The Pussy Trap (2 page)

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Authors: Ne Ne Capri

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: The Pussy Trap
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Raheem stared in space for a minute then took a pull on his blunt.


“Yeah, I’m down. But make sure it’s for principle and not for greed. Because greed is a bitch,” he said.


Raheem thought he and Sadeek had done some cruddy shit, but was he ready to help him take Malik out? Shit, for the last couple of weeks he was trying to come up with a plan to get the fuck out. Now this nigga was talking about going to war and taking over. This was some shit he would have to talk over with his main man, Nine.


After his talk with Raheem, Sadeek put his plan in motion, which would call for a trip to Detroit. That was how he was going to get his come up and his revenge.






Keisha was walking through Short Hills Mall with her aunt Pat bringing her up to speed on the other night when she had to check Sadeek’s ass. Pat was only ten years older than her and had raised her due to her mom dealing with an addiction.


“Hell yeah I threw that shit on that nigga and told him to get the fuck out,” Keisha bragged.


“Bitch, you lucky he ain’t slap your ass down,” Pat joked.


“I’ll tell you like I told him, he ain’t that crazy,” Keisha said as they dipped into Saks Fifth Avenue and headed right for the makeup counter.


“So how many days are you going to let pass before you let him back this time?” Aunt Pat asked. She leaned in to the mirror trying on some mascara.


“Fuck him. I’m done. I hate to see that nigga coming; his very touch makes my fucking skin crawl,” Keisha said with apparent anger in her voice.


“Yeah right, bitch. You say that shit all the time then that nigga be right back in there.” Pat took the time to point out.


“Don’t judge me. I got to do what I got to do. The only reason I still fuck’s with that nigga Sadeek is because it’s good for business.” Keisha applied blush to her cheeks.


“How is fucking Sadeek’s boss good for business? That shit is dangerous.”


Keisha stopped dead in her tracks and looked at her aunt. “Look, I don’t get in your business, so do both of us a favor and don’t get in mine.” Keisha started to walk away, but Pat grabbed her by the arm.


“Hold up, Key. Look, I love you. That’s the only reason why I’m saying something.”


Keisha stopped but didn’t turn around. She took a deep breath and thought about her aunt’s words. “I know. I’m caught up, Auntie.” She paused. “I’m in love with a man I can’t have. And I hate the one that I’m with.” A tear ran down her face. She turned and grabbed a tissue from the counter and patted her cheek.


“Regardless of what I say, I know that Malik loves you and he got your back. Just be careful, Key. Sadeek ain’t stupid . . . and he’s crazy. That is a dangerous cocktail. I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Pat said as she hugged her niece.


“Thanks Auntie. I’m working on it.” She hugged her back.


“A’ight bitch, let’s go ‘cause I got to put a dent in this nigga’s bank roll. Fuck what you heard, this is going to be the most expensive piece of pussy that nigga ever had,” Pat said, trying to lighten the mood as she let go of Keisha.


“You so crazy.” Keisha laughed. As they headed to the designer purses, her Aunt Pat’s words rang out in her head “be careful.” Keisha had been feeling the danger of messing with both Sadeek and Malik for the past week and praying that all the shit she had been doing didn’t blow up in her face.






Chapter 2

Making a Deal



Sadeek walked out the airport with his carry-on bag, looked around, jumped on a shuttle bus and headed to Enterprise. Within twenty minutes, he arrived at the Days Inn motel at the Metro airport in Detroit; he figured he could kill two birds with one stone by making this trip for both business and pleasure so he arranged to have Kim already there when he arrived. Kim, a bitch he’d met the last time he and Malik were there was already waiting for him in his room. Since his meeting was set for 8 p.m. with the headman, who was Malik’s connect, Sadeek figured until then, he could get his dick sucked and lay in some warm pussy. A few minutes after he walked into his room, Kim was riding the hell out of him. Once he busted his first nut, he turned over onto his stomach and prepared to doze off. “In an hour, order something to eat and then wake me up,” Sadeek told Kim.


“No problem. Shit, you hooked me up. I’ll just return the favor.” She smiled. Turning on the television, she flicked the channels until she found something to watch and eventually dozed off.


By seven p.m. Sadeek had eaten the Chinese food Kim had ordered and put on his clothes, boots, and jewels. He looked in the mirror and then walked over to Kim. “Are you going to be here when I get back?”


“Hell yeah. I need to get thanked for that meal.” She flashed a pretty smile.


Kim was definitely a dime. At 5’6”, 130 pounds, legs thick, and a shapely small waist accented with a flat toned stomach. Her 36C breasts looked ever so suckable. Her toned arms led to small manicured hands that just a few hours ago were wrapped nicely around Sadeek’s dick. She wore her shoulder length hair in a bun with a Chinese bang, accenting her pretty pear diamond shaped eyes that seemed to glisten with every blink. And oh yes, that smile.


Sadeek smiled, grabbed her by the waist, and kissed her lips. He patted her on the butt. “I’ll see you later,” he said then headed out the door.


It was a forty-five minute drive to Dread’s estate. When he got there he was greeted by Scarie, the go between guy. Scarie set up all the meetings with the connects and that included more than fifteen states and two overseas spots. Of course, he was running the weed distribution in Jamaica. Dread had shit on lock and with the help of Sadeek’s greed; Scarie was getting ready to loosen some of Dread’s grip. Sadeek had only met both of them in person one time, but had been gaining notice by Scarie because of his heart and fearlessness, along with the rumor of his dissatisfaction with Malik. It would be just what he needed to set a plan of his own in action.


