The Random Acts of Cupid (Christian Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: The Random Acts of Cupid (Christian Romance)
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“I guess I should always check with you before leaving, Miss Hutchins. Donovan’s great at scheduling the study sessions but not so good about letting all of us know. We were supposed to have two other people tonight, but he forgot to invite them.”

“I don’t think that’s the first time you’re group has had missing members,” Elise said with a smile. “Don’t be afraid to ask. You can talk about it with the others, but I can also set up a reminder email to let all of you know when your study session is scheduled. That might be easier than depending on someone else for information. And remember to just call me Elise.”

“Okay, thanks. That sounds like a great idea. I’ll let you know.”

Feeling a bit guilty about the interruption, Elise returned to her computer, an apology to Ryan on her lips.

She frowned. “It’s showing that your book was sent several days ago. We should have already received it. You didn’t receive an email notice that it had arrived?”

“No. I didn’t. I guess I should have just gone to the other library and picked it up myself. It’s on campus. I just thought it would save me a trip since I usually come here.”

Then she saw Shelby from Clay’s group study session slide up behind Ryan, as if in line.

“Did you need something, Shelby?” Elise asked, not stopping to think about how rude she may be appearing to Ryan.”

Shelby moved forward shyly and slid a book onto the counter. “This is the book you recommended, Elise. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. You were right, it was a great book. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome! I’m so glad you liked it. I know you’re busy right now, but maybe before Spring break we can talk and I can load you down with some more of my favorites.”

“I’d like that,” Shelby said with a smile.

“Oh, and while you’re here, I should probably remind you that I have your group is on the schedule for tomorrow afternoon at 4:00.”

“Okay, thanks. I’ll see you then.”

Looking back at Ryan, she suddenly realized how rude she’d been. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Jenkins! I wasn’t . . . I don’t normally . . . I . . . I’m sorry!” Elise’s humiliation only got worse as she fumbled for words.

“Don’t worry about it,” Ryan replied with a gentle smile. “No harm done. I’m not in a hurry. But I will be upset if you continue to call me Mr. Jenkins.”

Elise’s mouth curved in a shy smile before ducking her head back down to the computer. About thirty seconds later, she realized she was going to need to make another apology. “I’m sorry, Ryan. I don’t know where your book is. I’m going to need to call the other library to make sure it was sent, and then I’ll have to trace where it got lost. It might have arrived here but gotten misplaced. If you check back with me tomorrow, I’ll have some news for you.” She slid one of her cards across the counter. “If you call me, I might be able to save you the trip of coming in. I’ll be working until 5:00 tomorrow.”

“I’ll probably be in tomorrow anyway,” he said, even as he was taking the card and putting it in his wallet. “I certainly hope it shows up. I really need it for the research I’m doing.”

Elise wanted to ask him what he was researching. That, along with about twenty other questions, waited for her lips to speak and let them loose, but she remained silent. Ryan Jenkins wasn’t looking to start a conversation with her; he was looking for his book. He would think she was way too nosey if she started asking questions. So she kept her mouth shut and just nodded. She’d learned long ago that there was less chance of embarrassment or pain if she was quiet. She liked to observe people, just not interact with them.

“Thanks for your help,” Ryan said, picking up the carrying case that held his laptop. After all, she hadn’t even offered him a reason to stay and talk. “I’ll probably see you tomorrow. Oh, can you check these two books out for me here? Or should I go to the other desk.”

“I can check them out for you,” Elise replied, taking the two books. She saw that both were related to Law topics. As she scanned the codes on the books, she glanced nervously across the room. She should have probably made Ryan check the books out at the circulation desk. Britney would have been the one to assist him. If Britney saw Elise helping Ryan, she might get even more upset.

But thankfully, Britney wasn’t looking her direction. In fact, she was still very conveniently distracted by Oliver. It looked as if he was trying to show Britney something on the computer, but even from across the room, Elise could feel Britney’s frustration and see the angry glares she was sending Oliver’s way.

“Thanks, Elise, I’ll see you tomorrow.” With a smile, Ryan turned and walked to the doors.

Elise sat back down at the computer. What could have happened to that book? She flipped over to her email account. Maybe she’d send a librarian at the other facility a message and see if she could check things out from her end.

As she brought up her email, she saw she had a message from Britney. Elise clicked on it.

I’m sorry I got so upset. I know I shouldn’t depend on you to fix my life. I just have this feeling that Ryan and I are meant to be together, and I don’t know what to do about it.

Elise smiled. Britney had no problem walking across the room to make her request earlier, but she sent an email to apologize. At least it was an apology. Elise would take it. Britney was always quick to get upset, but she was also quick to make things right. That’s probably why they had stayed friends for so long. It also helped that Elise was never one to hold grudges.

Elise sent her email to the other librarian and looked across the room to find Britney. She wanted to let her know in person that all was forgiven. Elise felt her mouth open in shock. Ryan had never made it out the door. Instead, he was talking with Britney near the circulation desk. Having apparently ditched Oliver somewhere, Britney was smiling flirtatiously up at Ryan, every syllable of her body language shouting that she adored him. But Ryan himself was most surprising. He was smiling back at Britney and nodding as if he was enjoying the conversation.

