The Proposition (15 page)

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Authors: Katie Ashley

Tags: #friends to lovers friends with benefits coworker relationships babies

BOOK: The Proposition
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“That’s because you
to give into
me. Admit it. I’ve softened you towards sex.”

His eyes narrowed. “Are you trying to say I’m
a pussy in the bedroom now?”

“Of course not, silly. I just meant I’ve had
an effect on the way you think and act about sex, just like you’ve
changed me. You’re tender, sweet, and thoughtful instead of just
being about your own pleasure. Future women will thank me.”

Aidan didn’t reply. Instead, he tossed her
unceremoniously onto her back on the bed. She gasped in shock at
his roughness. “Why Mr. Fitzgerald, how ungentlemanly of you,” she

He gave a sharp shake of his head. “Your
little episode in the kitchen has made me wait long enough to fuck,
Ms. Harrison. You can consider yourself forewarned that there will
be no more Mr. Nice Guy!”

She would have been lying if his words
coupled with the gleam of desire burning in his eyes didn’t turn
her on. He shoved her knees apart with his hands, widening her
legs. His expression turned predatorily dark as he positioned
himself over her. With one harsh thrust, he drove himself inside
her. Impaled by him, she shuddered at his forcefulness. He smirked
down at her. “Looks like your body is betraying that prim attitude
of yours. Guess I’ve had an effect on you as well.”

“I’m not the one denying it. You are,” she

He continued pounding into her, the smacking
of their skin echoing through the room along with Aidan’s almost
animalistic grunts. She knew he was screwing her like this to prove
a point to himself, and she wanted nothing more to prove to him he
had changed.

So she brought her hands to his face, drawing
his lips to hers. He momentarily stilled his thrusting when she
darted her tongue into his mouth, sweetly stroking his tongue with
hers. She swept her hands through his hair, tugging at the strands
at the base of his neck. He groaned low in his throat.

Emma’s hands feathered down Aidan’s back.
Instead of raking her fingernails into his flesh, she swept
deliciously slow circles over his ass. Now it was his turn to
shudder. She cupped his buttocks, pressing him further inside her,
while raising her hips. “Slow and sweet now, please?” she

His eyes flew open, and a smile curved on his
lips. “When you ask that way, how can I say no?”


With one round complete along with keeping
her promise of oral attention, Emma woke up snuggled into the crook
of Aidan’s arm. Pressing her ear against his chest, she listened to
the gentle hum of his heartbeat. She had almost gone back to sleep
when Aidan’s voice roused her.

“Are you awake?”

“Mmm-hmm,” she murmured.

“There’s something I need to tell you, and I
really need for you to be fully awake for this one, Em.”

His words doused her with the same effect as
a cup of coffee. She rose up to peer at his troubled expression.
“Why do I have the feeling you’re about to drop a major bomb on

Aidan exhaled a ragged breath. “Because of my
new promotion, I have to go to India to help start the new office
branch over there.”

Inwardly, relief washed over Emma. A million
devastating scenarios had raced through her mind. Most of them
involved him no longer wanting to see her or be a part of
baby-making. “How long will you be gone?”

“This is the part you’re not going to
like…two weeks to a month.”

Emma gasped. “But that means you might not be
here next time to…” She ducked her head. “Well, you know.”

Aidan rubbed his thumb across her cheek. “But
I might be. I just don’t know how long it’ll take.”

She nodded. “It’s okay. I understand.”

“You do?”

“It’s not like you’re just choosing to go on
vacation or something. It’s work—you have to do it. I do realize
you have a life besides me and my baby-making scheme.” She smiled.
“Besides, it’s not like I can keep you chained to the bed for my
own needs.”

His chest vibrated with laughter beneath her.
“Oh, Em, I didn’t know you could be so kinky.” Propping up on his
elbows, he grinned down at her. “Anytime you want to handcuff me to
the bed, you just let me know. I’ll happily oblige you.”

Emma pulled herself up to straddle him. “I
think we’re doing fine just like we are.”

His fingertips feathered over her thighs.
“Now why doesn’t your reply surprise me? If you find kitchen
counters offensive for conceiving, I’m sure any notion of bondage
is out.”

