The Rebel Prince (2 page)

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Authors: Celine Kiernan

Tags: #ebook

BOOK: The Rebel Prince
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Almost eleven years later, Wynter Moorehawke sat on the warm, smooth-pebbled beach of a similar ford and listened to the furtive rustling of the surrounding forest. Half her mind was on the unintelligible conversation of the Merron warriors who sat on the rocks to her right, the other half on the forest shadows and all the lurking possibilities they might contain.

Down by the water’s edge, the now twenty-year-old Razi crouched on his haunches and frowned out across the shallow water. For a blissful moment it seemed as though he might actually relax and sit down, but Wynter knew that he was unlikely to stay still for long. Sure enough, the dark young man almost immediately ran his hands through his hair, sighed in frustration and rose once again to his feet.

Do not start pacing
, thought Wynter, but Razi, of course, did just that.

His lanky silhouette stalked out of sight at the corner of her eye, then stalked right back in again just as quickly, and Wynter had to turn her head so that she wouldn’t be driven mad by his ceaseless prowling. Since Embla’s death, a deep and angry river of impatience had run very close to Razi’s surface, and it manifested itself in constant, irritating motion. Wynter felt genuine sympathy for Razi’s loss, but just at that moment, the
of his footsteps on the pebble shore was grating on her already stretched nerves. She tightened her jaw against the urge to snap at him.

An irritated sigh drifted across from the group of warriors. ‘Tabiyb,’ rumbled Úlfnaor, ‘sit down before I take back of my sword to your head.’ Razi glowered and the black-haired Merron leader frowned. ‘
,’ he ordered. ‘You wear me out.’ Razi sat, and Úlfnaor nodded in approval. ‘They be back soon,’ he said. ‘You take this time to rest.’

The big man sounded calm, but even as he spoke his dark eyes roamed the far bank with restless anxiety. His warriors sat tensely around him, the three women sharpening their swords, the three men staring at the trees on the other side of the ford. They had set out that morning expecting to make contact with Alberon and to engage him in diplomatic talks, so men and women alike were magnificently dressed in the pale-green embroidered tunics and britches of the Merron formal costume, their arms and hands and necks heavy with silver tribal jewellery. But the day had grown old with no contact from the Rebel Prince, and evening was fast approaching. Wynter was beginning to fear that they had been misled.

She met the eye of the Merron healer, Hallvor. The sinewy woman smiled reassuringly, but Wynter could see the tension in her face. Úlfnaor’s two giant warhounds were snuffling about at the water’s edge. They looked up as Hallvor rose to her feet. She sheathed her sword as she made her way to the shore, and the dogs wagged their tails, hoping for action. But Hallvor just laid a callused hand on each of their wiry heads and stood watching the trees on the other side. She murmured unhappily in Merron. Úlfnaor answered in soothing tones.

Wynter wished that Christopher were there, and not just because she wanted him to translate. She frowned across the water, willing him to return. Beside her, the gravel crunched as Razi began to move about once again. His long shadow fell across Wynter and he hunkered down by her side, his elbows on his knees, his eyes on the far bank.

‘I do not think we will be lucky here either,’ he said quietly.

Wynter nodded. Since early morning, the Merron had been making their way along this river, stopping at prearranged rendezvous points, waiting for Alberon’s men to show up and guide them to the rebel camp. This was the fourth such designated meeting place and it, like all the others, had proved deserted. They had been waiting for well over an hour now, but still Úlfnaor was loath to move on. Apparently if this rendezvous proved a washout, there was only one remaining point at which they could hope to meet their guides. If that, too, proved deserted then the Merron’s diplomatic mission would be a failure. The Northern warriors would have to return to their homeland with their duty unfulfilled, and Razi, Wynter and Christopher would be no closer to finding Alberon’s camp than they had been almost three weeks previously.

‘Chris and Sól have been away too long,’ murmured Wynter.

Razi just sighed and rubbed his face. He’d heard enough of this from her, she knew, but Wynter didn’t care. She was prickly with anxiety. There were less than four hours of daylight left, and she wanted Christopher where she could see him. She wanted him by her side, not out in the woods where the Loups-Garous might be prowling and where the King’s men were still actively hunting the rebels.

‘Úlfnaor should never have allowed Chris and Sól out there alone,’ she said. ‘Reconnoitre be damned! Truth be told, I think he let them go just to shut the two of them up and give them something to do.’

