The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three)) (12 page)

BOOK: The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three))
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“It’ll be okay, Devin,” she said.

He gave her a weak smile and nodded. They continued their drive in silence until they reached Elise’s mansion. After Devin parked his car in the driveway, they climbed out and headed inside. He led her to the den where everyone was waiting. Natasha stood in the doorway as she surveyed the others. Elise sat on the divan and Sergio sat on the floor beside her. Devin took a seat on the floor next to Miranda. The others sat on chairs or the floor as well. Natasha greeted everyone in general as she took several steps into the room. Carmen rose from the chair closest to Elise’s and gestured for Natasha to sit down.

Natasha thanked Carman and took the seat.

“You want to tell me what’s going on?” she asked, concerned.

“One of our own is missing. She’s been missing for approximately twenty-seven hours,” Elise said.

Natasha felt her heart sink into her stomach. Circumstances were becoming grimmer with every passing minute. First Xander informed her that their Pack member was missing and now Elise had the same situation. Natasha took several deep breaths, but continued to listen before speaking.

“We have tried to call her cell phone, but Rachel is not answering. She has never spent the entire night out without calling to let us know that she was safe. I don’t want to delay, I know that the police will not help us, nor do I want them involved for two reasons. They will only complicate matters and Rachel is a grade school teacher for children with developmental disabilities. I do not need to explain what will happen if this goes public,” Elise stated.

Natasha nodded.

“I know what risks you take every time you touch something, I am aware of the visions that you may see, some are unpleasant, but I must ask this of you.” Elise leaned forward, looking directly into Natasha’s eyes. “Will you help us, will you connect with Rachel?”

She knew that she was asking a lot. If something horrible had happened to Rachel, Natasha would see this, that is, if Rachel was still alive. Elise was fully aware of the horrors Natasha had witnessed before through her visions.

“Elise, I want to do whatever I can to help you. Do you have the object you want me to touch?” Natasha asked.

Elise nodded and handed Natasha a gold locket on a thin gold chain. Natasha took the locket and examined it. She admired the intricate engravings on the locket, she opened it. Inside was a tiny photograph of Rachel and a woman whom Natasha suspected was her mother. The two women looked almost identical, only one was older. Natasha closed the locket as she closed her eyes. She wanted to clear her mind of any rambling thoughts so that she could form her connection with Rachel. Two seconds later, Natasha felt the unmistakable sensation that comes with the mental connection. She knew that Rachel was alive. Natasha opened her eyes and looked at Elise.

“Rachel’s alive. Look, Elise there’s something I must tell you,” Natasha began as she handed the gold locket back to Elise. Everyone in the den paid close attention to her, patiently waiting for her to speak.

“You aren’t the first person to ask me for my help in finding a missing member. Do you remember Warren and Adrian?” She paused for a second to allow Elise to back track into her memories, then she continued without waiting for a response. “Well, their Pack leader, Xander contacted me last night. One of his Pack has been missing for a few days. They’ve been searching the city for her, but were unsuccessful. And now you’re telling me you’re in an identical situation. Earlier this morning, I had a vision of the female wolf.”

Elise remained silent and she waited for Natasha to continue, then gestured for her to go on.

“Well, their member was located in a dark cell that didn’t have any windows. It appeared that she was being starved. I don’t know the reason why she was kidnapped or why she’s being held. Perhaps they want money. I suppose you haven’t received a call for ransom have you?” Natasha asked. She silently hoped that a ransom kidnapping was all it was and nothing more.

“No, not yet. No one has attempted to contact me. This doesn’t make any sense, they must know that Rachel is a shape-shifter, but how did they know this?” Elise asked, as she speculated on various possibilities.

“I don’t know. I mean... how
they know?” Natasha asked perplexed.

“Want a Valium?” Sergio asked Natasha.

Natasha looked at him and shook her head. “Why would I need a Valium?” she asked.

“To help relax you. Hopefully, you’ll fall asleep quickly,” Sergio stated flatly.

“Sergio, we have to be patient. I know that this is eating at you, but we must stay focused and calm. We know that she’s alive and that is a huge relief,” Elise said.

Natasha looked at her, noting the roundness of her belly. She wanted to put her hand on her stomach, wanting to feel the babies inside.

Elise’s eyes focused on Natasha, she studied her gaze and smiled. “You may touch my stomach if you want to. It’s perfectly all right.” She sat up straight on the divan.

Natasha leaned over placing her hand gently on Elise’s firm, round belly. She giggled softly then removed her hand and settled back into her seat.

“It must be amazing. How do you feel?” she asked with a hint of envy.

Elise chuckled.

“Well apart from this hysteria, I feel fortunate. I have my mate,” she said, running her fingertips through Sergio’s thick, wavy black hair. “And now I will bare two children. I’m excited. I think I may even be a little bit nervous... just a little,” she said jokingly but then grew serious. “Natasha I know that you have to be under certain circumstances in order to see the visions. I don’t want to pressure you, nor do I want to make you feel uncomfortable. Is there anything you want to eat or someplace you may want to rest? I know that I disturbed your slumber earlier when I called you, I could hear it in your voice.”

“Well, now that you mention it, I am tired.” Natasha darted a glance to Sergio.

“Naturally tired,” she said.

Sergio shrugged one shoulder. “Whatever works. I was simply trying to speed up the process, that’s all,” he said in his defense.

“Yeah, by drugging me up. Tell me, is that the way, doctor?” Natasha asked mockingly. She liked Sergio a great deal. But in her opinion, for a doctor, he lacked bedside manners.

“If it works, yes,” Sergio stated.

Natasha shook her head chuckling softly. “Sergio, you’re a trip sometimes.”

“I’m just direct,” he replied dryly. “Are you sure you don’t want any?”

