The Pope and Mussolini (15 page)

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Authors: David I. Kertzer

Tags: #Religion, #Christianity, #History, #Europe, #Western, #Italy

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But Pius XI did not confine himself to offering words of comfort. He again turned to Father Rosa for help. Meeting with the Jesuit editor in his library, the pope instructed him to prepare a new piece on the crisis. Two days later, at the end of July, Cardinal Gasparri himself arrived at the
Civiltà cattolica
headquarters in Rome to pick up Rosa’s draft. Over the next days, drafts went back and forth between the Vatican and the journal office, now bearing Pius XI’s black pencil markings. After getting the pope’s final approval, the unsigned article went to press.

After praising Mussolini for all he had done for the Church, and implying that he had nothing to do with the Matteotti murder, the
Civiltà cattolica
article warned that violent action against the government could never be justified. Even the use of legitimate means to bring it down, as through new elections, should be avoided, for it would bring “serious misfortune.” Most important, the Popular Party could never be justified in entering into an alliance with the Socialists.

The pope faced more embarrassment when Matteotti’s wife and mother repeatedly asked to meet with him. Suspecting that their request was aimed at further weakening Mussolini, the pope refused. But he did not want to appear coldhearted and instructed Gasparri to receive the two women and give them each a rosary he had blessed.

If there was any doubt about the pope’s continuing support for
Mussolini, it ended in early September when he addressed a group of university students. Italian Catholics, Pius told them, could never cooperate with Socialists.

the pope’s support was in his fight for survival. In the midst of the crisis, he arranged for his children to take religious lessons. Edda, aged twelve, Vittorio, eight, and Bruno, six, all celebrated first communion and confirmation on the same day.

At the time the pope heard this welcome news, he found himself confronted with another problem. Although Don Sturzo had resigned as head of the Popular Party, he was still writing articles critical of the regime. This was an irritant for Mussolini, and it meant that Sturzo remained a visible figure of the opposition. Pius XI ordered Sturzo to stop his attacks.

In response, the Sicilian priest offered to leave the country, a suggestion that pleased the pope. Not only would it remove Sturzo from the Italian political scene, it would prevent what could be a huge embarrassment. As long as he was in Italy, the risk remained that some Fascist band would add him to the list of murder victims, making it all the more difficult for the pope to continue his support for the government. In late October Sturzo departed for what he hoped would be a short period abroad; it would turn into a twenty-two-year exile.

Mussolini was meanwhile facing new headaches, as the Fascist bosses in the provinces increasingly questioned his resolve. At the end of 1924, an article titled “Fascism Against Mussolini” appeared, arguing that the leader’s only true support lay in the provincial Fascist squads and denouncing his decision to arrest Matteotti’s killers. Making matters worse, three days later an account of the murder prepared by Cesare Rossi was published in France—implicating Mussolini directly in the killing. The editor of Italy’s most prestigious paper, Milan’s
Corriere della Sera
, suggested that Mussolini might best resign. Rumors of a possible military coup d’état mixed with speculation that the king was about to appoint a new prime minister.

If Mussolini was not deposed as a result of the Matteotti crisis, it was because the opposition—not least due to the pope’s constant efforts to undermine any possible alliance to put an end to Fascist rule—failed to offer a credible alternative. Lacking this alternative, neither the king nor the army was willing to act.

Sensing this reality, Mussolini regained his self-confidence. The moment when it looked certain to him that Fascism would fall had passed. On January 3, 1925, not quite seven months since Fascist goons had murdered Matteotti, he rose to speak in parliament. It would be the most dramatic speech of his career.

“I declare here, in front of the Assembly and all the Italian people,” said Mussolini, “that I and I alone assume full political, moral, and historical responsibility for everything that has happened.”

“We are all with you!” shouted the Fascist deputies.

“If Fascism has been a criminal organization, I am the head of this criminal association!”

“We are all with you!” The applause kept building.

“If all the violence was the result of a particular historical, political, and moral climate,” said Mussolini, “then I take responsibility for it, because I created this historical, political, and moral climate.

“Sirs! You have deluded yourselves! You believed that Fascism was finished … but you will see.… Italy, sirs, wants peace, wants tranquility, wants calm. We will give it this tranquility, this calm through love if possible, and with force, if it becomes necessary.”

With these words, the Fascist assault on the last vestiges of democracy in Italy began.



units seized the headquarters of the remaining anti-Fascist parties and newspapers.
Opposition leaders were rounded up and jailed.
The beatings of opposition leaders resumed. The most prominent came in the summer with the Fascist assault on Giovanni Amendola, leader of the Liberals in parliament, who had already suffered a Fascist beating. He died of his injuries several months later.

Recognizing the value of continued strong Vatican support, Mussolini looked for ways to nurture his alliance with the pope. Having had his children and wife baptized, then having arranged for his children’s first communion and confirmation, he was running out of rites to show his Catholic credentials. But he did have one left. In July he told Tacchi Venturi that he wanted to celebrate a religious wedding with Rachele, most likely in September.

The Jesuit was delighted, knowing the news would please Pius XI. But when half of September passed and he had heard nothing more, he wrote to ask what had happened. “It is not because I doubt your good will in the least,” Tacchi Venturi explained in his note to Mussolini, but if the wedding could be arranged within the next few weeks, he advised,
“it will succeed in offering special consolation to the Holy Father and to not a few eminent personages who are sincerely devoted to Your Excellency.”

