(The Praeger Singer-Songwriter Collection) Ben Urish, Ken Bielen-The Words and Music of John Lennon-Praeger (2007) (43 page)

BOOK: (The Praeger Singer-Songwriter Collection) Ben Urish, Ken Bielen-The Words and Music of John Lennon-Praeger (2007)
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documentary film and record album collection of the same name.

Sooke, Alastair. “Singing to the Gallery.”
(September 2, 2006).

Accessed September 2, 2006, at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.

jhtml?xml=/arts/2006/09/02/bacandice02.xml. The author witnesses video

installation artist Candice Breitz creating her latest work, which will be culled

from more than two dozen people singing their way through Lennon’s

Ono Band

“Sorrow, Tributes around the World.”
Philadelphia Inquirer
(December 10, 1980):

A15. International reaction to the passing of Lennon.

Spencer, Scott. “John Lennon.”
Rolling Stone
335 (January 22, 1981): 13. In the

introduction to a special tribute issue to Lennon, the stunned author struggles

to write of the meaning of the death of the musician.

172 Annotated Bibliography

Spitz, Bob.
The Beatles: The Biography.
New York: Little, Brown, 2005. Massive tome

includes well-researched unfolding of Lennon’s early years.

Sragow, Michael. “John Lennon Documentarians Aim To Give Us Some Truth.”

Baltimore Sun
(October 1, 2006). Accessed October 1, 2006, at http://www.


999.story?coll=bal-aetoday-headlines. A favorable review of
The U.S. vs. John

documentary that includes interviews with its makers David Leaf and

John Scheinfeld.

Stannard, Neil and John Tobler.
Working Class Heroes.
New York: Avon, 1985.

Starr, Ringo.
Postcards from the Boys.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2004. A collec-

tion of postcards sent to Starr individually by Lennon and the other Beatles, with

Starr’s memoir commentary based on the posts.

“Stars Are Shocked after Murder of Lennon.”
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin

10, 1980): A8. A survey of remarks by celebrities regarding Lennon’s murder.

Stecklow, Steve. “Springsteen, Audience Remember Lennon.”
Philadelphia Evening

(December 10, 1980): A8. A review of the Bruce Springsteen concert

held at Philadelphia’s Spectrum the night after Lennon’s death.

Stephens, Christopher J. “All Those Years Ago.”
National Ledger
(November 23,

2005). Accessed March 5, 2007, at http://www.nationalledger.com/cgi-bin/

artman/exec/view.cgi?archive=1&num=1794. A brief article that posits Len-

non’s death as the dividing line between the idealism of the 1960s, the cynicism

of the 1970s, and the greed of the 1980s.

Stevens, John.
The Songs of John Lennon: The Beatle Years.
Boston: Berklee Press,

2002. The music professor author provides musicological analysis of 25 Beatle

songs composed by Lennon from “You Can’t Do That” to “Come Together.”

Stockdale, Tom.
John Lennon.
Broomall, PA: Chelsea House, 1997.

Stokes, Geoffrey. “Some Years in the Life.”
Rolling Stone
(December 25, 1980): 107.

Stone, Steve, ed.
John Lennon: All You Need Is Love.
New York: Marjam, 1980. A

newsstand biography published on the occasion of Lennon’s murder.

Strauss, Robert. “Lennon Was Always the Leader.”
Philadelphia News
(December 9,

1980): 4. A profile of Lennon written at the time of his death.

Strauss, Robert. “Lennon’s Dream Girl.”
Philadelphia News
(December 9, 1980): 20.

Sullivan, Henry W.
The Beatles with Lacan: Rock


Roll as Requiem for the Modern

New York: Peter Lang, 1995. The Oxford- and Harvard-educated scholar

psychoanalyzes the significance of The Beatles. One chapter is devoted to Len-

non, including his solo years.

Sullivan, Mark. “‘More Popular than Jesus’: The Beatles and the Religious Far Right.”

Popular Music
6 (Summer 1987): 313–326.

Swan, Christopher. “Fellow Voyagers.”
Christian Science Monitor
(December 11,

1980): 7. A fond appreciation of Lennon at the time of his slaying.

