The Rocker Who Wants Me (The Rocker... Series) (17 page)

BOOK: The Rocker Who Wants Me (The Rocker... Series)
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I only let the words invade my mind for a few moments before I blocked it out and let the beat of the music take over. Lifting my head from his chest I brushed my lips over his in a barely there kiss before pushing away and dancing. Shooting him a mischievous grin I wasn’t sure if he saw or not, I danced away, making him chase me.

Axton kept up with ease. I knew from experience since we had gone clubbing more than a few times during our relationship, that he was an amazing dancer. It had surprised me the first time I had pulled him onto a dance floor and he had easily kept up with me. A rocker he might be, but he had some mad skills.

By the end of the third song I felt breathless and skipped to the bar to get a glass of water before asking for a Jell-O shot. After I swallowed half the water I lifted the grape Jell-O that was in a syringe-like container. It was bigger than most Jell-O shots but I was determined to shoot it in one go. I felt Axton’s hand on the small of my back and turned to face him, wanting him as tortured as humanly possible.

Tossing my head back, I put the syringe in my mouth and pushed it all into my mouth before tossing the container away. With my mouth full of Jell-O and Vodka I pressed my lips to his, pushing some of the treat into his mouth. His fingers were bruising as he held my hips against him, sucking all of the shot from my mouth.

Holy fuck. What had I just done?

I was gasping for air when he raised his head, swallowing the last of the shot I had just given him. I didn’t have long to draw in a good breath before he was devouring my mouth again. His big hands released their grip on my hips to rub over the globes of my ass, drawing me even closer. When fingers of one hand slipped under my skirt and skimmed along the seam of my ass, tracing over my thong, my knees nearly buckled.

Axton broke away and buried his face in my neck. He was panting just as hard as I was, his erection trying to push its way free from the confines of his jeans. “I need you so fucking bad, baby. Tell me I can have you. Please, Dallas. I’m begging.”

I couldn’t form words. My tongue was still tangled up in knots from our last kiss. All I could give as way of answer was a simple nod. That small affirmation was all he needed. With a hand that shook, he linked our fingers and pulled me toward the exit.

Out in the hall the noise level was so much quieter and I realized that the theme room had been sound-proofed. I blinked a few times until my eyes were better adjusted to the brightness of the lights compared to the darkness we had just been in. Only a few people were in the corridor, going from one theme room to the next. Axton backed me against the wall, his lips already on my neck.

“I-I can’t wait,” I told him, arching my hips against him to find some measure of relief to the need that was burning through me. “Please, don’t make me wait until we get back.”

His head snapped up. “Here?” I nodded, my eyes begging him to take care of me. Soon.

I saw the wheels turning in his head for nearly a minute before he nodded. His hazel eyes were wild, more green than brown with his need for me. With a curse he led me down the corridor. I saw a sign for the restrooms, but knew that it would be too crowded in there. I’d never had sex in a bathroom before, though, so I wasn’t against it, but unlike Harper and Shane, I wasn’t a fan of public sex.

I saw the hallway that led to the VIP room and remembered the little closet that I had seen when Marissa and I had been looking for the guys. As we neared it I opened the door and jerked Axton in behind me. It was a janitor’s office, with cleaning supplies and a small desk in one corner. I locked the door and then pushed Axton toward the desk.

“This isn’t how I planned tonight,” he said, almost to himself.

“Are you complainin’?” I asked, already working my thong down my thighs, not surprised that they were so wet that a few drops dripped onto the floor. That was how it had always been with Axton. He hadn’t even fucked me yet and I was dripping my juices everywhere.

“Fuck no,” he growled, watching me closely as I worked my tiny underwear over my heels. They were my favorite, and not just because he had bought them for me. No, it definitely wasn’t because he had given them to me. “I just wanted to be able to take my time with you, baby. And now I’m so hot I know I won’t last two minutes inside of you.”

“Well, that’s the good thing about me.” I reached for the top button of his jeans. “I’m all about round two. And three. And with you… Maybe even a round four.” With his jeans undone I reached inside and pushed them down along with his boxers. When his long, throbbing cock sprang free, my breath caught in my throat as my eyes landed on the tip.

Everything inside of me froze. When the fuck had he gotten that piercing? It hadn’t been there in October when we had hooked up during Harper’s wedding weekend. The Prince Albert gleamed in the florescent lighting of the janitor’s office, almost mocking me as I lifted a finger to trace over the hoop through the tip of his dick.


“After that weekend,” he told me, his body trembling as I tugged on the hoop ever so slightly. “When I got back to New York and you refused to talk to me. I wanted something to remember our last time together, so I figured getting your dick pierced was the smartest option.”

My eyes shot up from ten inches of enormous cock, with its glinting ring, to his eyes. “My dick?” The question came out almost a whisper.

“It’s yours now, Dallas. It doesn’t respond to anyone but you, so it might as well belong to you.” He cupped his hands around my fingers, stroking our hands down his shaft. “There hasn’t been anyone since October. No one.”

My brain decided to wake up from its alcohol haze and tried to scream at me that he was full of shit, but I actually believed him. And that made me want him even more than I already did. “Condom. Now.” I wasn’t going to last another second. I needed him inside of me then and there, or I was going to melt into a puddle of need.

Axton lifted me onto the desk, spreading my thighs wide with his legs while his shaking hands pulled a condom out of his wallet. When he tried to open it he nearly dropped it, and I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of my rock god so turned on that he wasn’t able to even sheath himself in protection. I took the wrapper from him and tore it open with my teeth. Carefully I rolled it over his tip, making sure that his PA didn’t rip the condom as I pushed it down his length.

