The Revolt (The Reapers: Book Two) (14 page)

Read The Revolt (The Reapers: Book Two) Online

Authors: Katharine Sadler

Tags: #urban fantasy, #ghosts, #fantasy, #fantasy by women, #fantasy female lead character, #fantasy book for adults

BOOK: The Revolt (The Reapers: Book Two)
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It took me fifteen minutes just to find my
dad’s number, stuffed in the bottom of a pile of take-out menus,
receipts, and junk mail. I had my voice mail message all planned
out when he answered the phone.

“Kelsey?” Worry pinched his voice.

“How are you doing?”

He was quiet so long, I wasn’t sure he would
answer. “We’re in a resort town in Florida, trying to prevent a
take-over. The reapers seem to like resort towns. Large transient
populations, a lot of tourists looking to go out and get drunk
every night, easy pickings.”

“Any chance you’d be interested in coming up
here and helping me get them out of Briarton?”

He sighed. “Who you got there with you?”

“Jed, and Holly from Harvest One.”

“Yeah, they’re both strong. They’re also both
loyal to their corporations, and Holly’s never been afraid to use a
situation to her advantage. Watch your back.” He let out a
belabored sigh. “You going to try to fight the reapers on your own
if I don’t come up there?”

“I’ve got to do something. Especially if it’s
true that no one else can do what you and I can.”

“It’s true, sure, but I’ve got the same
skills and a decent-sized team, and we’re not making much headway
here. I think you should lay low for now.”

“That’s what Holly figured you’d say. But if
she’s right about what the reapers are doing, now is the time to
stop them.”

“That’s true, but… Look, Kelsey, where is
this coming from? The last time I saw you, all you wanted to do was
get back to your life. You didn’t want anything to do with me or
the corporations. Now would be the perfect time for you to run,
find a place to live that isn’t being settled by reapers, and have
that life you want.”

I hadn’t thought of that, and he was right.
The corporations wouldn’t bother trying to find me if I disappeared
right now. I could vanish and start over again somewhere new. The
problem was I couldn’t leave Angelica to the mercy of the reapers
and the curse. I had to make sure she was okay. And, I realized, I
couldn’t walk away from all the people in the town, even people I
didn’t know, who’d be hurt by the reapers. Even if I could, how
long would it be before the corporations or the reapers found me
again? Who would I have to leave behind the next time? Whose lives
would I endanger by being their friends? If I ran, I’d always be
looking over my shoulder, and that wasn’t the life I wanted.


“Sorry. Yes, I still want that life, but I
don’t want to have to run and hide to get it. I have an ability
that could actually help people, and I want to use it.”

“Okay, then, I’ll see what I can do. I might
be able to send some people your way. In the meantime, Tucker can
keep helping you work on crossing over and fighting reapers on
their turf. That’s why I sent him to you.”

“You sent him?” Once I’d said it aloud I
wondered why I hadn’t figured it out on my own.

“He didn’t tell you?” Len chuckled. “Probably
better that he didn’t. Don’t be too hard on him. Whatever he did or
didn’t do, I’m sure he was looking out for you.”

“Sure.” I seriously doubted that, but I
wasn’t going to let my father think I was angry at Tucker. “Thanks,

“Don’t thank me, yet, I haven’t done
anything. I’ll call you when I know something.”




When I went back out to the living room, Jed
was on the couch and Holly was gone.


“She’s out getting information. What did your
dad say?”

“He’s gonna try to send some people out to
help us. Do you think there’s any chance at all Varius might be
willing to do the same? Send us a few people to help fight the

He shook his head. “They won’t and, if I tell
them what you want to do, they’ll pull us both out of here and move
us to a safe house in another town.” He pressed the heels of his
hands into his eyes and sighed. Then he looked up at me. “I don’t
like this, Kelsey. It’s my job to protect you, and I should be
getting you the hell out of here.”

I sat down next to him. “So why aren’t

“Hell, if I know.” He frowned. “Shit, no.
We’re still here because I think you’re right. Somebody should be
fighting these assholes, but it’s not going to be you. The only way
I can be sure you’re safe is to keep you out of the fight and in
this condo.”

