The Price of Discovery (7 page)

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Authors: Leslie Dicken

BOOK: The Price of Discovery
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Drakor heard the shower start in Erin's bathroom. He got up from the couch and wandered about the room, hoping to distract himself from thinking of her naked breasts, white thighs and slick rump. It was useless. Already he was hard.

He shouldn't be here.

After learning that Ankra was going back to Greg's house, his father insisted Drakor follow suit. They argued. Mostly about how painful it was for him to be near her. And also about how Erin was after something from them. She spelled trouble. But that only made the reason to check out where she lived all that more important.

And he couldn't argue with that.

Drakor squatted down before a shelf. He pushed a power button and music filled his ears. He found the volume control and reduced the noise. Perhaps this would drown out the sound of water tapping Erin's body.

The shower stopped and Drakor turned the music down even further. He heard her humming along with some clanking noises. She dropped something on the tile floor a few times and uttered a curse. It made him grin.

He moved closer to the bathroom door, ready to spin away if it opened. But he needed to get a sense of her mood, to gauge how to play the rest of the evening. He was willing to use that kiss, and her obvious pleasurable reaction to it. There was no way his family was going to end up like Alaziri. He'd find out what Erin knew and then be away from her.

Drakor glanced in the bedroom. The tousled sheets and thrown clothes told him she did not care for tidiness and structure. He spotted her white, lacy undergarments and his erection leapt.

“What are you doing?”

He turned to face her. Her light hair was wet and combed back from her face. She wore no makeup, but her face glowed. A thick white robe wrapped her body, a knot in the front the only thing holding it together.

“I came in looking for a pillow.” He went past her. “I will wait for you on the couch.”

Drakor headed straight for the couch, sank on the cushions and rested his head back. He assumed she would redress and come out with the pillow and blanket. But she sat on the table in front of him and tapped his knee.

He slowly lifted his head and stared at her. She was still in her robe and the front gaped open revealing a hint of her naked skin. Liquid heat blasted through his veins. He gulped.

“I'm sorry you got in a fight with your dad.” Even in the dim light, he could see her lips shining, beckoning him.

Drakor shifted in his seat, but his arousal pressed against his pants. “Where is your father?”

“He and my mom were killed in a plane crash eight years ago. I was in college.” She went silent for a moment and then took a deep breath. “It's just me and Greg now.”

Drakor cleared his throat and pulled his gaze from her alluring skin. “Your brother owns his own business. What do you do to earn money?”

Erin tucked strands of wet hair behind her ear. A whiff of sweet flowers made his mouth water. Light sweat beaded on his forehead.

“I write for the local newspaper.”

His gut burned but he didn't move. Journalists, they were called. On the list to avoid.
, she could expose them!

“I'm on assignment now,” she said quickly. “Investigating dance clubs. That's why I wanted to go to Mickey's tonight. To do some preliminary work.”

It sounded plausible, but still it concerned him. He would have to keep his guard up even more. Yet, she may be a good person to help him locate Alaziri. “Would you know of missing persons?”

Erin's eyes flew wide but then she gave a careless shrug. “I may be able to find out information. Are you searching for someone?”

Drakor tensed. He wasn't certain how much he should share with her right now. “I have a friend I have been unable to locate. I don't know where to turn.”

She lifted her chin. “Ah. Well, let me know how I can help.”

His shoulders loosened. Already he'd learned that Erin was a journalist, potentially dangerous to their secret. But she might be able to help him find Alaziri. Coming here was not such a bad idea, after all.

Drakor reached out, covered her hand with his own.

Her breath hitched, the air tightened. Heat blazed from her skin to his palm.

“I want to say no, but…” Her statement drifted in the hot space between them. He lingered over the words, savoring her surrender.

He lost himself in her sky-colored eyes. Just tonight. He needed to feel that soothing contentment again. He didn't understand it, but right now he didn't care.

Erin moved from the table to beside him on the couch. “The mistake …I…let's make it again.”

