The Rose and the Dagger (The Wrath and the Dawn) (13 page)

BOOK: The Rose and the Dagger (The Wrath and the Dawn)
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All the while, Shahrzad could barely suppress a gasp.

I will not be impressed by this scapegrace. No matter how impressive he may be.

When the boy sat up, she noticed him sway to one side. He slid from the rock with a splash into knee-deep waters—

Before tipping over altogether with a wry chortle.

He’s drunk!

Shahrzad folded her arms, curbing her indignation. She glanced at Musa, who did not seem at all disturbed by the boy’s condition. He seemed resigned.

As though he’d expected as much.

When the boy sat back and lifted his face into the starlight, Shahrzad detected many things of note.

Like Musa, the boy’s head was completely bald. The lobes of both ears were pierced with small gold hoops. His skin was a light sable color, and his eyes were sloe-shaped and elegantly hooded, distinctly of the Far East. He was not classically handsome, but he was striking in his own way. For his beauty lay in the sum of his faults—an all-too-prominent jaw, a nose broken and healed in several places, a diagonal scar through his lower lip. From where she stood, the rest of his skin looked as smooth as the surface of a looking glass. He wore no shirt, and slender pants that had been fine many moons ago. Now they appeared tattered and without a care.

Just like the boy who wore them.

Once he found his footing, Shahrzad discovered he was not
much taller than she, though his torso was wide—he was barrel-chested and strong.

“She’s pretty,” the boy slurred with a slight accent. His mouth tugged to the side in a cutthroat grin.

Without thinking, Shahrzad returned one in kind.

He let out a wild laugh. “But not pretty enough.”

“How fortunate your talents lie elsewhere. And that you are not a judge of beauty,” she said with another biting smile.

“Ah”—he held up a long forefinger—“but I am. I happen to be the preeminent judge of beauty this side of the Shan K’ou river. There was a time I had to choose which of four enticing virgins was the most—”

“Artan.” Musa tsked, canyons of disapproval forming around his mouth.

The boy laughed again, falling back into the water. He proceeded to float on an idling current, his arms outstretched and his legs spread wide.

“He’s drunk,” Shahrzad murmured through pursed lips. “And a liar.”

“That’s true.” The boy didn’t flinch. “They weren’t virgins.” He winked at her. “Though
is a bit of a stretch. I merely enjoy embellishing the truth.”

Musa rubbed a hand across his face. “Please sit up for a moment. As a favor to me, act in a manner befitting your heritage.”

At that, the boy let out another overly emphatic round of laughter.

“I’m sorry, Musa-
 . . . but he is not in a state to provide us with any help. And I do not have time to wait.” Shahrzad
turned on a heel, frustrated she’d even hoped to gain assistance from such a lazy, rude boy.


The boy lurched to his feet in a squelch of seawater. “
cheeky snipe is the Calipha of Khorasan?” It was the first sign of a frank reaction to anything they’d said thus far.

He knows who I am?

Shahrzad turned back to the boy. “And just who are you?” she asked, her fists on her hips.

“Artan Temujin.” Though he nearly toppled over in the process, the boy gave her a taunting bow.

She hooked a slender brow at him, trying to invoke some restraint. “Who is that

“Give me your hand and I’ll tell you.” Sly treachery laced his every word.

“I’d sooner kiss a snake.”

“Smart girl!” He laughed. “But you’ve kissed a murdering madman . . .” Beads of water rolled down his barreled chest. “Is that not the same thing?”

“You—” Shahrzad started after him, no longer able to contain herself.

With a satisfied smirk, Artan yanked her into the water beside him. Torn off her feet, she caught herself on his left arm.

Several things stunned her all at once.

He was overly warm, as though he were quite fevered, despite his recent stint by the sea. Up close, the skin of his palms was rough and calloused, and one of his forearms was monstrously scarred—

Just like Baba’s hands.

But the most startling thing of all was the jolt that raced through her blood at his touch. Almost akin to the sensation of the carpet. A crackling around her heart that flashed through the whole of her.

“Well, well, well . . .” Artan paused, his dark eyes boring holes into hers. “It appears you were not wrong, Musa-

Shahrzad thought she heard the magus sigh behind them.

“Take your hands off me,” she bit out at Artan, determined not to show how unnerved she felt. When he failed to relinquish his hold, she shoved his chest. He tilted to the side before grasping her wrists in one of his hands.

