The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3] (31 page)

BOOK: The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3]
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Ann'wn observed what was occurring between Sam, Mil'der'in and Uthrn, and saw her Queen laughing. She moved her horse next to The High Queen's and quietly said, “This will be a most amusing eve, my Queen."

The High Queen looked knowingly at Ann'wn while nodding and chuckling quietly, “An understatement, I daresay, Force Leader. But you are indeed a good observer, My Warrior."

Uthrn looked back to The High Queen. Loudly, she asked, “Is all well for us to begin, Most Honored High Queen?"

San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ looked at Sle'nel', “How fare your wounds thus far?"

While she had some pain, she shrugged it off, “Let us begin, my Love."

The High Queen turned to Ann'wn, “The journey is yours, Force Leader."

Ann'wn bowed her head, then nodded to Uthrn, and the journey began.

They left by the west mountain gate as they had done when traveling to the Sacred Isle. Once through the mountain passage, The High Queen and Sle'nel’ placed on their cloaks’ hoods. Sle'nel’ watched Uthrn carefully, seeing the same warrior-like caution she often saw in Ann'wn. Uthrn, for all her desires of Sam, knew well her obligations to The High Queen and the journey. Ann'wn enjoyed her moment of relative freedom, riding alongside her Queen without having to watch over the entire group. For one moment, she halted her horse, waiting for The Healer to catch up to her.

"It is good you come on this journey, Healer."

"Oh? Why is that, Force Leader?"

"The High Queen and our Elfin Princess are not yet fully recovered."

"I think that perhaps I know of this, Ann'wn. Is there perhaps another reason you are glad I come on this journey?” She laughed, “But I am being rude, Force Leader. I also am glad to be on this journey. Have you ever been to the Warriors of the Sword?"

"To Rns'deln', you mean?"

"Well, yes. But, my meaning is, will you be with them this eve?"

Ann'wn smiled with a slight leer, “Would you wish me in someone else's bed, Healer?"

The Healer laughed, but blushed, “You? In my bed? Surely you jest, Force Leader."

Ann'wn saw Uthrn motion to her, “Forgive me, Healer. I must see what our journey leader now needs. Until this eve."

The Healer sighed, fully knowing that her own cravings of this most magnificent woman would forever go unheeded.

Until their arrival at the western gate, Caitha and Sle'nel’ had been speaking of all the things Caitha had been learning while in the Valley. Like all the other journeys, though, no one spoke once through The Gate. With as many as thirty in the group, the traveling was much slower. Uthrn, in deference to The High Queen's injuries, took the horses at no faster than a trot while on solid ground. Unlike their prior journey to the Sacred Isle, they continued to head straight west from The Gate. Sle'nel’ recognized where Ann'wn had them turn slightly north from their westerly direction on their Sacred Isle journey. From this moment, Sle'nel’ saw that they headed through areas she had never prior seen.

The travelers followed the Highlands for half a turn. The Highlands were partially barren, partially wooded, and partially meadow. Sle'nel’ could see the great mountains if she looked behind. On the other three sides, the great Highlands looked as if they ended and dropped off the edge of The Realm in all directions, heather and wild flowers commanding the landscape. As they neared the edge of the Highlands, Uthrn followed a narrow path down. It was a well-sloped trail, but not impossible. Both Uthrn and Ann'wn hated this direction, however, for the lack of protection the path offered. Once upon the downhill path, they were committed to it. If an attack occurred, they would be fully exposed. But Uthrn had chosen the path for its quickness, knowing that her guards had scouted the way prior to their travel. The route around the path would take them another full turn, so Uthrn committed them to the path, knowing that it would be far easier on The High Queen, and knowing that they would reach the Lowlands more quickly, within a short span.

The journey down the path was uneventful except for one Counselor becoming frightened at the steep decline. The High Queen watched in amusement as a Warrior of the Sword jumped from her own horse onto the back of the Counselor's so as to help her negotiate the path and calm her fears. The High Queen always appreciated such moments, knowing that these lessons could only help make her Counselors more understanding of what her duties entailed.

