The Road to Round Mountain: The Betrayal by (3 page)

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Authors: C.G. Roberts

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The Morning arrived without much fanfare, but the sun  was a welcome sight, gleaming through my not so clean window, but enjoyable none the less. The extra light in my room  provided a clearer image of my room. The drab green walls,  the white tile floor, and 6 machines that I’m sure had various functions but remained unplugged. I did notice a couple  of people, maybe nurses, I’m not sure, they never came far  enough into the room for me to see who they were. I guess  they wanted to peak at the train wreck in room 217.

One of the staff came in with a tray of food, consisting  of oatmeal, a slice of dry toast, a banana, and coffee (Yuk!). I  don’t know how my parents drank the stuff. My eyes became  misty again thinking of my parents. I miss them already. You  never quite know how much you miss someone, until they’re  gone. I’m going to miss them a lot.

Loud voices caught my attention right outside my door.  I recognized the voice, Dr. Doom himself. I shall heed my  dad’s advice, and refrain from pointing out to Dr. Bangor,  that he is an asshole, maybe. I sat up as straight as possible,  still a little sore, but I managed.

Dr. Bangor came in the room like a man on a mission, he  looked like he was prepped for surgery, complete with mouth  cover, scrubs and rubber gloves. He stopped a good 5 feet  from my bed and kept his eyes focused on his clipboard. “Mr.  Speer”, he spoke with authority as he looked up at me from  his clipboard. “I take it, you haven’t destroyed anymore of


our equipment”? I’m feeling better, thanks for asking, wishing I would say that to him, but all that came out was, “No,  not yet, but the day is young”. I may be 17, but I could major  in sarcasm. He said nothing for a moment, staring intently.  I could tell he could rise to anger quickly by how quick his  face became red. His eyes glaring, not blinking as if he could  shoot lasers from his eyes, and destroy me. “Funny, Mr. Speer,  I have two things for you, one is from Family services, and  they will be here tomorrow morning to discuss your situation. I had hoped they could be here today to take you off our  hands, but unfortunately for us, they don’t work on Sundays.  The other is your bill, a preliminary estimate of the damage  you caused, and what you owe this facility. Not to mention I  have taken it upon myself to start legal proceedings against  you on behalf of Linda Wiggins, my head nurse in the ER,  with the damaged hand you caused”.

The more he kept talking the less I listened. I felt my  own anger rise, I wanted to ring his neck. Did he actually  think I got struck by lightning on purpose, and while I was  unconscious, caused whatever damage he claims with malicious intent? What a pompous windbag, Or as my friend  Denny would say, What a D-Bag. He started shaking his  finger at me, perhaps he was blaming me for the latest unrest in the Middle East, and I wasn’t sure, I was too angry  to hear him.

The only thing I wanted was for him to leave the room.  I personally didn’t do anything to him. He kept rambling on about how I was responsible for the damage and how  I should perhaps be arrested for my actions, blah,blah,blah.  Will he ever stop his bitching? Come to think of it, I don’t


recall him taking a breath since he came in. His lungs must  be in reactionary mode and his heart full of hate. He needed  to leave this room now, and I don’t care how. I was thinking  how nice it would be for him to run and jump out the window, perhaps which would make him shut up. That sounded  good, real good in fact.

God, how I wish he was dead. How the hell did he ever  become a doctor, for that matter how did he ever pass for  human? I was fuming, and thinking to myself,
so why don’t  you take off running full speed and jump through that window,  do us all a favor, run jump, run jump
Do the human race a favor and rid us of your arrogance
Come on you piece of shit, the  window is right there, look at it, run, jump. Do it now, I want  you out of here, run, jump out that window, and do it now. Do  it, Do it, Do, it………………

His eyes opened wide, almost too wide. He was trying to talk, but nothing was coming out.
Come on asshole,  I want you dead, you hear me, dead, run jump, come on I said  run and jump out that window. What are you waiting for, run  and jump, run and jump?
I kept repeating those same words  over and over, when Dr. Bangor’s eyes looked like they were  going to pop out of his head. He started shaking violently, looked away from me and began running towards the  window. He picked up speed and didn’t stop running then  crashed through the window.

