The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three)) (29 page)

BOOK: The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three))
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Darian turned towards her. “Whatever happens, you will stay here in Chicago. I want you to go with Elise and the others.”

His tone left no room for debate. Natasha nodded. She knew that he was right. If the Master vampire’s refusal to allow them
Safe Passage
were to incite a war, her presence would only complicate matters.

“Good.” Darian walked over to her extending his hand. She slid her hand into his, allowing him to pull her to her feet. His forest green eyes gazed into the soft green of hers.

“Thank you for being so understanding. I cannot allow you to be harmed. And I will not allow you to be entangled in a supernatural war. I love you too much,” he whispered the last statement to her softly.

Natasha nodded as she circled her arms around him and he returned her embrace. When he pulled away, she tilted her head and they kissed deeply, passionately.

No one said anything. Many of them were still getting over the shock of what Darian had told them.

“Please be careful, Darian,” Natasha said softly.

He nodded.

Elise rose from the chair, with Sergio’s help. “Don’t worry, Darian, she will be well protected. Also, I have arranged for Sergio, Devin and Miranda to join you. If there is to be a war, then I will give you warriors.”

“Thank you.” Darian flashed Elise his signature charming smile.

“Do you know this other vampire, Master?” Tony asked curiously. It was a question that was on everyone’s mind.

Darian took a deep breath, releasing it slowly.

“I do know him,” he said, then continued. “I know him well enough to know that he does not share his territory with others. Oftentimes, he refuses
Safe Passage
to those of who have humbly requested it and has destroyed a number of supernaturals who have entered into his territory uninvited. He will not care about our reasons for requesting entry. Mankind’s existence means very little to him. For him, mankind is only here to entertain our kind... mainly vampires. He feels superior to every other being that shares this world. If we enter his territory uninvited, we must prepare ourselves, for we may not return.”

“Do we even have a chance, Master?” Tony asked, his tone was laced with uncertainty.

“Who is he?” Xavier asked.

Darian stared at Xavier, contemplating if he should answer the question. Xavier could tell that this vampire concerned Darian, worried him even. All eyes were on Darian, everyone waited for his response.

It troubled Xander to see that matters were not improving. The security of his home had been compromised. His Pack member kidnapped and now he, himself, might be facing the possibility of a supernatural battle that he may lose. Xander sat back in his chair, running a finger over his top lip, it was a habit that he had when he was in deep thought. Tatiana leaned over to him, kissing him gently on his forehead. He looked up and smiled. He tilted his head upwards, meeting her lips in a gentle, loving kiss.

“Darian, who is he?” Xavier asked once more, feeling that Darian was attempting to avoid the question, and he wanted to know why.

“His name is Kysen Mesah,” Darian replied softly.

Natasha gasped.

“Your Maker!” she exclaimed.

The room suddenly became noisy as the occupants voiced their surprise and curiosity.

“At ease!” Xander ordered and the room became silent once more.

Darian nodded and continued. “Yes, he is my Maker.” He turned to Xander. “I will need to call him right now. Why don’t you gather your team. Is it agreed that we will go regardless of the outcome of my conversation with him?”

“Regardless.” Xander nodded. “I hav
e already selected my team.”

Tatiana turned toward her husband. “Why haven’t you told me this?”

Xander looked at his wife. “You are my wife, also the Matron, you must watch over the Pack in my stead.”

“I cannot

No. I will not allow you to leave without my
protection. I am the Matron, if you were to be injured onto death, only I can save you. No, no,” she shook her head. “I can’t bear to lose you.” Tatiana’s tone was most adamant.

“No. I do not want you in harm’s way. If anything should happen, I could not bear the thought of losing
!” Xander argued.

“Xander, I
live without you,” Tatiana’s voice had grown passionate. “You
this. You
need me and I’m not letting you go without me.”

Xander looked at her worried expression and he raised his hands, cupping her face, his thumbs wiping away tears from her cheeks. “If this is your wish, then you may come with me. Whatever happens will be our fates,” he whispered. He kissed her once more before turning his attention back to Darian. He rose from his chair. “Please follow me, you may use my study to make your phone call, it’s soundproof.”

Darian followed Xander to his lavish wood and burgundy study.


. ***


Matthew looked at Warren. “You’re going, aren’t you?” he asked softly.

“I have to go.” Warren turned, facing his lover. “Come with me.”

He grabbed Matthew’s hand, leading him out of the mansion onto the front porch. He looked at Xavier’s torched car, and at the bits and pieces of glass and steel from the wreckage scattered over the front lawn. It was a revelation of just how dangerous their enemy was. He took Matthew into his arms from behind, holding him close to his chest.

“To think, we’ve just confessed our love for each other, and by this time tomorrow night I might be dead,” Warren reflected.

“Don’t say that,” Matthew said, not wanting to imagine such a grim fate.

“Very well, I’ll think positive thoughts. But, it kind of gives you a perspective, doesn’t it? The chances you get in life really shouldn’t be taken for granted.”

Matthew nodded. “Life is short, even for your kind. I see that now. Just being in this house, baring witness to all of the dangers that supernaturals face… ,” he exhaled deeply, shaking his head. “…I had no idea.”

Warren smiled sadly and kissed the side of Matthew neck softly. “How could you? You’re human.”

“That’s not fair.” Matthew whispered; he turned around so that they were facing each other. “I love you, Warren and I’ve always been concerned for your safety. What does it matter if I’m human?”

