The Pool And The Pedestal (Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: The Pool And The Pedestal (Book 2)
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The boy had never seen the kindly cook so engaged in any task. He also had never seen his friend partake in anything so strenuous. Cefiz always allowed others do the physical things in life. The cook remained happy by keeping his kitchens tidy and the customers well fed.

“It appears your friend decides to change his ways.” rumbled a voice behind Kael.

The boy spun and searched the balcony. Leaning against a wall in the heavy shadow cast by the upper floor stood the dark figure of Granu. Kael frowned at the giant. He still questioned the huge man’s motives and felt uncomfortable with the way the giant treated Cefiz the night before. Kael found his reaction hard to explain, but he filled with uneasiness about the situation.

“I hoped to spend some time alone ... collect my thoughts.” complained Kael. “Why do you sneak around so?”

Granu smiled and stroked his chin.

“My apologies for interrupting you.” began the giant. “But I am uncertain about the duration of our stay here and decided this to be my most opportune time to get out of our quarters. They are rather .... cramped.”

Kael looked at the giant with a puzzled expression. Granu smiled once more and clarified.

“As far as the recruits in this facility are concerned, I am their mortal enemy. I am what they are being instructed to kill, hate.” said Granu. “Those barracks are small and uncomfortable, but I will keep myself hidden and out of the sight of those who train here during the day. There is no reason to incite the prejudices of these men any further.”

The pair heard a loud grunt from the yard below. Kael turned to see Cefiz kneeling on the ground, rubbing the back of his head. The hammer hovered above the prone lieutenant. The sky brightened to a rich blue and Kael could clearly see the yard below. Sweat darkened the cook’s tunic and his hair lay matted to his forehead.

“It seems your prince is a fair motivator of men.” said the voice of Granu to Kael’s left. “This one needs much work, but I see the warrior that was once there, and with effort, that warrior shall return.”

A sharp, high pitched twang, followed by an equally high pitched whistle grabbed Kael’s attention.  Instantly, he felt himself thrown sideways as a powerful force slammed into the right side of his body. He lost his footing and tried to right himself as he tumbled to the ground. His face met something solid and a loud crack rang out directly next to his ear. Blinding white light dazzled his eyes and pain shot into his face and across his neck. The loud crack temporarily deafened him.

He felt himself lifted from the ground and as his vision returned he found himself floating in front of Granu. The giant’s mouth moved and slowly Granu became audible.

“....are you injured?!” rumbled the huge man.

“I ... I’m not sure.” slurred Kael.

The Keltaran’s powerful hands locked on Kael’s shoulders and he held the boy several feet off the ground. Kael’s hand moved to his face and he brought it away covered in blood. Alarm enveloped him.

Granu set the boy down, but kept one hand on Kael’s shoulder to steady the lad. With the other he shielded his eyes and frantically searched the  brightening sky. Kael heard a cry from below in the yard.


Kael’s hazy vision drifted to the yard and there he saw Cefiz, armed with a sword, sprinting toward the nearest stairwell. The Guardsman’s eyes were locked on the image of the Keltaran restraining a blood-covered Kael. Granu continued to scan above, then suddenly looked down to the charging Cefiz. The Keltaran’s arm shot out toward the opposite rooftop.


Kael’s sight followed Granu’s pointing finger to the rooftop across the open yard. A small figure, completely covered in black, crouched there. Cefiz halted and spied the figure as well. As Kael focused, he saw it raise a crossbow and level it at him. Instantly, Granu ripped the boy from his feet with a powerful embrace. The giant sprinted toward the next column, trying to shield Kael and put more distance between himself and the assassin.

Cefiz shouted in alarm and ran to the well in the center of the yard. A heavy bell hung from the well’s pitched roof. Cefiz let out three deep clangs.

Granu nearly reached the next column when Kael heard another high pitched twang. The crossbow bolt struck the stone column of the Hold with another loud crack just as the pair sprinted behind its protection. Again Kael and Granu were sprayed with shards of chipped rock. With the massive support between themselves and their enemy, Granu set Kael down and peeked around its edge.

“Kael Brelgson, be vigilant to our rear.” called Granu over his shoulder. “We cannot be certain there is only one assailant. Another may be positioned across the yard.”

