The Pleasure Room

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: The Pleasure Room
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The Pleasure Room


Vanessa Devereaux



Edited by Marisa Chenery

Cover design by April Martinez



Copyright 2014 Vanessa Devereaux. Published by Forever More Publishing, 31 Wycliffe Place, Kitchener, Ontario, N2M 5J6, Canada. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.


ISBN: 978-1-92785-9945-2



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This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


Since becoming a widow, Lady Lucinda has craved her brother-in-law, Anthony. Should she ever be foolish enough to act on her desire she’d cause a scandal. One evening she overhears a conversation about the pleasure room where one can remain anonymous, but enjoy pleasures of the flesh. Lucinda knows this will be the perfect place to live out her sexual fantasies, and perhaps get Anthony out of her system once and for all. In the pleasure room she meets men who show her what her body has been craving, but is it enough to put all thoughts of Anthony from her mind?

Chapter One


“The most perfect thing about it is everyone’s anonymous.”

I had been eavesdropping, as I so often do at social functions. The four ladies sitting at the table in the corner had been unaware that I’d been listening to every word they’d said. Normally, conversation among all women in a group was tiresome, at best. However, when the discussion of being pleasured had been raised, accordingly my interest and curiosity had been piqued. The word anonymous had excited me no end.

“How does one get invited to one of these events? Pray do tell me,” said the older of the women, whisking her fan back and forth in front of her face.

“Well, that’s where things can either go in your favor or not,” said the woman sitting directly next to her. “One simply shows up at the door, and if they like the look of your dress and mask, then you are allowed to enter. However, not everyone who is given admission is invited to the pleasure room.”

A firm grip on my right shoulder almost made me jump. I glanced to my right, spotting the green stone setting in a solid gold ring and immediately knew who’d taken me by surprise.

“Caught you red-handed,” he said, not easing up on his firm hold of me.

I felt myself blush as I always do in his presence. Had he heard what the women were talking about?

He took away his hand and sat next to me. He was a handsome man, who had always toyed and teased me to the point that I try my best to avoid him, even though we are related through marriage.

“And what have I done?” I asked, curious to know if he had actually heard the tale of the pleasure room and assumed I had too.

“Sitting here all by yourself when you should be mingling. Perhaps finding yourself another husband.”

“I’ve been enjoying viewing everyone in attendance tonight. I’ve been trying to determine who is wearing the best dress, but they are all so charming it’s a difficult task.”

“Found out anything interesting while you’ve been observing and perhaps listening to conversations?” He offered me his ear to whisper my response into.

I leaned forward, getting a whiff of his delightful cologne. The bulge in his pants told me that he perhaps he found me as alluring as I him. Yet, he had never once suggested I go to his bed, which for the last year had been my secret fantasy.

“Lord Myers has a new carriage. Lady Anton has a new lover. And Viscount Ramsey is thinking of taking a second mistress.”

“Absolutely shocking,” he whispered back.

The cologne mixed with the smell of the brandy on his tongue. The warm air from his mouth tickled my cheek. I closed my eyes. I could imagine it dancing across my breasts and nipples. My quim too. I squeezed my legs together, fearful juices would slip from my pussy, causing my dress to have a wet patch on the back of it. As well as being a woman who eavesdropped too much for her own good, I am also one with a too vivid imagination.

I was tempted to run my hand along his muscular leg that called my name and was mere inches from my own. I almost begged him to take me home and fuck me all night. However, I did not dare to, because he was Anthony, my dead husband’s brother, and that sort of thing, should it ever be discovered, would cause a scandal.

“May I get you another drink?” he asked.

I wasn’t that thirsty, but it meant he would spend more time with me. For now that would have to suffice.

“I’d like that, yes.”

“I will be right back.”

He stood. As he walked away, his pantaloons stretched across his calves and thighs. His muscles stood out. Nothing artificial about Anthony. So many men there tonight had padded calves, but not him.

“She has never enjoyed an orgasm with her husband, but whoever the talented gentleman was that night in this pleasure room, well, she will never be the same.”

I glanced over at the woman who was doing the speaking. I wondered if she knew how loudly she spoke and that I had heard her. My curiosity had been piqued even more. I fanned myself, knowing I blushed even thinking about such a thing.

“I must pay a visit. Pray tell where is the club?” asked another woman.

My ears perked up. I too needed to know.

“25 Oak Tree Lane, Bayswater. Tap on the door three times and that will tell them the reason for your visit.”

“Bayswater,” I said under my breath just as Anthony returned with a cup of punch.

“What about Bayswater?” he asked, handing it to me.

“I was thinking out loud that I should go to Bayswater one day to visit one of my aunts.”

He sat. “Then perhaps I should accompany you to wherever it is in Bayswater you need to go.”

I’d set myself up for this one. I did not have an aunt in Bayswater, and in fact, did not know a single soul there.

“That will be most welcome, and I will tell you when I intend to travel there,” I said, hoping that would be the end of the matter.

“Let us set a day right now. I could do with some time in London. Shall we say Thursday?”

“Yes, yes, of course,” I said, thinking that would give me some time to think of an excuse to cancel our trip to the capital. “I was thinking of a masked ball for the end of the month.”

