The Point (16 page)

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Authors: Gerard Brennan

BOOK: The Point
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They drove towards the sunset.









For their constant support, patience and love I thank my wife, Michelle, and our kids, Mya, Jack and Oscar. You guys keep me on the straight and narrow and I don’t even begrudge you for it.

So that they don’t give me grief at dinner on Sunday, thanks to my parents, Joe and Rosemary, and my siblings, Lisa, Mark and Tanya.

Mike Stone, my good friend and most respected reader/editor/problem-shooter, you’re worth your weight in gold, mate.

Danny and the guys at Pulp Press, thank you for taking a chance on this wee story.

A shout-out to the Irish crime fiction community: Much respect to the Godfathers, Colin Bateman and Ken Bruen. Keep on truckin’, David Torrans and the staff at No Alibis Bookstore in Belfast, a national treasure; I can’t thank you enough.

For inspiration and encouragement, thanks to the new NI crime fiction generation, Adrian McKinty, Stuart Neville and Brian McGilloway. A tonne of gratitude for Ian Sansom, a saint and scholar of the highest order. And, of course, Arlene rock.

Special thanks to Declan Burke, the most energetic supporter and top shelf writer of ‘Emerald Noir’.

The list could go on but I really have to wrap this up.



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