scent was so subtle, and she leaned to his neck kissing his skin gently.

“Can I stay tonight?”


Chapter Twenty-Three


Gray joined Jasper in the shower—a small feat of physics with her bum foot, and he steadied her on her feet as she stood under the hot jets of water, washing her hair and her body. He watched her face as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Getting her back out of the shower once they’d finished was the real chore. It was like a body-to-body-slip-n-slide when he lifted her in his arms, and her eyes were wide as she clutched his neck with her hands.

Once he managed to get them both dry and safely to her bedroom, they crawled into bed with a glass of wine and watched T.V. for a while. He loved everything about this place—her warmth next to him, the view down to the city street below, and the scent of her world around him.

He was pretty sure he fell asleep first, and when he woke he was still laying between her legs with his head rested on her stomach where he last recalled being. It was an incredible place to be, and when he’d woken as his cell phone alarm beeped out that it was four o’clock, he groaned. He crawled up beside her, lying down on his stomach and staring down at his car on the street below.

Her bed butted right up to the large arched window, and there was no headboard. He rested his chin on his folded arms. He needed to get up, so he could get out of her door by four-thirty, but all he wanted was a little more of her before he left. He’d needed her so intensely the night before he’d nearly snapped on his way over to her. Sex with Gray was an incredible thing all on its own, but sex with her when he was hurting was powerful.

He had no idea what would happen between them when he returned to Austin. Hell, he didn’t even know when he’d be returning. He wanted her to wake up, because he needed more before he walked away. But he didn’t have to wake her. She stretched beside him, and she moaned as she rolled toward him. He could see her face in the subtle pink glow of the street lamps, and as he watched, her eyelids fluttered and then opened.

“Hi,” she said.

He smiled at her, reaching over and running his palm down her cheek. “Hi.”

“Are you okay?” she asked. She had such an honest sensitivity about her, and he felt her concern as though he were the one feeling it.

He nodded. Of course, it was lie. He took a deep breath. “I always dreaded this day,” he admitted, and she touched his face then. “I’m just not ready for her to be gone.” He shrugged. “And my father’s going to be there.” He shook his head. “Which is going to make all this ten times worse. I don’t anticipate it’s going to go well once he realizes G cut him out of her will five years ago.”

“What will happen between you two?”

He smirked. “You mean will he beat the shit out of me now like he did when I was a child?”

“Yeah. I guess.”

He glanced back out the window for moment. “No. It doesn’t work that way anymore. It doesn’t mean he won’t try though.”

She sighed. “Maybe I should go, so I can karate chop his balls if he gets out of line.”

He chuckled. “And here I thought Anna was the ball buster.”

She laughed.

“This is the pathetic part of my life—dealing with my father. So, please don’t misunderstand, but I don’t want you there to see it.” He watched her for a moment, and she said nothing. “I want you here being my friend, not there seeing my humiliation.”

She nodded and ran her hand down his back, and when his alarm on his phone beeped at him again, he groaned. But he hit snooze once more and let her fingers keep going. She leaned over, kissing his shoulder as her hand gently moved down to his bottom. Her palm massaged along one cheek of his buttocks, and she pulled herself up close, returning her lips to his shoulder.

When he rolled back so he could face her, he pulled her mouth to his. “I need more.” She had no idea to what depth he meant those words. He wasn’t sure he’d wrapped his own head around it, but there were no truer words he could have spoken. “I want to make love to you,” he whispered against her ear as he pushed her to her back and crawled on top of her.

She parted her legs wide, and he gave her time to warm up as he kissed her lips and her neck. He’d come to realize in only the short time he’d been able to touch her pussy, that her arousal was an intense thing, and if she wanted it, her body wouldn’t be hiding it. She drenched quickly when she was in heat, and he’d become addicted to that sweet warm wetness. It was slick now as he slid his cock against her seam, and when he pressed harder, brushing her clit, her head fell back, and she cried out.

When he pushed into her, it was slow and gentle. She deserved slow and gentle after the day he’d put her through. He’d been hard on her body and hard on her emotions. But this was going to be nice and easy for her. He kept his lips right up against hers as he rolled his hips and grinded himself against her.

But his favorite was when he wedged his knees under her thighs and kneeled upright. He lifted her small frame to sit on his lap, and she wrapped her legs around him. He clenched his ass, driving himself slowly up into her gut. He knew he was deep. She was tiny, and he most definitely wasn’t. When her sheath clenched down tight on him, he gasped and leaned forward, bracing himself with a hand on the window.

He kept his hand on the glass and his lips against hers as his hips moved. She came quickly with her arms wrapped tightly around him, and as she moaned softly and sweetly against his mouth, his lips parted, needing to talk.

“I need you,” he whispered through gritted teeth. “I need you. Please.” His voice was so quiet, but she heard him, and she kissed his forehead, holding his cheeks in her hands. “Please, please, fuck, please, Gray.” His mouth moved, begged and pleaded for something he didn’t know how to ask for. He needed all of her. But it wasn’t about this moment. It was about everything that came after it.