“What a temper!” He laughed appreciatively. “I should warn you, little snipe: the last girl who tried to thrash me into submission found her sight quite addled the next day.” Artan beckoned her closer, as though she had a choice. “I made her eyes point in two different directions.”

“Ha!” Shahrzad snorted. “In order to achieve such a feat, would you not need to stand straight first?”

“You should truly be afraid on the days I can stand straight. Why, there was a time I put to rout an entire fleet of—”

“Enough!” Shahrzad pushed him away. “I tried to be patient with you, since Musa-
said you might be of assistance, but I no longer believe that to be possible. Just answer this one question, and I’ll leave you in peace. Do you or do you not know anything about a book that burns to the touch?”

Artan blinked, taken off guard. “What—does it look like?”

“Old. Battered. Bound in rusted iron and dark leather.”

“With a lock around its center?” He cleared his throat, still fighting for focus.


He paused. When deep creases appeared across the even skin of his forehead, Artan seemed almost . . . fierce. Dangerous. “Has someone opened it?”

Under his abruptly severe gaze, Shahrzad suppressed the need to shudder. “I think my father may have.”

“Does your father speak Chagatai?”

“I—don’t know.”

“That must wound your pride to admit,” Artan said, his tone derisive.

Shahrzad looked away, a flush creeping up her neck.

I should accept his criticisms. For now.

“Is your father an idiot?” he continued.

“No!” Outraged into temporary speechlessness, Shahrzad merely stared at him.

“Only an idiot would open a book like that,” Artan said, cold and merciless. “It’s old, dark magic. Blood magic. The kind you pay for, many times over . . . if your idiot father hasn’t paid already.”

Shahrzad turned to Musa. “Why would this horrid boy be—”

“My ancestors wrote that book,” Artan interrupted without a trace of the smugness Shahrzad would have expected from such an admission. “If your father is in trouble, my family are among the only ones who will know what to do.”

Her heart shuddered to a stop.

Holy Hera. He may actually be of help.

Shahrzad worried the inside of her cheek.

She might have pressed her luck too far already with Artan Temujin.

Khalid was right. My mouth never ceases to cause me woe.

Shahrzad knew she had to try to win this scapegrace over, despite her behavior thus far. When she glanced at the boy standing across from her, he was watching her with a distressingly keen air about him, especially for someone so addled by drink.

It was a face marred by indolence. Riddled by insolence.

But an interesting face. That she could not deny.

“Would you—could you take me to see your family?” she asked, trying her best to affect an air of humility. In such a situation, perhaps even begging was not beyond her.

“No, Queen of a Land I Care Nothing About.” Artan laughed at his own joke. “I won’t.”

“Artan, son of Tolu . . .” Musa Zaragoza’s sonorous voice rang out from along the shore.

It was not loud, nor was it demanding.

Nevertheless, Artan rubbed his nose with the back of one hand, frowning with frustration. He groaned, the sound much louder than the situation warranted.

It was only a series of names. Yet it seemed to signify so much.

“Please,” Shahrzad said, shrugging away her confusion. She took a step toward the boy. “I need your help.”

Artan pressed a palm into his forehead, exasperated. “I shouldn’t help you. And I have no desire to take a snipe like you anywhere.”

She gnawed at her lip. “Please—”

“At least not until you learn to defend yourself. You’re like a newborn colt; I can see everything you’re capable of doing, which is a great deal of nothing, save run your mouth.” He snorted. “Come back tomorrow night. Once you learn to control basic magic, I’ll take you to see my aunt. She won’t help anyone she doesn’t respect. And she’ll laugh you out of the room. Before burning you out of existence.” Artan scowled once more at the shoreline, then kicked at the water, sending a salty mist high into the air.

Still at a loss, Shahrzad watched as the boy continued to exert his irritation on the hapless sea.

“Thank you,” she said softly. “After my less-than-gracious behavior earlier, I know I don’t deserve—”

“Oh, I intend to exact revenge upon you for this, make no mistake.” Artan eyed her askance. “And I always get what I want.”

Something about the way he looked at her made Shahrzad regret the decision to ask him for help. That same sense of danger intensified about him. Like the feeling right before falling. “Why—what exactly made you change your mind?”

