The Rise of the Fat Mogul (The Defenders Saga Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: The Rise of the Fat Mogul (The Defenders Saga Book 2)
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“So, what happened to them?” Oscar asked.

“Happened to what?”

“His memories.  You're saying he doesn't have them anymore.  Did they just disappear or--”

“I have them.  They're all up here,” Buddy said, pointing to his head.

“Um,” Alexa added, “is that safe?”

“Yeah, chum, I would think that having such memories in your head may cause you to, well, become the next Dominion.”

“I don't know what it means for the future, okay?  All I know is that it took care of Dominion when we needed to be rid of him.  And I much prefer Agent Murphy to--” Buddy stopped himself as Murphy appeared at his side.

“To whom, Mr. Jackson?” Murphy grinned.  “I appreciate the sentiment, but I feel I should be allowed to know whom I'm being compared to.”

“Um, well,” Buddy stammered.

“Sergeant Duff,” Alexa covered.  “He was saying how much easier you are to work with than trying to hide from Duff.”

“Ah, I see.  Yes, my predecessor definitely had some issues with his manner of engagement.  I appreciate your feedback and am heartened to know that I have, in some way, succeeded where he could not.”

“Yeah, well,” Ryan continued, “it's a whole lot easier to be likeable when you're stalking, instead of capturing and imprisoning.”

“I can see how that minor change could be positive.” Murphy grinned again.  “So, have you folks come up with anything regarding why our mutual friends would have decided to pick this area, of all places, to make themselves known?  May I remind you that I will make it greatly worth your while if you can offer up any form of information that would be useful for my cause?”

“I would think that giving you thirty of the men you are looking for should be worth enough already.”

“Ah, yes. Don't worry; I have already wired a fair sum of money into each of your bank accounts for that wonderful present.  I'm certain you will all be very happy with the reward.  But, I assure you that I can make things even more worth your while, should you be able to assist me any further.”

“We'll be sure to keep you in mind,” Buddy frowned.

“Be sure that you do,” Murphy grinned again.  Kent touched his shoulder and with a
they disappeared.

“God that guy can really get on your nerves,” Ryan scowled.  “That creepy grin of his almost makes me wish we had Dominion back.”

“I know what you mean,” Buddy agreed.  “But, all the same, at least this guy isn't threatening to destroy the entire world and blaming us for it--at least not yet.”

“Buddy!” Maggie yelled as she ran to join the group.  “Buddy!”

“Whoa Mags,” Buddy laughed as she reached his side out of breath.  “What's going on, sis?”

“I don't know what happened, but I was just checking our bank account, to see if we had enough money to pay off the rental company for the tables and equipment, seeing as it looks like we’re not going to make much money off the Con now.”  She stopped in an attempt to catch her breath.

“Yeah, and?”

“And,” she said while taking in a deep breath, “somehow there's an additional twenty thousand dollars in there. I figured it had to have been some sort of bank error, but when I called, they said the money was transferred into our account directly.”

“Sounds like your old buddy, Damon, is pretty darn true to his word,” Oscar smiled.

“Yeah, a little too true, if you ask me,” Buddy responded.

“What are you talking about?” Maggie asked.

“Well, you know how you told me that I should look into finding ways to subsidize my super-hero efforts?”

“Yeah,” she responded slowly.

“It looks like I've found it.”


Damon stood in front of the Sun City City Hall building, wearing a black form-fitting suit with a large red D on it, behind a pulpit set up on the building’s steps.  A large crowd of people holding microphones and cameras surrounded the area in front of him as he spoke.

“We shall no longer allow our protest to be passive.  God has commanded me to be his sword and has given me the power to destroy the evil Buddy Hero once and for all.” Damon burst into flames and rose above the steps.  He called out, “Buddy Hero, come and face your judgment!”

The crowd screamed in torment as the flames reached out to them and engulfed them all completely.  Then there was silence, nothing but the sound of Damon’s evil cackle.



