The Prometheus Deception (3 page)

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Authors: Robert Ludlum

BOOK: The Prometheus Deception
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“You think there was something I could have done differently? Or maybe you think somebody
could have done it

“You were the best we ever had, you know that. But as I told you, these decisions are reached at consortium level, not at my desk.”

A chill ran through Bryson upon hearing the bureaucratese that told him Waller had already distanced himself from the consequences of the decision to let him go. Ted Waller was Bryson's mentor, boss, and friend, and, fifteen years ago, his teacher. He had supervised his apprenticeship, briefed him personally before the operations he worked on early in his career. It was an immense honor, and Bryson felt it to this day. Waller was the most brilliant man he'd ever met. He could solve partial differential equations in his head; he possessed vast stores of arcane geopolitical knowledge. At the same time his lumbering frame belied his extraordinary physical dexterity. Bryson recalled him at a shooting range, absently hitting one bull's-eye after another from seventy feet while chatting about the sad decline of British bespoke tailoring. The .22 looked puny in his large, plump, soft hand; it was so under his control that it might have been another finger.

“You used the past tense, Ted,” Bryson said. “The implication being that you believe I've lost it.”

“I simply meant what I said,” Waller replied quietly. “I've never worked with anyone better, and I doubt I ever will.”

By temperament and by training, Nick knew how to remain impassive, but now his heart was thudding.
You were the best we ever had, Nick
. That sounded like an homage, and homage, he knew, was a key element of the ritual of separation. Bryson would never forget Waller's reaction when he pulled off his first operational hat trick—foiling the assassination of a moderate reform candidate in South America. It was a taciturn
Not bad:
Waller had pressed his lips together to keep from smiling, and to Nick, it was a greater accolade than any that followed. It's when they begin to acknowledge how valuable you are, Bryson had learned, that you know they're putting you out to pasture.

“Nick, nobody else could have accomplished what you did in the Comoros. The place would have been in the hands of that madman, Colonel Denard. In Sri Lanka, there are probably thousands of people who are alive, on both sides, because of the arms-trading routes you exposed. And what you did in Belarus? The GRU still doesn't have a clue, and they never will. Leave it to the politicians to color inside the lines, because those are the lines that we've drawn, that
drawn. The historians will never know, and the truth is, it's better that way. But we know that, don't we?”

Bryson didn't reply; no reply was called for.

“And on a separate matter, Nick, noses are out of joint around here about the Banque du Nord business.” He was referring to Bryson's penetration of a Tunis bank that channeled laundered funds to Abu and Hezbollah to fund the coup attempt. One night during the operation more than 1.5 billion dollars simply disappeared, vanished into cyberspace. Months of investigation had failed to account for the missing assets. It was a loose end, and the Directorate disliked loose ends.

“You're not suggesting that I had my hand in the cookie jar, are you?”

“Of course not. But you understand that there are always going to be suspicions. When there are no answers, the questions linger; you know that.”

“I've had plenty of opportunities for ‘personal enrichment' that would have been far more lucrative and considerably more discreet.”

“You've been tested, yes, and you've passed with flying colors. But I question the method of diversion, the monies transferred through false flags to Abu's colleagues to purchase compromisable background data.”

“That's called improvisation. It's what you pay me for—using my powers of discretion when and where necessary.” Bryson stopped, realizing something. “But I was never debriefed about this!”

“You offered up the details yourself, Nick,” said Waller.

“I sure as hell never—oh,
it was
, wasn't it?”

Waller hesitated a split-second, but just long enough that Bryson's question was answered. Ted Waller could lie, blithely and easily, when the need dictated, but Bryson knew his old friend and mentor found lying to him distasteful. “Where we obtain our information is compartmented, Nick. You know that.”

