The Reluctant Virgin [Ride 'em Hard 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Virgin [Ride 'em Hard 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“What are you doing?”

“I don’t want this turning out like before. This time I’ll do things right,” he said. “This ain’t about sex. It’s about us and our future together.”

Her pussy was throbbing, wet, and demanding. She had another service call to make at the Donner Ranch but could care less at the moment.

“I want you,” she said, the words sounding foreign to her own ears.

He smiled. “I want you, too, baby girl. But this ain’t the time or place for what I have planned for you.”

She wouldn’t wait. Couldn’t wait. “Fuck me, Chance. I want you feel you filling me.”

,” he muttered under his breath. He bunched his fists into either side of her T-shirt, a man on the brink of losing self-control. She reveled in it, anticipating the moment he’d give in and satisfy her the way she required. “Where?” he finally asked.

“In the last stall,” she said. Cindy had already thought it out. The rear of the barn was still darkness and shadows with the back bay doors sealed. It would conceal her prosthesis until she had the nerve to tell Chance the truth.

He scooped her up into the cradle of his arms, carrying her with ease. She counted each time his cowboy boots hit the concrete, each one bringing her closer to sweet relief.

Chance laid her down on a bed of hay in the large storage stall. She reached up for him. There were no more games, no more second guessing. Cindy wasn’t a timid virgin any longer. She wanted to push her comfort zone, explore everything he could show her. Maybe she’d be able to give her mother the dream she’d always sought, a son-in-law and grandchildren. It was a stretch but now a growing possibility.

He dropped down over her, supporting his weight on his forearms. Chance was a big man, making her feel feminine and dainty. It felt good to have a protector, a man who’d be able to handle himself against a threat. She’d watched him in a few of his rodeo events, and the man was no pushover.

“You sure about this? I don’t want you holding this against me when it’s over.”

“Touch me,” she said.

He groaned, smoothing one hand along the outside of her body until he reached her thigh. Chance pulled her leg up against his hip, grinding his erection against her pussy. Cindy didn’t want to play, not today, not with a spontaneous orgasm looming just under the surface. She wanted to come around his thick cock like she did with Josh.
Don’t think about him now.

Was it possible to love more than one man equally but differently? With all the ménage relationships reported in her hometown and around the province, it must be possible. But what would work for her wouldn’t necessarily work for the three men who starred in her fantasies. Chance didn’t even know Josh or Matthew existed.

“You’re worth the wait,” he murmured. “I’m going to savor you, take my time.” He spoke in a deep drawl, making her toes curl. She could imagine hours of depraved pleasure as she gave her body over to this man.

The hay prickled the exposed skin at her lower back in the same way as Chance’s scruff scraped her cheek. Her body was alight with sensations. She felt bold and brazen, finally asking for what she wanted rather than stifling her urges. But embracing her sexuality was only half the battle.

Chance started to reach up her shirt. His breasts ached for his touch. She arched without thinking, needing him to move faster.

“Cindy?” The loud baritone echoed in the barn. Her eyes had been closed, but now she sat up, alert and breathless.

It was Josh Granger. Was she dreaming? What on earth was he doing at the Connery Ranch?

Chance leapt up to his feet, brushing hay bits off his undershirt while staring at Josh with a menacing glare. “Who the hell are you?” he asked.

“He hurt you, Cindy?”

She shook her head slowly, too shocked to speak. Two worlds had collided. It was strange seeing them both together, sharing the same space. She felt a current of fear knowing she’d have to explain herself and all her wayward behavior. But she also found the situation oddly titillating. Her ménage fantasies played in her head, but she imagined they’d stay there considering the two cowboys looked ready to kill each other.

“I asked you a question. Who are you?” Chance demanded.

“Makes no matter who I am. Cindy’s my woman, and I won’t have another man touching her.”

Chapter Thirteen

Josh hadn’t slept all night. He tried to forget the blonde cowgirl, but it was impossible. He’d always told himself he’d never fall in love, therefore avoiding any potential heartache like his father went through. His mother had died of cancer, and if there was something wrong with Cindy’s health, he wouldn’t be able to deal with losing her.

But imagining never seeing her again, moving on without continuing what they’d started, caused him physical pain. He’d tossed and turned in bed, plagued by worries and possibilities. By the light of morning, he’d decided she was worth the risk. It may be hard to lose a loved one, but living life alone wasn’t much better.

He’d come to sign Mr. Oakley’s papers but had every intention of finding his woman. Josh was going to profess his love for her, hoping she’d believe him. He now knew love at first sight wasn’t impossible. Something inside him sparked to life when he’d met her, as if his emotions had lain dormant for all these years, waiting just for the perfect woman. For Cindy Taylor.

It was Mr. Oakley who’d given him the address to the Connery Ranch. He planned to stop by and surprise her. Maybe take her out to lunch so they could talk about the future. He certainly didn’t expect to find her literally rolling in the hay with another man.

A deep-seated possessiveness welled within him, heating and tensing his muscles as it grew. She may have disappeared on him, but he was certain it was due to her own personal insecurities, not another man. Matthew was far, far off if he believed she was innocent.

“This is private property. I suggest you be on your way. The lady doesn’t look interested.” The other man was even bigger than him, which was a feat. His muscles were earned, hard and toned much like his own. It didn’t matter. He’d come for Cindy and he’d leave with her, fight or no fight. The only way he’d walk away willingly was if she said she chose the other man over him.

“Cindy, come on, baby girl. We’ll talk about this later.” He reached out an arm to help her to her feet. She hadn’t moved since he’d shown up, frozen in place, her eyes wide.

The other man stepped between them and gave Josh a healthy shove in the chest.

“Chance, no!” she cried.