Sadeek pulled up to the gate and he could not believe his eyes. The house looked like the fucking president lived there. Big willow trees and manicured lawns with ground keepers scurrying around to keep shit in order. The house had a modern castle look to it.


Scarie waved him through the gate then it slammed closed behind him. He followed him to the house then was appointed a parking spot. Sadeek parked, got out, and shook hands with his soon to be partner. They stood trying to have a conversation when three Cadillac golf carts drove toward them. One was driven by Dread, and the other two by his bodyguards carrying AK47s. Dread was an older Jamaican dude who grew up in London then settled in Toronto, Canada. Lots of those Jamaican cats would come and run shit in Detroit. Dread stepped out of the cart and looked Sadeek up and down like: What the fuck is he doing here? He walked right past him and his bodyguards followed suit.


Sadeek looked at Scarie then whispered, “What’s up with that?”


“Don’t worry, it’s all good. Did you bring the money?” Scarie tried to comfort him.


“Yeah. It’s all here,” Sadeek said, still leery of the interaction he had just had with the top man.


“Come on,” Scarie said, walking toward the steps. Sadeek reluctantly followed.


They entered the house and the shiny floors and huge statues of half and fully naked women amazed Sadeek. Exotic plants and paintings adorned the wall. They walked down a long hallway and entered an office on the first floor. Dread was seated comfortably behind his huge mahogany desk. He reached inside a small wooden box, took a fat spliff, and lit it up. Then he inhaled and blew a big cloud of smoke toward Sadeek. Scarie whispered in Dread’s ear. Dread broke the silence with his thick Jamaican accent.


“What the fuck you come by me, pussy boi. Me nah know you?” The statement threw Sadeek totally off.


Sadeek squinted, and his eyebrows wrinkled. “I met you one time. I came to Detroit with Malik before,” Sadeek managed to get out in a low voice.


“What’s dat you carry der, boi?”


“It’s the money I am offering you to start our new business venture.” Small beads of sweat formed on Sadeek’s brow. Dread looked as if his next move was going to be giving the order to rob and kill this nigga. One eyebrow was raised and the other rested over a squinted eye.


“You got balls bona coming wit’ dis amount of money. You trying to bring trouble ’pon me?”


“Nah. I’m just ready to come up. I figure I can help you and you can help me,” Sadeek said, obviously getting upset at how the whole thing was going down. He bit his bottom lip and tapped the side of his leg.


“You have no seniority to come here. Take this bumbaras from fronta me!” Dread slammed his hand on the desk, staring Sadeek dead in his eyes.


“Look Dread, I’m hungry. I’m ready to take this shit to the next level!” Sadeek made one last plea.


“How you gon’ come to me house speakin’ all freestyle? Me nah know you, pussy clot. Get the fuck outta here for me dead you!” With that statement, Dread’s bodyguards moved toward him.


Sadeek backed up. Scarie quickly grabbed Sadeek by the arm. “I’ll see him out.”


When they got to the car, he said to Sadeek, “Look, go to the hotel. I will be there in about an hour.”


“What the fuck is going on? I thought you said he would be ready to do business?” Sadeek asked.


“Look, go to the room. It’s a change of plans. I’ll talk to you when I get there,” Scarie reassured him.


Sadeek turned his head, looking down and rubbing his hands together. He looked up at Scarie as his nostrils flared. No the fuck you didn’t get me all the way out here for this shit.


Scarie picked right up on the thought and said, “Trust me. Let me defuse this shit and I’ll meet you in an hour.”


Sadeek jumped in his ride and headed back to the hotel. Who the fuck do that Dread nigga think he fucking with? Yeah, I got his pussy clot all right.


When Scarie returned to Dread’s office, all he got was dirty looks. “What the fuck, boi? You getting weak? Must be all that coke you put up your nose,” Dread growled.


With hatred in his eyes, Scarie glared at him. “He is Malik’s boi. He is just trying to do a little something on the side so I thought . . .”


Dread cut him off. “You thought. You thought what? That I would want a stranger standing in mi fuckin’ house. Oh, then you thought that I would do business with a nigga mi don’t know? The main ting I have always taught you, boi, is loyalty. Mi about loyalty. Mi a deal with Malik. Mi don’t know that other muthafucka. Don’t bring him near me again. Him have a look of a vampire, and him won’t quench his thirst here.”


Dread sucked his teeth. “You’re dismissed.”


Scarie left the office feeling like a five-year-old. But he would be feeling like a grown ass man by the end of the night.











Back at the hotel…

Sadeek pulled into the hotel parking lot still mad as hell. He had a taste for blood and didn’t give a fuck whose blood it was. When he got to the room, he was greeted by the lovely he had left there, butt-naked and horny. As soon as he closed the door, she went to her knees, pulled out his dick and looked at him with a sneaky grin.


“I was waiting for him.” She said referring to his dick.


“Damn shorty, you going to make me take you home with me,” he said, rubbing the top of her head. Stopping to get a handful of hair to hold his balance.


“Don’t talk, just listen,” she said, taking him into her mouth. Kim began licking and sucking all over the head and then forced him to the back of her throat. Slurping and slobbing all over his dick. Sadeek’s knees buckled.


“Oh shit . . . hold up, baby . . .”


“Mmmmm . . .” She continued to bring on his intense orgasm.


After ten more minutes, all she heard was “Aaaahhhh . . . Oh my god!” He pulled her hair tighter and released in her mouth. She sucked him until the last drop was gone. Easing him out her mouth, she ran her tongue down his shaft and sucked lightly on his balls. Electrical shocks shot up and down his spine.


“Shit . . . you trying to fuck with a nigga’s emotions.”

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