The Reunion (13 page)

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Authors: Grace Walker

BOOK: The Reunion
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Brockton felt like he’d been awake for hours.  She was cuddled to his side.  His body hummed with an electric like current running through him, his skin still tingled with the feel of her, the smell of her, the taste of her.  Thinking of her; wanting her.  He was trying to convince himself that it was physical, nothing more, but he was fascinated with how her brain worked.  The possibilities seemed to flow from her.  The brain was so quick and mercurial.  With so little effort she could come up with a variety of problems and possible solutions.  Her interactions.  The intimidation when confronted by authority and people in positions of power, her feelings of insecurity and vulnerability.  She was actually embarrassed when recognized for a job well done.  The fun and understanding parent who was actually interested in her child, being
him and talking
him.  The practical joker and the victim of same.  The presence she exudes and the tenderness she shows.  All wrapped up in this delicate, beautiful package of softness, responses and joy.  The wonderment and plain joy, she experienced in sex.  It was fulfilling, it was overwhelming; it was turning him on again.  It was like watching a child on Christmas morning with presents under the tree and stockings filled.  The anticipation, surprise, and awareness.  Like what you experience the first time you ride a two-wheeler by yourself before you crashed into the fence or tree.  The feeling of falling and then being caught.  Knowing you are safe and had nothing to worry about to begin with.  It was amazing.

The sun was coming in the windows now and he could see her skin and the way her hair looked and felt across his shoulder and arm and the feelings of her breath on his skin and the smell of her hair.  Her breathing had changed slightly and her body tensing, stretching.  She was reaching for him and touching him.  He turned towards her and finding her mouth with his, he dove into the sweet abyss.


She was wearing his shirt and he was wearing his pants.  They were at the table drinking coffee, when there was a knock on the door.  Charles opened the door and Toni came in with Em's suitcase.


“Is kicking Tommy’s ass with that video game.  Ty is getting over his hang over and we have three hours to check out and start the process of clearing everyone out of town.”

“Morning Toni.”

“Morning handsome.”  Toni smiled.  “You take good care of my girl?”  He smiled.  “Thank you.”  She turned back to Em.  “Call up to Ty’s when you want Mike back or just come up.  I’m going to get my stuff out of my room and move everything to his suite until I leave for the airport."  She gathered up jeans, t-shirt, socks and Mike's tennis shoes from around the dresser.  "He’s not leaving until tomorrow or some such thing.  We’re going to use his suite as a jumping off point.”  She headed for the door.  “Charles.  Knowing your boys, you might want to give them a call.  They’ve probably got the police dragging Lake Mead.”

“Good idea.  Thanks Toni.  It was nice meeting you.”

“Same to you.  Em.  Call me.”

“See you Tuesday.”


“Taco night.”

"You haven't been to Taco Tuesday in ages."

"I'll be in on Tuesday.  Love you Toni."

"Love you Em."

Brockton sat across from her again and took her hand.  She was shredding the napkin and refusing to look at him.

"This is new for you."  He started probing.  "But which part?  Being involved with someone you work with or the sex?"

"Both."  She sighed.  "I've never been involved with anyone I worked with and I don't sleep around."

"When you were telling me about Connor I understood that.  That's why…  I never thought…"  He was trying to be careful, use the right words.  He'd had a number of relationships, some short, some long, most gratifying.  She was terrified.  He could feel it in the trembling in her hands and almost smell the fear.  "I'm overwhelmed Em."  He started.  "The project, the family.  You're a wonderful mother and you've got a family that loves you."

"I'm lucky."

"I understand you're uncomfortable.  I don't know how to make that better for you."  She'd finally looked up and he saw the fear and confusion in her eyes.  "You're into a project and we need your expertise.  You're resistant to change and won't take the promotion if it means it would affect your son."  He smiled at her.  "You're stubborn and silly.  You have a nasty temper and the most beautiful eyes and softest skin."  She also blushed when embarrassed.  He suddenly sat back and released her hand.  "I'm also in a position of power and authority in your mind and this is something you're regretting.  No regrets Em."  His eyes narrowed.  "
regret what happened between us."

"No." she whispered and lowered her eyes.

"I can't believe this shy person here drinking coffee and wearing my tuxedo shirt is the same woman in the blue dress trying to punch someone's lights out or the one being carried like a sack of potatoes on Ty's shoulder."

"Family knows just what buttons to push and that I'm a bit of exhibitionist."

"I doubt that exhibitionist is correct but you're definitely more comfortable around them and not with me [pause] yet."  He smiled.  He had a wonderful smile, it made his eyes crinkle in the corners and sparkle.  "What do you want?  Where are we?"

"I'm going home today."  She said and started shedding the napkin again. "I go to work tomorrow and do my job and go to Mike's science fair, go to bed, get up and do it again.  I'm not qualified for your promotions, proposals, projects or implementations.  I don't know what you want from me."

"I want your mind, body and soul."  His said in his best demonic voice, and his smile turned wickedly evil.  "I think you're making those high paid consultants look like idiots.  That your proposal should be implemented exactly how you've scoped it and think if I don't kiss you my heart is going to stop and my death will be on your hands."  He was funny when he wanted to be.  She couldn't help but smile.  She got up and went to him.  He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her.  Maybe she would be the death of him but he'll love every minute of it.