Drakor leaned forward, his pulse echoing in his eardrums. He eased himself on top of her, lying them down along the cushions. She mumbled something as his mouth captured hers, but the words were lost.


Erin held her breath as that finely formed chest pressed her down onto the couch. She could feel his heart beating wildly against her breasts. Her nipples poked forward, rubbing against the rough fabric of the robe.

Drakor shifted his legs and his arousal dug into her thighs. Oh God, she wanted that inside of her. Now.

Thoughts of Evan and that catastrophe flitted away as Drakor's tongue licked its way up her neck. Right now her body had a need and only one man could fulfill it.

Erin threaded her fingers through his wild, dark hair. He moaned. Jerked his hips.

She arched her back, reaching up to him. Drakor separated her robe then captured a breast with his hand. His thumb circled around the tip, spiraling desire deep within her belly.

His lips left hers and blazed a trail down her throat. She quivered as they reached her nipple. A strangled cry caught in her throat as her body flooded with molten fire. His tongue flicked the tip, spiraling her higher. Higher.

He switched to the other side and Erin wriggled her hips against the sweet tension. Drakor pulled her robe further apart, first eyeing what lay beneath and then lightly kissing her skin.

“Yes, go on,” she urged.

His face hovered above hers, his dark eyes hooded. A small white circle dotted the center of each. He blinked but the white spots remained.

Erin reached around his back and tugged at his shirt. She ran her fingers along the taut muscles on his back, surprised by the smoothness of his skin. “Take it off.”

He pulled the shirt off. A small gathering of dark curls tickled her breasts. She giggled and he lifted his head again.

“This brings me great pleasure.”

“Mmm,” she agreed, “me too.” So good she was afraid she'd want more after tonight. She couldn't allow that. Just tonight.

His hand moved inside her robe, his tongue down the sides of her neck. Spiraling waves of bliss crashed through her, tightening that desperate ache.

Erin pulled him back down on top of her and his warm fingers encircled her hips. She would give herself to him. She would let this night be like no other. Only one thing stood in their way.

Her voice trembled. “Do-do you have a condom?”

Chapter Six

Condom. A thin protective sheath to prevent venereal infection and/or conception. There were no venereal infections on Elliac and females could control their conception.

Drakor grimaced and sat on his porch step, staring at the fading sun. The thought of using something like that disgusted him. It was unnatural. Like so many other customs on Earth.

But it wasn't necessarily the lack of having a condom that had been his downfall with Erin, it was that he didn't know at the time what it was. She kept prodding him to see if he told the truth. When she finally believed that he in fact had no idea, she pushed him off. Although desire and disappointment lingered in her gaze.

Of course, it was impossible to sleep afterward. His body throbbing in pain, he could do little but squeeze the pillow. Alternating surges of hot need and agony swept through him and it took every measure of control he had not to storm into her room and take her as she lay sleeping. Though she'd have awoken before long.

An insect buzzed by his ear. He waved it away as the door creaked open behind him.

“I have a job for you, Drakor.”

He looked up at his father. “Go on.”

“Test the shuttlecraft. It has been idle for too long and I want to make sure it is in working condition.”

Mother and Sitora stepped outside.

“Where are you three going?”

“We are taking Sitora into town for a short trip.”

Drakor stood and looked around. “It is late in the day already and we have no Earth vehicle. Do not tell me you mean to Transfer.”

Father picked Sitora up into his arms. “I have read about something called a ‘taxi'. We will walk down to the main road and then look for one there.”

As foolish as that sounded, it was better than using Elliac's mode of transportation. They only needed to put in a specific code into their Transmitters and then they would be transported to the new coordinates.

His father wiped the sheen from his forehead. “While we are gone take Brundor with you into the craft, show him what to do. He needs to learn.”

His brother needed to learn a lot, but his pride and stubbornness stood in the way. “Yes, fine, but Greg should be returning with Ankra soon. What if he sees it?”

