The Princess Spy (21 page)

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Authors: Melanie Dickerson

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #ebook

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If she were honest, the tears also sprang from wondering if Colin found her company so tedious and annoying that he wanted to get rid of her. But she pushed that thought away.

Instead she considered poor Bezilo, so badly beaten and wounded. Pictured Claybrook’s guards, whom she herself had bashed in the head with her candlestick, lying dead on the grass after Bezilo finished them off with the sword.
O God
what has
happened to my life?
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
Will I be
able to make it to Marienberg before something worse happens? Will
you keep my family safe until I return? Will I ever be able to return
to Hagenheim?

This was not the sort of prayer to give her the courage to defy Colin, and not the sort that would help her stop crying. She wiped the tears as discreetly as possible, hoping Colin and Anne wouldn’t know she was crying, since they were behind her and could only see her back.

O Father God
I know nothing is impossible for You. I am not
putting my faith in anything but You — not the money in my purse,
nor my status as the daughter of a duke
not in Colin’s ability to
protect me
nor even in myself. My faith is in You. You are mighty to
and I will not waver in my faith. I know You care for me
nothing is too hard for You.

Her tears had all dried up by the end of that prayer. A sense of peace washed over her and she walked with a more confident step.
Thank you

Colin suspected Margaretha was crying by the way she kept lifting her hands to her face. He sighed.
help me. I can’t allow
her to be killed. Help me convince her to stay with Lady Anne. I just
want to keep her safe. Why can’t she be reasonable?
But Colin felt no peace at all after that prayer. Was God even listening to him? Surely God wouldn’t want him to take her with him.

“What does your home look like?” Anne asked, a flirtatious smile on her face. Uh-oh.

He looked askance at her. “It’s . . . gray.”

“Gray stone?”


“I’ve always wanted to go to England.” Anne smiled meaningfully.

Once again, he wondered why he had told her his lineage. Though he knew why. Pride, stupid pride. He was tired of being treated first like a poor mad indigent, then a mute stable boy. His pride had risen up and he’d declared himself both wealthy and powerful by the world’s standards. Now he would have to pay for that bit of folly.

“Is it a castle?”

“In a sense.”

“With towers?”


“What’s it called?”

“Le Wyse House.”

“Not very grand.”

Colin shrugged. He was still trying to figure out an argument that would convince Margaretha to stay behind.

“What did you say your father’s title was?”

“Earl of Glynval.”

“That sounds very well. Is Glynval a grand place?”

“No. It is a small village.”

“Oh. But he has land holdings in other parts of England?”


“Are you always so talkative?” Her hand was on her hip.

“Are you?”

not the one with a reputation for talking too much.” She angled her head in Margaretha’s direction and raised her eyebrows.

Was it his imagination, or did Margaretha’s shoulders stiff en? She spun around and faced Anne.

“Anne, you have always treated me with contempt and petty mean-spiritedness, and I’m tired of it. If you cannot treat me as a friend and a relative, the way I have treated you, then don’t bother to come visit me at Hagenheim anymore when this is all over.”

“Ach! I did not know you had such a temper, Margaretha.” But Anne said nothing more to Margaretha, and they continued walking.

Anne tried to make conversation with Colin occasionally, but for half an hour, Margaretha never spoke. Anne even invited Colin to come to visit her when all was done saving Hagenheim and capturing Lord Claybrook.

He was afraid he would never be able to convince Margaretha to stay with her cousin now, although he still hoped she was softening. When they were nearly to Lord Rupert and Lady Anne’s home, Colin caught up with Margaretha and took a peek at her face. Before he could say anything, she unclenched her teeth to say, “I’m coming with you. You can’t stop me.”

No. Not softening at all.


Margaretha hardened herself to the disappointed
look on Colin’s face. Even though his lip was swollen and he still had traces of the blue and greenish bruises on his face, she couldn’t allow herself to feel any pity for him, not until she was no longer afraid he would try to leave her with Anne.

Anne quickened her pace as they drew near her home, causing them all to walk faster. The two-story stone house looked quiet. There was no sign of Claybrook’s guards. Colin asked Anne to wait, but she ran toward the house, leaving Margaretha and Colin staring after her from their hiding place behind some trees.

“Margaretha.” Colin turned toward her. His expression was intense, reminding her of how passionate he had been when she’d first seen him in Frau Lena’s chambers. He fastened his dark blue eyes so powerfully on her that she couldn’t look away.

“I will not be responsible for you.” There was a note of warning in his voice. “If you are killed, it will be your own fault for being stubborn.” He glared at her. “This is your last chance to stay here and be safe.”

“I will not stay here. My family — every person in the world that I love — is in danger.”

He looked as if he wanted to say more, but he only pursed his lips, turned away, and started walking.