“I won’t be able to live with myself if I
don’t do something to help my friends. For all I know the reapers
chose this town because I’m in it. I’m not going to allow you to
risk yourself while I sit here on the couch.”

He growled and stood. “It’s my job to risk
myself. Your safety is more important than mine.”

“You can’t be serious.” I worked hard to keep
my voice level. I wanted to say more, but my brain had shut down.
Jed was a trained and skilled fighter who’d been working for the
corporation for decades, and I was just a girl with a rare

His hands fisted at his sides. “You can be as
outraged as you want. I’m not letting you leave this condo, no
matter what happens.”

I stood, my heart racing. “What are you going
to do? Chain me up in the garage?” How dare he try to tell me what
to do, and why didn’t he accept that I might be able to do some
good in this fight? The corporation might value me, but Jed didn’t
seem to think I was capable of helping anyone. Or maybe doing his
job, protecting me for Varius, meant more to him than saving

He met my angry gaze with a calm, cool
expression. “If that’s what it takes.”

A knock stopped me from telling Jed what I
thought of that.

Jed opened the door and Caleb pushed past him
into the condo. Jed lunged toward him like he was going to grab him
and throw him out, but I took Caleb by the hand and led him to the
couch. Jed shut the door and stood next to it, hands fisted at his
sides, body tense. I understood his anger, but Caleb might have
some useful information.

Caleb grabbed my hand and pulled me down next
to him. I tried to move away, but he wrapped an arm around me and
held me so close our bodies were touching from shoulder to thigh.
Jed sat down in the armchair without a word, his jaw clenched.

“Hi, Kelsey,” Caleb said. “How’s it

The sound of his voice skeeved me out, but I
tried not to let it show. “I’m great, Caleb. My town’s being taken
over by reapers and I’m stuck in this condo 24-7. How are you?”

Jed threw me a warning glare, but I ignored

“I’ve been better. I understand you’ve been
asking questions about Bruce’s family and you paid Angelica a visit
a last night. That’s going to have to stop.” He sat in a relaxed
pose, one ankle on one knee, his arm still around my shoulders, but
there was anger boiling just below the surface. I could see it in
the rigid lines on his face and his hard tone.

I didn’t look at Jed, but I could feel the
warmth of his anger on the side of my face like a roaring fire. I
was pretty sure he’d wait for Caleb to leave before he killed me,
and I tried to enjoy my last moments.

“Angelica’s interested in Bruce’s family
history, and I’m helping her out. His family built the ski resort,”
I said. Caleb didn’t need to know about the curse.

“I know all about his family and their
properties. I’m asking you to stay away from Angelica and Bruce, as
a favor to me. My friends chose not to attack you when you made
that visit, but the next time they won’t be so generous. I’ve
convinced them to give you another chance, but their patience is
growing thin.”

I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but I
wasn’t entirely stupid. I understood he might be our best source of
information about the reapers. “I can’t see her at all?”

“I know she’s your best friend, Kelsey, and
that’s why I’m asking you to stay away from her. There are many who
would like to reap her for her connections, her magical abilities,
her youth, or just to hurt you. I’ve asked them to refrain out of
consideration for your feelings, but if they think you’re spending
too much time with her or showing too much interest in her
concerns…” He ran a hand down my face in a movement that was almost
tender. I fought the urge to move away from him, until I saw the
look on Jed’s face. His jaw was clamped tight, but there was a
slight movement like he was grinding his teeth and his eyes were
hard with a look that almost scared me. I didn’t want the two of
them fighting and I thought putting some distance between me and
Caleb might calm Jed down. He was probably worried Caleb might
damage his corporate asset.

I stood. “Can I get you a drink or something
to eat?”

“Sit back down, Kelsey,” Caleb said. He took
a deep breath and something, some tenseness, some hardness,
vanished from his face. “I visited your mother a few days ago. I
wanted to make sure she’s okay, so that I could dispel any worry
you might have about her.”

The guilt that raced through me for not even
thinking about my mother during the past few days, was nothing
compared to the cold fear that froze my center. “Is she okay?” I
sat down, and Caleb pulled me close again.