I lifted my feet onto the edge of the desk and spread my legs wider. With one hand holding onto his shoulder, I dipped my other hand into my dripping pussy, coating my fingers with my arousal before spreading it over his condom-covered cock. His groan of pleasure seemed torn out of him and I guided his tip to my entrance.

My eyes remained on his as he pushed deep inside of me. Those hazel eyes nearly rolled back into his head and he paused, leaning his forehead against mine as we tried to control our need. “I can’t offer you anything but fast and hard right now, baby.”

“Don’t care,” I gasped out, my walls already clenching around him, begging for more. “Fast is what I want.”

He pulled back, his hands on my ass as he nearly pulled all the way out. Then he was balls deep again, his piercing rubbing over something that made me whimper in pure pleasure. Strong fingers bit into my ass but the pain was nothing compared to the pleasure that was exploding inside of me as he thrust harder and faster until he was jackhammering into me.

“Ax!” I cried, as my orgasm consumed me. I felt my release flood my entrance, dripping down my thighs in a rush.

“No,” Axton shouted. “No, not yet. I want more.”

“So take it,” I urged him. “Take all that you want, Ax.”

It spurred him on, his hips going deeper, harder until it was almost painful the way he was bouncing off my walls. The little sting of pain only pushed me toward another release and my long legs wrapped around his lean waist, holding him against me in a vice-like grip as he pounded into my pussy.

I felt his body starting to clench, knew that he was going to empty inside of me in a matter of seconds. With a strangled cry I touched my clit, wanting to go with him this time. Two strokes over the wet nub and my inner walls clenched around him, triggering his own release.

There was no way of telling how long we stayed like that afterwards. We were both struggling to breathe as sweat dripped off of us. I was still dripping wet, now from two orgasms. His face was buried in my neck, brushing soft kisses over the sensitive spot just under my left ear. The sound of his breathing was both calming and arousing all over again. My arms were wrapped around his neck, my fingers combing through his inky black hair in a way that soothed us both.

It felt like we had been there for hours before my heart rate started to return to normal, but I didn’t want to move. I wanted to stay there with him holding me like that for the rest of my life. As long as this perfectly sated feeling lasted. As long as I could pretend that he actually cared about me as much as I cared for him, because in that moment that was exactly how it felt.


My phone was ringing. With a groan I lifted my head and then fell back against my pillows as soon as my forehead connected with the bed above my roost. “Motherfucker!” I cried as I rubbed the knot already swelling on my head like a demon’s horn.

From under my pillow my phone continued to ring. I would have ignored it if it had been any other ring tone, but not that one. Still rubbing at my tender scalp I swiped my finger over the screen of the iPhone and put it to my ear. “Harp, I miss you.”

“I miss you more,” Harper rushed to assure me. I hadn’t talked to her in a few days, and it never failed to make me sad to hear her voice. For so many years she had been just down the hall from my room. I could have seen her any time of the day if I wanted to. Now I knew that I had taken that for granted and I missed that bitch with every fiber of my being.

“I just talked to Linc,” Harper went on to inform me, not bothering to draw out her reasons for calling.

At the mention of Linc, I lifted my phone from my ear long enough to glance at the time. Just after three in the afternoon. I noticed that the bus was no longer moving and figured we had reached our destination. Orlando. The good news about being in Orlando was that we would be staying for two nights, which meant that we would have hotel rooms for the duration. Which meant a hot shower. Which meant room service. And a real, honest-to-God bed.

The silence on the bus told me that everyone else was off the bus and probably already checked into the hotel. Probably settling in and eating a meal that hadn’t been nuked in the microwave. Ugh, less than two days on the road and I was already missing home-cooked meals and actual plumbing. Or maybe it was just me being a crabby bitch because I hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before. Or really, this morning.

I bit into my bottom lip as I remembered the night before. Of having sex with Axton in a janitor’s closet/office. The feeling of completeness that had hummed through me as we had just held onto each other afterwards. Then both of our cells had started going off like angry bees. Axton’s call had been from Wroth who had been ready to head back to the buses. Mine had been from Natalie, letting me know that Liam was in some serious pain after hobbling around stage for several hours. By the time we met Wroth and Marissa out front, Linc had been with them along with Zander.

There was no hiding the obvious evidence of what Axton and I had been up to. My hair had been a total mess, my clothes still kind of haphazardly hanging off of me. The fact that Axton had his arm around me had been the nail in the coffin and Linc had not been happy with me. My friend was only worried about me, so I hadn’t taken his whispered bitch-out on the way back to our bus personally. He was just looking out for me, after all.

But I hadn’t wanted to hear it. Sure I knew that I had crossed the one line I had promised myself I wouldn’t cross. Ever. Like never, ever. Ever times infinity, ever. But hey, I broke promises to myself all the time, and part of me had known as soon as Emmie had conned me into taking on the job as Liam’s private nurse during the tour that I would probably break all kinds of promises. To myself. To my friends.

Which was why Harper was now calling me. I’d made the same promise to her that I had made to myself. That I wouldn’t fall under Axton Cage’s spell. Like Linc, I knew that Harper was only looking out for me. But right then and there, I wasn’t in the mood to be given the third degree about messing up my life all over again over some rock god. And it wasn’t like I was going to make the same mistakes I’d made last time around.

This time, I wasn’t going to let my heart be a part of the equation. This time, it was only about sex. End of story. Which was why I hadn’t let Axton onto the bus with me. No sleeping together. Sex, sure. Cuddling under the covers after? That was one of the places I’d gone wrong the last time.

Blowing out a sigh, I dropped my fingers from the tender spot on my forehead and glared up at the mattress above me. “Please don’t, Harp. I’ve had a long night. Liam didn’t sleep well, and I had to give him a shot and some pain medication. Natalie has to figure out a way to make him comfortable on stage because if he keeps it up he might have to see the orthopedic specialist a hell of a lot sooner than expected.”

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