Sle'nel’ had no fear of their travel down the narrow path, trusting completely in Mor'inl's ability and self-confidence. While on the path, she was directly in front of San'lr'in'thel'ineln'. As they had begun their downward journey, Sle'nel’ looked off into the distance, seeing the Great Sea. She also noticed that they would be traveling through dense forest and small hills once they had completed the path. She turned around, with pain in doing so, to take a moment to see her Queen. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ returned her look, smiling slightly through the great hood that encompassed much of her face.

Sle'nel’ thought that they might camp within the forest, but Uthrn kept them moving. They reached the sea by the early eve, with Sle'nel’ being surprised that they hadn't yet halted the turn's journey. As the horses moved onto the sea, Uthrn urged them into a relaxed gallop. The sight of the horses running across the water hadn't yet ceased to amaze Sle'nel'. For all her cycles in Woden, she had never prior thought such a feat as this possible.

As the sun was yet some moments away from appearing to sink into the sea, everyone finally saw Uthrn's island destination, gladdened for the sight. Sle'nel's wounds were raging beyond great pain now, and she was unsure if she could continue much further. She had bent over slightly, holding on to her stomach wound as a sharp pain entered it, moaning at the roughness of it. Like the guard had done with the counselor, Ann'wn leapt from her horse to Sle'nel's so that she could ensure her safety. They approached the island within a few moments, and Uthrn slowed the horses so that they could transition from running on water to moving on solid ground. As Mor'inl’ touched upon the ground, the sharp pain moved even further into Sle'nel's stomach wound, causing her to grasp onto it, moan loudly, and bend forward even further. Ann'wn held on tightly to her so she wouldn't fall off.

"We are almost there, Elfin Princess. Can you endure it for just a moment more?"

Sle'nel’ breathed in deeply, feeling some of the sharp pain ease, “I will be fine. Worry not over me."

The High Queen had removed her hood, knowing that they had reached their eve's destination and knowing that the island would be safe enough. She moved her horse up near Sle'nel's, “Tell Me of your pain."

Taking another breath, but yet feeling the pain, Sle'nel’ responded, “I will be fine. But I think I have ridden long enough for this turn."

"Indeed.” She looked around, “We have arrived, and will rest in just a moment."

When they arrived to the already set-up camp, Mor'inl’ knelt down upon her front legs as gently as she could, sensing her Elf's pain. Ann'wn helped her down, then helped The High Queen to dismount. Shr'dler'in came running up, hitting Ann'wn on her arm, “Don't you warrior women know when to halt? Do you not remember that they were badly wounded? Are you as insensitive as this, Ann'wn?"

Ann'wn just looked surprised, but allowed The Healer's anger, knowing it was just because she cared overly for The High Queen.

The High Queen came up to Sle'nel', “Are your wounds reopened, My Desire?"

"I think not, Highness. It is just a long turn of riding. I will be fine.” But The High Queen could hear the pain in her now quiet voice.

Uthrn bowed her head to The High Queen, “With your leave, Highness, I will show you to your tent. Your Healer can aide the wounds there in privacy. When you are rested and completed from your Healer, your eve meal will be waiting for you."

San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ nodded, “To your will, Uthrn."

Sle'nel’ looked briefly to Ann'wn, “My staff?"

"It will always be close to you, Princess. You may count on this."

They were led to the tent that had been prepared especially for The High Queen. It wasn't overly large, but for such a journey it was spacious enough so that they could stand in it. A soft bed had been prepared for them upon the ground, with many covers to help keep them warm. The Healer made Sle'nel’ to remove her top garments so she could check her wounds.

"How are they, Healer?” The High Queen was also examining the wounds and saw that they were somewhat swollen and inflamed, but only a small amount of bleeding was occurring from her stomach wound.

"You overdo, Princess. Could you not tell that your stomach wound was reopening?"

Sle'nel’ sighed, “It is fine. I just need to rest from riding. Already I feel much improved. And, in truth, we couldn't have halted when I began to feel the pain as we were upon the sea."

The Healer placed her hands upon Sle'nel's head, removing some of her pain. She then applied some potion to all her wounds, and placed a small bandage upon her stomach wound, “You should feel better by the moment of your meal. I will make some special tea for you as well, so that your pains remain away throughout the eve."

