The Price of Pleasure (40 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

BOOK: The Price of Pleasure
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“Does it matter? Just knowing they’re planning your death should be enough to warn you away from your meeting with Dempsey.”

“Word for word, tell me what was said.”

Fleur took a shaky breath and repeated the conversation to the best of her recollection. “I distinctly heard them say you were the man they wanted dead. That’s why you can’t meet with Dempsey.”

“I have to, love. It may be my only chance to learn who put me in Devil’s Chateau. I have to find out what Dempsey’s source knows about the traitor. Judging from the conversation you overheard, there could be more than one.”

The carriage rolled to a stop. John Coachman opened the door and pulled down the steps. Reed handed Fleur down and accompanied her to the door. She fumbled in her reticule for the key. Reed took it from her shaking fingers, fit it in the keyhole and opened the door.

“I’m not leaving you tonight,” Reed said.

Relief shuddered through Fleur. If Reed was with her, danger wouldn’t be stalking him. At least he’d be safe one more night.

Reed closed and locked the door behind them. Then he handed her the candle Updike had left for her, scooped her into his arms and carried her up the stairs. “Don’t worry, love,” he whispered into her ear. “I don’t plan on dying any time soon.”

Tears clogged her throat. “Promise?”

“Promise,” he repeated. They reached her room. “Open the door; my hands are full at the moment.”

Shifting the candle to her left hand, Fleur reached down with her right and opened the door. Reed carried her inside, set her on her feet, plucked the candle from her hand and placed it on the nightstand.

“You’re not taking this threat to your life seriously,” Fleur charged.

“My love, how much more serious can I get? I’m serious about undressing you. I’m serious about taking you to bed and serious about making love to you.”

He turned her around to reach the tiny buttons on the back of her gown.

“I’m going with you tomorrow night,” Fleur said stubbornly.

Reed’s fingers stilled. “Like hell you are! You’re going to stay home where it’s safe.”

“Don’t shut me out of this, Reed. Let me help you. What if Dempsey has set a trap for you?”

“If it’s a trap, I want you out of it. I can take care of myself.”

“You’ve suspected Dempsey all along, haven’t you?”

“Hmmm,” he mumbled, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Her gown fell away, then her shift. Reed lifted her and sat her on the edge of the bed while he peeled off her garters, hose and shoes. His gaze remained intent upon her as he shed his own clothing. When he stood before her naked, Fleur reached for him. He shifted away and pushed her down on the bed so that her legs hung over the side. Then he knelt between them.

“We’re not through talking yet,” Fleur resisted.

“We are as far as I’m concerned. Open your legs, my love, I want to taste you.”

When Fleur didn’t obey fast enough, he grasped her legs and draped them over his shoulders. The sight of her lush feminine folds sent a shaft of raw lust spearing through him. He bent his head to her. Fleur’s last thought as Reed’s tongue, mouth and hands worked their magic on her, was that somehow, some way, she would save Reed’s life, even if she had to risk hers to do it.

Chapter Nineteen

Fleur awoke with a smile on her face, recalling every sensual moment of the night before. Her smile lasted until she realized she was in bed alone. Reed had left without awakening her. It didn’t take a genius to realize he had sneaked off before she could pester him about his meeting with Dempsey. He knew she wanted to accompany him and that she trusted Dempsey no more than he did, but he was being stubborn about involving her.

When and if Fleur saw him later in the day, she promised herself she would convince him that he needed her. He wasn’t invincible; everyone needed someone. Why did Reed insist on meeting Dempsey in an unsavory place when he knew he could be walking into a trap?

Fleur scooted to the edge of the bed and started to rise. The moment her feet hit the floor, a wave of nausea struck. It happened so suddenly she barely managed to pull out the chamber pot in time. Peg entered the bedchamber while Fleur was still retching.

“Oh, my lady, you’re ill!” She rushed to fill a glass with water from the pitcher and handed it to Fleur. Fleur took it gratefully and rinsed out her mouth.

“Shall I send Gordon for a physician?” Peg asked anxiously.

Fleur sat back, relieved that the nausea had already passed. “No, that won’t be necessary. I feel much better now. It must have been the salmon I had for supper last night. Is anyone else ill?”

“No, my lady. Cook made the salmon especially for you because she knows how fond you are of it. Madame Lisette doesn’t like fish; she ate boiled beef along with the help.”

“Oh, well, whatever it was seems to have passed.”

Peg’s gaze swept over Fleur; a troubled look wrinkled her brow. “As you say, my lady, but I would eat lightly this morning if I were you. Dry toast and tea sounds just the thing. My sister often found it helpful.”

The hint passed right over Fleur. “I shall do as you say, Peg, thank you.”

While Fleur prepared for the day, she began to make plans. Whether or not Reed wanted her help, he was going to get it.

Even as Fleur was making plans concerning Reed’s meeting with Dempsey and the informant, Reed was finalizing his. On the walk home after he left Fleur, he decided against involving Porter at this point since he was convinced he could handle the situation on his own.