“Don’t go near her,” he said.

Josh needed some serious explaining. The sun was now strong enough to illuminate the barn and Cindy’s beautiful blonde hair. It looked like silk in the early morning light. He wanted to whisk her away and forget any misdoing, but he couldn’t live in denial. He needed answers.

“Cindy, who is this joker? You seeing him, too?”

“Damn straight, she is,” said Chance. “I’ve been seeing her for five years and I’ve never seen you around here before.”

“Both of you, please stop! This is my fault,” said Cindy.

They turned to her, waiting for more of an explanation. “Darlin’, you disappeared on me again. I wouldn’t have come looking for you, but Matthew told me about your secret. If that wasn’t the reason you’ve been avoiding me, I’ll leave.”

“What secret?” asked Chance.

“Nothing!” She raked her hands through her hair, her brow creased. “This isn’t happening.”

“Is this guy the reason you pushed me away? Tell me, woman!” asked Chance.

She burst out of the stall as if she couldn’t get enough air to breathe. Her chest was rising and falling in deep waves. “I never committed to either of you, but that doesn’t make what I did right. You’re both special to me.” She looked to Josh. “Matthew, too.”

“You know what? I’ll leave. Call me if you ever make up your mind.” This was bullshit. Here he was ready to pour out his heart, and the woman was playing him three ways. He thought he’d pegged her better than that, but maybe love really was blind.

She grabbed his arm as he turned to walk away. “Don’t go. Please. Is it wrong to care about more than one man? Because I do.”

“What do you want me to say?”

Cindy bit her lower lip, looking back and forth to both of them. “Say you’ll both share me. Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of a ménage marriage, Josh. You’re surrounded by them back home.”

“You want me to share? Let me guess, you want my brother to join in on the action, too?” He didn’t hide the sarcasm in his voice. The Richmond brothers may not have a problem sharing a woman, but he had no plans on crossing swords with his own flesh and blood.

“Of course not! I want you and Chance…and Matthew.”

“And the milk man? And I suppose there’ll be another addition next week if your next client is cute.” He shook his head. Although he’d contemplated the idea of a ménage when she’d dated Matthew, it was more a fantasy than reality. He continued to walk away.

“Chance, do something,” she cried.

“Good Lord, woman. You want me to bring him back?” asked the cowboy.

“My feelings have been driving me crazy lately. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been avoiding the three of you. I want all or nothing.”

“Nothing,” Josh called back over his shoulder.



Cindy couldn’t really complain or hold Josh responsible for walking away from her. She’d brought this on herself. Of course, how could she not fall in love with the three sexy cowboys? They were all unique, holding a special place in her heart for different reasons. She was greedy, wanting all three. She also didn’t want to hurt a single one if they didn’t share her ideals. It was a losing battle if Josh was already willing to walk away.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I should have called you. I’m sorry.”

He stopped dead in the center of the barn, not turning around. “Does this guy even give a shit about you?”

“I’ve been begging her go out with me for five years. She’s all I think about these days,” said Chance. She was surprised he was taking things so calmly. He’d been in a few good brawls over the years, and she’d seen the scars to prove it. She didn’t really expect anything less from a rodeo drifter. Though he had been working steadier jobs the last couple years, making her wonder if he was considering settling down soon.

“Do you love him?” asked Josh, still with his back to her.

“I know I think about the three of you all the time. You each make me happy, make me feel special. I’m twenty-seven now, Josh. I don’t want to hide from life…from love. Not anymore.”

Now he turned around. The beams of light peeking through the barn boards lit up his blue eyes. She wanted to run into his arms, feel the same affection he’d shown her when they were last together. Inside she was terrified they’d all say to hell with her, leaving her alone in the world. The fact Josh liked her at all was a dream considering she’d crushed over him for years before moving out of her hometown. And he said he knew her secret and still came for her. That meant everything.

“Have you slept with him?”

“Not yet,” she said, being honest.

“Was I really your first?”

She nodded. It was the truth even though embarrassing at her age. Josh looked at Chance. They were both so deliciously handsome. Chance leaned against the inside of the stall, his shoulders so broad and muscled. They weren’t small men, but hard-core cowboys. Both experienced in pleasuring women. It excited her to be so close to their strength. She could practically see the testosterone snapping in the air as the two men sized each other up.

Chance ran a hand through his mop of dirty-blond hair. “If it makes you happy, I’m game,” he said.

Josh looked dumbfounded. “You’ll let us both fuck you? That’s not a problem for you?”

“I’ve actually been dreaming about it.” She awaited their reactions. Her filthy imagination kept her up at night. Was she a freak for craving to have more than one man pleasure her at once? Her men? It was a fantasy inching closer to reality by the second.

“Ain’t no harm in trying,” said Chance. His dark-lashed eyes were hooded, his lips thick and kissable.

She turned to Josh.

He was wearing worn Wranglers that hugged his strong thighs and tight ass in a sinful way. His boots were black like his Stetson. Would he rip off another shirt for her? She craved to see him lost to his desire for her again. Were things different now that he knew her secret or because she suggested a ménage relationship?

“Is that what you really want?”

She honestly didn’t know what she wanted for the future. Cindy just knew the status quo wasn’t cutting it. She wanted love, passion, commitment. Ideally, the three men in her life would share her without killing each other. “All I know is I don’t want to lose either of you. Can you play nice?”

“Nice? Never. Considering how you disappeared from my life, I’d say you’re the one who needs some lessons on playing nicely,” said Josh.

“Punishment?” asked Chance. “You know she strung me along for five years before giving me the time of day.”

They were talking, plotting. She was glad they were communicating but wondered what she’d created. Cindy might not be a virgin any longer, but she was still new to the world they were comfortable in.

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