The Perfect Game (20 page)

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Authors: J. Sterling

BOOK: The Perfect Game
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“Oh my God. Well, that’s good. Do they have my camera? Can I get it back?” Her eyes lit up with hope.

I reached out my hand and felt her relax with my touch. “Sorry, Kitten. The police have it as evidence. It has to stay there until the sentencing is done.”

“How long does that take?”

“It can take months.”

“Months?” she repeated, her voice filled with disappointment.

“I’m sorry.” And I was. Seeing her disappointed, hurt, and sad practically killed me. I repositioned myself next to her before resting my arm on her leg.

“It’s not your fault.” Cassie tried to smile, but it looked pretty halfhearted.

“Dean positively identified him. So did Brett. He’ll most likely be charged with assault and battery and grand theft.”

“Wait,” she breathed out, interrupting my download from Dean. “Is there going to be a trial? Am I going to have to testify?”

“I was getting to that.” I leaned over, planting a kiss on her cheek. “He pleaded ‘no contest,’ so there won’t be a trial.”

She shook her head. “What does ‘no contest’ mean?”

“He’s basically saying he did it, without saying he did it. He waives his right to a trial because he doesn’t think he’ll get off if it goes to a jury. But the other thing about pleading no contest is he can’t be sued for any damages he caused and his sentence will most likely be less.”

“Less? How is that fair?”

“He’s a pussy. He took the easiest and best way out for him.” 

I watched as the confusion cleared from her eyes before she leaned her head against my shoulder. “So, no trial. You’re sure?”

“I’m sure,” I answered.


“Aren’t you pissed off? Or angry?”

Her head lifted and she turned to eye me. “I can’t change what’s already done. I just want my camera back.”

“And I just want to kill him,” I said seriously and she chuckled.

“Let’s be happy they caught him. I didn’t think they ever would.” Cassie’s voice sounded more relaxed, and I sighed in relief.

“You’re right. I am happy they caught him. Now I know where to go to kill him.”

“Jack, stop it.” She playfully swatted at my hand.

I winked at her and she rolled her eyes. “I won’t ever let anyone touch you like that again, Kitten. It won’t happen.”

“I know. But we have to move forward, okay? Put it behind us.”

“Fine,” I begrudgingly agreed as she nuzzled into me and I realized that he didn’t matter anymore. I had everything that truly mattered right here in my arms.








My eyes opened slowly and I rubbed at them, resisting the urge to close them and go right back to sleep. Today was the big day for Jack. I heard my cell phone beep its soft reminder tone and I reached for it. A text message.

re you up? Can

t wait to see you.

I noted the time. Six forty-three a.m. That was over an hour ago. I typed out a response letting him know I was awake and pressed Send. My phone immediately rang. “Hi,” I answered wearily.

“When can I come get you?” Jack’s voice sounded chipper.

“Good morning to you too,” I teased.

“I’m coming over in half an hour. Be ready.”

“What? No! I’m still in bed and I need to eat and shower and get ready.” It was still early and I couldn’t help the little whine that crept out in my voice.

“I didn’t say we had to leave in half an hour, just that I was coming over. Plus,” he paused, “I have something for you.” 

My pulse skittered. “What is it?”

“A present. I’ll see you soon.” He laughed before hanging up.

I jumped out of bed and threw open my door in search of Melissa. “Thank God you’re already awake!” I shrieked at the sight of her eating cereal on the couch.

“I can’t sleep in. You know this.” She looked up from her cereal bowl and smiled.

“Um, Jack will be here in half an hour. And he said he’s bringing me a present.” I cocked my head to one side and raised my eyebrows as I plopped down across from her. Melissa’s lips parted as her smile spread all the way across her face.

“Oh my God, you know what it is! Tell me!” I shouted at my best friend.

“No way. I’m not ruining
surprise.” She shoveled another spoonful of cereal into her still grinning mouth. 

“It’s not…” I paused. “He’s not…”

Her face crinkled as she read my mind. “Not what? Proposing?”

“He’s not, right? I mean, we’re not there yet.”

“Oh, this is fun.” Melissa was enjoying teasing me way too much, and I resisted the urge to reach across the table and strangle the truth out of her.

“You suck,” I grumbled. “I mean, it’s not like I think he’s going to, but it did pop into my head. Probably because he’s leaving soon, and I’m a girl and…”

“It’s not a ring,” she confessed begrudgingly. “But what if it was? Oooh, what would you say if Jack asked you to marry him?”

“I seriously hate you. This isn’t funny. I hate surprises.” I stood up, rubbing my suddenly anxious stomach.

“You will love this. I promise. Trust me. Trust Jack,” she said confidently. “He knows what he’s doing. He has your best interests at heart. And that’s all I’ll say about that.”

I released a deep breath. “Okay. Thank you. I’m gonna jump in the shower.”

“Don’t fall,” she shouted, mimicking her father’s usual tired joke.

“Ha ha!” I yelled from my room.

After my shower, I wrapped a towel around me and opened my bathroom door, spotting Jack lying with his eyes closed on my bed. If he really was sleeping, I didn’t want to wake him, so I quietly tiptoed past him toward my dresser. I shrieked when he jumped from the bed and grabbed me, forcing my towel to fall to the floor.

“Jack! You scared the crap out of me!” I shouted as I reached for the wet clump of terrycloth.

Jack reached it first and snatched it away. “I don’t think I’m giving this back. I like what I see too much.”

“Stop,” I whined, trying to cover my girly parts with my hands while he stared. 

“Come here.” He extended his hand and when I grasped it, he pulled my dampened body on top of his. “I love you. You know that?” he asked, running his fingers through my wet and tangled hair.

