The Regent's Daughter: (Georgian Series) (35 page)

BOOK: The Regent's Daughter: (Georgian Series)
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And I am that, she thought.

And then: I hate him. He is cruel. I must help her because he is going to try and rid himself of her.

She believed in that moment that it was to her mother that she owed her allegiance; and today it had become clear to her that she could not be the friend of both of them.

In Carlton House the Prince had grown a little calmer.

He said: ‘Charlotte’s manners are disgraceful. What is Lady de Clifford thinking of? She is no use at all. As for Charlotte, she is no longer so young. It is time I found a husband for her.’

The Prince paced up and down his bedroom in Carlton House. There was no doubt that he would be happier in his mind if Charlotte were married. That would be one burden less. Let a husband be responsible for the girl. And if it were a husband who could take her out of England, so much the better. He’d have his brothers’ support for such a plan. They often hinted that it was a sorry state of affairs when England’s heir was a girl and the daughter of such a mother. If he could rid himself of her and marry and produce a son what a happy solution that would be! But his brothers would doubtless like to see him tied to that woman and Charlotte out of the way and one of them take the crown. Fred had no children and never would have. And the others – there was not one of them who was respectably married. They had never attempted to make suitable marriages; that burden had fallen on him. Suitable! My God! he thought.

But he had been over that many times.

The outlook was a little brighter than usual. Napoleon was bitterly engaged in his campaign against Russia and from the accounts that were coming in all was not going well for him. Wellington was scoring successes in Spain. If things were as bad as rumour declared this could well be the beginning of the end for Napoleon. The Regent regretted as he had so many times that he was not able to prove himself a military hero. Reflected glory was the next best thing and he was proud of Wellington, as he had been of Nelson.

Now what he must do was to find a husband for Charlotte and he believed he knew the ideal suitor. He had hinted to the Dutch Stadholder William VI that a match between the Stadholder’s son William, Hereditary Prince of Orange, and his own daughter Charlotte might be desirable.

The Dutch were all in favour and a Protestant match would be bound to have the approval of the English. Young William had distinguished himself on the field, had been educated at Oxford – for the possibility of such a match was not a new one – and he was in all ways ideally suited.

Not least of his attractions in the mind of the Regent was the fact that if she married him Charlotte would be expected to reside in Holland.

And that, thought the Regent, would be one of them out of the way. Caroline might even wish to live in Holland to be near her daughter; and if she were away from England, heaven alone knew what indiscretions she might be capable of.

It was an excellent scheme; and the brothers would be in favour for they would feel that once the Princess was settled out of the country it might follow that the crown would pass to the King’s other sons should by some unfortunate accident the Regent be no more.

The Regent did not see why some proposals should not be put to the Stadholder.

The Queen was not insensible to the fact of Charlotte’s growing maturity.

‘There are faults in her household,’ she said to her daughter Mary. ‘That woman de Clifford seems to me a poor helpless creature.’

‘There is no doubt of it, Mamma,’ replied Mary. ‘She hates Windsor and is always complaining of the cold. She says that
her rheumatism grows worse every time she is there.’

‘I am sure,’ said the Queen, ‘that she is responsible for Charlotte’s dislike of the place. She has
her to dislike it. Most reprehensible.’

‘Indeed, yes, Mamma. I have even heard rumours that she is so lax as to allow Charlotte all kinds of undesirable liberties.’

‘And with such a mother one must be very careful of the girl. What undesirable liberties, pray?’

‘Well, Mamma, I hesitate to mention it, but Charlotte is inclined to flirt.’

The Queen looked intensely shocked.

‘Yes, Mamma. I have even seen her myself. With people like George Fitzclarence and young Captain Hesse.’

‘Both the results of indiscretions themselves! Oh dear, I cannot understand why your brothers behave as they do.’

‘And with William …’ Mary flushed a little. ‘With the Duke of Gloucester.’