When her hand covered his left pec, he cried out, nearly sobbing. Her palm was warm, and she gripped gently as he continued to rock his hips between her legs. All he could do was beg. And he pled with her as her hand touched his chest right over his G, and he didn’t stop pleading until he was coming inside her body. And as he caught his breath afterward, he let his forehead drop to hers as he panted against her lips. “I… I…”
need all of you
. “…need to go.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I’ve got to go. I’m going to be late.”

She kissed him, and his blood prickled warmly through his veins.
I’m falling in love with you
. Thinking it in his mind when her lips were on his was intoxicating, horrifying and intoxicating, not to mention utterly confusing. He couldn’t do this. She wasn’t his to love, and he wasn’t a man who could do this. He scrambled quickly away from her and off the bed, lifting his hands to the back of his head, trying to act casual as she looked up at him.


“Sorry. I’m late. I’ve got to…” He shook his head looking around like an idiot. He snatched his clothes off the nearby chair, and she watched him as he dressed quickly. He was panicking. He was also trilling with need and excitement for her. He rubbed his hands on the tops of his thighs once he was dressed and trying to figure out what to do. How fucking hard was it to just say goodbye and walk out?

She watched him curiously, and she cocked her head to the side as she studied him in the dim pink light. “Are you okay?”

He took a deep breath, nodding his head. He forced himself to approach the bed, and then he sank down to the mattress beside her. “I wanted to take you to your appointment later today. I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay. I can manage on my own.” She looked nervous, and she bit her lower lip.

“Umm…” he stared at her lap for a moment, his heart pounding. “Thank you for … yesterday, this morning…”

Her smile was small, and he could barely see it in the dim light, but he knew regardless of what he could see that she was blushing again. There was the shyness.

“It wasn’t nearly long enough,” he added quietly.

She shook her head. “No, it wasn’t,” she whispered.

He kissed her again. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Yeah. Take care.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Gray rested her forehead against the glass of the window as she looked down at the street. Her chin was sitting on her upstretched and folded arms, and as Jasper walked from the building to his car parked at the curb, she inhaled deeply. He drove a sleek looking black something or other, but having been in his car a few times, she was guessing it was an expensive something or other.

He ran his hand through his hair as he pulled the door open, and then he glanced up at her window four stories above. She gasped, but there was no reason. The lights were off, and it was still entirely too dark out. He was, however, illuminated perfectly by the street lamps, and as he studied her window for a moment, he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed.

Her phone rang beside her on the nightstand.

“Forget something?” she asked.

“Are you watching me?” His voice was quiet as he studied her window.


He hummed. “You were very shy yesterday after we made love—today too frankly.”

She held her breath for a moment. “I was kind of thinking you were too.” Or at least as close to shy as a man with his cool blunt nature could get.

He rested his forearm on the top of his car as he stood by the driver’s door. “It was an odd feeling—knowing we’d just… I don’t know.” He reached up, running his hand through his hair again. “Tell me, is my semen dripping from your pussy yet?”

Well, he’d gone from being nearly vulnerable with her to being blunt as hell in one second flat, and her breath left in a very audible rush as he chuckled.

“No,” she whispered.

“I have to say, I love that your cum is covering my cock, not to mention my entire groin. You do get wet when you want it, don’t you?”

She gasped. What the hell was she supposed to say to that?

“Don’t be embarrassed, Gray. Your arousal for me is intoxicating.” He was quiet for a moment. “Tell me again you’re okay with what we did.”

“I’m okay.” She reached out to the window, letting her fingertips press against the glass.

“I want to spend time with you when I get back…”

She froze holding her breath.

“…alone,” he finished.

“I’d like that.”

“Good. Listen, I better go. Go back to sleep. It’s early.”


She did fall back asleep eventually, but not until she’d stared out the window for nearly thirty minutes.
. Her body flushed as she looked down at the empty parking space he’d left behind. It wouldn’t stay empty, but thanks to the early hour, it was at the moment.
. Her skin crawled with a hot electric rush of blood, and then she felt it. The warm trickle of his cum as it left her body and dripped to the sheets.

She closed her eyes, and she was out.

* * * *


“Well, I’d like to get you fitted for the walking boot this Friday afternoon. You’re scheduled for your first physical therapy appointment next Monday, so we should have you in the boot by the end of the week. No weight bearing until you meet with the PT on Monday.” Dr. Thomson smiled at her.

“Okay,” she said.

He left the room for a short time, and when he returned it was with two nurses. They fitted her with a new splint, and it was an uncomfortable process that stretched her repaired Achilles until she was whimpering. Anna had ditched class to the chagrin of Daniel to take her to the appointment, and as Gray groaned, Anna grimaced. In the end, her foot was pulled back to flatten the sole and stretch the tendon.

“You’re tough cookies, love,” Anna commented as Dr. Thomson left the room. She handed Gray the crutches and helped her off the table.

“I don’t know about that,” Gray commented as they left the room.

“How’d it go last night with Jasper?”


“Fine? That’s all you have to say? Did you sleep with him?”

A nurse eyed them suspiciously as they passed by the intake desk on their way out of the building.

Gray didn’t bother answering that question until they were in the car. “Yes.”

Anna started the car, backing out slowly. “So, how do you see this thing playing out?” she pried without taking her attention off the road.

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