The Patriot (21 page)

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Authors: Dewey Goldsmith

BOOK: The Patriot
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Before long the lodge workers came out with trays of hot food, soups, vegetables, and sandwiches until everyone ate their fill. Goldie said this has cost you my friend and handed mike some bills. This will take care of the food and your expenses tomorrow and help you organize and supply you men for a time. They spent some time going over the plan of attack. Mikes drivers would drop off his people then leave to a pick up point. Goldie’s drivers would drop him and his men off then wait at the golf course. Goldie said there are enough trees and foliage for us to stay out of sight until we move into action. We need to be in position and have your spotters in place at least an hour before the motorcade is scheduled to leave out so we should retire early this night. Mike said yes we should be prepared to leave here no later than seven.

After the men had all retired for the night Goldie lie thinking about the job ahead. Had he overlooked anything that could change or interrupt their plans. Was there any other way to stop the planned takeover by those who dream of a new world order. Would the joint chiefs step in and what direction would they take the country if they did. Had he lost his dear wife and son for naught and how many more would be lost before the fight was won. Finally his doubts were calmed and rest came.

He awoke the next morning rested and at peace with himself. He glanced over to see Mac seated on the edge of his bed and said I see you too are up early Mac. Mac answered yes most of the men are already up and having coffee in the lounge with mike and the others. Goldie said well lets go join them friend then rose and together they went out to join the others. Mike said good morning have some coffee and donuts, hope you slept well. Goldie replied sure did these are the best accommodations we have had for a while. While they sat Mike said he had twenty men selected for the job. More than needed to take out their security vehicles but if need be enough to hold off security while you get away.

Mac said well lets hope it doesn’t come to that but best to be prepared. Mike said his spotters had already left to get in position and it’s near seven recon we better start loading up and get underway. Goldie said when this goes down and we have those we want in hand we will leave out fast friend. I want you and all your men to know that without your help and support we couldn’t hope to pull this off. They men all said we are in this fight together God speed you on your way home.

They arrived at the exit shortly after eight. Mikes men went in first as planned dropped his men off then left by the back road. Goldie’s drivers followed dropping him and his men off as planned then proceeded towards the golf course. They met with Mike then positioned themselves out of sight among the trees. Shortly afterwards two highway maintenance trucks drove up one stopping short of their position the other further ahead. Those in the trucks got out and appeared to have brush removal equipment with them and set up alongside the road as if preparing to trim the limbs and foliage.

It was near half past eight when mikes spotter at the capital radioed to say they have four limos lined up with drivers and about a dozen federal agents standing by. Fifteen minuets later he called to say passengers are boarding the vehicles now. The president and a foreigner are getting into the second vehicle, there are three others getting in the third vehicle. Goldie told mike that would be the presidents staff, the UN leader is riding with the president. The spotter reported there are six federal agents, security people, getting in the front and rear vehicles, then added, the motorcade is moving.



The Traitors Reign Ends
With Military Rule

Right on time Mac said. Some time later the spotter at the off ramp radioed to say I have the company in sight, they are passing me now and heading your way, four vehicles in all. Mike signaled the trucks drivers to get ready then said Goldie I must join my men now, good luck, may we meet again some day when this is all over. Goldie said we will not forget you friend, take care. The vehicles came into sight and right on time the repair truck pulled out blocking the road. Immediately the lead vehicle was hit by several missiles exploding into flames and debris followed an instant later by the destruction of the trail vehicle. Mikes men had done their job well.

Almost at the same time the wheels and suspension on the other two vehicles were destroyed by the twenty millimeter shells and followed by fifty caliber fire into the drivers section of the vehicles. Goldie and his men were moving swiftly now surrounding the vehicles and eliminated the security guards riding with the dignitaries and pulled the screaming passengers from the vehicles. Quickly they blindfolded and tied their hands then moved off at a run towards their sedans. Within seconds they had their passengers secured in the rear compartments and were heading out the exit road. Moments later they pulled onto the access ramp and headed west. Be careful Goldie told the driver keep it at a normal speed and we’ll be out of this state in good shape.

Mac said I hope Mike and his men got away clean. Goldie said I didn’t hear any sounds behind us as we loaded the passengers I think all made it without any trouble. Mike said he would stay behind long enough to make certain there would be no one left to tell what happened, so if it went right no one will know who was involved or where the dignitaries were taken. They had already left the state of Maryland behind and were moving ahead well towards Charlestown by noon. Later just outside Portsmouth they pulled into an open truck stop to fuel up. Goldie said it’s safe here this is redneck country so lets go in and get everyone a carry out sandwich and drink. The others stayed outside fueling up the vehicles while he and Mac went inside.

The waitress came over and took their order and as they waited they paid for the fuel. Finally the waitress returned with their order and they paid for the food. There seemed to be a lot of discussion going on at the end of the counter and he asked the waitress whats all the commotion about? She was excited and said there’s something on the radio about the president and some others being missing, no one knows what happened to them. All the news said is that a bunch of federal agents were ambushed and murdered and their cars destroyed and the president may have been taken prisoner. No one knows what happened but everyone here is hoping the militia has him.