Elise waved her hand dismissing the notion. “That won’t be necessary. Natasha please follow me, I’ll show you to a room where you can rest.” She placed her feet on the floor and Sergio rose to assist her. He took her hand into his and gently raised her off of the divan. They led Natasha to a bedroom on the second floor where she could sleep.

“Just let us know if you need anything,” Elise offered. “I want to thank you for this.”

“Really, it’s the least I could do, besides, I want to help in any way that I can,” Natasha said reassuringly.

She walked into the room admiring the decor. The room was decorated in natural colors of brown and beige. The bed had a dark wood frame that matched the dressers and chairs. Elise and Sergio closed the door and left her to rest. She walked towards the bed pulling back the covers and, kicking off her shoes, quickly climbed in. She laid there for a long time, trying to force herself to sleep. What seemed like hours passed before she begin to feel the sleep come over her.




She paced back and forth in the tiny cell. Hunger pangs racked her stomach. She was so hungry and scared. She wanted to be at home with Elise and Sergio and the others. All she could remember was walking to her car in the parking lot after staying late to finish up some paperwork and suddenly feeling a sharp pain in her left thigh before everything went dark. The next thing she was aware of was this dark cell. There were no windows and she couldn’t hear anything from the other side.

For hours, Natasha watched through the eyes of Rachel, smelled what Rachel smelled, felt what she felt. Natasha became dimly aware of a tapping on her shoulder. Slowly, she began to draw herself out of the vision as well as her sleep. She opened her eyes to see Devin standing over her.

“I thought that you might be hungry. So I brought you something to eat,” he said, gesturing to a plate on the night stand.

Natasha thanked him for the food as she sat up on the bed taking the plate. There were slices of roast beef, mashed potatoes and broccoli topped with melted butter. She felt her stomach rumble.

“Good looking out, I’m starving

Oh!” she said excitedly. “I had a vision on Rachel. She’s alive and being kept in a cell just like the wolf I told you about, Nicole.”

“You think it’s the same people?” Devin asked curiously.

Natasha nodded. “Most definitely, they’re both suffering from
hunger, fear and weakness. I have no idea why this is happening

“We’ll get to the bottom of this. Here, eat up, I have to tell Elise this news,” Devin said, then he turned and left the room. Natasha began to dig into the food savoring every morsel.

in ran down the hallway until he reached Elise’s and Sergio’s bedroom. He knocked on the door and waited to be invited in. He heard Sergio call out and opened the door. He walked over to Elise, who was lying in the bed, her hand resting delicately on her stomach.

“I just spoke with Natasha and she said that she had a vision of Rachel.” He began to relate to them what Natasha had told him.

“Fuck!” Sergio hissed.

He rose from the bed and began pacing the room in his agitation. He turned to Elise, who seemed to be contemplating the information she just received.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked.

“Natasha said that another shape-shifter is being held in the same manner, most likely at the same location.” Elise sat up on the mattress. She darted glances between Sergio and Devin.

“I need to contact this Pack she mentioned. We need to discuss any information we have.” She looked at Devin. “Can you tell Natasha that I want to speak with her?”

Devin nodded and walked out of the room. He knocked on Natasha’s door, and when he heard her beckon him in, he opened the door. “Elise wants to speak with you.”

Natasha finished the slice of meat that was left from her meal and climbed off of the bed. She walked towards Devin and followed him to Elise’s and Sergio’s bedroom. When they entered, Sergio had regained his composure and was now sitting on the edge of the bed beside Elise.

“Natasha, I need to speak with the leader of the wolf Pack. Can you arrange for us to meet?” Elise asked in her lady-like manner.

“Well of course, I think it’s a good idea, you’re both in the same situation. I’m also going to ask Darian or Xavier for some help, they might have some insight or may be able to gather
information,” Natasha said as she reached into her pocket.

She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Warren’s cell number. She waited patiently for him to pick up. After several rings, Warren answered.

“Hi Natasha, what’s up?” Warren’s tone was eager, hopeful.

“I have some bad news. I’m over here at Elise’s right now. One of their Pride members has been kidnapped also. I had a vision about her, she is in a similar cell to the one Nicole is in,” Natasha informed.

“Shit,” Warren said in a flat tone. All hope he had dissipated.

“Tell me about it. Elise wants to arrange a meeting with Xander and Tatiana to discuss our predicament. I’m going to talk with Darian and Xavier; they might be able to help. Even Xavier told me that Darian is able to get information from mysterious sources. When can they meet?” Natasha asked.

“They can meet right now. I’m at work, but Xander will meet with Elise. I’ll call him and let him know that you’re coming. Talk to you later.” Warren ended the call without waiting for a ‘goodbye’.

Natasha turned off her cell phone and told Elise what Warren had said. Elise nodded and Sergio helped her off the mattress. Natasha watched her maneuver from the bed, struggling slightly from her pregnancy. She gazed longingly at the bulge of Elise’s stomach.

“I don’t mean to sound rude or anything, but I’m surprised by how much you’re showing. It’s only been four months, is it because you’re having twins? Is everything okay?” Natasha asked Elise with concern.

Elise chuckled softly. “Yeah, I’m just fine. Being a shape-shifter has its’ advantages during times like these. We are only pregnant for about eight months, sometimes seven, before we give birth. During these long months we can’t change forms, not until after we’ve given birth.” She smiled at Natasha’s shocked expression.

“Man, that’s almost like our human pregnancy term. Do you experience any other pregnancy symptom besides morning sickness? You know, like heartburn, sore and swollen feet and ankles? Any cravings?” Natasha asked curiously. Elise nodded as Sergio helped her put on her flat soled shoes.

Natasha noticed the footwear and chuckled. “I see you’re not in your
three inch or higher heels. Man, those babies of yours really have you

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