“You told me before you didn’t go in for all

“That’s true. But for you, I’d make an

Rolling her eyes, Emma leaned over, licking
her tongue up his neck and along his jaw. When she was almost to
his mouth, she pulled back. “Do you think you could oblige me in
another round?”

Aidan grinned. “Why of course.”

At that moment, Beau leapt onto the bed with
Emma’s underwear between his teeth. “Beau! No, give me those!” she
shrieked, grabbing for his mouth. Once she swiped the panties from
him, his wet nose nudged against Emma’s thigh, trying to push her
off Aidan’s lap.

“Beau, you old cockblocker! Get down!” Aidan

Emma fell over on the bed giggling. Between
Aidan’s comment and Beau’s antics, she could barely catch her
breath. Beau began licking her face, and she had to push him away.
“No, boy, stop,” she gasped.

“Get down!” Aidan cried, trying to grab
Beau’s collar.

When Beau was successfully off the bed, Emma
turned to Aidan. “What’s going to happen to him while you’re

Aidan shrugged. “Even though he hates staying
overnight, I guess I’ll board him at his Doggy Daycare.”

Emma glanced over the side of the bed at
Beau. He proceeded to give her the saddest hound dog face he could
muster. “Aw, poor baby.” She turned to Aidan and smiled. “I could
keep him for you.”

Aidan grunted. “What the hell would possess
you to want to do that?”

“Because I love him, and I hate to think of
him being unhappy for two to four weeks.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

Emma nodded. “Don’t you trust me with your

He laughed. “Of course I do. And if you
really want to put up with his smelly ass for two to four weeks,
he’s yours.”

She peered over the side of the bed again.
“Did you hear that boy? You’re going to come and stay with me while
Daddy goes to India.”

Beau thumped his tail appreciatively while
Aidan snickered. “I can’t believe you just called me Beau’s

She gave him a wicked grin as she trailed her
fingers up his thigh and then took his slackened cock in her hand.
“Would you rather me call you Big Daddy?”

He licked his lips in anticipation. “Oh yeah,
that’s good.”

“Which part? Me stroking you like this or
calling you Big Daddy?” she teased.

“Mmm, both,” he replied.

Once she had worked him to full mast, she
guided him to her already wet core. Emma grinned at Aidan. “Okay
then, Big Daddy, let’s try once more to make a baby.”


Emma gnawed on her already frayed nails.
Sitting on the bathroom countertop, her legs swung back and forth.
Her whole body hummed with nervous energy. She drew in a frantic
breath, trying to calm her out of control emotions, but nothing
short of a margarita the size of a fishbowl would help at the

She cut her gaze over where Casey lounged on
the settee, eyeing three different pregnancy test sticks. “How long
has it been?” Emma squeaked.

Casey groaned. “About five fucking seconds
since the last time you asked! Jesus, Em, you’re going to give me a

“I’m sorry. It feels like an eternity since I
peed on those freakin’ sticks. I’m losing my mind.”

Someone started in the bathroom, and Casey
leapt up, bracing herself against the door. “Sorry, it’s out of
order. Try the one down the hall.”

The person grumbled, but then backed off.
Emma widened her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re bogarting the
bathroom for my pregnancy test!”

“Do you want a strange chick taking a whizz
in the middle of your big moment?”

Nervous laughter bubbled out of Emma. “No, I
guess not. But we don’t know if it’s going to be a big moment or

Casey grinned. “You’re a week late this time,
Em. And don’t forget that Aidan took extra care of his swimmers. I
think the odds are in your favor this second time around!”

“As much as I want it to be, I have a feeling
Aidan will be a little disappointed at no more baby-making
sessions, especially since he’s storing up his energy while he’s
out of the country.”

“Who says it has to end?”

Emma’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Because
the purpose will be over then…I’ll be pregnant.”

“Yeah and keeping him coming back for more
just might land you something you never bargained for.”

“And what’s that?”

Casey gave her a knowing smile. “A

The room spun around her, sending Emma’s head
slamming back against the mirror. She brought her hand to her
forehead to still the maddening spinning. “Don’t say things like
that to me when I’m already about to explode.” When Casey didn’t
reply, Emma opened her eyes. “What is it?”