“Because Musa-
asked me. And Musa-
asks for very little in return for offering me a safe haven.” He sneered, sharp and biting. “Don’t worry; I have no interest in you. I like nice girls, and you are not nice at all. You’re selfish and spiteful.”

Startled by this pronouncement, Shahrzad began to protest. “I’m not—”

“Don’t misunderstand me. I’m pleased by it. It means we can be friends one day.”

“Why in God’s name would I want to be

Artan fell back into the water with a strangely contented smile. “Because I’m just as selfish and spiteful as you are.”


streaking across the sand.

Right toward her face.

Shahrzad tried.

Truly. She did.

But, at the last moment, all she could manage was to throw herself into a patch of glimmering powder at her feet.

“Useless!” A deep voice cracked out at her like a whip. “Just a complete waste of time.”

I . . . hate him.

Gritting her teeth, Shahrzad clenched fistfuls of sand, wanting desperately to fling them into Artan Temujin’s smug face.

“Are you angry, little snipe?” Artan continued. “Good. So am I. This makes the second—no, wait—
night in a row you’ve arrived at the temple and ruined my evening with the moon.”

She unfurled to her feet, dusting off her palms. “Pardon me for ruining what would have been an otherwise productive evening.”

“I’m pleased you agree with me. For the moon would surely
have offered me more entertainment than your pitiful attempts at magic.” He snorted. “Such gifts . . . wasted on such tripe.”


A rush of blood heated her cheeks. “If I had a fireball, I’d send it straight between your legs. But I worry there would be little to burn.”

Artan laughed, loud and without a care. “At least your sense of humor offers something to recommend you. Though I’ve never been one for skinny, angry girls.” He cast her a questioning glance. “Does the Caliph of Khorasan like the way you look?”

“Of course he does!”

“Wretched dolt.” He leaned back on his heels. “Beauty fades. But a pain in the ass is forever.”

“Ha! I suppose you would know.”

Another fireball blazed to life in his palm. “That I would.” Artan grinned, waggling his brows. “And I would take heed, if I were you.”

When she broke into a run again, Artan groaned behind her. “The old adage is true, Shahrzad al-Khayzuran: we only run from things that truly scare us!”

“Then I am truly afraid of fire, Artan Temujin!”

Another loud groan. “Cease with being afraid. And begin doing something about it!”

Despite her distress, Shahrzad tried to conjure the feeling of warmth that flared to life whenever her skin came in contact with the carpet.

But she couldn’t. It was impossible.

Like grasping for the stars.

She’d tried now for two consecutive nights. The only conclusion she could come to was this: her power did not arise from within her. Instead, she absorbed it from things around her.

When she’d first offered this suggestion to Artan, he’d laughed, his head thrown back and his mouth a fathomless chasm. Then he’d proceeded to attack her with a controlled volley of fire. He’d wanted her to—at the very least—defend herself.

Artan wanted her to toss aside
spinning balls of fire
. Or move other objects into their path to repel them.

With naught but the wish to do so.

It had been her turn to laugh, head thrown back in equally exaggerated fashion.

Artan believed that, if she were pressed by the thought of immediate danger, perhaps her body would react on instinct. So, for the past two nights, they’d been confined to the beach. He’d begun by threatening her with small, slowly swirling circles of flame. Shahrzad had run from them in a near panic. Indifferent, Artan had proceeded to actual churning spheres of death—which were decidedly harder to avoid.

All Shahrzad had to show for it were multiple bruises from the many times she’d thrown herself into the sand.

All Artan had to show for it was mounting frustration.

“You’re a terrible teacher,” Shahrzad cried. “This method was flawed from the beginning!” She neared the lapping waves, slowing her strides.

“If you’re suggesting I’m flawed, then you’re correct.”

Stopping in her paces, Shahrzad leaned forward, gasping for breath. “Lesson concluded for the evening.”

“Not quite.”

She turned around, more than a little unsettled by his tone.

Sure enough, Artan began firing another series of shots directly at her. Orb after orb of rolling flames flew from his outstretched palms.

Shahrzad panicked. There was no way she could dodge them all.

“Don’t run,” Artan shouted. “Make them run from
. Make me believe I’m not taking a sheep to be sheared by wolves when I take you to my aunt!”

“I can’t,” she shrieked, aghast at the number of fire spheres spinning toward her. Not knowing what else to do, Shahrzad made a dash for the water and dove beneath the waves. She held her breath for as long as she could, treading beneath the churning surf. Then she kicked for the surface and emerged in waist-deep water, sputtering for air—


She peeled back a curtain of hair just in time to see a final ball of fire spin toward her.