I didn

t respond
. I looked deep into his eyes and smiled. His fingers ran down my spine, forcing chills to course through my already chilled body. He arched his head up, meeting my mouth with his before pulling
my head down
. My lower lip felt the graze of his tongue as it entered my mouth slowly, methodically. His tongue darted against mine before leaving and then returning in a sensual exchange. Every touch awoke parts of me until soon, my entire body was screaming out for him.

“Jack.” I breathed his name against his mouth. 

“Mm-hmm,” he responded as his tongue continued to titillate my senses. 

“Do we have time?” I reached for the button of his shorts, hoping he’d take the hint. 

“Mm-hmm.” He grabbed me firmly with one well-toned arm and propped us both up on the bed with the other.

When we were sitting up completely, he reached for the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head in one swift movement. I stared at the muscles in his chest and shoulders, fascinated by the way they flexed with any movement he made. I fumbled with the button on his shorts, trying desperately to get it open, but failing due to our position. 

“Just one sec,” he said softly before sliding my body from his. I sat next to him as he kicked off his shorts and boxer briefs. “You can come back now.” He smirked before lying on his back. 

I leaned down to kiss his dimples before climbing back over. I positioned my body on top of his, my legs straddling his hips as I lifted my lower half and placed him inside of me. I allowed my body to lower gently, taking all of him in one motion. “Oh God,” I moaned, feeling him reach places in me I’d never felt before. I looked up at my ceiling as I continued to lift and rock my body over and over, feeling him deeper inside each time. 

Jack groaned with pleasure as his hands clutched my hips, moving with my body. Up and down. Up and down. His grip tightened as his excitement grew, willing me to speed up my motion, but I refused. I wanted to make it last. I rose and fell, sounds escaping my lips more often than not.

I looked down at him and noticed his eyes fixated on my face. Or more specifically, they were focused on my mouth. I moaned once more, my lips parting and moving with each labored breath I took as he squeezed his eyes shut. 

“Why do you always feel so amazing?”
he asked, his hips thrusting upward against mine each time I fell. 

“You feel so good.” I breathed heavily as I bent over him, my body still rising and falling as I swept my tongue across his lips. This new angle caused him to reach different places inside of me and I unwittingly moaned once more, almost unable to take it.

“Oh God, Jack.” I breathed his name, my hips pumping faster. His hands moved me forcefully at a swift pace as he let out a throaty growl. I threw my mouth against his, longing for the feel of his lips and tongue against mine. I ravaged his mouth, unable to get enough, my tongue desperate for a dance with his. And when the hot taste of his tongue finally met with mine, I sighed audibly as I felt the beginning of that rush of tingling that I’d worked for. 

As impossible as it seemed, I felt him grow larger inside of me as our movements hastened to their final pace. His eyes snapped shut and his face pinched together as he exploded inside of me with forceful thrusts. I shook with the joy it brought, my insides twitching and pulsing. Breathing rapidly, he opened his eyes and leaned shakily up to kiss me. “You’re fucking sexy as hell. You know that?”

I collapsed onto his sweaty chest, my thighs burning. I breathed heavily against him before removing our still attached parts from each other. I scurried into the bathroom and when I came back out, Jack was propped up on the bed with both elbows.

“Are you ever getting dressed?” I teased and he smiled.

“Come here.” He hooked his finger at me and I ambled toward him, slipping into a pair of underwear before sitting down in front of him. 

He reached behind him and lifted a white box tied with a red bow. It was smaller than a shoebox, but bigger than a jewelry box. I had no clue what could possibly be inside. 

“Open it,” he insisted as nerves exploded throughout my system.

I pulled at the bow, watching as it released its grip on the box wrapped in white paper beneath it. I tore at the taped corners, ripping the paper away as I glimpsed the familiar red font I’d grown to love. My breath caught in my throat. 

“Jack.” My voice hitched.

“I know it’s not like the one you lost, but Melissa said it’s better,” he started to explain. “She said this is the one you dream about.” His proud smile lit up his whole face.

“It’s incredible. But…” I shook my head reluctantly. “I know how much this camera costs, Jack, and it’s too much.” 

His smile wavered as he asked, “Do you remember the night your camera got stolen?” His jaw tensed as I nodded. “Do you remember what I said to you?” I shrugged. “I said I’d get you a new one. I promised. Besides, it could be months before the police release yours from evidence.”

“But, Jack…”

“But nothing. Kitten, I’m getting drafted today. By the end of the afternoon, I’m going to have more money than I’ve ever had in my life. I wanted to do something nice for you. And I made you a promise.” His voice pleaded, desperate for my acceptance. 

“I’ll pay you back,” I offered, feeling the self-imposed weight subside.

“Consider it an investment in your future.” He reached for my face before tilting my chin toward him. “I believe in you. You have a gift. You are so talented. Now you can show the world.”

Little tingles pricked the backs of my eyes with his words. “Saying thank you doesn’t seem like enough, but thank you, Jack. I can’t believe you did this.”

“I’d do anything for you,” he said before pressing his lips against my cheek. 

“I got the internship,” I told him softly.

His eyes lit up. “You did? I knew you’d get it! What’d they say? I mean, when they said you got it, what were their reasons?” 

“They said I had real raw talent that impressed them. ‘A beautiful eye and a unique perspective,’” I quoted, my eyes burning with unshed tears.

“They have no idea how right they are. Congrats, babe!” He lifted me off the bed and swung me around the room in his arms.

“I was going to have to turn them down because I didn’t have a camera anymore,” I admitted as one tear escaped. “But now I can accept it.”

“You can just call me your hero if you want,” he taunted, placing my feet back on the ground.

“You’re so irritating.” I sniffed back the tears and pretended to snarl at him and he laughed heartily.

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