The Proposition (21 page)

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Authors: Katie Ashley

Tags: #friends to lovers friends with benefits coworker relationships babies

BOOK: The Proposition
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“I have company.”

Aidan’s arms tensed around her. He jerked his
head back to stare at her with a puzzled expression. “You have a
guy with you?”

She nodded. “A very handsome one, too.”

His jaw tensed. “But you just said…you just
agreed to having more with

She bit her lip to keep from grinning at his
outrage. “I know. But he was here before I knew how you felt. And I
have to admit, there’s just something about this guy I can’t

Without another word, he slung out of her
embrace and barreled in the doorway. “Wait, Aidan, I’m—”

He ignored her and busted through the foyer.
Hot on his heels, she tried to catch him before he started yelling
and screaming for the imaginary guy to get the hell out of there,
least of all before he woke up Mason. She watched as he skidded to
a stop and froze in front of the Pack N Play where Mason slept.

He whirled around. “
. You mean I
just got all worked up over a baby?”

She giggled. “Yes.”

Aidan exhaled in a wheeze, and he bent over
to rest his elbows on his knees. “I can’t believe you just did that
to me! I was expecting to have to throw some dude out of here.”

“Oh, just what every girl wants—a possessive,
raging Knight in Shining Armor.”

He scowled at her and swept one of his hands
to his chest. “No, shit, I think I’m having a heart attack or

Emma walked over to him and pressed her hand
over his heart. “Aw, poor baby, want me to kiss it and make it

He poked out his bottom lip and gave her a
puppy-dog face until she leaned in and kissed his heart over his
shirt. “Thank you.” He cast a glance over his shoulder at Mason.
“So what exactly is he doing here?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and
pressed against him. “What can I say? I have a thing for the men of
the Fitzgerald family.”

The corners of Aidan’s lips turned up in a
slight smirk at her statement. “Is that right?”

“That and Megan’s overwhelmed with exams
right now, so I offered to keep him to let her get some
uninterrupted work done. Plus it’s good practice for me.”

“Wait, so he’s spending the night?”

“Yep.” She leaned up to teasingly nip his
lips with her tongue. “But he’s sleeping in the Pack N Play, and
you get to be in the bed. With me.”

“Hmm, I like that scenario.” He kissed her
hungrily while guiding her back towards the couch.

“Whoa, wait a minute. I didn’t mean for us to
get started now,” she murmured against his lips.

“When is there a better time?”

Emma let him push her down onto the cushions.
“We really should wait until Mason goes down for the night. He’s
going to need a bottle and a bath.”

“He’s fine.” He eased himself on top of her,
still careful not to bear too much weight on her. While one hand
delved under her tank top, the other went for the waistband of her
pajama bottoms and then stopped. “Damn, are these Scooby Doo?”

She giggled. “I wasn’t expecting company, and
I have a slight obsession from growing up with the old

“They almost killed my hard-on.”

She slid her hand between them and then
quirked her eyebrows. “Seems fine to me.”

“Hmm, keep doing that, and I think it’ll be
more than fine.”

She kept rubbing him through his pants while
he licked a hot trail down her neck to her breastbone. As he
lowered the straps on her tank top to bare her breasts, a shriek
came from the other side of the room. For a minute it didn’t
register with her, but then Mason started wailing loudly. She
immediately broke their kiss and jerked her hand off his cock.
“Stop…baby,” she panted.

“No, it feels so good,” he murmured against
her collarbone.

Emma rolled her eyes and smacked his chest.
“Aidan, are you deaf? Mason’s crying.”

“Oh shit.” With an agonized groan, Aidan
pulled away from her. She slid out from under him and hurried over
to the Pack N Play. Mason held his arms out to her as giant tears
slid down his cheeks. “Aw, shh, it’s okay, sweet boy,” she said,
scooping him up. His cries quieted a little when he was in her
arms. “What’s the matter angel? Are you hungry?”

Emma kissed Mason’s cheek and rubbed wide
circles over his back while he grinned at Aidan over her

“What a little cock-blocker,” Aidan

Emma gasped and whirled around. “What did you
just call him?”

“A cock-blocker, which is exactly what he is
at the moment.”