Now he understood the need for such a protracted stay in an American-staffed clinic in Laayoune. Chemicals had to be administered without the subject's knowledge, preferably injected into the intravenous drip. “God
it, Ted! What's the implication—that I couldn't be trusted to undergo a conventional debriefing, offer the goods up freely? That only a blind interrogation could tell you what you wanted to know? You had to put me under without my

“Sometimes the most reliable interrogation is that which is conducted without the subject's calculation of his own best interest.”

“Meaning you guys thought that I'd lie to cover my ass?”

Waller's reply was quiet, chilling. “Once assessments are made that an individual is not one hundred percent trustworthy, contrary assumptions are made, at least provisionally. You detest it, and I detest it, but that's the brutal fact of an intelligence bureaucracy. Particularly one as reclusive—maybe
is the more accurate word here—as we are.”

. In fact, Bryson had learned long ago that to Waller and his colleagues at the Directorate, it was an article of faith that the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and even the National Security Agency were riddled with moles, hamstrung by regulation, and mired in an arms race of disinformation with their hostile counterparts abroad. Waller liked to call these, the agencies whose existence was emblazoned on Congressional appropriations bills and organization charts, the “woolly mammoths.” In his earliest days with the Directorate, Bryson had innocently asked whether some measure of cooperation with the other agencies didn't make sense. Waller had laughed. “You mean, let the woolly mammoths know we exist? Why not just send a press release to
?” But the crisis of American intelligence, in Waller's view, went far beyond the problems of penetration. Counterintelligence was the true wilderness of mirrors. “You lie to your enemy, and then you spy on them,” Waller had once pointed out, “and what you learn is the lie. Only now, somehow, the lie has become true, because it's been recategorized as ‘intelligence.' It's like an Easter-egg hunt. How many careers have been made—on either side—by people who have painstakingly unearthed eggs that their colleagues have just as painstakingly buried? Colorful, beautifully painted Easter eggs—but fakes nonetheless.”

The two had sat talking through the night in the belowground library underneath the K Street headquarters, a chamber furnished with seventeenth-century Kurdish rugs on the floor, old British oil paintings of the hunt, of loyal dogs grasping fowl in their pedigreed mouths.

“You see the genius of it?” Waller had gone on. “Every CIA adventure, botched or otherwise, will eventually come under public scrutiny. Not so for us, simply because we're on nobody's radar.” Bryson still remembered the soft rattle of ice cubes in the heavy crystal glass as Waller took a sip of the barrel-proof bourbon he favored.

“But operating off the grid, practically like outlaws, can't exactly be the most practical way to do business,” Bryson had protested. “For one thing, there's the matter of resources.”

“Granted, we don't have the resources, but then we don't have the bureaucracy, either, the constraints. All in all, it's a positive advantage, given our particular purview. Our record is proof of it. When you work in ad hoc fashion with groups around the world, when you don't shy from extremely aggressive interventions, then all you need is a very small number of highly trained operatives. You take advantage of on-the-ground forces. You succeed by
events, coordinating the desired outcomes. You don't need the vast overheads of the spy bureaucracies. All you really need is

“And blood,” said Bryson, who had already seen his share of it by then. “Blood.”

Waller had shrugged. “That great monster Joseph Stalin once put it quite aptly: you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.” He spoke about the American century, about the burdens of empire. About imperial Britain in the nineteenth century, when Parliament would debate for six months about whether to send an expeditionary force to rescue a general who had been under siege for two years. Waller and his colleagues at the Directorate believed in liberal democracy, fervently and unequivocally—but they also knew that to secure its future, you couldn't play, as Waller liked to say, by Queensberry rules. If your enemies operated by low cunning, you'd better summon up some good old low cunning of your own. “We're the necessary evil,” Waller had told him. “But don't ever get cocky—the noun is evil. We're extra-legal. Unsupervised, unregulated. Sometimes
don't even feel safe knowing that we're around.” There was another soft rattle of ice cubes as he drained the last drops of bourbon from the glass.