Buddy, Zero, Alexa, Ryan, Oscar, Maggie, and Talmadge stood on the grass outside the Sun City Convention Center, watching as the police crew taped off the area and interviewed witnesses.

“Well, that was a waste of my morning,” Maggie groaned.

“Why’s that?” Buddy asked.  “I thought this was going to balance the budget.”

“No, you idiot.  I get paid based on having people come through the line.  I actually had to pay to be the vendor, which means this whole thing is costing me money.”

“But didn’t you just say we had an extra twenty thousand dollars in our bank account?”

“Well, yeah, but it’s not like we’re going to be able to keep it.”

“Why not?”

“Because you obviously had to do something incredibly stupid to get it.  Wait, you didn’t really rob a bank, did you?”

“Of course not!” Buddy laughed.  “I did exactly what you told me to do.  I got paid for being a superhero.”

“Will one of you tell me what the hell my brother’s talking about?” Maggie asked Ryan and Alexa.

“Damon Memphis, well, the guy who used to be Damon Memphis, offered us money for any help we could give him on taking out Arthur Flores,” Alexa answered.

“Yeah, Buddy told me about that,” Maggie responded matter-of-factly before she stopped herself and then followed it up by punching her brother in the shoulder.  “Tell me you didn’t!”

“Didn’t what?” Buddy asked.

“Tell me that you did not get this money by helping out that evil man who tried to kill me!”

“But, Maggie—“

“God damn it, Buddy!  We didn’t need the money that badly.”

“Actually,” Ryan interjected, “it wasn’t exactly Buddy’s fault.  I was the one who sent the guys to the MHDT.”

“See,” Buddy shrugged, “it wasn’t even me.  And now we can pay off some of the debt we’re in, right?  No harm done.”

“There is no way in hell we’re keeping that money,” Maggie yelled.  “Not if it came from that evil, evil man.”

“Well, to be fair,” Oscar cut in, “I’m not so certain that the man currently inhabiting the body of Damon Memphis is all that evil.  In fact, from my limited interaction with Agent Murphy, I’d be willing to say he came off as being rather nice, at least in comparison to the prior version of the man in that body.”

“I’m sorry, and you are?” Maggie yelled at the man who dared disagree with her.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Maggie. I didn’t even think about how you might not have recognized me.  I’m Oscar Reed.”

“Oscar Reed?” Maggie asked, her face falling in surprise.  “Like, as in the Reed Pharm Oscar Reed?”

“One in the same.  How’s the old diner holding up?”

“You know about my diner?”

“Of course I do.  Me and my wife were some of the initial investors in your little venture.  Of course, back then we didn't have nearly as much money as I do today, but--”

“Wait, you invested in my diner?”

“Actually, if I remember correctly, I think I still hold somewhere around a fifty percent stake in the business.”

“That's impossible.  I mean, well, actually, I guess I don't know if it's possible.  It does seem that I had some investors to help start things up, but, well, I guess I don't remember who they were.”

“Don't worry Maggie, it's just the effects of The Great Redaction.  I'm not surprised that they would have removed all of your memories of Rose and me, considering how odd it would be for us to be connected without The Defenders.”

“So, we were friends?  Back then?”

“Oh, yeah, great friends.  You and Rose were especially close.  In fact, Rose and I went on a great many double dates with you and--”

“We should not continue on such idle banter,” Zero interrupted. “You said we needed to get into the building in order to gain entrance to The Bunker's back door, correct?”

“Um, yeah, that's right.”

“That's gonna be a tad hard with all the boys in blue around, isn't it?” Buddy asked.

“I could get in there easily,” Alexa responded.

“Sure, sis, but what about the rest of us.  That hole in the side of the building is pretty big, but I'm still not certain you could get your rickshaw in there without being noticed.”

“Is that a dare?” Alexa smiled.

“Do you seriously think you can get in and around the police tape without anyone noticing?”