There was no time to react.

It crashed against her, burning through her
and into her stomach.

For a moment, there was nothing but shock.

From the shoreline, Shahrzad heard Artan shouting in a strange language. The ball of fire turned back on itself and disappeared in a feather of smoke.

She couldn’t even manage to scream. Around her, the smell of burning flesh mingled on the sea breeze. Her knees started to tremble as a wave collided against her.

The salt water on her bare skin stunned her back into feeling.

Into agony.

Shahrzad fell toward the sea, a cry caught on her lips.

“Idiot.” Artan gathered her in his arms and dragged her from the foaming surf back onto the shore. “Absolute fool,” he muttered.

The shaking spread from her legs into her arms. Her teeth began to chatter.

“It’s—it’s on f-f-fire.” Shahrzad dug her fingers into his wrist. “My—my skin. It’s—it’s . . .”

Kneeling along the shore, Artan pushed her back against the hard sand. “Complete moron.”

“S-s-stop. I c-couldn’t—”

“I’m not talking about you!” Without another word, Artan stripped back the scorched bits of linen around her stomach.

That time, Shahrzad managed a scream.

“Shut up, shut up!” Artan tugged at an earring, his expression pained. “Lie still, and I’ll fix it. I swear I’ll fix it.”

Though his words were wrong, his face was strangely right. His jaw was fixed. The diagonal scar through his lip, white. He pressed both hands to her shoulders in an attempt to steady her quaking. A jolt blazed through her.

The dark centers of Artan’s eyes spread, like a drop of ink through water. His hands moved from her shoulders to hover above her stomach.

From the tips of his fingers bloomed an unsteady light.

But it wasn’t a warm light.

Something viciously cold tugged at her center. Tugged through
her skin. A tremor rolled down her spine, as though the very air around them was prickly and alive.

The ink in Artan’s eyes began to change color. Began to brighten to a stormy grey.

He swallowed a cry of pain. Then fell back onto his heels.

When Shahrzad sat up, she glanced down at her stomach. An ugly red welt remained. But it was nothing like the burn she’d expected, the pain nothing worse than that of a few days in the hot sun.

It took her only a moment to realize what had happened.

For on Artan Temujin’s bare stomach, in the exact same spot, was a burn like hers.

Except his was far worse.

His was blistered. Sores formed along its length.

The sores she should have had.

Somehow, Artan had transferred the worst of her injury onto his skin.

“You—didn’t have to do that,” she sputtered, a salty lock of hair caught on her lips.

It was a ridiculous thing to say. An obvious thing to say. Yet she felt it should be said, nonetheless.

His mouth bent into a smile resembling a scythe. “You’re welcome.”

“Thank you,” Shahrzad replied, still at a loss.

After a beat of unsettling calm, a shudder racked through him, and Artan collapsed into the sand. “We always seem to do things hind over end, don’t we?”

“It appears so.”

His chest heaved from exertion. “This”—he motioned between their matching burns—“isn’t working.”

“No.” She leaned up on an elbow, her expression morose. “It’s not.”

“Such a pity.” Artan remained prostrate along the shore, lost in thought, regarding the night sky above. “My aunt will eat you alive.”

“Why—why do you think your aunt will eat me alive?” Shahrzad asked haltingly. “And if you know this, why did you agree to take me to her?”

What is the real reason you are helping me, Artan Temujin?

When Artan finally deigned to speak, his gaze remained fixed on the stars.

“Have you ever heard the story ‘The Girl Who Grasped the Moon’?”

“Of course. Every small child has heard it.”

“Tell it to me as you heard it.”

“To what purpose—”

“Humor me.” Artan pointed at his blistered stomach. “This once.”

Shahrzad’s brows pinched together. “Just this once.” She turned her gaze toward the sky. “There was a girl who lived in a stone tower, surrounded by white dragons that did her every bidding. When she desired a sticky pastry, she had but to ask. When she wished to sleep, they turned the sky to night with the beat of their wings. The sun to moon with a simple roar. Though the girl wanted for nothing, she continued to want—more and more of everything and anything. But more than anything, the
girl wished to be powerful. To her, the dragons always possessed more power than any being in the world, because they were able to make her every wish come true.”