Nick Bryson had known fanatics—friendlies and hostiles both—and he found comfort in Waller's very ambivalence. Bryson had never felt he'd fully had the measure of Waller's mind: the brilliance, the cynicism, but mostly the intense, almost bashful idealism, like sunlight spilling through the edge of drawn blinds. “My friend,” Waller said, “we exist to create a world in which we won't be necessary.”

*   *   *

Now, in the ashy light of the early afternoon, Waller spread his hands on his desk, as if bracing himself for the unpleasant job he had to do. “We know you've been having a hard time since Elena left,” he began.

“I don't want to talk about Elena,” Bryson snapped. He could feel a vein throbbing in his forehead. For so many years she had been his wife, best friend, and lover. Six months ago, during a sterile telephone call Bryson had placed from Tripoli, she had told him she was leaving him. Arguing would do no good. She had clearly made up her mind; there was nothing to discuss. Her words had wounded him far worse than Abu's blade. A few days later, during a scheduled stateside debriefing—disguised as an arms-acquisition trip—Bryson arrived home to find her gone.

“Listen, Nick, you've probably done more good in the world than anybody in intelligence.” Waller paused, and then spoke slowly, with great deliberateness. “If I let you continue, you'll start to subtract from what you've done.”

“Maybe I screwed up,” Bryson said dully. “Once. I'm willing to concede that much.” There was no point in arguing, but he couldn't stop himself.

“And you'll screw up again,” Waller replied evenly. “There are things we call ‘sentinel events.' Early warning signs. You've been extraordinary for fifteen years. Extraordinary. But
fifteen years,
Nick. For a field agent, those are like dog years. Your focus is wavering. You're burned out, and the scary thing is, you don't even know it.”

Was what happened to his marriage a “sentinel event,” too? As Waller continued to speak in his calm, reasonable, logical way, Bryson felt a rush of different emotions, and one of them was rage. “My skills—”

“I'm not talking about your skill set. As far as fieldwork is concerned, there's nobody better, even now. What I'm talking about is restraint. The ability
to act. That's what goes first. And you don't get it back.”

“Then maybe a leave of absence is in order.” There was an undertone of desperation in his voice, and Bryson hated himself for it.

“The Directorate doesn't grant sabbaticals,” Waller said dryly. “You know that. Nick, you've spent a decade and a half making history. Now you can study it. I'm going to give you your life back.”

“My life,” Bryson repeated colorlessly. “So you
talking about retirement.”

Waller leaned back in his chair. “Do you know the story of John Wallis, one of the great British spymasters of the seventeenth century? He was a wizard at decrypting Royalist messages for the Parliamentarians in the 1640s. He helped establish the English Black Chamber, the NSA of its time. But when he retired from the business, he used his gifts as professor of geometry at Cambridge, and helped invent modern calculus—helped put modernity on its track. Who was more important—Wallis the spy, or Wallis the scholar? Retiring from the business doesn't have to mean being put out to pasture.”

It was a vintage Waller rejoinder, an arcane parable; Bryson almost laughed at the absurdity of it all. “What did you have in mind for
to do? Work as a rent-a-cop at a warehouse, guarding T-beams with a six-shooter and a nightstick?”

Integer vitae, scelerisque purus non eget Mauris jaculis, neque arcu, nec venenatis gravida saggittis pharetra
.' The man of integrity, free of sin, doesn't need the Moorish javelin, nor the bow, nor the heavy quiver of hunting arrows. Horace, as you know. In the event, it's all arranged. Woodbridge College needs a lecturer in near-eastern history, and they've just found a stellar candidate. Your graduate studies and linguistic mastery make you a perfect match.”

Bryson felt eerily detached from himself, the way he sometimes did in the field—floating above the scene, observing everything with a cool and calculating eye. He often thought he might be killed in the field: that was an eventuality he could plan for, take into account. But he had never thought he would be fired. And that it was a beloved mentor who was firing him made it worse—made it

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