Margaretha went after him. He stopped when he was parallel to the stable behind the house.

“Do you think it would be wrong,” Margaretha asked, as they both stared at the stables, “to take two horses from my uncle’s stable? My father will pay him back.”

“I was contemplating the same thing. But we must be careful. Claybrook’s guards could be watching the house.”

“Perhaps they haven’t gotten here yet.”

Colin squinted as he continued to stare at the stable.

A young man walked out of the door and across the stable yard. He wore the plain brown work clothes of a stable boy, and he walked slowly, not like someone who was anxious or under any sort of watch. “Indeed, I think we can go without fear. I don’t believe Claybrook’s men are here yet.”

“Let me go. You stay here.”

“No. You will run off and leave me.”

He gave her a shrewd look, and she knew she had guessed the truth.

Without waiting to hear any more arguments from him, Margaretha darted out of the trees and crossed the road just as the stable boy turned and went inside the kitchen behind the house. She ran as quietly as she could. Just as she was almost to the stable door, Colin caught up with her. He darted into the stable ahead of her.

Neither of them spoke as they each worked to saddle a horse. Margaretha’s heart pounded in the dark, musty stable, the pungent odor of horse manure stinging her nostrils. Every glance at Colin showed his concentration, that old intensity and determination that so often tensed his features.

They worked quickly, Margaretha whispering a prayer that the two horses they had chosen would prove to be strong yet cooperative.

Finally, both horses were saddled and ready. Colin grabbed her lower leg through her skirt and boosted her up. Her heart thumped extra hard when she realized he wasn’t trying to get away from her.

He vaulted into the saddle of his own horse, and they ducked their heads as they guided their mounts out of the stable door. Margaretha took just enough time to glance around. Not seeing anyone, she spurred her sprightly brown mare forward, following just behind Colin and his tall black gelding.

Margaretha wanted to urge her horse into a gallop, but she held back and kept her at a fast walk. Once they were more than a hundred yards from the house, Colin nudged his gelding into a canter, then an all-out gallop, and Margaretha followed suit. Soon her hair was whipping across her face. She found herself smiling, the wind drying her teeth.

They slowed their pace, not wanting to exhaust the horses. By then she’d decided: it was a long journey to Marienberg, and Colin had not wanted to bring her at all. She would only speak to him if she was forced to. He would see that she was not annoying. Somehow, she would prove that she could stay quiet, and he would be sorry he tried to get rid of her.

It was getting dark. They’d been riding for hours, and Colin still needed to find food.

He had planned to travel off the road, but as the sides of the road were so thickly forested, they had stayed on it to make better time. If they had been walking or riding in a slow-moving, donkey-drawn cart, it might have been different. But they were riding fast horses, and should be relatively safe, or at least able to outrun anyone who came after them. He hoped so, anyway.

After not seeing anyone for several miles, they began to see a few people on the road, so they must be close to a village. He certainly would not send Margaretha to get food again, but if he went alone, he’d have to leave her alone. No, it was probably best to go together.

They rode slowly through the village. He found the bakery, and they bought enough bread for two days. They found pork at the butcher’s shop, some cheese and eggs, and bought some blankets and an iron pan, since they’d had to leave their pot behind. They carried their provisions until they were out of sight of the village. Then Colin tied everything to the back of their horses behind their saddles. They mounted and set off again.

When it got so dark they could barely see the road, Colin found a place for them to stop and sleep for the night. It was in the edge of a barley field, at the border of some trees, far enough away from the road that no one could see or hear them. They tied their horses to a tree and fed them some oats they had bought from the villagers. The stream that meandered near the road provided water.

Margaretha rubbed the horses and talked softly to them while he built a fire and fixed a meal of fried pork and eggs and bread. They ate in silence. Was Margaretha too tired to talk? She’d talked to the horses. But now that he thought about it, she’d spoken hardly a word since they left Anne’s house.

He put away their provisions after dousing their fire with water and dirt, then wrapped everything in a rough woolen tarp and tied it with a bit of twine. He then handed her one of the blankets. She took it and turned away from him without a word.

He sighed. “Margaretha.” He touched her shoulder and she stilled. “Why are you not talking to me? Are you angry?”

She turned partially around. “What was the true reason you wanted me to stay at Anne’s and not come with you? Was it because I talk too much and you knew I would annoy you?”

He stood only a foot away from her. The moon was surprisingly bright. He moved in front of her so they were standing face to face.

“I told you why, and it was not because you talk too much.” He said the words softly and shook his head. “I told you, I wanted to keep you safe. I let my friend John be killed by Claybrook’s men. I let Philippa be murdered by Claybrook. And when you were attacked . . . You could have been killed by that ruffian who tried to steal your purse. If something bad happened to you, I don’t think I could bear it.”

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