“I know I can get us in there without anyone thinking anything of it.  You wanna say fifty bucks?”

“You're on!”

“Okay, hold on a sec and I'll nab the rickshaw.  Don't go anywhere!” Alexa disappeared and a split second reappeared behind her brother.  “Boo!” she shouted.

Ryan jumped in the air.  “Dammit, Alexa.  You know that gets me every time!”

“Why do you think I keep doing it?”

“Alright you two,” Oscar smiled.  “Enough of the sibling rivalry stuff, let's get in there already.”

“Okidokie,” Alexa laughed.  “Now, there's not really enough room for all of you to sit comfortably back there. Hope you don't mind sitting on some laps for the short trip in.”

“We'll deal,” Oscar said with yet another smile.

“Maggie,” Buddy spoke softly.  “You gonna be alright?”

“Of course I'm going to be alright.  Why wouldn't I?”

“I don't know.  I guess it's just that last time we went into battle against--”

“Yeah, I know.  And you had better be certain I'm not going to be put into another one of those types of situations again.”

“I still remember my, I mean his hands--”

“Stop Buddy,” Maggie said, looking away from him.  “I don't want to think about it, okay.”


“So, what are you guys up to anyways?”

“Oh, nothing too much,” Ryan cut in.  “We're just breaking into The Bunker to try and find Carl and break him out so he can cure cancer.”

“Oh,” Maggie said abruptly.  “So, just another day at the office?”

“Just another day at the office,” Zero agreed.

“Okay, well, good luck then, kids. You better all come home safely.”

“If you promise to make me a raspberry pie, I'll guarantee you right now that not a hair will be harmed on any of them,” Zero said hopefully.

“Get home in time for dinner, and I'll make two.  One just for you, Zero.”

“Deal,” Zero said, extending his hand to her.  Maggie took it and shook firmly.  Zero stared at her hand, holding it much longer than necessary.

“Alright, get out of here already,” Maggie said, wrenching her hand from him.  “Make me proud.”

“Always,” Buddy agreed. 

The group climbed into the vehicle, Buddy, Oscar, and Zero sat while Ryan climbed onto his father's lap.

“Been a while since I've had you up on my lap, son.”

“Yeah,” Ryan said awkwardly.  “And it's not weird at all, right?”

“Talmadge,” Buddy yelled down to the man in the yellow suit.  “Climb on in, boy.  You're going on an adventure.”

“You sure?”

“We have no other choice,” Zero said reluctantly.

“You won't regret it,” Talmadge said as he excitedly climbed into the vehicle and sat down on Zero's lap.

“I wouldn't be so certain about that.”

The world melted away and reformed into the destroyed interior of the Sun City Convention Center.  Talmadge jumped up quickly in surprise.

“Whoa, what the hell just happened?” he asked as he stepped out of the vehicle and looked around in amazement.  After three steps he fell to the ground clutching his stomach.  “Ungh,” he grimaced.

“Don’t worry about it, kid,” Alexa said quickly.  “Everyone gets queasy the first time around.  You’ll get over it in no time.”

“What the heck?” Talmadge asked as he returned to his feet.  “This might sound crazy, but, well, with all that seems to happen around you guys, well, I’m just going to say it.  Are you guys actual, real,” Talmadge hushed his voice as he spoke these last words, “

“The best and the brightest,” Zero said grandly.  “The Defenders of America!”

“Whoa,” Talmadge said quietly.  “So, like, real superheroes, with the superpowers and everything.  That's. . . whoa.”

“Yeah, we're a pretty big deal,” Alexa brushed Talmadge off.  “Alright Ry-guy, pay up.”

Ryan fished a fifty out of a hole on his belt and quietly handed it to his sister.

“But what do you guys need me for?” Talmadge asked.  “I mean, this changes everything.  I just thought you were like me, but you know, so--”

“Jeez,” Zero spoke.  “Does this kid never stop?”