Mason screeched a cry, and Emma hugged him
tighter. “Don’t listen to Uncle Aidan, sweetheart. He didn’t mean

Aidan motioned to Mason. “Look at him. He’s
perfectly fine as long as you’re holding him.”

She shook her head. “You’re a complete and
total asshole.”

“You shouldn’t cuss in front of the baby,” he
chided with a grin.

Emma widened her eyes. With a huff, she
walked over to Aidan. “It’s almost time for him to eat. Hold him
while I go fix his bottle.”

Surprisingly Aidan didn’t protest when Emma
thrust Mason into his arms. Mason immediately stopped snubbing and
stared wide-eyed at Aidan. “Yeah, that’s right. You’re stuck with
me now, and I don’t have a nice rack for you to snuggle up to.”

Emma smacked his arm. “Don’t you dare talk to
him like that! He’s only a baby! Breasts are just food to him,

“Damn, Em, when did you get so violent?” he

Mason gave Aidan a toothless grin when Emma
stomped off. Aidan chuckled. “I guess she’s right, huh? But one day
you’ll understand what it’s like to be left at half-mast by some

“I heard that!” she called to him as she
slammed the refrigerator door. After heating the formula, she
returned to the living room just as Mason started to get fussy
again. Aidan started to hand him back to her, but she shook her
head. “Can you give it to him while I go run his bath?”

He gave her a playful smirk. “And if I
refused, does that mean I wouldn’t have any chance of getting back
in your Scooby Doo pajamas tonight?”

“I would say the odds would be slim to

Aidan took the bottle from her. “Guess it
wouldn’t hurt for me to feed him. It’s been awhile since one of my
sister’s forced me to do this, so I’m a little rusty. But you’re on
your own for the diaper changing.”

Emma swept her hands to her hips. “So let me
get this straight. You’re basically only feeding Mason not to help
me out, but to ensure you’ll get laid tonight?”

“I consider it a win-win situation for both
of us.” He gazed down at Mason who was sucking his bottle down.
“And for him, too.”

“Just when I think you’ve moved past being a
sex-crazed asshole, you act like this.”

Aidan cocked his eyebrows. “All my married
friends have warned me about how bad your sex life takes a dive
after you have kids. I guess you’re giving me an early warning,

“You’re impossible!” She stalked off to her
bedroom. After slipping inside the bathroom, she turned on the
faucet and tested the temperature. Once it had filled up enough,
she turned off the water and headed back into the living room. With
Mason in the crook of one arm, Aidan flipped channels on the remote
with the other.

“Did you burp him?”

He glanced away from the TV. “Huh?”

She rolled her eyes and took the empty bottle
from Aidan. “I’m gathering that you never had much to do with your
nephews and nieces when they were babies?”

“Not a whole lot. Why?”

“Because once you give a baby a bottle, you
have to burp them, or the gas will cause them pain.”

“Fine, I’ll burp him.” Aidan brought Mason to
his chest and swatted his back.

“A little harder,” Emma instructed.

After Aidan gave two quick pats, Mason burped
loudly and then promptly spit-up all over his shoulder. “Jesus
Christ!” Aidan cried, staring down in horror at his shirt.

“Oh, calm down. It’s just a little

“This is a hundred dollar shirt, Em.”

“You act like he did it on purpose.” She
handed him the box of wet wipes from the table and then picked
Mason up. “While I’m giving him his bath, would you do me a favor
and put the Pack N Play in my bedroom?”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Thank you.”

As she went down the hall, she heard Aidan
grumbling to himself as he washed off his shirt. Once she got Mason
bathed and into his pajamas, his eyes were heavy. Peeking out the
bathroom door, she saw the Pack N Play set up and realized Aidan
had done what she asked. That redeemed him a little in her eyes.
She rocked Mason for a few minutes in the glider until she knew he
was sound asleep.

When she started out of the bedroom, she
thought about Aidan’s sarcastic comment about babies and sex. She
was still irritated with him for being selfish, but she didn’t want
to turn him totally off the idea of marriage and children when
things were going so well between them. Raging a war within
herself, she finally let the devil on her shoulder win out, rather
than the angel. After all, she loved being right, and she was going
to prove Aidan wrong if it was the last thing she did.

