The Quick and the Hot 2: Slick Rider

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Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Contemporary Western

BOOK: The Quick and the Hot 2: Slick Rider
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The Quick and the Hot 2:



Em Petrova

The Quick and the Hot 2: Slick Rider

Copyright © July 2013 by Em Petrova

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


eISBN 9781623004255

Editor: Kierstin Cherry

Cover Artist: Scott Carpenter

Published in the United States of America


Loose Id LLC

PO Box 809

San Francisco CA 94104-0809


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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To my family. This book might have been written two months ago if not for you. No, just kidding. I heart you all. And special thanks to Grant Arsboro, for talking me (okay, country drawlin’ me!) through the particulars of the injuries spoken about in this story. Thank you!


Thanks to Loose Id staff for bringing more hot cowboys into the world, and always to my BFF Suzanne Rock for the beta read.

Chapter One

The bell for room four pealed for the third time in a quarter of an hour. Lilly Hall whirled around and glared at the light flashing over the door. The normally quiet alarm sounded like a gong in her head.

“Bed four needs something, Lilly. Don’t keep your patient waiting,” her fellow physical therapist assistant Katie said with a grin. Short-staffed as always during late summer. Everyone went on vacation and left the physical therapists to answer call lights.

“He needs something all right.”
A kick in the chaps—bound and gagged
. The insufferable cowboy was driving Lilly’s patience to the brink. If she heard his country drawl one more time, she was going to do something very bad. Like hog-tie him with a resistance band.

Juss Rossie, star of the rodeo circuit, was injured and on her turf. He was everything Lilly had dreamed he’d be—his game was smoother than aged whiskey and every hard inch of his body spoke of the power and control he exerted over the bulls he rode.

Now he was confined to a sling and a splint after taking a fall from Bushwhacker, one of the meanest, ugliest bulls on the Professional Bull Riders Tour. Juss had ridden it for seven seconds before he was flung off laterally, tearing his knee and dislocating his shoulder and popping several ligaments. They’d brought him in gritting his teeth in pain, refusing to take any pain meds. The first thing Lilly had done was help hold him down while a nurse administered a big fat shot to his tanned butt cheek.

Yes, he was wonderfully tanned—all the way to his toes.

And horribly infuriating.

The light over his door kept flashing. Having a long shift with a frustrating patient made Lilly grind her teeth and remind herself why she loved physical therapy. For two more weeks she was stuck with him in this private rehab center. Unfortunately, Juss Rossie had assigned himself to her every waking moment of those two weeks. Money could do that.

If she was being honest with herself, she’d admit she was like a cat in heat for the panty-drenchingly-sexy cowboy. How many times had she watched him on the Jumbotron being jerked all over the place and wished she could mount a man with that much skill?

As a physical therapist’s assistant, she often traveled to the arena with Doctor Paddington, who personally saw to several of the riders. She’d never seen Juss up close and personal before though. She would have remembered those steely biceps, corded forearms, hard chest…and the hat he would have worn dipped low over those smoldering black eyes that went with a blacker reputation.

They called him Slick Rider because he’d started out riding broncos, and it was rumored he liked to ride bareback. Actually, his reputation was that he preferred everything bare.

A tingle ignited between Lilly’s thighs. She contained the urge to squeeze them together. Getting hot and bothered at work was a pitfall of hanging around so much muscled flesh. An almost constant parade of rodeo riders visited this private center.

Lilly hadn’t ever dated a cowboy, but it was on her bucket list. Still, not one of the cowboys who had visited the center had ever lit a spark in her. She’d spent half of last night dreaming about being with Juss—bent over, pinned beneath him, and riding him.

The last image had finally awakened her, and she’d had to finger herself to get relief. Taking control of a powerful man like Juss was a dream she’d never forget. But the reality paled in comparison to her fantasies.

“Lilly,” Katie warned when Lilly continued to ignore the flashing light.

“Jeez— All right!” She burst through the door of room four.

He lay there like a tanned god. Long, sooty lashes framed gorgeous chocolate-colored eyes that melted every woman in his vicinity. He always wore a goatee, but since coming here he’d trimmed it extrashort. Probably because he’d injured the shoulder of his dominant hand—his left—and was forced to use his right.

Her heart squeezed at the sight of his lazy smile. “Glad to know my money is employing the most attentive staff available,” he drawled.

Insufferable man. Fucking gorgeous, yes. But insufferable.

A crease lived between his dark brows, and his mouth was drawn.

But those eyes—there’s something deeper there than he lets on.

She leaned against the door and stared at him. “How’s your pain level on a scale of one to ten, according to that chart?” She gestured toward a mint-green paper taped to the wall, sporting ten faces in various stages of distress.

“Ten,” he said, his eyes unwavering.