“Yes, she’s fine. She was thrilled to hear
that you have a boyfriend.” He smiled at me and looked for a moment
like the Caleb I had considered a friend once. “Virginia Beach
isn’t a location that interests the reapers and, if that ever
changes, I’ll make sure she’s safe.”

“As long as I do what you want?” I didn’t
want to piss him off again, but I needed to know.

He chuckled. “Do you really think I’m so
cruel, Kelsey? You care about her and I care about you, I’ll do
everything I can to protect her.”

He just stared at me for a long moment and
rubbed my shoulder. I tried my best not to squirm under his gaze.
Every instinct I had was telling me to run, but a little voice in
my head reminded me that keeping Caleb happy could help us defeat
the reapers.

“Have you heard anything from Varius?” Jed
asked. His voice would probably have sounded casual to someone who
didn’t know him well, but I could hear the anger and hurt

Caleb didn’t stop looking at me. “Your mother
is fine, Jed.”

“Yes, I know. Have you heard any more? Do you
know who the plant is?”

“No, and I don’t want to know.” Caleb turned
and looked at Jed. “It hurts me as much as it hurts you.”

“Karen and Mitch were the first killed. I’m
sure you didn’t shed any tears over their deaths.”

I looked at Jed, and shook my head slightly.
Provoking Caleb wasn’t going to get us anything. Jed didn’t meet my

“I am sorry for each and every one of the
losses Varius has suffered.” Caleb spoke like he and Jed were
having a friendly chat and Jed wasn’t looking like the hulk about
to go green. He returned his attention to me. “Kelsey, I’d like to
spend more time with you. I was hoping you’d join me for dinner

“I can’t leave the condo.”

“That didn’t seem to stop you from visiting
Angelica. I’ll pick you up at eight.” He stood. “I need to be
going, now.”

Jed opened his mouth to say something, but I
held up a hand and smiled at Caleb. “I’ll see you tonight.”

Jed waited until Caleb was gone. “I’m not
letting you leave here with him.”

I hugged my knees to my chest and tried to
hide my trembling. I really, really didn’t want to go anywhere with
Caleb. “I don’t think we have any choice.”

“It’s not safe and I don’t trust him. The
only reason I let him leave here without telling him that is
because I want you to be the one to turn him down. His delusions
about you need to end now.”

“I can get information from him that might
help us. Tucker can go with us and, if Caleb takes me anywhere
other than a very public restaurant, he’ll let you know.”

“What’s Caleb going to tell you that we can’t
figure out on our own?”

That gave me pause. We did have Tucker and
his friends spying on the reapers. “We can figure out what he’s
offered them and why he thinks he owns this town.”

“If any of that is true and not just another
of his delusions.” Jed sighed, looking exhausted. “And if I say you
can’t go? You’ll just leave without telling me?”

“I’m sorry about that, but I needed to see
the ghost haunting Bruce.”

“And you couldn’t tell me that?”

“You wouldn’t have let me go.”

He shrugged and leaned forward, elbows on his
knees. “You have to be honest with me, Kelsey. You have to tell me
what you’re doing. I really don’t want to chain you up or dictate
your actions, but I will if that’s what it takes to keep you

I’d expected anger from him, but I couldn’t
stand him looking so sad and worried because of me. My teeth
started to chatter. “There is no safe for me and there never will

He paced to the sliding glass doors and
turned his back to me. He stared out at the mountains for several
long moments. Long enough that I considered leaving him alone, but
we needed to finish this.

“I don’t want to get you in trouble with
Varius.” Honestly, I could care less what Varius wanted at the
moment, but Jed seemed to care, so I tried to see it from his
perspective. “I understand you want to do a good job for them and
bring me in safe…”

“That’s not what this is about.” He turned,
his voice a growl.

“Then what is it about? Tell me, because I
really want to understand.”

He just glared, his jaw working, his teeth
grinding. “I’m not letting you go anywhere with him.”

I stood, fueled by anger and a hurt I didn’t
really understand. “I’m a person, Jed, and I can make my own
decisions. I don’t belong to you or to Varius.”

I spun on my heel and headed down to the
garage before he could say anything else. I needed to punch
someone, but the bag would have to do.


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