The Pied Piper (2 page)

Read The Pied Piper Online

Authors: Celeste Hall

Tags: #erotica, #pan, #pied piper, #faun, #erotic fairytale, #celeste hall, #satyrs

BOOK: The Pied Piper
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“Papa, the rats are gone,” she reminded him
softly, wary of the nearby council members’ ears. “You promised to
pay him if he rid the town of rats, and there is not a single
squeak to be heard or whisker to be seen.”

The mayor startled a bit, as if surprised to
find his only daughter standing beside him, then his brow furrowed
and a stormy look entered his eyes.

“It’s the moral of it, don’t you see? He’s
tricked us all into thinking it was a difficult feat. But it took
him only a few minutes to accomplish. Why should I pay him so much
for so little effort?”


“Papa, you promised!”

“Go home, Chloe. This is no business for
womenfolk; this is a matter for the town council.”

“But, Papa…!”

“Be silent girl!”

Chloe looked up to meet the dark eyes of the
piper, and from the tempest she saw brewing there, it was obvious
he’d heard everything. She wanted to apologize, to tell him how
grateful the villagers really were, but he seemed to read every
intention on her face and gave her a slight shake of his head
before turning to confront her father.

“The rats are gone, as I promised. Now if you
will kindly pay me, I will be on my way.”

"Come, my good man," the mayor hedged. "You
see what poor folk we are. How can we manage to pay you fifty
pounds? Will you not take twenty? When all is said and done, 'twill
be good pay for what little trouble you've taken."

"Fifty pounds was promised and fifty pounds
it must be," said the piper shortly, his voice deepening and
growing dangerous, the reverberation of a coming storm. "If I were
you I'd pay the money quickly, for I can pipe many kinds of tunes,
as folk sometimes find to their cost."

"Would you threaten us, you strolling
vagabond?" shrieked the mayor, and at the same time he turned to
the council for support, many already clenching fists over their

"The rats are all dead and drowned," muttered
old man Johan, and several nodded with agreement. The piper
couldn’t undo his good work, so what had they to fear?

"You may take ten pounds, or you may go
without," suggested Brewer Cole. “Ten pounds for a few minutes of
work, you should be grateful.”

Chloe made a squeal of outrage, but the piper
again met her eyes and gave a small shake of his head.

"Very well," the dark musician rumbled, and
he offered a quiet smile before laying his pipe to his lips once
more. This time there were no shrill notes of scraping and gnawing,
and squeaking and scurrying. The music he played was a sensual
caress that whispered along Chloe’s skin and made her heart pound a
little faster. Every note was a kiss, every lilt a seduction.

As the piper turned and began to pace down
the streets, the elders mocked, but from every kitchen and parlor,
from every garden and shop, the eldest daughters of Hamelin came
out to follow.

Dancing, laughing, swaying and quivering, the
enraptured throng moved up along Gold Street and down Silver
Street. And beyond Silver Street lay the cool green forest full of
old oaks and wide-spreading beeches, and there followed every unwed
woman of marriageable age, enthralled by the piper’s bewitching

In and out among the ancient oaks the town
elders caught glimpses of the piper’s many-colored coat. But they
thought their daughters were only rejoicing in their freedom from
the rats, and did not suppose they might be enchanted, until the
music faded and died away within the lone green wood and the women
did not return.

Chloe danced beside the piper himself,
laughing and twirling as he watched. She hesitated only a moment
when the strange mist began to rise from the forest floor and block
out the lights of the city beyond.

The forest seemed to shimmer around them, the
trees quivering as if they had a life of their own. Then she knew
that they were no longer in the woods of her childhood. They were
transported to some other realm, where the deer and the foxes came
out to watch the seductive dance of the Hamelin daughters. The
eagle and the owl took congress from the sparrow above them. And
the very trees bowed and whispered in time with the piper’s

Dark shadows emerged from the mists and took
the form of men, every inch as tall and every male as handsome as
the pied piper beside her. A few of them even withdrew pipes of
their own.

Chloe’s heart swelled with the music. All
around her the daughters of Hamelin danced faster, captivated by
the song. The women swayed and whirled, shedding their clothing as
they danced among the caressing hands of the seductive pipers.