“I know that. Perhaps it came out all wrong, I wasn’t trying to…” Warren shook his head as if he were erasing his blunder. He took Matthew by his shoulders, looking at him eye-to-eye. “Matthew, for the first few years we’ve known each other, you thought I was human. When you found out what I was, I could tell you didn’t want to know more than what you already knew, and I wasn’t going to press the issue.”

“We’ve been through this already. I overcame my fears, my prejudices,” Matthew said in his defense.

“I know, we wouldn’t have been partners this long if you hadn’t, let alone lovers.” Warren released Matthew, sighing softly. “I know what’s bothering you right now, get it off your chest.”

“Warren, this is modern times now. Like Darian said, we have the complete resources of the S.
U.I.T. at our disposal. We could

Warren interjected. “We could what, Matthew? Rally the entire team, burst in on a psycho Master vamp and kick some ass?”

“I fucking hate when you get sarcastic,” Matthew snapped. “I’m just saying, these people are human,
there are laws that protect supernaturals from these kinds of situations. Why isn’t that an option? I don’t understand why handling this legally hasn’t even been discussed. The only option your leaders have settled on could get you all killed!”

“Matthew, humans have always known about supernaturals, just not on this grand a scale. But now that we are exposed, we’re in even more danger. This is why it’s important for you to understand that human laws are pretty much ignored within our communities. The laws you speak of were designed to protect humans from us. Don’t you see, we have no one on our side? How many times have you heard me complain about the injustice of this government? How far do you think the S.U.I.T. would go to arrest twelve of the most powerful people in the world because they broke one of the four laws concerning supernaturals?

Matthew looked away.

“Don’t look away, answer me.”

“It wouldn’t be a priority.” Matthew looked downwards avoiding eye contact.

“Look at me,” Warren whispered, Matthew obliged. “Our leaders know our position in the world better than any of us. Xander has over two centuries of knowledge behind his decisions. Who knows how many years Darian and Elise have. What I’m trying to say is that our leaders are wise. They work within traditional means because that is all that we have; it’s how we’ve survived as long as we have.”

Matthew nodded. “Don’t think that I don’t understand where you’re coming from. I understand, I do… I just hate that you have to go.”

“Good, it’s important for me to know that you realize this. I have to go, I’m a wolf and my Pack comes before all else. I don’t want to die. Hell. I don’t want any of this. But what is done is done and now we have to do what we must.”

Matthew remained silent while he reflected on what Warren said. A moment later he hugged him tightly. “I know that you must do this. You just make sure you make it back here safely, all of you.” They shared a tender and passionate kiss for several moments.

“I do have one favor to ask,” Warren said after their kissed ended.

“What is it?”

“Can you cover for me? I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Probably just one day, but still…”

“Don’t worry, we’re partners. I’ve got your back.”

Warren smiled. “Thanks.”

The two men rejoined the others inside.


Darian looked around the study, admiring the decor. The room was adorned in hand-made traditional furnishing. Burgundy and green hand-woven carpeting covered the floor and the windows and door frame were trimmed in beautiful polished redwood.

“This is a very lovely room,” he complimented.

“Thank you, I have a preference for wood furniture and natural colors,” Xander replied.

Darian smiled. “It suits you.”

Xander nodded with a close-lipped smile. “I’ll leave you to your privacy now.” He closed the double doors, leaving Darian alone.

Darian dialed his Maker’s home.

“Mr. Mesah’s residence, how may I help you?” a manly voice greeted.

“Good evening, I wish to speak with Mr. Mesah, please tell him this is Mr. Darian Alexander.”

There was a short silence over the telephone.

“One minute,” the man said then he placed Darian on hold. Several minutes passed before the man returned.

“He will speak with you,” the man said.

“Thank you.” Darian silently released a sigh of relief.

He waited for Kysen, his Master and Maker, to answer the telephone. It had been eight-hundred years since the two had shared any open lines of communication, either mentally or technologically. The two parted on very bad terms and Darian was uncertain of Kysen’s feelings concerning him. He wanted to hear Kysen’s voice, which is why he didn’t send out a mental connection to his Master. It would help him better understand where he stood with his Maker.

“Good evening, Darian,” Kysen said. His voice was deep and sensual with a hint of his Egyptian accent.

“Good evening, Kysen. I’m calling you to

“I know why you are calling me, Darian,” Kysen interrupted. “Tell me, why should I grant you
Safe Passage

“There is business that I need to take care of, it is most urgent.”

“That is not a good enough reason.”

Darian sat down in one of the comfortab
le leather chairs to continue his conversation.

“One of my coven members is in danger. He is under my protection... I must rescue him.” His voice was calm, though he was growing more anxious as the conversation continued.

Kysen chuckled deeply, the sound of his voice traveled over their connection. It sent tingles down Darian’s spine. He fought the urge to shiver from both lust and well-suppressed fear. “Perhaps you may learn from this lesson, Darian. You have obviously let down your guard and now you will lose a member of your coven. In your weakened state you are a target. I’d thought that I had taught you better than this.”

“I am not the only one with this dilemma. The local wolf Pack and leopard Pride are also missing members.”

“My, my, the times certainly have changed. When did you become a superhero?” Kysen chuckled harshly. “I remember you being an extremely vain man who cared only about your own pleasures.”

“In all honesty, I haven’t changed very much. But I have found happiness with those I share my life with,” Darian stated as a matter of fact. “I don’t want that to change.”

Kysen laughed.

“Is that so?” his laughter faded, his tone grew more serious. “And where do
fit in? Does this
life of yours acknowledge my existence at all?” he asked bitterly.

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