‘Oh!’ The Queen spoke sharply. She knew of Mary’s penchant for her cousin. There was some suggestion that they wanted to marry. Ridiculous! thought the Queen. As for Mary she was decidedly piqued. Charlotte
a flirt and she behaved towards many in a manner which Mary could only call arch. Her uncles for instance – so perhaps that was why she behaved in that manner to William. But it had wounded her because of that very special understanding and the fact that they hoped to be allowed to marry one day. And to see that young girl – scarcely out of the nursery – attempting to flirt with William, was well … it had shaken her; and for that reason, perhaps, she was now speaking of her in this way to the Queen.

‘Charlotte has inherited so much from That Woman,’ said the Queen, and her mouth shut like a trap. After a second she opened it and continued: ‘It cannot be allowed to go on. Something will have to be done. I shall speak to George. As her father he will have to order some changes in her household I think. And what about that particular friendship of Charlotte’s? I did not care for that in the least.’

‘I understand it still goes on, Mamma, although Charlotte has had her warning and promised, so I believe, not to communicate with the woman. But she receives letters and presents from her and they write regularly.’

‘It is a most disturbing state of affairs and it must be stopped.
I consider Lady de Clifford largely to blame. The woman is useless. It would be much better for everyone concerned – and not least my granddaughter – if I chose a new household for her.’

‘I am sure that is so, Mamma.’

The Queen looked surprised that there should be any question of it.

‘My snuffbox, Mary,’ she said. ‘Oh dear, how trying family affairs can be.’

‘Oh dear,’ sighed Lady de Clifford to her daughter Lady Albemarle, ‘something is wrong … very, very wrong, I fear. The Queen was very cool to me and the Prince Regent looked at me as if I simply did not exist. There is trouble brewing.’

‘You should resign, Mamma. If you don’t you will go mad.’

‘My dear, I cannot tell you what I suffer. Charlotte is becoming more and more difficult. It is not that she means to. Her nature has always been a sweet one – but she terrifies me. I can never be sure what she is going to do next. And do you know she has been sending
to that Captain Hesse … and receiving them from him. And although the Prince has strictly forbidden her to have any communication with Mercer Elphinstone, she writes to her regularly.’

‘Mamma, you should not allow it.’

Lady de Clifford raised her hands to the ceiling. ‘But how can I stop Charlotte doing what she intends to? Surely you know that’s impossible. Of course if she has really been sending notes to that man … and if the Prince should hear of it …’ Lady de Clifford put a trembling hand to her lips. ‘Do you suppose he
heard of it?’

‘It is possible, Mamma. After all you are sure to be surrounded by spies.’

‘If I thought he knew … It will be the end. He will never trust me again. How could she? And to promise him that she would not communicate with Mercer and then to do so … but worst of all is sending notes to that man. Oh dear, I cannot tell you … My dear, you have no idea. And her petticoats are far too short. She is constantly showing her drawers.’

Lady Albemarle said soothingly: ‘Mamma, I know what I should do if I were you.’

‘What is that?’

‘Resign before you get your marching orders.’

Lady de Clifford clasped her hands together and raised her eyes to the ceiling; her turban had slipped slightly to one side of her head; she said in a trembling voice: ‘Oh, the peace of being free! And yet … and yet. I have been with her so long. She is like my own child … and in spite of everything she is so lovable.’

‘Mamma,’ went on Lady Albemarle sternly, ‘offer your resignation … now. Don’t wait.’

Lady de Clifford watched Charlotte tenderly. How would she feel when the Princess was no longer in her charge? What an emptiness there would be! Dear, dear Charlotte, so wayward and yet so lovable!

‘My dear Princess Charlotte,’ she began timidly, ‘I hope and trust that you have not been seeing too much of Captain Hesse.’

‘It is always good to hope, they say,’ retorted Charlotte, ‘and greatly comforting to trust.’

Oh dear, she was in one of her perverse moods, thought Lady de Clifford, but went on: ‘Because it is not seemly that a princess in your position should be talked about.’

‘Who is talking about me?’

‘There are always those to talk about a princess.’

‘But who, who, who? You implied that someone was talking about me. I want to know who it is.’

‘I meant that people will talk.’

‘You hinted that they
talking. So it is merely guesswork on your part. Pray remember that I do not wish to be told what I must and must not do.’

‘As your governess …’

‘Governess,’ cried the Princess, ‘I am too old for governesses. Whoever heard of a g … girl … a woman of seventeen … or nearly … with a governess!’