Chloe moaned and sighed in turn as the harsh
cloth of her own dress seemed to slide away without care. She
wanted to be rid of it, to be as naked and free as the wild wind in
the trees.

An impressive man began to gyrate behind her,
his powerful body sliding and grinding against hers, but Chloe had
eyes only for the pied piper, and he had eyes for her.

As the other man’s hands slid over her body
she could see the lust gleaming in the piper’s admiring
countenance. His gaze burning along her naked flesh, searing her
everywhere they touched, stirring a smoldering heat that drew down
to dampen the lips of her pussy and made her body tremble.

She offered a timid smile and opened her arms
to draw him in.

It was then that the pied piper finally
shrugged off his cloak and revealed what he truly was. Not a man at
all, but a creature taller than any man, with a powerful chest and
waist that tapered down into the hind legs of a wild goat or

In shock she looked about and realized that
none of the pipers were men. They were satyrs, the half-men of the
forest and musical servants of Dionysus.

She felt a twinge of fear as their leader
strode towards her on black, cloven hoofs. Yet as he drew himself
up before her, tall as an oak and broad as the mighty river, the
hooves vanished and the dark fur fell away, leaving only a nude man
in their place.

Oh, such a man as she’d never seen

A tremulous shiver whispered down to caress
the trembling nerves of her pussy, as she looked down and witnessed
the enormous cock jutting up from within the dark curls nestled
between his now human legs. It was not the first time she’d looked
upon a naked man, but never had it awakened such desire within

Lean, hard muscles rippled beneath tanned
flesh as he stroked his palm along the silken length of his cock,
seducing a pearl of creamy liquid out onto the broad tip as he gave
her a cunning smile.

“Beautiful Chloe, you have shown me that you
are both honest and good. Speak the truth now, if you dare. Are you

The deep musical rumble of his voice merged
with the sweet lilt of the golden pipes that still swelled the air
with seduction. It filled her limbs with a molten yearning that
weakened her knees and made her breath catch.

She trembled as a leaf caught in a windstorm,
yet she shook her head.

“No.” The word was hardly more than a sigh,
but it was the truth and he was pleased. He stepped closer, letting
her feel the heat of his flesh against hers, capturing her between
them, twin satyrs masquerading as men.

Their breath was a fire upon her neck and the
back of her shoulder as hot mouths began to taste and to savor. Her
nostrils were filled by the scent of prime wood after a rainstorm,
of hot wet earth and wild things. It was intoxicating.

“I am Pan, the lord of these woods,” his
words swirled over the sensitive skin just below one ear. “And
Faunus is my comrade, the most trusted of my satyrs. We would have
you together, my sweetling, if you say yes.”

Fingers plucked at her nipples like chords on
a harp, seducing the sweetest moans from her throat, but the sound
was quickly swallowed by the piper’s heated kiss. It was a long,
slow smoldering union of lips and tongues that left her straining
against him, desperate for more. And both satyrs were eager to
offer it, yet they waited for her answer.

“Yes,” Chloe nearly wept, so heated was her

The satyrs offered a combined rumble of
delight at her acceptance, and the sound went straight to her clit.
Pan was eager to follow it with his fingertips. Strong hands
smoothed down her thighs and stole sweet kisses from the lips of
her pussy, even as other hands squeezed the fullness of her ass,
parting those luscious cheeks to stroke the velvety steel of a cock
between them.

Their hands were everywhere, touching and
caressing her most sensitive places, filling her with a raging
passion that threatened to consume her. Chloe mewled and trembled
between them, openly begging for them to guide her through the
firestorm of building pleasure.

She gasped as clever fingers sought out the
satin pearl of her clit, sending wild bolts of electricity
ricocheting through her body. Her head falling back to rest upon
the satyr behind her as frenzied coils of need tightened and grew
inside her.

“You fought to protect me from the folly of
your father,” Pan’s lips caressed the words against her skin
between kisses. “But after I’d laid eyes upon you, I was no longer
interested in my little game. I was hoping that he would fail in
his promise, so that I could claim you as my reward.”