Maybe Elise had been wrong. Maybe the two of them being together wasn’t so far-fetched after all. Maybe Ryan actually
attracted to Britney. Maybe . . . just maybe . . . But should Cupid do something about it?



Chapter 3


“I’m not going to make it tonight, Elise.”

Elise felt the stab of disappointment at Chandra’s words. She’d been looking forward to seeing the show with her friend.

“Joey is sick, and I can’t leave him,” Chandra continued.

“I understand,” Elise replied, trying to instill enough cheer in her voice so that Chandra wouldn’t be able to hear her disappointment over the phone. Chandra’s voice sounded tired and stressed as it was. Elise didn’t want to be adding to her worries. “That’s okay.”

“I’m sure you can get someone else to go with you. What about Brit—”

“You know she hates these things. Remember when I first got the tickets? I asked if she wanted to go with us, and she said she was busy that night washing her hair. And that was before she even knew the date.”

“Well, I’m sure someone else will go with you,” Chandra urged. “Those are really good tickets. You should ask around.”

“Sure. I’ll figure something out,” Elise replied, purposely noncommittal.

“You’re not going to ask around, are you.” It was a statement. Chandra knew her very well.

Elise was silent.

“Come on, Elise. I know you’re an introvert, but that’s no excuse for going to a Broadway show

“I’ll be fine, Chandra. Don’t worry about it.”

Chandra let out an exasperated sigh.

Elise wished she had the guts to ask someone to go with her, but the mere thought of approaching someone about it was just about enough to send her into a panic attack. What if that someone said no? Worse, what if he or she said yes? Then Elise would have the stress of trying to be personable for an entire evening. No, Chandra was safe. If Elise couldn’t go with her friend, then she’d rather not go with anyone at all.

“Oh, gotta go!”

And Chandra hung up before Elise could respond. Joey was probably getting sick again. Poor little guy! Poor Chandra!

Elise was much too busy to waste time worrying about something she couldn’t change. She had to finish work here at the library then get busy with all her plans. It would have been nice to share some of those plans with Chandra, but she couldn’t let that stop her. Too many people depended on her actions in the next 36 hours or so. After all, tomorrow was Valentine’s Day.

Trying to finish the project she was working on, Elise focused on her computer. She had to leave in about 30 minutes and needed to get as much done as possible before then. She’d really jam-packed her schedule this year. She really hoped the timing on everything would work out.

“Excuse me, Miss Hutchins, may I have a word with you?”

Elise startled, but not so much because of the interruption as due to the sharp tone of voice. Her gaze swung to find Ryan Jenkins once again standing at the Reference Desk. Shocked and confused at the anger she found seething in his eyes, Elise jumped up and grasped at the only explanation she could think of.

“I found your book!” she said excitedly, holding the heavy book out to him across the counter.

Ryan didn’t even glance down at the book, but instead kept his intense gaze steady on Elise.

“Can I please have a word with you in private?” he gritted out.

“Of course,” Elise replied, not sure what he had in mind. She looked around nervously. They couldn’t really get more private than they already were. It was a library, and it was only sparsely populated at the moment.

“Can you take a break?” Ryan asked.

“Sure,” Elise replied, understanding that he wanted her to follow him. She always worked more hours than required by contract, and she rarely took breaks. Thinking she’d just take off work a little early, she grabbed her coat and purse and came around the counter. “Just let me tell Sheila.”

At the circulation desk, Sheila flashed Elise a strange look at the announcement that she would be taking off early. Elise smiled, trying to dispel any of her coworker’s concern or curiosity over the fact that this was probably the first time ever Elise had ‘taken off early.’

Elise’s smile fumbled as she met Ryan’s hard gaze again. Why was he mad at her? He hadn’t even taken the book she’d found for him. He’d left it at the Reference Desk. Not that she’d ever admit it to him, but she’d gone to a lot of work to locate it. After being unsuccessful with her emails and phone calls, Elise had personally gone to the other library this morning before reporting for work. Another librarian had assisted Elise in her fruitless search. Finally, they’d discovered that the book had never been sent but had been displaced after being checked off as sent. Almost 45 minutes after setting foot in the building, Elise had left to return to her own library, Ryan’s book securely in hand.

Now it looked like all of her work had been wasted. Not only did he no longer want the book, but he obviously hated her. And she had no idea why. What had changed since yesterday?

Elise followed Ryan out the front doors of the library. Not surprisingly, it was raining outside. Frequent rain was part of life in Seattle. It was the necessary part of keeping the Emerald City green. Instead of walking down the steps into the rain, Ryan moved to the side, staying close to the building under the protection of the elaborate, overhanging roof. The library and its beautiful architecture was one of the landmarks of the campus. Coming out the door of the huge building with its tall arches and looking across the wide brick commons area they called Red Square, always made Elise feel small. Now it just succeeded in making her feel even more intimidated than she already felt.

Ryan turned to face her, pinning her with fierce eyes that, at the moment, looked more green than brown. Elise immediately understood how he could be successful in the field of law. She already felt guilty under his scrutiny, and she had no idea what she’d even done.

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