“Is that so? I’m sorry to hear it. One would think a big strong cowboy who gets hurled off the backs of two-thousand-pound beasts could handle a little postsurgical pain. Ah, no matter.” She came forward, withdrawing a pen from her pocket but concealing it in her palm.

He waved her away. “Get out of here with that syringe. Damn, girl, you’re a wildcat.”

“Let me show you my claws.” She grinned and uncapped the pen with her teeth.

Realization sparked in his eyes. He leveled his gaze at her. “You gonna try to pump me full of ink for my pain? Try it and you’ll be sorry, Whiskey.”

She jerked to a stop. Confusion settled in her mind, but warmth tightened her belly. He had a nickname for her? “What did you call me?”

His gaze flickered over her hair. She raised a hand to her hair, putting two and two together. “Oh my whiskey-haired gal and all that. Why, Juss, you
a genuine cowboy.” She drawled “genuine” like “gen-u-EYEN,” and couldn’t stop the smile from spreading over her face. Her hair was mud brown in comparison to her sister’s golden blonde. But Juss made it seem as if her hair color was a good feature.

He scowled and tried to fold his arms. The dislocated shoulder shot pain through him, and he growled a curse. “Damn shoulder! Can’t even move the way a man should.”

Lilly moved toward him, his frustration a beacon to her need to comfort. But moving closer meant coming face-to-face with his unadulterated maleness. He refused to wear a shirt, and the ridges of his abs were on display for every Buckle Bunny who came to visit—and so far there had been at least a dozen. She had shooed them all away, telling them not to come back because Juss needed rest to heal.

As Lilly stared at the handsome Slick Rider, she felt her temperature rise a degree. What would he do if she crawled over his bed, careful not to jar his injured parts, and straddled him? Would she be able to wipe that ornery look off his face and replace it with the smile she longed for?

“What’s on the agenda today, Physical Therapy Assistant Hall? Torque my shoulder and overextend my knee?”

Laughter bubbled up her throat. She pocketed her pen and came forward to help him out of bed and into the wheelchair. “Every exercise we perform is to help you make a full recovery.”

“Exercise?” He squinted, creating perfect creases around each smoldering eye.

She reached to the small table beside his bed and grabbed a roll of kinesiology tape that would keep his wound dry. He was wearing loose shorts, and his hurt knee was propped on a wedge pillow. Earlier that morning she’d removed his splint to give his leg a break.

She pulled off a length of tape and wrapped it around his knee, taking care not to hurt the small incisions from the laparoscopic surgery they’d performed to fix a ligament tear.

Thank goodness he only has a few small incisions. It means he can be ridden properly.

She bit her lip at the errant thought. She needed to stop thinking about him so much and in this way. He was a devil, urging women to sin. Even boring girls like her who were no longer nineteen and didn’t sport fake breasts.

At least Buckle Bunnies have the nerve to go after what they want.

“What’s the matter, Whiskey?”

Lord, was he going to start calling her that? A shiver traced her spine. She bent over his knee again.

As a country girl, she’d watched her share of rodeos and drooled over her share of cowboys. She’d always envied the women who went after those guys. She’d never have the guts to even try to catch the eye of someone like Juss Rossie. Just once in her life she’d like to grow a pair of girl-nads and take what she wanted.


She folded the tape snugly around his knee and set aside the supplies. Then she slipped an arm around his waist and tugged him toward the wheelchair. Using his good arm, he helped her transfer his weight to the seat.

His heat along with his clean, soapy scent pushed her body into overdrive. Her pussy squeezed hard, and juices flowed into her lace panties. Under her scrub top, her nipples were two aching pearls begging to be rolled between thumb and forefinger.

Easy. Down, girl.

Once she had Juss situated in the chair, she circled around behind him. Pushing him out of the room meant going past Katie and several other assistants. As she wheeled the famous cowboy past the desk, every mascaraed eye raked over the hunk.

“We’ll be in the pool if anyone needs us,” Lilly sang while pushing him by. At this time of day, the pool would be empty, and part of her was glad. She spent a lot of one-on-one time with her patients but wanted to spend more with this one in particular.

“The pool, huh?” Juss asked when they exited the double doors.

“Yes. Hope you’re up for a swim.”

She’d had Juss in the pool once before, and her senses were still reeling from seeing his shorts conformed to his hard hips and outlining his groin. But he’d also been surly as hell and still hopped-up on post-op pain meds.

Not that he was much more agreeable now. Was he?

They reached a big door, and she pushed a silver button on the wall. The door swung open, and she wheeled him in. The scent of chlorine filled her nose. The low lighting of the space gave the small pool a spa feel. The pool itself was only waist-deep and the size of a double bed, heated to a blissful eighty degrees.

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