Oh my God, did I actually do that, was it possible, that I  willed him to do that, but how, oh my God how! The sound  of the crash brought an immediate crowd into my room.  Nurse Mattie, had just come on shift, and was the first one  in the room. She looked over at me with an immediate show


of relief on her face, followed by confusion. If I didn’t go  through the window, then who did. Slowly she made her way  to the broken mass that used to be a window, then looked  down toward the parking lot.

Mattie hollered back to the hallway, “Call ER Dr.  Bangor went through the window, and landed on the sidewalk, hurry, he’s not moving, and there’s a lot of blood”.  Mattie slowly backed away from the window, with her hand  covering her mouth, and walked slowly over to my bed. Just  as she was starting to talk, 5 staff members came running  into the room, and over to the window. Words were flying  fast and furious, most of which I couldn’t really hear. I was  gazing towards the window, then slowly turned my head  towards Mattie. “I didn’t touch him Mattie, honest to god  I got nowhere near him, he just…… I pointed to the  window, my hand visibly shaking”.

“Billy Speer, I know you couldn’t have attacked him,  you haven’t even tried to stand on your injured foot yet. So  what can you tell me”? She gave me a sly look like I may be  holding back on what happened, but the truth of the matter  is…..I’m not sure what happened. I brought my shaky hand  back to my side, tried to compose myself. “I’m not sure, he  came in here like he was a judge handing down my sentence.  Something about the large amount of money he says I owe  this place, and some legal action he’s doing. The rest of it I  didn’t really hear, because he was pissing me off, so I kind  of shut out his voice. But I do remember saying to myself  that I wish he was dead, and he should run and jump out  that window”. “Do me one favor Billy Speer, when the police  come in to ask questions, make sure you leave that part out”.


Already confused enough, I couldn’t grasp Mattie’s request.  “You promise me now, and I’ll be back shortly to check on you, and we’ll talk some more”. She held up a finger to her mouth to give the Shhh Sign as a reminder. This has been one long day already, and it’s not even 9 o’clock yet. What could possibly happen now?



“uh, FrAnk dId
you see…..” “I saw everything, but, the  good Doctor took out our camera on the way”. The sirens  were getting louder, Don turned back towards Frank who  was monitoring Billy Speer on the monitor of their command center at the back of the van. “Don, you better hurry  up towards the scene, and locate our camera, or what’s left  of it, before the locals arrive. The last thing I need is to explain to the police that we are spying on this kid without  the proper FBI approval”. “On my way”, Don replied. “Crap”  Frank sighed, “I better call Gable, and let him know our  project may prove to be more dangerous than anticipated.  I can’t even imagine the destruction that he’s capable of”.  Frank finished his call and moved to the front of the van,  where he had a clear view of the growing crowd surrounding  the doctor.

3 police cars and 1 cruiser arrived at the hospital, just  about 60 feet to the left of the main entrance. Dr. Bangor  lay in a motionless crumpled heap. His blood continued to  pour out of his head, which was twisted almost 180 degrees  from where it should have been. Nurse Mattie, made her way  through the growing crowd of spectators, saw what was left  of Dr. Bangor, and put her hand up to her mouth as if she  might lose her lunch. Seeing that there was nothing that she  could do, Nurse Mattie, turned to walk back to the hospital  entrance. Some little boy was standing next to his Mother


and said,” what’s that mommy”? “Just leave it alone sweetie  and let’s get back inside”. The object of the boy’s curiosity  came into view of Nurse Mattie. She scanned the crowd for a

few seconds, bent down, picked up the object, and slid it into  her smock pocket. Turning for one more look, Nurse Mattie  went back into the hospital.

It seemed like there were 30-40 people running in and  out of my room. Hysteria will play tricks on a person, and in  all likelihood there may have been 5 or 6 people, revolving  in and out of the room. A couple of Police were exchanging  information right outside my door, while a couple of others  had the white smocks on, taking pictures, measurements, and  other activities that I was unsure of.

