Appendix 3 Pre-Survey Interviewees
 | Theodore C. BarreauxCounselor to the Comptroller General, General Accounting Office (extensive career as both career federal executive and political appointee; transition team member in Bush administration)
 | Mark GoldsteinStaff, Senate Governmental Affairs Committee
 | Charles GrizzleSenior Vice President, The Jefferson Group (former PAS, Assistant Administrator for Administration and Resources Management, EPA)
 | Kirke HarperDirector of Human Resources Development Group, Office of Personnel Management (Career SES)
 | Rosslyn C. KleemanDirector, Federal Workforce Future Issues, General Accounting Office (Career SES)
 | Ron KleinStaff, Senate Judiciary Affairs Committee
 | Sally Kraus MarshallDirector, Public Service Consortium (Career SES)
 | Tom McFeeAssistant Secretary for Personnel Administration, Department of Health and Human Services (Career SES)
 | Constance Berry NewmanDirector, Office of Personnel Management (PAS, EL 2)
 | Roger SperryDirector of Development and Operations, National Academy of Public Administration
 | Elsa ThompsonActing Special Assistant to the President and Associate Director of Presidential Personnel, the White House (Political appointee)
 | Edward A. TimperlakeAssistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Department of Veterans Affairs (PAS, EL 4)
 | John TrattnerVice President, Council for Excellence in Government