“Listen, son,” Oscar spoke gently.  “I don't really know how to explain this easily, but there's a whole history of the world that, well, that you're not really aware of, but that your family played a big part in.”

“Okay,” Talmadge said uneasily.  “And...”

“And,” Buddy continued, “because of that history, we need your help.”

“Sure, anything, but why me?”

“Because your parents used to be like us,” Alexa answered, gesturing to the statue in front of them.  “Actually, they weren't just like us, they were us.”

“I'm still not following.”

“The statue that you know as the, um, what was it called again?” Oscar asked.

“The Founding Fathers,” Buddy answered. 

“Right,” Oscar continued.  “The Founding Father's Statue, well, the story behind it isn't quite right.  The people depicted in that statue were, at one time, known as The Defenders of America.”

“Yeah, I know all about that.  My dad used to tell me stories.  But, I mean, they weren't real.”

“Petru?” Oscar inquired.

“Yeah, how'd you know my dad's name?”

“Because, he's one of the seven people up there,” Oscar pointed again, gesturing to the figure of Petru.  “So am I,” he said, indicating the bronze version of himself.

“And me,” Buddy added.

“And me!” Zero added proudly.

“But, that can't be,” Talmadge responded.  “That guy up there doesn't look anything like my--well, actually, I’ve never really looked at it before.  I guess maybe he does kind of look like Dad.  Holy crap, you're saying that this is a statue of actual superheroes that actually exist?”

“Precisely,” Oscar replied.

“But... how?  I mean, I've never heard of you guys, outside of the stories that my dad used to tell me.  How can there be a statue in town dedicated to a bunch of people that no one actually knows about?”

“I’ve been asking myself the same question,” Buddy laughed.

“The answer to that question is somewhat difficult to explain, in that I’m still not entirely certain I understand it.  Anyways, we have more pressing matters to attend to right now.  But, needless to say, you are part of a pretty important legacy.  And because of that legacy, we need you to help us.”

“Okay, like I said, I'll do anything.  What do you need?”

“All of you,” Oscar said as he walked closer to the statue, “come here and I'll show you.”

The group followed him to the base of the metal structure where he felt around a lip in its base.

Oscar looked up and smiled frustratingly as he continued his search.  “Stupid button.  Been too long since I placed it here, I don't-- Oh, there it is.”  A click sounded and the entire base of the structure slid down to reveal glowing colored panels around the circular stand. 

“Whoa,” Talmadge said in awe, “you did all that with a button that's been sitting here for forever?”

“Yeah, in hindsight, I probably should have put in some sort of fail-safe mechanism,” Oscar reflected.  “Oh well, it's apparently done well enough in staying hidden so far.”

“Alright, Big Red,” Zero said as he approached the statue eagerly.  “What do we do?”

Oscar smiled.  “It's pretty simple.  At this point, the doorway just needs to do a simple DNA scan to ensure we meet the requirements for entrance.  You'll notice each of the panels is a different color, matching that of the appropriate Defender, multi-colored rainbow that we were.  Also note, the panels are each under the image of the appropriate hero in the main structure of the statue.  I thought that was a nice touch, right?”

“Yeah, go you,” Buddy groaned.  “So, what do we do?”

“Simply place your palm on the appropriate panel.  We'll need to do it at the same time, of course.”

Ryan ran to the panel and placed his hand on the red light, “I'm in!” he shouted as a tone sounded.

“Actually, Ryan, you’ll be needed on the pink panel.  I’ve got something else planned for Alexa.  I’ll take the red one.  Zero and Buddy, I think you can figure yours out, right?”  Everyone nodded as they approached their required locations.

“Which one do you need me to touch?” asked Talmadge, rubbing his hands nervously.

“That’s where Alexa comes in,” Oscar answered.  “If you look, you’ll see that the yellow and orange panels are on opposite sides of the structure.  Alexa, do you think you could lift him and take him from one to the other?  You should be fast enough to beat the system.”

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