Nurse Mattie came back like she said she would, and brought a wheelchair with her. “Come on Billy Speer, we need to take a trip down the hall for a while, so these folks can conclude their business”. Being rather anxious to leave this room, I tossed the sheets back with gusto pulled myself over to the side of the bed, got my first good look at my left foot, and felt sick to my stomach. I guess Mattie could tell by the look on my face, that I was less than well. “Don’t fret none now Billy Speer, your foot will be just fine, now put your good foot down turn and sit down and we’ll take us a short trip”. “On the way is there some way I could get a coke or something, my mouth is so dry”?

“I think that could be arranged, then we’ll go down to the waiting room, where I told the police you would be, they have some questions. You remember my request right”? I nodded, but my mind was currently more focused on a re-freshing coke, Dr. Pepper preferably.


The can of Dr. Pepper she got me on the way to the wait-ing room, didn’t make the entire trip, yes I was that thirsty, and it was that good. The waiting room was down the hall-way and to the right, before you get to the elevators. Mattie went over to turn off the TV much to my displeasure, but I understood. 6 worn wooden chairs, one dark green sofa and a coffee table with various magazines tossed about. “Just wait here, there should be someone with you in a minute, I’ll be back later to take you to another room, since your last one is now a crime scene”.

Crime scene, another first for me, considering I didn’t do anything. They already have one Doctor Ready to throw me to the wolves. I was sure there would be more. Trying to rehash what happened in my room, I remember telling the  Dr. to kill himself, to run and jump out the window, but why did he do it? It couldn’t have been me, he must have had a breakdown, popped a gasket, and something made him jump out that window.

The more I thought about it, the more unlikely it was, that the Doctor decided to commit suicide. I remember the

TV, after a few moments of wishing it was on, it came on. A few moments with Dr. Bangor, wishing he would kill him-self, he did. If I did this, how did I do it? None of it made any sense. People don’t have the power to make things hap-pen with their mind, to magically make appliances come on by wishing it so. Suddenly I felt like the male version of “I  Dream of Jeanie”.

A momentous headache was setting in the more I tried to figure out what happened to me. The headache looked like it wouldn’t be going away anytime soon, as a couple of


what I guessed to be policemen were making their way into  the waiting room.

The first policeman to come in was tall, a good 6’4”, and  lean but in obvious good shape. The name on the badge  read Narcles, what kind of name was that? It looked like  I wouldn’t be talking to him anyway, as the second policeman came in. He was notably shorter than his partner, but  thick everywhere. Built like a fireplug, as my Dad would  say. His badge had too many letters for me to decipher, I  would wait for proper introductions. The two policeman  flanked me on both sides, as a the third member of their  party came into the waiting room, this one was wearing  a suit, one that looked like it might have fit him about 30  pounds ago. Short crew-cut hair, a little gray on the sides,  and a plump face with the kind of jowls that could hit you  if he shook his face hard enough.

“I take it, your Speer”? He asked in a matter of fact tone.  “I’m Detective Hargrove”. I gave a nod of my head, and all  I was able to squeak out was, “Yeah”, what a conversationalist, I turned out to be. “Okay Kid, what’s your full name”?  “William S. Speer”. “What’s the S stand for”? I really didn’t  want to answer this, as I knew what was to follow. “My  middle name is Shake”. Dectective Hargrove sighed and sat  down on one of the worn but luckily sturdy wooden chairs  next to the wheelchair I was occupying. “Look kid, we got  a dead Doctor, nobody saw what happened, so I don’t have  time for your Bullshit, got it”! “No, really, my middle name is  Shake”. The detective groaned as he stood back up, I suppose  to look down at me in an intimidating manner. “So, your  name is William Shake Speer”, the two other policeman,


gave a snort and chuckle, respectively. I gave a shrug of my  shoulders, as if to say, yeah, what could I do about it. “You  supposed to be some kind of writer or something”?

Upon my non answer, he said, “Don’t matter, I have a  butt load of questions for you”. Considering the size of his  butt, I figured we would be here all night.


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