The Power (32 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Roberts

Tags: #Retail, #Suspense, #Thriller, #Fiction

BOOK: The Power
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“Lured actually.” Gina corrected.

“What do you mean lured?” Jack’s gaze jerked upward at the menacing word.

“A handsome gentleman,
a man from wealth and privilege who had been handed everything on a silver platter, a spoiled, pompous man that Lillian could not see because of the stars in her eyes, charmed her, made her believe she was falling for him.” Gina turned once again to stare out her window. Jack’s gut tightened in jealousy as the picture of Lilly staring at some other man with stars in her eyes entered his mind. He had to check himself, and remind himself that it had been a very long time ago.

“He seduced her?”
Lilly’s past did not matter to him, he told himself. It was over and done with! He would be her future, he vowed!

“Yes, and then this same, handsome, suave gentlemen of so-called class captured her alone one evening, and then he tore the stars from her
eyes by brutally raping her.”

he words hit Jack hard in the chest as if someone had slugged him there right in the heart. He had not been expecting those words. Not those words! He wanted to scream in denial. He wanted to find the man, and rip his head off. He wanted to kill the bastard in the most violent way imaginable! “I shouldn’t have told you of this, but Lillian never will.” Gina said brokenly. “She was always so ashamed afterward as if it had been her fault.”

“How could she believe such a thing! Tell me she sent the son of a bitch to prison!” Jack growled out all at once. The fury inside of him was raging. Gina smiled warmly.

“It was a very long time ago, Jack. She didn’t want anyone to know. I respected her wishes.”

“And the bastard got off scot-f
ree!” Jack snapped fitfully. “Tell me his name!” he demanded hotly, and Gina shook her dark head.

“It doesn’t matter now, Jack. It’s over and done with. Now, promise me you will not hurt her. Promise me that no matter what, Jack, you will stand by her side.” It was a demand that Jack had no trouble submitting to. He nodded confirmation, and Gina smiled, obviously believing him. “Let me out at the gate, Jack.” she said dismissively. Jack fought the vengeful demon within him that wanted to take action tonight, to find that son of a bitch that had hurt his Lilly. He wouldn’t ev
en know where to start though.

Telling himself to get it under control before he met Lilly tonight, Jack drew in several deep breaths. Silently, he wondered
if would she take one look at his face and know that he knew? Why hadn’t she told him herself? She had started to, he recalled suddenly, on more than one occasion. He knew that. It had to be difficult for her, he knew that too, but why couldn’t she trust him? He would never harm her, not in a million years. Jesus Christ! How was he supposed to sit through dinner tonight knowing what he now knew, and not give in to the need to pull her into his embrace to comfort her?

“I can tell her you got a call? That you had to work.” Gina suggested at the gate. He was tempted, but he didn’t want to lie to Lilly. How could she trust him if he lied to her? Struggling with raw emotions, he shook his head negatively, and Gina climbed from the car and shut the door.

Lilly was seated on the sofa when Jack walked into the room. He smiled in greeting, and she rose to meet him, but stopped halfway, and looked at his face, really looked at him. Her eyes widened in sudden understanding, and he opened his mouth to comfort her, but it was too late.

“She told you!” she snapped fitfully, and Jack hurried to her. He brushed his hands down her arms then quickly up again.

“Lilly, if I had known...” he was saying, when she cut him off short.

“It was not her place to tell you anything!” she hissed, and then sweeping past him in what almost appeared to be a blur before his eyes, she snapped up her cloak, and rushed out the front door. Jack turned to chase after her, but by the time he reached the front steps, Lilly was nowhere in sight. Damn it! Damn it to hell!


Damn her! She had no bloody right to tell Jack anything! It was Lillian’s place, not her dark mother’s! Hadn’t Gina just warned her last night not to share anything concerning her past with Jack? No! Gina had warned her not to reveal their secret! What was th
is really about, Lillian couldn’t help but to wonder? Was Gina trying to turn Jack against her? Trying to push him away before Lillian gave up their secrets? Lillian had decided last night that the best thing for all of them would be for her to give up Jack Stone and all that he offered her, but God, how could she do that when he already meant so very much to her?