Chloe knew that she should be appalled by his
confession, yet she was overcome by the searing pleasure of his
fingers between her legs. She was gasping and arching into his
hand, her body trembling with the overwhelming need for more.

“Then claim me, now,” she pleaded.

He gave her a wicked smile and increased the
speed of his caress. Almost instantly the earth shattered around
her and she was thrown into a sea of ecstasy, wave after wave of
pulsing euphoria sent crashing through every nerve of her body.

But the satyrs were not finished with her.
They gave her no reprieve from their ravishing hands and
intoxicating mouths.

Pan knelt at her feet, the lord of the forest
reduced to a supplicant at the alter of her naked beauty and Chloe
cried out in wondrous shock as the heat of his mouth touched the
damp folds of her pussy. Her hands trembled at his shoulders, blunt
nails curled against hard muscles.

Behind her, Faunus reached around to tease
and pluck at her nipples. The combined assault upon her senses
awakening a fresh need for release, every stroke of tongue and
finger driving her higher and further than before, making her
writhe and whimper in wordless desperation.

They knew what she wanted, what she needed
from them. She was shivering and arching into their hands and
mouths as if they held the very key to her salvation. As if there
were nothing else in the world but the three of them and the heat
of desire that bound them together.

Pan drove her to the very gates of heaven
with his fingertips and tongue, and then he drew back, chuckling
softly at her gasping protest. She wanted more of him, more of that
wicked tongue and the clever working of his fingertips. But the
piper had something much sweeter in mind, pulling Chloe into his
arms and carrying her to a patch of soft moss beneath an ancient
gray oak.

As he laid her down and took his place beside
her, Pan pressed soft kisses to her mouth and throat. She could
feel the warmth of Faunus lying down behind her, and then he was
kissing the soft curve of her cheek. Their cocks were hot and hard
against her back and her belly, making her shiver with

Pan slipped a finger into the wet heat of her
pussy, rubbing against the underbelly of her clit, coaxing a fresh
flood of honey to the surface. Behind her, Faunus dipped his
fingers into the silken liquid of her desire and stroked it back to
swirl over the sensitive pucker of her ass. Then she was gasping
and shivering as he slid a finger inside that dusky channel,
awakening a thousand new sensations and rocketing her back into a
white hot need for orgasm

The piper entered her first, her mouth
falling open on a silent moan of exaltation. He moved achingly
slow, his lips hot and hungry against hers. He let her body stretch
to take him in, driving the thick weight of his cock deeper and
deeper, until he was seated to the hilt within her. Then he
withdrew slowly and thrust again, and then again, each time
plunging to the hilt. Within seconds she was clinging to him,
panting and arching to meet him. Yet again he denied her the orgasm
she was seeking, making her whimper and claw at his hips in a plea
for him to continue.

“Not yet, little one,” he murmured wickedly,
sliding his hands down to cup the luscious cheeks of her ass and
spread them open.

Chloe’s breath caught in her throat as she
felt Faunus’s cock, slicked with her own juices, slowly pressing
itself into her body from behind.

Inch by wicked inch he filled her, until he
was fully sheathed within the dark heat of that forbidden hole, and
Chloe was nearly blinded by the sweet shock of erotic pleasure at
having two cocks within her at once.

“Let your body relax and welcome him in,” Pan
guided, but she was already rocking her hips to set off a firestorm
of sensations that had her squealing in surprise.

The satyrs both held still as she squeezed
and released, squeezed and released, wiggling against the
voluptuously full sensation they created.

After a moment she began rocking between
them, mewling in delight as Pan took a firm hold of her hips and
began to match her motion, his pelvis grinding against her already
swollen clit.

“She is full of surprises,” Faunus chuckled
against her ear and then he began to move as well.

It was nearly more than Chloe could bear. She
gasped and moaned with every slow thrust of their bodies, moving
together, filling her up so completely. She was both soaring and
spiraling towards the brink of rapture, a leaf helplessly caught in
the storm of their passion, blind to all but the pulsing beat of
their carnal rhythm.

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