I’d brought up the topic so as to have the perfect excuse to go shopping for my mask and have a man offer his opinion on a suitable one.

“That’s a splendid idea. Would you be offended if we held it at my house? I’d like to show off the new gardens.”

“I think that would be ideal. Perhaps you can help me select a suitable mask?”

“Of course, and I hope you will offer your expertise on finding me one that fits my personality.”

I sipped some of the punch and then answered. “I would be happy to.”

“Shall I call upon you tomorrow and we can shop in town? I have other errands to attend to so it would be perfect. I will call just before noon.”

He was right. It was perfect. Tomorrow I would have my mask and the following day I would travel to London. Hopefully, I would gain admittance to 25 Oak Tree Lane and then be chosen to visit the pleasure room.

Chapter Two


I put the mask over my eyes and cheeks, already feeling adventurous. If Anthony knew the truth about what I planned, would he be shocked? Knowing him as I do, I expected he would be. And that was the very reason he could never know.

I turned and peeped through the tiny holes that had been cut for the eyes, spying on Anthony as he scanned the masks in front of him. His dark hair curled over the top of his morning coat. He, as my husband had, possessed the most thick and beautiful head of hair. A little wavy and ideal to run one’s fingers through. I scolded myself for even thinking of such a thing.

He picked out a mask with a gold trim around its border, placed it on his face, turned and looked directly at me as if he knew I’d been spying on him the whole time.

“Is that you, Lucinda?” he asked, stepping toward me. “I hardly recognized you.”

“Lucinda who?” I asked. He had a wonderful sense of humor, and that was another reason I loved being in his company.

“You look so much like her. The hair and curvaceous body.”

So he had noticed my body.

“What do you think?” he asked, pointing to his mask.

“I like it, but I think you need to go bolder.”

“Really?” he asked, glancing at himself in the mirror on the wall.

“I do. Now what about me?”

“I think you too could do better.”

He walked to the shelf housing the women’s masks. He rubbed his chin while perusing them.

“Let me see. That one is a possible choice,” he said, pointing to pink one. “No, no, this is the one.” He pulled down a red mask with black lace trim. “Here try this one.”

I took the mask off and replaced it with the one Anthony had chosen. I had to admit I did suddenly feel more erotic, like a gypsy queen.

“Now that is better. It’s very naughty-looking,” he whispered close to my ear. Once again I smelled his spicy cologne.

“And you think that I should be naughty?”

“Every woman should be at least once in her life,” he said, taking off his mask.

If only he knew I already intended to be just that.

“The only warning I can give you is that men will find you irresistible.”

And do you find me that way?

“Now we have to find you a mask that will make it hard for women to resist you.”

I pointed to the black and white mask on the top shelf. He reached up and placed it on his face.

“That is the one,” I said.

He glanced at himself in the looking glass. “Dear Lucinda, I believe you are right.” We looked at one another, masks still on. “I cannot wait until the ball,” said Anthony. “Will we have an unmasking at the end of the evening? I think that would be fun.”

“That’s a wonderful idea. We’ll spend the whole evening wondering who is who.”

“Well, some will be easier to guess than others. Like Viscount May, who will be unable to disguise his rather robust belly.”

I laughed, visualizing the image. “Or Lady Deven, who hiccups after she’s had one too many punches,” I added.

“I’m so glad you suggested a masked ball. Now let us purchase these things and then head to the rest of the shops to buy something to wear that will compliment them perfectly.”


* * * *


I stepped back to look at myself in the mirror. On the advice of Anthony, I had purchased a red dress with a black lace front to compliment the mask. My breasts spilled over its bodice, and as I held the mask in front of me, I felt like a different woman. He had encouraged me to buy it, thinking it was for the ball. I now felt guilty as he’d paid for it.

False pretenses.

Not that I wouldn’t wear it to the ball, but it would be debuted before then.

I walked over to the window and noticed the carriage was now in front of the steps. I took a deep breath. I was headed to Bayswater tonight. Anthony had invited me to a small gathering at his house, but I had told him I had a headache and was retiring to my bed until morning.

 I hid the mask under my cloak. I did not want my staff to see it. I gathered my bag and then headed down the stairs.

“I will be not be back until much later,” I said to the footman.

“Yes, my lady.”

He opened the door and then the driver jumped down from the carriage and held it open for me.

“25 Oak Tree Lane, Bayswater,” I said.

He nodded, and I climbed inside. I sat and pushed my hand under my cloak, rubbing my fingers across the black lace edging on the mask as we began the journey.

My body so craved being touched, being pleasured. Being around Anthony as much as I am does little to help. I wanted his lips upon mine, his hands on my breasts and his cock within my pussy. However, it could never be, and it tormented me to no end. What I was about to do was not perfect, but it was the next best thing to satisfy my craving.

I bit my lip. Perhaps if I got lucky tonight, a cock would be inside me. Maybe I would imagine it was Anthony doing the fucking. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut.

How had I grown into such a wicked and naughty woman?

Being pleasured nightly by my husband and then being widowed so suddenly. Being young and having temptation in the form of my brother-in-law thrown into my face so many times a week.

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