The delay may well have been caused by Rachele, whose antipathy to the Church ran deep. When Mussolini had insisted a few years earlier that Rachele be baptized, he practically had to drag her to the ceremony. Master everywhere but his own house, Mussolini decided he would have to catch his wife by surprise. On December 29, 1925, Rachele was in her kitchen in Milan cooking tagliatelle when her maid told her that her husband had arrived with his brother, Arnaldo, and a priest. They wanted her to join them in the drawing room. Her antennae raised by her husband’s uncharacteristic appearance with a man of the cloth, Rachele said she would come when she was finished. After waiting impatiently, Mussolini finally barged into the kitchen. “Off we go, Rachele. That’s enough now. Don’t make me insist.” Rachele, not one to be easily pushed around, did her best to ignore him. Undaunted, he stepped behind her, undid her apron, and walked her to the sink to wash her hands. He then steered her to the drawing room, where the priest performed the wedding ceremony before she could escape.

Things were once more going Mussolini’s way. As he resumed traveling through the country, enthusiastic crowds greeted him everywhere. Always ready with a punchy phrase or a potent military metaphor, Mussolini spoke with emotion of sacrifice and faith.
He had an uncanny knack for increasing his volume at just the right time, with a voice that, as one observer put it, ranged from “the hiss of a python to the roar of the lion.”

But he soon found himself dealing with a problem within his own ranks. Once again Roberto Farinacci, the most fascist of the Fascists, was causing trouble. The previous year, shortly after announcing the dictatorship, Mussolini had made a calculated gamble. In an effort to keep an eye on Farinacci, he had appointed him head of the Fascist Party.

Farinacci was not so easily tamed. Tension between the two men came to a climax in March 1926, when he insisted on playing a high-profile
role at the trial of Matteotti’s murderers. It was now almost two years since the killing, and the last thing Mussolini wanted was to remind people of what had happened. In hopes of minimizing news coverage, he had moved the trial to Chieti, a remote town northeast of Rome. “During the court sessions,” Mussolini wrote in a handwritten memo a few days before the trial, “we must avoid any and all elements of drama, which might arouse public opinion, domestically and abroad. Therefore no noisy incidents or political excursions.”

To Mussolini’s dismay, Farinacci decided to join the defendants’ legal team and instructed Chieti’s Fascist Party head to organize a big rally for his arrival. Angered by his grandstanding, Mussolini sent him a sharply worded letter: “I see that not one of your promises has been kept, and the trial … has become political. I judge all this with extreme severity, and great uneasiness is spreading within the party.… I warn you that I will not tolerate any rallies or celebrations at the end of trial.”

With the help of a Fascist prosecutor, a Fascist judge, and the national head of the Fascist Party as their defense attorney, two of the five defendants were acquitted. Dumini—Mussolini’s American-born henchman—and two of his comrades were found guilty of involuntary homicide and freed less than two months later. While satisfied with the verdict, Mussolini was furious with Farinacci and promptly dumped him as party head.

Seeking to strengthen his public image, Mussolini increasingly cast himself as the new Caesar, the man who would return Italy to its ancient grandeur. In this effort he had an important partner in his lover, Margherita Sarfatti. Her 1926 quasi-official biography bore the revealing Latin title
An Italian version of the term,
, meaning “leader,” was becoming ever more common in references to Mussolini in the press and on public occasions.

Mussolini also began to be cast as a Christ-like figure, in a fusion of Fascist and Catholic images. In Italian schools in Tunisia, a French colony, students recited a prayer that in one form or another would increasingly be heard on the Italian peninsula as well:

“I believe in the high Duce—maker of the Black Shirts—And in
Jesus Christ his only protector—Our Savior was conceived by a good teacher and an industrious blacksmith.… He came down to Rome.…”

Mussolini basked in the adulation but remained vigilant. Giuseppe Bottai, longtime member of the Fascist Grand Council, spoke of two different Mussolinis. One was expansive and spontaneous, guided by his instincts; the other was “small, petty, with the little envies and jealousies of common men, quick to lie, to use deception and fraud, dispenser of promises that he had no intention of keeping, disloyal, treacherous, mean, lacking in affect, incapable of loyalty or love, quick to dump his most faithful followers.”
In fact, Bottai was one of the few major figures in the regime whom Mussolini did not replace. Even in these early years, Mussolini could abide no competition, and any hint that one of his top ministers was getting too much favorable public attention was likely to lead to reassignment to Africa or the Balkans.

of Mussolini’s triumph, it was also a proud time for the pope. In an effort to strengthen Catholics’ bonds with their Church, he had proclaimed 1925 a Holy Year, the twenty-third to be held since Pope Boniface VIII announced the first in 1300. These were years when Catholics were urged to make a pilgrimage to the holy places of Rome, and prelates from parish priests to bishops, from the Americas to central Europe, led visits to the Vatican and the basilicas of the Eternal City. Pius XI was so pleased with the result that he would later promote two special Holy Years: in 1929, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of his priestly ordination, and in 1933–34, to mark the nineteen hundredth anniversary of Jesus’s resurrection.

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