He knew! Damn it! He knew, but what all did he know? How far had Gina gone in the re-telling of her story? Surely, she hadn’t revealed their secret. Surely, Jack didn’t know that his death was her fault!  If she had never gotten involved with him, if she had not leaned on him in her time of need, had not counted on him, had not loved him! Like she loved him now? No. Now, it was more. It was stronger. It had developed into something much more staminate, more substantial! God, the emotions consumed her! God? When had she begun using that name again? God! Ha! God did not exist! He certainly had never shown himself to her in any way, shape
, or form over the long, lonely years. Then again, why would all that was good show itself to all that was evil?

She had been walking for hours, thinking, raging at Gina, worrying about Jack. Was he out there? Was he looking for her or was he back at her house waiting for her return? Or had he run at Gina’s announcement of the events concerning Lillian’s past?

It was maddening! Lost deep in thought, she didn’t hear the car coming upon her until it was too late. A loud horn honked, and Lillian stepped out of the way just in time. How had that happened? When had she become so oblivious to her surroundings? It was dangerous to be so. She had to stay alert, aware! What she felt for Jack was softening her, humanizing her, and her immortal senses were beginning to slacken. She couldn’t let that happen! She had to let Jack go, she decided as pain like she had never known sliced through her. It was the only way. She had to do it, for his sake, for hers as well, but God, she didn’t want to let him go! She wanted to hold tight to him forever! She heard when the next car rounded the corner coming straight at her. She stepped back onto the sidewalk, watching intently as a pair of headlights flashed in her face. Wrapping her cloak tighter around herself, she kept walking, but the car slowed, and as it approached she could make out that it was Jack’s dark Mustang. The car came to a screeching halt a few feet from her, and Jack slung open the door.

Jumping out, Jack grabbed her rough
ly by the arms. “Are you insane?” he shouted down at her. “I’ve been looking for you for hours, worried out of my mind, and then I find you walking alone in the dark, in this neighborhood!” he scolded hotly. Lillian could feel the fear that raged inside of him. He had been worried sick over her state of mind, over her safety. He had feared that he would not find her safe and sound. He loved her, she read the emotion in him, felt it burning so strongly within him, within her. She stopped, staring into his troubled eyes. She felt it wash over her, through her. He loved her, and she would be a fool not to admit that she loved him too. Rushing into his arms, she brought her urgent kiss to his warm mouth. Jack pulled her within the strength of his arms so tightly that she feared she would bruise. He had been that worried for her.

“Jack.” she breathed out, kissing him again and again. “Jack. Make love to me, Jack.” she begged, and he pulled her back to gently stroke her face, to stare longingly into her eyes.

“You’re sure?” he asked, his thumb tracing her bottom lip. Lillian nodded. She kissed him again, surrendering to him, wanting him like she had never wanted another.

“I’m sure.” She whispered urgently. “Jack, take me home with you.” she pleaded, and he kissed her long and hard, causing her knees to go weak, and her stomach to plummet and tighten. Dear God, what was this he was doing to her?

Jack took her around to her side of the car, and he helped her in before he climbed behind the wheel. His amber eyes washed wantonly over her face, her body, her face again only to lock with her gaze. “We should talk about this.” he suggested.

“I don’t want to talk tonight, Jack.” Lillian said, and she unhooked her belt and slid across the seat, nestling close to his side. Her fingers splayed across the hardness of his broad chest. Not being able to resist, she pressed her lips to the warmth of his neck, and felt when Jack quivered beneath her touch.

“You may not want to see me anymore if you see my place.” he warned in nervous teasing, reminding her of the words she had once said to him not so long ago. Lillian smiled.

“I can’t see that happening.” she repeated what she recalled his response being on that fateful night.

“My place is, uh, small.” he said, and then he grinned down at her. Lillian grinned back, and she kissed him soundly on the mouth.