Sweet Toronto.
Produced by Alan Douglas. Directed by D. A. Pennebacker. 56 min.

Pioneer Artists. 2001. DVD. The Plastic Ono Band’s live debut at the Toronto

Rock and Roll Revival Festival is highlighted, with brief footage of some clas-

sic rock acts as a warm-up. The collection also includes a few minutes of Ono

attending an art exhibit of some of Lennon’s sketches.

Swenson, John.
The John Lennon Story.
New York: Leisure, 1981.

Takiff, Jonathan. “Lennon Rocked an Era.”
Philadelphia News
(December 9, 1980):

5. An obituary and appreciation of Lennon.

Annotated Bibliography 173

Taylor, Derek.
As Time Goes By: Living in the Sixties with John Lennon, Paul McCart-

Ann Arbor, MI: Pierian, 1983. Former Beatles press agent provides insights

into the fall of Apple and the end of The Beatles.

Teeman, Tom. “Give Me a Chance, Says Yoko.”
The Australian
(July 10, 2006).

Accessed July 10, 2006, at http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/

story/0,20867,19733568-16947,00.html. The author speaks with Lennon’s

second wife in a rare, substantial interview.

Terry, Carol.
Here, There and Everywhere: The Beatles First International Bibliography.

Ann Arbor, MI: Pierian, 1990. A comprehensive bibliography of Beatles’ refer-

ence sources.

Tezer, Adnan. “DVD Review: Imagine—Deluxe Edition.”
Monsters and Critics

(December 19, 2005). Accessed March 5, 2007, at http://dvd.monstersand-


Edition. A mostly positive review of the content of the re-release of the film

The reviewer is disappointed with the visual and audio quality.

Thibodeau, Timothy M. “Won’t You Please Help Me: The Life and Death of the

National Review
(April 6, 2006). Accessed April 6, 2006, at http://

www.nationalreview.com/comment/thibodeau200604060625.asp. In a long,

well-thought out piece, the author uses the 2005 Spitz biography as a launchpad

to discuss the demise of the group, with a special emphasis on Lennon.

“The Thinking Man’s Beatle.”
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
(December 9, 1980):

A3. An appreciation of Lennon written on the occasion of his murder.

Thomson, Elizabeth and David Gutman, eds.
The Lennon Companion: Twenty-Five

Years of Comment.
Cambridge, MA: Da Capo, 2004. An excellent collection

of articles evaluating Lennon’s work from the early Beatle days to after his


Tianen, Dave. “All You Need Is Music.”
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
(November 30,

2005). Accessed March 5, 2007, at http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.

aspx?id=374397. A look at the major recording milestones of The Beatles and

Lennon as a solo artist.

Tianen, Dave. “Multimedia: A Look at Lennon.”
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

(November 30, 2005). Accessed March 5, 2007, at http://www.jsonline.com/

story/index.aspx?id=374336. An annotated list of books and other items that

were released to correspond with the anniversary of Lennon’s death.

Tianen, Dave. “We Are Still Trying To Decide If Lennon Was Saint, Sinner or Some-

one in Between.”
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
(November 30, 2005). Accessed

March 5, 2007, at http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=374332&fo

rmat=print. The image of Lennon 25 years after his death based on interviews

with author Bob Spitz and
magazine editorial director Bob Sullivan.

“The Top 100: The Best Albums of the Last Twenty Years:

Rolling Stone

507 (August 27, 1987): 125. The
album is ranked number 61 among

Rolling Stone
magazine’s best 100 albums of the years 1967–1987.

“The Top 100: The Best Albums of the Last Twenty Years:
Plastic Ono Band.


ing Stone
507 (August 27, 1987): 52. The
John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band

is ranked number four among
Rolling Stone
magazine’s best 100 albums of the

years 1967–1987.

Torre, Nestor U. “Documentary Tackles Beatles’ Contentious Breakup.”

(Philippines) (April 8, 2006). Accessed March 5, 2007, at http://www.

174 Annotated Bibliography


htm. The author discusses various theories that led to the breakup of Lennon’s

popular band and a new documentary that covers the subject.