Razi huffed in agreement. Christopher was an incorrigibly reckless fellow at the best of times, and as for Sólmundr – since the loss of his beloved Ashkr, the Merron warrior had seemed possessed of a dangerous, unquenchable kind of restlessness. He and Christopher seemed to spark each other off, and both were champing at the bit, longing for action. They had set off into the forest with far too much enthusiasm and far too little caution for Wynter’s liking. Even with Sólmundr’s warhound, Boro, by their side, she feared her two friends were horribly vulnerable out there.

Wynter was opening her mouth to say so when, down by the river’s edge, Hallvor and the warhounds suddenly came to attention. Frowning, the healer took a step forward, her eyes on the trees. The warhounds growled, and Hallvor gestured sharply to quiet them.

Razi and Wynter rose to their feet. On the rocks, the other Merron stood up, swords in hand.

Cad é, a Hallvor?
’ asked Úlfnaor.

Hallvor shushed him, her attention fixed ahead. Then she pointed into the trees.

,’ she said. ‘
Agus é ag rith

It was Christopher, running soundless and very fast through the trees, his long black hair flying behind him, his slim arms and legs pumping. He burst into the sunlight and crossed the shallow ford in a glitter of splashing footsteps. Boro and Sólmundr came racing after.

‘Quick!’ hissed Christopher. ‘Someone’s coming, and they ain’t no diplomatic party!’

The Merron spun for their horses, but Sólmundr called them back. He ran straight up the rocks and flung himself on the weapons pile, snatching up his longbow and arrows.

His companions swerved to join him and he began hissing breathless explanations as they loaded up.

Christopher’s grey eyes met Wynter’s as he slid to a halt at her side.

‘No time to run,’ he said. ‘Make a stand! They’re right behind us.’

She drew her sword. ‘How many?’

‘Have I time to load the matchlock?’ asked Razi.

Christopher shook his head to both questions. ‘No idea how many; don’t even think they know we’re here. But they’re heading straight for us and they’re in a damned big hurry. No time for the gun, Razi. Just draw your swords, the two of you, and stay behind the archers.’

Sólmundr shouted, and Christopher spun just in time to catch the crossbow the warrior had flung to him. Christopher’s quiver of black bolts came sailing after, and Wynter caught it one-handed while Christopher pulled the lever to draw his bow. She handed him a bolt. He loaded the bow as he spun to face the ford, and Wynter stepped to his side, her sword in hand.

Sólmundr shook his sandy hair from his eyes and drew his longbow, sighting on the trees. The Merron spread out along the beach, their longbows at the ready, their warhounds standing in disciplined silence at their sides. The wood and leather of the longbows creaked as the warriors put just enough tension on the strings to keep the arrows in place, not yet expending their energies on a full draw. The buzzing quiet of the autumn evening settled around them as they waited.

Christopher nestled the crossbow into the hollow of his shoulder. He settled his stance. ‘Here they come,’ he whispered. Wynter could hear them now, coming up fast. So different to Christopher’s earlier silent approach; this was the noise of someone smashing heedlessly through the heavy forest. It was the sound of someone panicked, someone desperate. The Merron pulled their longbows to full draw and levelled their aim.

The man who crashed through the trees didn’t register them. He came staggering from the shade into the sunlight and splashed halfway across the bright water without even noticing the row of imposing warriors standing on the far bank, tracking him with their arrows. His head was down, his arms wrapped around his belly, and all his energy seemed taken with simply putting one foot in front of the other.

‘Hold!’ cried Wynter. ‘You hold now!’

The man spun in response to her voice and staggered to a halt. Once his forward momentum deserted him, he seemed to lose his ability to stand and he immediately dropped to his knees and collapsed face-first into the shallow river. The water around him instantly turned red.

There was a moment of stunned silence as the company watched the man’s blood swirl and spread and trail away in dark ribbons from his body. Then Razi threw his sword aside with a clatter and waded into mid-stream to roll the man onto his back.

Wynter had assumed the poor fellow to be unconscious, but as soon as Razi lifted his face from the water the man took a gasping breath and clutched Razi’s coat with a bloody fist.

‘Help me,’ he rasped. ‘Help me . . .’ His half-opened eyes were on the Merron, who had switched their aim back to the trees and were dividing their attention between the newcomer and whoever might appear in pursuit of him.

Razi began to heave the fellow up and Wynter ran to help him. Christopher splashed out after her. Without dropping his guard, he circled around in front of her and Razi, his crossbow aimed at the far bank.