“They’re starting to change colors!”

Emma sucked in a breath before leaning
forward on the bathroom counter. “And?”

“Holy shit, one has two lines and the others
say ‘Yes’!”

Falling off the counter onto the tiled floor,
Emma staggered over to Casey and grabbed her by the shoulders.
Bewildered, she asked, “But…so does that mean…?”

Tears sparkled in Casey’s eyes. “It means
you’re pregnant!”

“Are you sure? You didn’t read the boxes
wrong or something?”

“No, I’m positive, and the tests are

Emma froze as her body desperately tried
processing her emotions. They ricocheted through her at warped
speed causing her body to tremble. She couldn’t blink, least of all
draw breath. All the painful years after Travis’s and her mother’s
deaths she had spent hoping, praying, and longing for a child
converged on this one moment. It was physically and emotionally
overwhelming. Pregnant…she was actually pregnant.

Casey shook her gently. “Breathe, Em, you’ve
got to breathe.”

Silent tears streamed down Emma’s cheeks. Her
hand tentatively went to her abdomen. “I can’t believe it’s
actually happening.”

“It feels good to be right,” Casey joked, as
she wiped her own tears away on the back of her hand.

Emma’s elated expression started to fade.
“What if the tests were wrong? I mean, what if--”

Casey shook her head. “You could buy ten more
tests to humor yourself, but it’s real this time.”

Reaching for a tissue, Emma dabbed her eyes.
“Don’t you see? There’s just been so much disappointment and
sadness in my life that it’s hard for me to grasp that something I
want so much can actually happen.”


“You don’t understand what it’s been like for
me. So many times I’ve gotten my hopes up for true happiness only
to have it dashed. Travis and I were planning on starting a family
right away. He joked about knocking me up, so we could have Shotgun
Wedding. I wanted nothing more than to have his child, and then he
was gone. Then I lost my mother.” Her lip trembled. “I’m scared
this is all going to fall apart, Case.”

“Don’t be afraid.” Casey drew Emma into her
arms. “I’m here for you, and everything is going to be all right.
It’s finally
time, Em. You’re just going to have to
keep the faith and believe it.”

Emma closed her eyes and let Casey’s optimism
wash over her. “I want to believe it. So very, very much.”

Casey pulled away to give Emma a reassuring
smile. “Well, you better because it’s the truth. Now look in the
mirror and say the words.”

“Seriously Case?”

“Do it!”

“Fine.” Emma stared at her pale, mascara
streaked face in the mirror. “I’m pregnant, and I’m going to be a

“Damn straight! Now when are you going to
tell Big Papa the good news?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Even though we’ve talked
on the phone and skyped since he’s been gone, I don’t want to do it
that way.” At the wicked expression on Casey’s face, Emma crossed
her arms over her chest. “I know what you’re wondering, and the
answer is no. We did
have phone sex!”

“How disappointing,” Casey pouted.

Rolling her eyes, Emma said, “Anyway, to get
back to the original point, I think it’s best I wait until he gets

“And when is that exactly?”

“Sometime next week.”

“Good. By then, you will have had time to see
your Gyno, and you’ll know without a shadow of a doubt you can tell
him the good news.” She held open the bathroom door. “I say we blow
out of here at five and go celebrate with non-alcoholic beverages
and chocolate!”

Emma grinned. “Sounds like a plan to me.”


A week later, Emma stepped out into the
waiting room of her OB/GYN’s office to the expectant faces of Casey
and Connor. She couldn’t hide her beaming smile. “I’m really,
really pregnant!”

Popping out of their chairs, they both
erupted with loud cheers and gave Emma a long, excited group hug.
On the way to the car, her phone buzzed in her purse. She dug it
out and gasped.
At the airport. Heading home. Want to meet for
drinks at O’Malley’s at six?

She quickly texted Aidan back.
Sounds good. See you then

At his next response, Emma skidded to an
abrupt stop and stared at her phone. Both anxiety and longing
gripped her at his words.
Good. I’m looking forward to kissing
and licking every square inch of that fabulous body of yours

“What’s the matter, Em?” Casey asked.

“Nothing…just a text I got.”

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