Towarnicky, Carol. “Lennon … at 40.”
Philadelphia Daily News
(October 9, 1980):

29. A profile of Lennon as he reaches middle age.

Trakin, Roy. “Lennon’s Musical Journey.”
Daily News
(New York) (December 14,

1980): Leisure-7. A one-page synopsis of Lennon’s album-by-album contribu-

tions to The Beatles and comments about his solo albums in a special tribute


“Trashing the Lennon Legend.”
Florida Times-Union
(Jacksonville) (August 7,

1983): 4. A review of John Green’s book
Dakota Days.

Travis, Alan. “The Night Yogi and Boo-Boo Helped Semolina Pilchard Snare a

(Manchester, England) (August 1, 2005). Accessed March

5, 2007, at http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,1539997,00.html.

An article about the Lennon and Ono drug bust in 1968 by Detective Sergeant

Norman “Nobby” Pilcher and his drug-smelling dogs.

Traynor, Luke. “They Were Going To Get Back Together.”
Liverpool Echo

8, 2005). Accessed March 5, 2007, at http://www.jobs-merseyside.co.uk/


were-going-to-get-back-together-name_page.html. The author posits a possible

Beatles reunion based on a clause in a contract Paul McCartney signed with CBS

in 1979, and legal action by Lennon in 1980.

Tremlett, George.
The John Lennon Story.
London: Futura, 1976.

“Tribute to John Lennon on the Anniversary of His Death.”
New York Times

(December 9, 1982): 21. A local report about a New York City tribute to

Lennon two years after his death.

“Trouble Seemed So Far Away.”
The Times
(London) (December 8, 1981): 5D. A

report looking back one year after the shooting of Lennon.

Turner, Gustavo F. “Fans Still Book the Beatles.”
Dallas Morning News

8, 2005). Accessed March 5, 2007, at http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/

dws/ent/stories/DN-beatlesbook_1208gl.State.Edition1.169adb7a.html. A

harsh review of Spitz’s Beatles biography of 2005.

“2 John Lennon Memorials Draw 4,000 in Liverpool.”
New York Times
(March 30,

1981): 20. The coverage of memorial services for Lennon in his hometown

several months after his death.

Udovitch, Mim. “On Being a Prick: Albert Goldman’s Last Emission.”
Village Voice

(September 27, 1988): 53–54. A negative review of the Goldman biography.

“U.S. Ban on Beatles over Religion.”
The Times
(London) (August 5, 1966): 8E.

The reaction across the country to Lennon’s statement about The Beatles and

Jesus Christ.

The U.S. vs. John Lennon.
Directed by David Leaf and John Scheinfeld. 1 hr. 45 min.

Lionsgate, 2006. A feature-length documentary about Lennon’s political activ-

ism, immigration troubles, and harassment by the U.S. federal government.

Walters, Ray. “Paperback Talk: Beatlemania.”
New York Times Book Review

28, 1980): 19.

“War Is Over! If You Want It.”
New York Times
(December 21, 1969): 16.

Warman, Christopher. “Lennon and Picasso Works Compared.”
The Times

(March 13, 1969): 10A.

Annotated Bibliography 175

Wenner, Jann. “Endpaper.”
Rolling Stone
335 (January 22, 1981): 18 ff. The

publisher has the final word in a special tribute issue to Lennon. He speaks

of Lennon’s friendship and his support of the magazine in its nascent years.

Wenner, Jann. “John Lennon.”
Rolling Stone
(January 21, 1971): 36–43.

Wenner, Jann. “John Lennon in
How I Won the War.

Rolling Stone
1 (November 9,

1967): 16. A review of
How I Won the War
with a focus on Lennon.

Wenner, Jann.
Lennon Remembers: New Edition.
New York: Verso, 2000. Extensive

interview conducted by the
Rolling Stone
publisher in December 1970, originally

published in book form in 1971. Retranscribed and republished in 2000 with

a new introduction by Wenner and a “Forward” by Ono. In the reading of the

interview Lennon comes across as vitriolic. But upon hearing it, his humor,

relaxed stance, and matter-of-fact delivery lessen the harshness considerably.

Wenner, Jan. “Man of the Year.’”
Rolling Stone
51 (February 7, 1970): 24–25. The

Rolling Stone
publisher offers his reasons for why Lennon is the “man of the

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