‘Get yourselves behind the archers,’ he ordered roughly.

‘Cavalry . . . cavalry . . .’ moaned the wounded man as they dragged him to shore. ‘Escape . . . the Prince.’

Razi met Wynter’s eye across the top of the man’s head as they laid him on the warm stones of the beach. ‘You are a member of the King’s cavalry?’ he murmured, turning the man over and opening his jacket to check his injuries. Wynter winced at the sight of a pulsing wound in the poor fellow’s side. She had to look away from the mess of exposed bone and bulging organs.

‘I shall fetch your medical bag,’ she said.

But Razi shook his head, his face grim, and Wynter knew there was nothing that could be done.

Razi leaned close. ‘You are a member of the cavalry?’ he repeated gently.

‘Yes . . . no . . . not . . . they’re after me. Oh
, help me . . .’ The man began trying to crawl away, his bloody hands scrabbling on the smooth stones, his face twisted in pain. Blood pumped in horrible quantities from his wound and pooled on the rocks around him.

‘Shhh,’ said Wynter, laying her hand on his face. ‘Lie easy . . . lie easy, friend.’ The man stilled and rested his head on the stones with a moan. ‘Who pursues you?’ she asked.

‘The cavalry . . . the cavalry . . . the King’s men . . .’

Wynter glanced at Razi.
The King’s men

‘You work for my brother,’ said Razi softly.

The man looked up into Razi’s dark face for the first time, and his eyes widened in fear. ‘Oh God help me,’ he whispered. ‘You’re the Arab.’ He moaned and closed his eyes. ‘Oh, I am lost.’

‘My father’s men pursue you?’ asked Razi. ‘You seek the safety of the rebel camp?’

‘The Lord Razi is hoping to meet his brother at the rebel camp,’ whispered Wynter. ‘He wishes to reconcile him to the King. We can take you to safety, if you will but show us the way to the Prince.’ But the man just turned his face into the stones, convinced now that he was among enemies, determined to speak no more.

‘Razi,’ said Christopher, glancing back at his friend. ‘The Merron cannot allow the King’s men to take them.’

Sólmundr and Úlfnaor looked over their shoulders at Razi. The rest of the Merron, unable to understand this conversation, kept aim on the trees, but their eyes flicked anxiously between their leaders and the dark-skinned man they’d sworn to protect.

,’ insisted Christopher, ‘if your father’s men arrive, we
fire on them! Else you are condemning these people to death – and your mission is failed.’

Razi shook his head and would not lift his eyes from the wounded man.

Wynter laid a hand on his arm. She looked up into Christopher’s pained face.

‘The King’s men will kill us, lass,’ said Christopher. ‘We must fight them or die; there ain’t no way around it.’

‘Others is coming!’ cried Sólmundr, and Wynter leapt to her feet at the sounds of riders approaching fast through the trees. She weighed her sword in her hand and stepped to Christopher’s side again, her heart hammering with anger and with fear. Dear God, had it truly come to this? Must she now face loyal soldiers of the crown and kill them or die?

The Merron ordered their dogs to heel and once again pulled their longbows to full draw. A flash of sun on metal showed through the shifting leaves of the forest as dark shapes advanced upon them. Úlfnaor, his huge arms quivering with the strain, held his aim and murmured softly to his warriors. He was obviously telling them, ‘Wait . . . wait . . .’

Wynter crouched low. She brought her sword up. She had made up her mind that she would not die here. She would

Christopher looked back at Razi, wanting his permission to fire.

Razi bowed his head, his eyes squeezed shut. Then he snatched his sword, rose to his feet and stood ready at Christopher’s side. Christopher took aim just as the King’s soldiers burst through the trees.

There were only two of them, and they entered the ford with an almost childlike abandon. Wynter knew that she would never forget the looks on their faces when, expecting nothing more than a wounded soldier fleeing on foot, they suddenly found themselves confronted with a row of hard-faced archers.

There was just a brief moment of suspension, the smallest fraction of time, then the youngest soldier grabbed for his sword. Christopher’s crossbow bolt took him between his eyes and carried him backwards from his horse. All other sound was buried in the heavy
of longbows, and the hiss and thud of Merron arrows seeking and finding their target. The soldiers’ limp bodies tumbled to the water with mighty splashes. Their blood washed downstream just as the rebel soldier’s had done.

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