She tiptoed over to her dresser and opened
the bottom drawer. Buried at the bottom under bras and panties was
a black corset with spaghetti straps and garters that Casey made
her buy for baby-making. She hadn’t ended up needing it. With its
frilly black panties, it was definitely the most daring piece of
lingerie she owned. Fortunately, she could get away with leaving
the last few snaps unbuttoned for her expanding belly.

“Yep, this will do the trick,” she whispered.
Grabbing it, she hurried into the bathroom and changed. When she
eyed herself in the mirror, she didn’t look like an expectant
mother sporting a tiny baby bump. She looked like a full-fledged

She padded down the hall. When she got into
the kitchen, she could hear the high energy voice of a sports
reporter echoing through the living room.

“Mason’s asleep,” she announced.

“He didn’t give you much trouble?” Aidan
asked, never taking his eyes off the television.

“No, he went to sleep like an angel.”

“That’s good.”

“Want a beer?”

“Yeah. That’d be nice.”

She got one out the fridge and walked slowly
over to the couch. He didn’t even look her way when she handed it
to him. He popped the top and took a swig.

“What are you watching?”

“The Braves game.”

“You wanna play a game instead?” she asked

He took another sip of beer before turning to
look at her. As his gaze swept over her body, he spewed the liquid
out of his mouth. “Jesus, Em, what the hell are you wearing?”

She glanced down at her ensemble like it was
the most normal thing she owned. “Just a surprise for you. Don’t
you like it?”

“Oh I like it.” Aidan licked his lips, his
eyes lingering on the cleavage spilling out of the bustier. “It’s
just I thought after I had acted like such a freaking prick, I was
striking out in the sex department tonight.”

“Well, I should give you a good spanking for
being so bad earlier.”

Aidan laughed. “I think I might enjoy

With a suggestive smile, she rose off of the
couch. Aidan’s gaze widened at the sight of her garters and lacy
thigh highs. She took a pillow off the couch and dropped it on the
floor. Bending over him, her fingers went to the button of his
pants. “I wanted to finish what we started earlier before we got
interrupted, if that’s okay.”

“That’s fine with me.”

She slid his zipper down, and Aidan lifted
his hips to allow her to pull his pants off. His erection strained
against his underwear. Kneeling between his legs on the pillow, she
ran her hands up and down the inside of his thighs, her fingernails
scraping against his sensitive skin. “Please, Em,” Aidan

Emma smiled sweetly at him as she pulled down
the waistband of his underwear and freed his erection. Taking him
in one hand, she licked a slow trail from root to tip. Her tongue
flicked and swirled around the head. She suctioned just the head in
her mouth and then released it. Aidan groaned. “Babe, don’t tease
me. It’s been too long.”

She continued her slow assault on him,
feeling him grow larger with her ministrations. She blew air on his
glistening tip, which caused a low growl from Aidan. When he
started to protest again, she slid him into her mouth. Aidan gasped
and bucked his hips, causing her to take him deeper. She slid him
in and out, sucking hard on the rim of his head, while gripping him
with her hand. Each time she did, he moaned in pleasure. “Oh Em, oh
fuck!” She sped up the pace as his fingers tangled into her hair.
“I’m going to come if you don’t stop,” he warned.

But she wanted all of him so she just kept
working her mouth over his cock, taking him deeper and deeper each
time along with suctioning more pressure around him. Finally, he
cried out, lifting his hips and bathing the inside of her mouth
with him. She licked and sucked until he was dry, and when she
gazed up at him, his eyes burned down on her. “God, that was

“I’m glad you liked it.”

He bent over and pulled her onto his lap.
Emma felt herself grow wetter as she straddled him. Aidan’s hands
found their way to her breasts, lifting them out of her bustier. As
he cupped them, he glanced up at her with a smirk. “I think I get
the meaning of your little game now.”

“My game?” she asked innocently.

He nodded. “You wanted to prove to me that
you can have a baby and still have a hot sex life.”

She arched her eyebrows. “Oh, do you think
that what I just did was really that hot?”

Aidan rolled her nipples between his fingers,
causing them to harden. “You wearing something this sexy and then
sucking me off? Hell yes, that’s incredibly hot.”

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