“Then you must be on the lookout. The invisibility shield will activate in less than a second, as long as the craft is in working order.” He tugged on Mother's arm. “Let's go.”

Drakor watched them walk down the dirt road until they were out of sight. Then he went in to get Brundor and some tools.

“So you spent the night at her house,” Brundor said as they went out the back door.

“Yes.” Drakor entered a code in his mini crystal screen and the shuttlecraft appeared before them.

“Well? Tell me. How did it go? What was she like?”

Drakor ignored him and keyed in another code to open the hatch. It creaked open and dropped to the ground.

“You were there all night. Something must have happened.”

Drakor climbed onto the ramp and started up into the interior. The only light was from the sun filtering in through the thick windows.

Brundor was at his heels. “You have to answer something.” He jumped out in front and blocked the hallway. “Can I have her next?”

Drakor grabbed a hold of his brother's collar and slammed him up against a shiny console. An unfamiliar anger and protectiveness tightened his muscles. “Don't ever touch her.”

Brundor eyes widened and then blinked at him curiously. “You act like she's your
. No other female ever made you act this way.”

Drakor growled. He wasn't going to believe that and he wasn't going to let anyone else believe it either.

“No, of course, she isn't. I just want you to stay clear of her.” He let him go and made his way up to the front. He glanced around to make sure all was in place then slid into the pilot's seat.

“I won't touch her, but I will find someone else. I can't take this the way you can.”

“Sit down, Brundor. You can handle it if you give yourself the chance.”

His brother dropped into the co-pilot's chair and scrutinized all of the knobs and buttons in front of him. “That's easy for you say,” he muttered, running his fingers along the silver metal. “You have your own female now that you can use whenever you want.”

Drakor felt his face heating again. But he said nothing. The control he'd learned at his Crossing did more than help with sexual urges. Although they didn't work for that when Erin was around. No. Around her he was blazing heat like Elliac's sun. And harder than any crystal he'd ever found.

He wasn't quite even sure when or if he would see her again. She said almost nothing to him the entire morning, other than to offer him breakfast. He politely refused, watched her eat a toasted slice of bread, and then they left her home. Erin never even got out of her vehicle when they got here, she just drove away.

He should be ecstatic. Maybe he'd driven her out of their lives for good. He wouldn't have to worry about her investigating them. But instead emptiness burrowed into his gut.

“What are these for?”

Drakor glanced over at the buttons Brundor was itching to touch. “Lights. Exterior, interior, landing, spot, outer illumination. Go on and try them one at a time.” He stood. “I'll go outside and make certain they're coming on.”

Drakor leaped off the hatch and circled the craft. “Go on,” he called. “Hit the buttons from left to right. One at a time. Wait for an okay from me.”

Brundor hit the first button and the landing lights blinked on below, shining on the dry grass and clover with enough force to burn the edges.

“Good,” he yelled. “Turn it off. Next one.”

The spotlight in front flashed on and an enormous white circle landed on the rear of the house. So far, all systems go.

“Good, try the next one.”

A row of lights blinked along the bottom half of the craft. Drakor walked the perimeter of silver vehicle, checking each light individually. He could barely see if these were on. He'd need true darkness to gauge their functionality.

He came around full circle and opened his mouth to call to Brundor, but a noise caught his attention. Drakor could hear a vehicle's engine and it wasn't the shuttlecraft.

“Brundor! Get out!”

“We just started. There are three more buttons to go.”

“Get out! A vehicle is heading our way. The shuttlecraft is in full view.”

The engine rumble grew louder and Drakor's heart slammed inside his ribcage. “I've got to make it invisible! You need to get out.”

“What's the code? Let me do it,” his brother called from somewhere inside the cockpit.

In the next instant, he hadn't a choice. Greg's truck came into view, kicking up the usual dust and dirt. Drakor fumbled for the crystal screen, entered the code and backed away from the craft. A second later, it vanished.

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