"So he says that if I get the extra credit done I won't have to do the oral report until after the holidays."  Mike was eating his fifth taco.

"Don't talk with your mouth full baby."  Em watched Toni take another order and glide from the restaurant to the kitchen and back again.  "We did that extra credit two weeks ago."

"That's the point, I don't have to do anything and I won't have to do the one in front of the class until we get back after Christmas."

"I think you should turn in the extra credit and get the oral out of the way so we don't have anything to prepare for during Christmas break."  She had barely touched her tacos so Mike switched plates with her and scowled.

"Hey beautiful."  Em looked around and jumped to her feet.  "Tommy I didn't think you would be here till next week!"

"Surprise!"  He pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.  "Hey kid."

"Hey Uncle Tommy.  This mean you're here now or does Pete still need you at the other place for a while."

"No I'm done with New Mexico and Arizona.  I'm here now."

"How many restaurants are there now?"  Mike asked.

"Nine."  He smiled.  "Three here, three in Arizona and three in New Mexico."

"You didn't leave a forwarding address did you?  Patti's not going to show up is she?"

"Nah.  That's done."  He smiled. "As soon as she surfaces she's getting served.  I won't take her back again."

"There's a program for that you know."  Mike smiled.  "You want her tacos?"

"Has he always been such a smart ass?  And yes to the tacos.  Chicken?"  Tommy asked and Em nodded.

"Since the day he was born."  She affirmed.

"Hey Rizzoli!"  Toni laughed.

"Rizzoli!" He stood up and hugged his sister.  "What the hell are you wearing?"

"My new work uniform, you like?" she did a tippy-toe turn.  It was a very short stretchy black skirt, dark hose and a white tailored blouse that fit her perfectly.

"I'd like it better if it covered a little more."  He looked at her. "Uniform?"

"My own style of uniform.  Better tips."

"That's my girl."

"I thought you said Thursday."

"Decided to drive.  Got in about two hours ago."

"At the house or do you have some place?"

"Ty's set me up."

"Good I hate living with you.  I never get to have any fun when you're at the house."

"Still skinny dipping in the moonlight huh?"

"You bet ya!"  She squeezed his shoulder.  "Hold on. I'll be right back."

"So what were you two discussing so solemnly a few minutes ago?"



"No homework."

"I'm outta here."

"She's trying to get me to finish all my projects before Christmas break and I have an opportunity…"

"Nah, get it over with."  Tommy said his eyes glazing over.  "That way if you want to extend the holidays a day or two you won't have something hanging over your head."  Sounded like what his mother used to say to him when he was still in school.  Not that he actually did it.

"Good one.  I'll use that next time."

"You're welcome."

"I know."  Mike was out voted and resolved to it now.  "I'll switch with Washburn and she can do hers in January."  He smiled wickedly.  "She wanted more time to do something with batteries and smoke anyway."

"She's our resident explosives expert."  Em interjected.  She was still distracted.  Even though she'd spent several consecutive Tuesdays at the restaurant, it was the old memories that came back to her there.  Some more painful than others.

"Gases or solids?"

"She's good, both."

"Most excellent."

"Don't give him ideas.  I'm going to pick him up some day from the sitters and the cat will be on fire and the doors and windows blown out."

"AH!  Break!"  Toni sat down and put her feet up on Tommy.  "Massage those will you?"

"Em taught us that trick.  Remember when you used to line us up and massage our backs until we fell asleep."

"Passed out from boredom more like."

"She's been showing me.  Give me your feet Aunt Toni."  Toni swung her legs around to Mike.

"OH you're hired.  That's great.  Excellent idea!  Teach the next generation.  Start Josh's kids now by the time they're his age they'll be gainfully employed."

"There he is!"  David Cooper came out of the kitchen and hugged Em.

"The kid's keeping me busy.  How many tacos you had Mike?"


"More like eight."  He patted his brother's back.  "You just get here?  Where you staying?"

"Make me a taco."  Tommy laughed.  "I'm on Springfield.  Where are you now?"

"Atlantic."  David laughed.  "Shawna and the kids wanted to be closer to the beach."

"Well that explains the drapes."  He grabbed Em's drink and started drinking then grimaced realizing it really was iced tea and not a Long Island.  "Much bigger than I need but what the hell, the price is right."

"Freeloader."  Toni didn't bother opening her eyes and lounged back in the chair completely relaxed.

"I'll pay rent."  He smiled knowing he would be paying well below market rates.  "Maybe I'll get a roommate.  Is Darlene still here?"

"Nah, she's back at the San Diego restaurant.  Sandy's really cute but you'll have to kill her boyfriend.  He's the bouncer."  David told him.

"I saw him when I saw Ryan a minute ago.  He's huge.  I'll steer clear of Sandy I guess."

"Quit screwing with the help.  Mike do I pay you a flat rate or by the treatment?"  Toni sighed.

"I have a schedule here, we have revolving payment plans now."  Mike laughed.

"He's getting funnier every day."