Kael turned and edged against the opposite side of the column. He slowly peered around it and scanned the roofline. He saw nothing. Below in the yard, Cefiz worked his way to the longbow rack in the archery square.

“If there is only this one,” continued Granu. “He most certainly will try to reposition himself for another shot. If he moves toward our side of the yard, he will be able to fire down the entire length of this wide, open gallery. We must move toward the protection of the lower level.”

Granu peered around the column once more.

“He is moving!”

Kael spun beside the giant and scanned the Eastern rooftop. A tiny black figure ran in a crouch. A long black cape billowed behind the assassin like a violent storm cloud. He and Granu would soon be unprotected.

The assassin neared a favorable position for attack, when Granu rose and snatched Kael up like a sack of flour. The giant threw the dazed boy over his shoulder and sprinted to the west.

“We must find protection!” he bellowed.

Granu charged along the balcony. Kael lay over his shoulder watching the black figure on the roof above. Below him in the yard, Cefiz sped toward the closest stairwell. The figure stopped, threw itself down onto the rooftop and steadied the crossbow on a low ledge. It would be a difficult shot, thought Kael analytically, but Granu ran in a straight line. All the assailant need do is gauge the distance. Panic fought its way through the boys dazed consciousness. He wanted to scream, but the sound of a low strum distracted him. Instantly, a darkness flashed just inches below the head of the assassin and scattered chipped stone through the air.

The figure flinched and the crossbow twanged. The bolt crashed into the wall several yards behind Kael and the fleeing giant. Kael barely spied Cefiz notching a second arrow into the long bow he had snatched from the rack. The black figure sprang back from the roof’s edge, reloading its own weapon. Granu reached the west end of the Hold and leapt down the open stairwell as recruits threw doors open throughout the building and sprinted toward the sound of the alarm bell.


The open yard exposed the cook, but he knew he wasn’t the quarry. He shouted at the recruits spilling into the training area.

“Resound the alarm!” bellowed the lieutenant. “ An armed intruder is on the Eastern roof!”

The group froze and stared in dismay at the sweating lieutenant. One of the training staff ran from a lower corridor and registered the concern in Cefiz’s face. Immediately he ran to the bell.  Cefiz disappeared into the open stairwell to the sound of the clanging alarm.


Granu turned on the landing between the second floor and ground level. Kael bounced furiously against the giant’s shoulder, but saw the head of the black figure pop up over the edge of the rooftop. Granu saw it as well and cleared the steps four at a time. As the figure aimed the crossbow in their direction, Granu turned and sprinted into the inner hallway of the Hold. They were safe.


Cefiz launched himself toward the third level of the Hold. On the next landing he inspected the roof line. The black cloaked figure leveled the crossbow at a target near the far end of the Hold, then abandoned the shot. On the fifth landing Cefiz scanned the roof again and the figure disappeared. The cook’s chest burned from the strain of his climb. He flew past the fifth level and burst out onto the roof. Cefiz held his sword aloft and quickly surveyed his surroundings. The assassin no longer lay near the roof’s edge.  Cefiz stayed close to the cover of the stairwell.  Water cisterns and  chimney tops dotted the rooftop and extended down into various rooms below. Slowly, he crept forward.

Cefiz made his way to the first of three thin chimney tops. They stood slightly shorter than the Guardsman and not nearly as wide. He halted and surveyed the roof once more. If the black figure were small enough, he could certainly be hiding behind some of the larger chimneys. The Guardsman chanced a look to the yard and balconies below. Utter chaos. Recruits in various states of dress ran about the yard as sergeants barked commands and attempted to restore order.

“.... Unit five! Gather up what men you have and support the north door! No one in! No one out!...”

“..... Smilt, take three men and search the hallways for anything unusual!...”

“.....Haygin! Send men to the palace! There may be more than one attack taking place!...”

“..... Sergeant Plonty! Get two full units to the docks and take all of Udas’s men into custody!” barked the voice of Brelg. “He must be connected with this attack!”

Cefiz crept toward another grouping of chimneys. Halfway across the rooftop a black figure holding a crossbow dashed out from behind a water cistern. The figure’s cape billowed behind it as it sped across the rooftop. Cefiz threw caution away and gave chase.

The assassin ran quickly and easily outstripped the aging Guardsman. Cefiz dodged  chimneys and water barrels as he huffed and puffed across the rooftop. The figure reached the northern wing of the Hold and turned West when Cefiz heard Brelg’s voice bellow once more.