Pulling into a parking space at his apartment building, Jack killed the engine and turned to Lillian, pulling her strongly into his arms. Holding her tight in his embrace, he lowered his head, and kissed her until she could think of nothing but the feel of him, of his hands, of his mouth, of the warmth of his body scraping curiously against her own. Taking her han
ds, he pulled her from the car and with him into the dark building where he led her to an elevator, and they boarded together still locked in each other’s embrace. They barely heard when the elevator doors opened on Jack’s floor; they were so lost within each other. Jack fumbled with his keys at the door, and Lillian clung to his back as he finally managed to get the door open, and dragged her inside with him. He closed the door by pressing her body back against it, and then his dark amber gaze found hers. She watched him as he came to her, leaning into her, kissing her as he locked the door, and then he pulled her with him, across a small living area, down a narrow hall to a bedroom that she knew she had seen once before in her dream.

“You’re sure?” Jack asked her once more when they reached his unmade bed. He turned her fully to face him. He stroked her cheek. His hand played with the ends of her long hair. She melted into his touch. Her stomach tightened in response. She wanted him. She wanted him desperately.

“Yes.” she whispered. “God, yes.” she said, pulling him toward her. He came easily, wanting her just as desperately. Her arms surrounded the strength of his shoulders, drawing him down even closer, and she touched her tongue to his, tasting him and savoring the taste. This was Jack. This was Jackson. She had loved him once upon a time. She loved him still. She longed for his touch. She would surrender all to him and more. Jack’s hand tangled in the back of her hair. He moved in so that his hard chest met her breasts, and he inhaled sharply at the shock the intimate touch brought to him. Lillian’s hands lowered to the buttons of his shirt. Surprised to see that her hands were trembling, she stared at those pale hands urgently working the button’s of Jack’s shirt and had to remind herself that those, pale, shaking hands belonged to her. Jack lifted her hands in his. He kissed both of them, and then he unbuttoned his own shirt, and slid it off, allowing the material to slip to the floor. His skin was smooth, bronzed. His chest was strong and filled with sinewy muscles. She could not resist, she leaned down kissing his chest, revealing in the heat she felt rising to meet her curious lips. Her hand splayed across the warm, hard flesh as Jack dipped to kiss her neck. Feeling the strong heart beating within his chest, Lillian stopped, and looked up into Jack’s gaze. He was mortal. He was alive with a beating heart. She would never be the same! She would never age. She would never die, and Jack…would.

“What is it?” Jack asked sounding out of breath, his voice low and husky.

“Your heart. I can feel it beating.” she whispered, and Jack smiled tenderly. Did he know? Did he realize that her heart did not beat? Why had she mentioned his heart? Stupid!

“Racing, for you, Lilly.” he confessed, and then his hands were at the bottom of her silk blouse, his fingers sliding warmly over her bare stomach as he lifted the material off and over her head. She stood there in a white, silk and lace bra, pale skin to his view. He leaned down, kissing her neck, her collarbone, and then his warm, gentle lips touched the rise of her breasts, and Lillian’s hands tangled in the thickness of his hair, cradling him there against her.

“Jack.” She whimpered his name, feeling when his hands rose to the straps of her bra, and carefully he tore the material away and tossed it aside. She felt the cool air against her skin as she stood there naked from the waist up, her white skin there for his view. What did he think of her body? Was she too pale? Was she-

“Beautiful, Lilly. You’re so damned beautiful.” He grabbed her to him, wrapping his arms around her in a crushing hold as he brought her chest to his. His hands smoothed up and down the skin of her back causing gooseflesh to arise and then his hands played between her shoulder blades as he lowered his mouth to hers in a tender kiss that soon turned to starving passion. Her slacks slid to the floor next, and she could have cared less. She wanted to feel his body flesh to flesh with her own. She wanted him to kee
p kissing her so deeply, so…but then he stopped. He pulled back, and leaning down, he opened a bedside drawer, and drew out a small, plastic package. Closing her eyes, it hit her hard. He was protecting her, even now. Oh Jack! You don’t understand what you are getting into with a creature like me!

“What is it?” Jack cradled her face in his hands. He kissed her gently, and she
looked up into his so beautiful amber gaze, reading the concern there. He wanted her, but he was worried for her. He knew something was wrong.

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