‘It is not unusual. People in your position …’

‘I am thinking of myself, my lady, and I say that I am too old to be told do this and do that by some g … governess.’

‘You mean that you no longer desire me to remain in your service?’

‘I mean that I am too old to have a governess.’

‘So you want me to go?’

‘I did not say that. I said I am too old for governesses, and moreover, I will not have one.’

‘But Your Highness can only be referring to me. I am afraid you no longer have any confidence in me. I am afraid that you …’

There was a high colour in the Princess’s cheeks.

‘Lady de Clifford,’ she said haughtily, ‘you are too much afraid.’

And with that she walked out of the room.

It is the end, thought Lady de Clifford. I have no alternative now but to resign.

When Charlotte paid her weekly visit to her mother at the latter’s newly acquired residence Connaught House, which was not far from Kensington Palace, Caroline was eager to know what was going on at Warwick House. She had heard rumours, she said, and they concerned Madam de Clifford.

‘Oh, yes,’ declared Charlotte, ‘she is acting very strangely. She is more absentminded than ever and almost put snuff into the teapot.’

This made Caroline shriek with laughter and as usual Charlotte joined in. Her mother made her feel witty and clever which was exactly the opposite effect her father had on her. It was certainly rather pleasant.

‘She goes about muttering to herself and shaking her head. Do you know, Mamma, I think she is going to resign. She has hinted it. Perhaps she has already spoken to my father … or to the Queen or the Old Girls.’

‘And de old Begum I don’t doubt is looking round for someone to take her place.’

‘I think I am old enough to have done with governesses,’ said Charlotte. ‘In fact I told Lady de Clifford so. She seemed to take it as a slight on her but it wasn’t. It isn’t just one governess I don’t want – it’s any governess.’

‘And quite right too, my angel. You’re no longer a baby. Though they would like to keep you one for ever, I don’t doubt. They’ll keep you in the nursery for as long as they can. And why? Because the people like you too much, that’s why. It was the same with me. When I first came here the people used to cheer me. They were silent when he rode by, but you should have heard the cheers for me, and they hate him more every day. You should see the latest crop of papers. I’ve saved them for you …’

‘I don’t think I’ll look at them … now, Mamma.’ Mercer’s
stern face rose before her. Just a quick look perhaps, she pleaded with that reproachful image. After all as the future Queen of England I should know what’s going on. But most important was to stand firm and refuse to have another governess. There was no point in de Clifford’s going if she was to be replaced. She might have someone worse. At least she could keep her ladyship in order. She said quickly: ‘I’m afraid they are already choosing Lady de Clifford’s successor.’

‘My darling, you must stand firm. You must say No, no, no! No more governesses. You must say: I’m seventeen years old. Why, most girls are married at that age. Governesses! Poof! You should be enjoying life not listening to governesses.’

‘I know, Mamma, but when they get on to me … it’s not always easy.’

Caroline’s eyes narrowed and she burst into sudden wild laughter.

‘Well, my pet, so I thought, so I have asked two very clever gentlemen to call on me today. They will come … by accident of course … at the precise time that you are visiting me. And no one is responsible for that if it is an accident. And poor old de Clifford dozing away in her armchair is not going to know that you have seen them until the interview is over.’

‘What gentlemen are these, Mamma?’ asked Charlotte thinking of that occasion when her mother had shut her into the bedroom with Captain Hesse and all the occasions when he had called ‘by accident’ during her visits.

Caroline lifted her finger archly. ‘Oh, very serious gentlemen. You will see.’ She ran to the window and looked out. ‘We shall hear their carriages at any moment. They are
friends, my love; and I tell them that no one is my friend unless they are my daughter’s friends as well.’

‘Mamma, please tell me who these gentlemen are so that I shall know something of them before they arrive.’

Caroline drew her daughter’s arm through hers arid they sat down on a couch together.

‘First there is old Brougham,’ she said. ‘A politician and a lawyer. He is going to fight for me. He is going to see that I get my rights and he is a very clever man. He’s reckoned to be the best barrister of the day. He’s defending Leigh Hunt and I hope he gets him off. I hope it indeed. Have you seen what he said about your dear Papa?’

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