“Units six and eight get to the roof! Unit four grab those longbows! Aim for the figure in black!”

Cefiz dare not take his eyes off the assassin. Whoever it was, they possessed the crossbow and Cefiz was vulnerable. As if reading his mind, the figure stopped and spun. It dropped to one knee and steadied the bow. In an instant, the shot sprang forth and the Guardsman dove toward a pile of broken chimney pots in his path. The bolt slammed into the pots and ricocheted to Cefiz’s right, lodging in an old water cistern with a loud thunk. The assassin’s hand shot into the folds of its black robes and came out empty. It cast the crossbow to the rooftop. Cefiz peered over the edge of the pots and stared twenty yards ahead to the crouching figure.

The assassin was small by Zodrian standards. Maybe one and a half yards, thought Cefiz. At least two hands shorter than himself. A black suit covered the assassin, even concealing its head in a skintight silken hood. A long cape draped over its shoulders and around its body. The only part of the assailant that Cefiz saw were the eyes. Dark brown, thin eyes filled with anger. The assassin glared at Cefiz for a moment longer then leapt to its feet and ran toward the center of the northern rooftop.


Granu halted ten strides into the hallway. He gently placed Kael upon his feet and looked at the boy. The Abbot’s face furrowed with concern.

“Are you injured in any other spot than your ....”

The shouts and chatter of a group of recruits cut off his words as they turned into the corridor. The group carried weapons and sprinted toward the yard. Granu snatched an unlit torch from its wall holder and shoved Kael behind him. The recruits charged upon the pair and Granu gripped the torch like a cudgel.

“Sergeant Plonty wants us stationed at the armory.” called the lead recruit to his party. “Let’s move! Double-time!”

The leader raced past Granu and Kael. The others followed. All eyes scanned the boy and Keltaran, but they had seen them the previous evening, and word spread that the Keltaran was under the prince’s protection. Granu followed their progress until they disappeared into the yard, then spun and pulled Kael deeper into the Hold.

The giant reached the intersection of the hallways and turned toward their rooms. He moved quickly and dragged the boy forward when Kael could not keep up. They almost reached their destination, when a door burst open and Manfir ran into the hall carrying his short sword. The prince’s face showed relief upon seeing Kael, but it quickly changed to confusion. The Keltaran giant dragged the blood covered boy by the scruff of his neck, and held a club aloft. Kael seemed dazed and badly beaten. His face swelled and several deep wounds oozed blood across his forehead and neck.

A group of recruits turned down the hallway behind Granu. They were heavily armed and highly agitated. The recruits kicked open doors and searched rooms. They spied Kael, Granu and Manfir ahead of them and moved forward. Granu glanced back over his shoulder then turned and stepped forward to move past Manfir. The Zodrian prince’s eyes widened in alarm. Manfir looked at the dazed boy then to the wild eyed Keltaran. He hesitantly raised his blade and moved to block the giant. Granu glanced back once more toward the charging recruits.

“I have no time for this!” bellowed the giant.

Instantly, the torch flashed down and met Manfir’s blade. The tremendous strength of the giant forced Manfir’s sword toward the ground and pulled the Zodrian prince with it. In the same moment, Granu’s knee came up and met the prince in the side of the head. Manfir lost his grip on the blade, tumbled across the hallway and sprawled on the stone floor unconscious. Granu’s other hand yanked Kael toward the open doorway and threw the boy inside. Kael tripped over a stool and slammed into the edge of a rough hewn table. He gasped in pain as the table knocked his breath away. The boy slid to the floor as the doorway slammed shut.

Granu whirled and faced the recruits. A member of the General Staff lay unconcious at the feet of the huge Keltaran. The alarm bell continued its noisy clang in the yard. Blood covered the hands of the beast before them and it held a cudgel out in challenge.

The recruits glanced to one another then charged forward. The giant let out a furious howl of rage and plunged  amongst them. The leader of the recruits lashed out with a wicked barbed pike. Granu sidestepped its point and a powerful hand snatched it away. The leader stumbled past the Keltaran. Granu  twirled and held the pike out long and low. It hummed through the dank air of the hallway and connected with several of the startled recruit’s legs. Bones snapped and knees crumpled.

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