Artan heaved a breath, holding it for a spell. At this odd behavior, Shahrzad’s confusion swelled further, and she stopped speaking.

When Artan eyed her sidelong, Shahrzad continued. “One night, when one of her dragons brought her a thick gold necklace she’d requested from a distant land, the girl smelled the strange perfume adorning its silken wrappings and decided she could no longer live with wanting this power. She had to have it. The girl demanded the dragon take her to its magic’s source. The dragon turned to the full moon, its distress plain on its horned face. The girl did not care. She insisted the dragon take her to the moon so that she might harness its power. They flew toward it, a volley of stars collecting in their midst. The girl gathered the stars and from them fashioned a rope. Then—though the dragon roared a final warning—the girl threw a ring of stars around the moon, all while laughing like a bell tolling in the night.”

Shahrzad stopped to glance at Artan. “But, like so many things of power, the moon refused to be contained.”

At this, Artan smiled. But it was not a smile of amusement. It was a smile of something much darker and deeper.

“The moon began to glide through the sky. Torn from her dragon’s back, the girl clung to the rope of stars. She cried out, asking the moon to grant her wish or release her. Like a chilling breeze, the moon’s reply chased across her skin: ‘You wish to be powerful? Then I will make you into my shadow. A moon to
command the lost stars. But know that such a thing will come at a cost.’ Without hesitating, the girl trilled with laughter. ‘I care not about cost. Take all my worldly possessions, for I have no need of them once I possess such power.’ The moon’s words wafted through the night air, colder than a first snow. ‘Very well, girl. I have long desired a true companion.’ Then, in a swirl of stardust, the moon turned the girl into its shadow, bereft of all light. Tethered to it for all time. This shadow moon—the new moon—was granted power only a few nights a year. But never power enough to free itself from its bonds.”

“This is why the moon we know seems to disappear,” Artan finished quietly. “Overshadowed. Eclipsed.”

Shahrzad nodded once. “Always chasing the true moon.”

Their voices fell silent as the waves crashed in the distance.

“Why are you here, little snipe?” Artan began. “Is it really for your father?”

“Yes.” Her response was swift.

“Nothing more?”

At this, Shahrzad hesitated. Of course she was here for her father. But she was also here for another reason. A reason that needed to remain shrouded in mystery. “Why do you ask?”

Artan turned his head to hers. “Because I know there’s more. I know you’re queen of a broken city and of a kingdom on the brink of war. That your king is a monster.”

Shahrzad said nothing. Her fingers moved to the bare skin of her stomach, tentatively grazing her wound. It felt hot to the touch. Her mind’s eye returned to only moments ago, when Artan Temujin’s face had lost all hints of pretense.

When signs of true remorse—signs of richer emotion—were all too evident.

“Trust is an interesting matter when it comes to Artan. He will not give it to those who do not offer it first.”

Perhaps it was time to put a small measure of trust in this boy. “Khalid is—not a monster. Not at all.” Her heart lulled for a beat in the warmth of memory.

“Truly?” Artan studied her further. “Then what is he?”

“Why are you so curious?” Her eyes narrowed. “Why did you agree to help me, Artan Temujin?”

Artan did not reply immediately. “That story about the girl? It’s about my family.”

“What?” Trying to conceal her shock, Shahrzad turned to face him.

“Don’t misunderstand me. Facets of your story are ridiculous. Heavily embellished by time. But its core is rooted in truth. One of my ancestors stole a powerful bringer of light to become an equally powerful wish-granter. In return, her maker trapped her. Bound her to him forever. A powerful genie, trapped in a hollow sword.” His expression was equal parts bitter and blithe.

For a moment, Shahrzad was filled with disbelief. “I—”

“You wanted to know why I agreed to help you. It’s mostly because Musa-
asked me to. And because I am bound by my ancestor’s foolishness. Bound to be a trapped granter of wishes. Musa-
has kept me safe these many years. Safe from those who would enslave me. Make of me a dragon who does nothing but bring gold necklaces to thankless little girls.” He laughed bitterly. “Musa Zaragoza protects me from my family’s curse; he
keeps us—me, Parissa, Mas, and the others—hidden and teaches us to control our powers. Protects us all here at the Fire Temple. Here, when we are asked to use our abilities, it is always our choice. Here, we are never slaves to our magic.”

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