"Learns fast.  You're a bad influence.  I'll have to wean him off you guys again."

"Who the hell are you looking for?"  Toni snapped out of it and Em stopped watching the room.

"No one."  She blushed.

"Bull shit!"  Came from all four of them and they laughed.  There was a crash from the kitchen and David jumped to his feet.

"Break's over.  See ya Mike!  Bring her back when she'll eat."

"She's stressed."  He shot back

"Am not."

"Are too."

"This could go on for hours…"  Toni laughed.  "Hey honey, cut to the chase."

"She's arguing with Uncle Ham about going to work on the project again."

"I thought they settled that."

"No.  She's threatening to quit again."

"Well she can come back to work here."

"You used to work here?"

"Way before you were born."

"It couldn't have been that long ago, you got pregnant with me right before you turned 23."


"Hey Mr. Brockton."  Toni looked straight up and standing behind her chair was Charles Brockton.

"Hi Toni, Tommy."  He smiled not taking his eyes off Em.  "Hey kid.  How ya doing?"

"Fine.  She's not going to talk to you."  Mike smiled.  "She told Uncle Ham…"

"Never mind Mike."  She said softly.  "How…"

"Taco Tuesday."  Brockton smiled.

"Right."  She started shredding the napkin.

"Hey Mike.  Let's go find what David has in the freezer."  Toni swung her legs down and pulled Mike into the kitchen.

"I'm out of here.  Don't be a stranger Em."  Tommy elbowed Brockton.  "I want details and pictures."

"I'll have them in your inbox by nine."  Tommy grinned and left for the bar.  "You're not quitting."  Brockton told her quietly.  "Not quitting, not transferring and not going back to the mailroom."

"Charles, please."  He took her hands. 

"Em.  Marshall talked to you.  He wasn't trying to scare you.  He was trying to reassure you."  She was shaking her head again.  "Just get me the birth certificates and I'll handle everything."

"I can't."

"It will only take a week.  Mike has two weeks off over the holidays.  We're delaying till then.  We're doing everything we can to accommodate you."

"We don't have passports, I don’t know anything about visas or…"

"It's all taken care of.  I just need your birth certificates."

"He'd be so excited.  I don't want to disappoint him if I screw things up."

"You won't."  He kissed her.  "That means you haven't told him or even discussed it with him."


"Discussed what?"  Her chin dropped to her chest.  She took a deep breath and looked up at Mike.

"The trip."

"A TRIP?"  Mike looked excited.  "WHERE?"  She signaled for him to be quiet and sit down.

"Multiple hops.  You'll be on the plane more than you'll be at any one location."  Brockton smiled at him.  "We're still working it out but it looks like Beijing, Sidney, Marseilles, London, Atlanta and back here."



"You're in trouble now."  Her hand clasped his so tightly he thought his fingers would break.  "We're kind of rewarding your mom by letting her see some of the implementation sites when her plan goes live."

"WOW, and we're all going?"

"Private plane, the works."


"Two weeks."

"CHRISTMAS?  REALLY?"  He looked at his mom.  "She doesn't want to go."  He looked disappointed.  "She's afraid of flying."

"She's afraid of flying?"  Brockton repeated.  "Is that what all this is about?"

"Is this what she's been fighting Uncle Ham and Marshall about?"


"Damn it MOM!"


"MOM!"  He really looked disgusted with her.

"Ok, you guys are scaring the customers.  What's up?"  Toni came to the table and read what was going on really quickly.  "What's she done now?"

"She's afraid of flying."

"Yeah, so?  She's afraid of spiders too."  Toni said looking at the changing expressions at the table.

"I want to go though."  Mike whined and Em and Toni looked at him.  He never EVER whined.

"He's pouting.  He actually whined."  Toni bent over and gave Mike a hug.  "He really is a child.  Thank God!"

"We'll go."  She took Mike's hand and squeezed it.  He leaned over and kissed his mother's cheek.

"Thanks mom."  Brockton was looking too pleased.

"You played them didn't you?"  Toni looked at him.  "I knew I liked you."  She came over and hugged him too.  "Heartless just like me."  Brockton was laughing outright now.

"Four continents in a week Aunt Toni!" 

"Toni get off that man."  Ryan came in.  "I'm going to have to ask you to leave if you don't quiet down.  Or we need to take this to the bar where no one will notice the shouting."

"Hi Ryan."  Charles said to Ryan.

"Brockton.  So where's she going?"

"Beijing, Sidney, Marseilles, London, Atlanta and then back here in a week."

"Won't see much but it would be exciting."  Ryan sat down.  "It's not so much the flying part as the airports.  Since she's going in the backdoor she should be ok."

"What?  Was she left at an airport or something?"  Brockton asked.  Ryan and Toni looked at each other then started laughing.

Sort of
."  Em was glaring at them.

"She was twelve."

"It was her first trip into LAX."

"We had the wrong date."

"She was stuck there 10 hours before someone figured it out and picked her up."  Toni turned to Mike. "It was before cell phones and she didn't have the area code to make the phone call."

"I'm sorry mom." 

"It was the first full summer we were together, remember Em?"

"I remember
."  Em sighed.

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