It was just past dawn when Reed let himself into his mansion. The servants were just beginning to move about. Reed climbed the stairs to his chamber and reached for the bell pull. Hughes appeared a short time later, exhibiting surprise at the early morning summons. Reed ordered a bath.

Reed lolled in the hot water, recalling the love he and Fleur had shared the night before, every erotic moment. He smiled inwardly, pleased that Fleur had finally agreed to marry him.

When the water grew cool, Reed stepped out of the tub and dried himself. Then he dressed in the clothes Hughes had laid out for him. Reed laughed when his stomach growled. He had worked up an appetite last night and hoped breakfast was ready and set out on the sideboard for him.

Reed needn’t have worried. His staff was efficient if nothing else. Apparently his valet had alerted the cook when he had called for a bath. A footman stood nearby to pour his tea, and he helped himself to a heaping plate of eggs, ham, kippers, tomatoes and toasted bread.

“Are the ladies still in residence?” Reed asked the footman. He’d been so busy of late he hadn’t paid much attention to their comings and goings.

“Lady Helen and Lady Violet requested that their luggage be carried downstairs this morning. I believe Mr. Duvall is to call for them later and take them to their new abode.”

“Thank you,” Reed said as he turned to the morning paper lying beside his plate. He really didn’t have time to dawdle this morning; he wanted to be tucked up in his study before the ladies came down. He wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation right now.

Luck was with Reed. He finished his breakfast and went directly to his study, leaving orders with Hughes that he not be disturbed. Reed delved immediately into his plans for tonight’s rendezvous with Dempsey and the informant. He had no intention of seeing Fleur before the meeting. He knew she would try to talk him into taking her with him, and he was adamant that it wasn’t going to happen. It was best that he stay away from Fleur today.

It was nearly eleven o’clock when Reed asked Hughes to summon the head groom and John Coachman to his study. Some ten minutes later, both men appeared before him.

The two were burly, strong and capable of taking care of themselves. They were also good, faithful men whom he trusted.

“Do either of you know how to handle a pistol?” Reed asked without preliminary.

John Coachman stepped forward. “I do, my lord. I’m quite handy with a gun.”

Bates, the head groom, shook his head. “I’ve not had enough practice to hit anything I aim at. But I’m right handy with a cudgel, if I say so meself.” He held up his beefy fists. “And me own two fists are as good as any weapon.”

“Are you both willing to help me with a situation that could become dangerous? Before you answer, know that I’ll be armed and that I’ve had plenty of practice with pistol, knife and sword.”

“You can count on me,” John Coachman replied.

“Me too,” Bates echoed. “Tell us what you want us to do, my lord.”

“I’m to rendezvous with two men tonight at ten o’clock. We’re to meet at the Crow’s Nest, a rather unsavory saloon near the docks. The meeting is vital to me. It concerns information I’ve been seeking for some time.”

“We’re yer men, my lord. How can we help?” Bates inquired.

“I want you both to accompany me and lend a hand should I need it. Once we arrive, you are both to hide in the shadows near the front door of the saloon and remain out of sight. If I come out and look like I’m in trouble, your help will be greatly appreciated.”

“You can count on us,” John said.

“We will all wear dark clothing. When I come out of the saloon, wait for my signal before acting. John, bring the carriage around at nine-thirty.”

Reed opened a drawer and handed John a pistol and several bullets. “Load and prime the weapon beforehand so it will be ready should you need it. Can you find a cudgel, Bates?”

Bates grinned. “Aye, my lord, I’ve a thick one tucked away in my quarters.”

“Any questions?” None were forthcoming. “Very well, I’ll see you both tonight.”

Shortly after the men left, Hughes announced Monsieur Duvall. Sighing, Reed told Hughes to show him in.

“I’ve come for the ladies, Hunthurst,” Duvall said importantly. “I hope you have no objections to my helping them move to their new townhouse.”

“No objection at all.”

Duvall seemed disinclined to leave. “I’ve become fond of Lady Helen and her sister.”

“How fortunate for them,” Reed mocked.

His sarcasm rolled over Duvall. “I will take good care of them. Someone in the family should take responsibility for your brother’s widow. I am more than happy to assume the duty that should rightfully be yours.”

Reed stiffened. Had Duvall just insulted him? “Be careful, Duvall; my good nature can be stretched only so far.”

“I meant no insult, Hunthurst. We are cousins. Until you produce an heir, I am the next in line for the earldom.”

Reed’s eyes narrowed. “I wondered when you were going to bring that up. Just so you know, Duvall, I have no intention of putting a period to my life just yet.”

Duvall backed off immediately. “
Non, non,
you mistake my meaning. I want us to remain on good terms.”

“Keep the ladies out of my life and I shall be forever grateful. Marry Helen if you wish; you have my blessing. Or if Violet is your preference, she is yours for the taking.”

Duvall beamed. “Thank you,
mon ami.
I will collect the ladies and be off.

Reed remained thoughtful after Duvall’s departure. What made Duvall think he cared what Helen and Violet did or did not do? True, Helen was Jason’s wife, but both she and her sister had interfered in his life. If Helen were dependent on his largesse, it would be different, but neither woman lacked funds.

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