She checked The High Queen's wounds, finding them slightly inflamed, her side much more so than her arm. The Healer applied the potion to The High Queen's wounds as well as to her back's older wound, then placed her hands upon The High Queen's head, “Focus, my Queen. Remove your pain."

The Healer then called for The High Queen's attendants. As they helped San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ and Sle'nel’ to redress into their garments, Sle'nel’ looked upon her Queen once more, seeing the woman she had seen in the morn. In all her garments, jewelry and adornments, she looked as the only High Queen that had ever lived.

"Are you ready to face the eve and all its potential amusement, My Desire?"

"Anywhere with you, my Queen.

The legend of The High Queen's great back wound was known throughout The Realm, and the great battle that caused it. In their respect to The High Queen, the Warriors of the Sword had raced to the eve's site so that they could prepare it to The High Queen's need. One of her needs, as they saw it, was a chair with a back so that she may sit comfortably throughout the eve. They had found a large tree trunk on the ground and had chopped at it until they formed a seat that would do, then covered it with many animals’ hides and skins so as to make it suitable and soft. They then had done as such for the Elfin Princess. All the others would sit upon tree stumps, logs, or makeshift seats, including the Counselors. The High Queen looked at the two seats and laughed to herself, thinking them unnecessary. But given her and Sle'nel's wounds, she was grateful for them.

"Thank you for this courtesy, Uthrn and the Warriors of the Sword. While I need no such pampering as this, in our present condition from the wounds, I am most grateful for your consideration. Please know that I will not expect as such every eve of our journey."

The meal was a feast, and as The High Queen and Sle'nel’ sat in their seats eating, one of the Warriors of the Sword entertained them with her stories of former great battles in The Realm. Meera and Caitha, as well as The Healer, had chosen to sit near Sle'nel’ and The High Queen. Caitha had wanted to visit more with Sle'nel', and Meera wanted to remain nearer to her Queen so as to protect her.

The High Queen truly was pleased for the seats that had been made, as well as the fire before them. More comfortable than she thought possible in such a place, she relaxed, watching with great interest the interactions between her sister and Uthrn, as well as between Mil'der'in and one of the other Warriors of the Sword. She guessed that Meera had made it known that she was with Caitha, but even Ann'wn was being approached by some of the Warriors of the Sword. The High Queen laughed lightly to herself, wondering what Ann'wn would do. She knew that the Valley's guards would almost automatically pair-up with those from the Warriors of the Sword, but she also saw that the Counselors and her attendants were also being approached.

Sle'nel’ leaned over to her, speaking softly, “This be quite good entertainment, my Queen."

She laughed softly, shaking her head, “The game just begins. What is amusing is that your former lover and the Counselors know little of what happens to them this eve."

Caitha was also fully amazed, “It is as if there were a mating ritual this eve."

The High Queen laughed lightly, “Indeed, Storyteller. It seems so as it is so. I am surprised that you and your companion have not been approached."

Caitha smiled, placing her hand on Meera's cheek, “Oh, but I was, my Queen. M'Love told them to remain away from me or she would be forced to kill them."

"That would have made them even more desirous of you, I fear."

Meera's eyes opened widely, “Now you tell me of this, my Queen?"

Both The High Queen and Sle'nel’ laughed. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ said, “They will leave you alone now. At least until we get to their village."

"Should you not inform them of the earrings?"

The High Queen nodded, “Find an adornment of matching earrings, such as we have. Each of you should wear one of them, on the opposite ears. It is a symbol that you are within a union and are not to be approached in this regard."

Meera laughed, “Once again, my Queen, now you choose to inform us of this? It wasn't a pretty moment when I had to almost rip them off of my Caitha."

"You yet know not of these women, My Warrior Woman. Observe carefully, and know that your eve will be filled with sounds of their pleasure throughout the long eve. It is why we are now so amused. But we will also be well guarded. They allow this not to interfere with their duties."

"They selected the site well this eve, Highness."

"As they ever do. They guard The High Queen now, Warrior Woman. They wouldn't wish to have Me killed while on their watch. The Realm would never forgive them. I suspect that there are many more Warriors of the Sword than we know, surrounding us. They are known as the most skilled and dedicated warriors in The Realm, and to have The High Queen killed while on their guard would remove that honored label forever."

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