Mac looked at Goldie and said guess we’re in good company kind of hate to move on. Goldie said yep but recon we better get this food to the men and move out. Once on the road he said well if all goes well we will be back at camp in another three hours. Question is what do we do with our prisoners once we get there. Maybe we should contact Richard on the radio phone. The captain answered and said Richard is here, whats your situation. Goldie answered we have the birds in hand and are enroute to our home base. We should arrive at camp within three hours. Richard came on and said my God man, good work, we will be waiting for you at your base when you get home. Now it’s decision time for the top brass.

Mac said sounded a little shook up didn’t they. Yeah I guess a lot of people are and more will be once what happened sinks in. Turn north here Goldie said, this route leads right past our camp in Vienna. Two hours later they pulled into their camp and were met by Tim and the boys. James said Richard and the captain are here waiting for you, we all heard on the radio what went down. Goldie said everything went as planned then told the men pull the vehicles well off the road into the trees then take the passengers out and see they are alright. Let them relieve themselves before bringing them to the main tent.

He turned as Richard and the captain came walking up, with them were six of the special forces veterans. The captain said when you first discussed this operation we had concerns it could be too much to take on. Richard asked how did you get it all worked out? Goldie advised him how they had scouted the area, had spotters along the way to keep them abreast of the motorcade progress, and it was a matter of having what we needed in place. Mike and his people deserve a lot of the credit, he helped us lay it out and his people did their work like pros. Question is what do we do with these traitors now that we have them.

Richard said hold them here until we see how the joint chiefs and others react. As soon as you confirmed the mission had been successful the joint chiefs were advised we have the president and UN chief in our control. We also advised them plans for a nationwide campaign involving millions of militia members is imminent. We advised them all out war is inevitable unless control of government changes and all un personnel are ordered out and leave our land immediately.

He said as we speak all sector commands have been directed to alert their forces and prepare for full mobilization. Your people in highland, Clinton, Adams, and Fayette counties have been alerted and your leaders have them ready for movement. Tim and your sons have been busy and have their people ready. We are waiting for word from the chiefs which may come by way of nationwide public radio and television broadcasts. We expect to receive direct communication in advance, my staff will relay that communication to us here if it is received.

Mac said Goldie the men have let the prisoners relieve themselves now what shall they do with them. Goldie asked are they still bound and blindfolded, and Mac said affirmative. Richard said bring them here for a moment we need to advise them of their situation. Mac left and a moment later he and the men returned with the prisoners. Richard said remove their blindfolds so we can identify them. Once done Richard and the captain walked over and stood before the prisoners then said Madam president identify your companions. She answered this is the president of the united nations, my chief of staff, the secretary of state and defense. Then she asked what is the meaning of this action and where have you taken us? Richard said I will ask the questions you will speak only when told to do so.

Richard said you and your associates have conspired with foreign despots to betray our people? He looked at all of them then said, can you give me a reason why your lives should be spared after your traitorous actions. He received no response. The captain asked, do you call yourselves Americans? As before the captors did not respond. Then Richard said, you asked before what was the meaning of this action. I tell you now you are puppets of the wealthy who would rule the world, you are not American. Those who follow your orders have murdered our loved ones in your name. Your families will be left to wonder what has happened to you, and they will not see you again. He told his men close their eyes that they cannot see and take them from my sight, I am sickened by their cowardice and traitorous actions.

After the prisoners had been blindfolded and secured in the vehicles Richard said bring us all a Pepsi that we can clean the stench from our mouths. One of the men went into the tent and returned with a case of Pepsi and all sat down then to collect themselves. Richard looked at Goldie and said I don’t know how you can control your anger after what they done to your dear wife. Goldie said I must do so lest I become what they are. They will be dealt with at some point in time but that time is not now. Just then Richard received a call from his staff, after a moment he turned to the others and said an announcement is soon to be made over the radio.

Then the camp lookout called to say we have visitors, tell Tim it is his wife and friends, they are on their way in. Times wife got out of her wagon and she and the others came running towards the group, she was carrying a portable television set. You have to see this she said, all kinds of things are happening. They turned the set on and Mac strung a wire to the antennas to get better reception and all watched as things began to unfold before them. The national media spokesperson was talking excitedly. It has been confirmed, the president, his staff, and the head of the united nations are missing. They were reportedly ambushed yesterday morning. All federal security officers with the party were slain and no word has been heard from those who carried out the ambush. No one knows for certain but federal spokespersons all believe it is the work of the radical terrorist group from Ohio.

We have been advised that the joint military chiefs of our armed forces, including the chairman of those joint chiefs, will be holding a news conference in moments. Then the picture changed and the chiefs were shown walking into the room and taking seats behind the podium. Then the chairman entered and walked to the podium. He introduced himself then all the joint chiefs seated behind him. Then in a calm deliberate voice he said, Yesterday our president and the secretaries of state and defense along with the president of the united nations were ambushed by organized militia units and taken captive. All federal officers with the party were slain in the ambush. It is not yet known where the president and those taken with him are being held or their condition.

I must advise the American people that as chairman of the joint military services I have been selected by the joint chiefs to preside as temporary commander in chief of our armed forces. Accordingly I have therefore, in the absence of an elected president taken control of all governmental processes. I must advise the American people that I have this date abolished the presidential parliament and declared a state of martial law. I have ordered all American military forces stationed in foreign countries to immediately withdrawal and return to America to insure order is restored to our nation. After making his announcements the chairman and joint chiefs abruptly left the conference without taking questions.

After their departure the television commentator said we are told further public announcements will be made by the joint chiefs or their aides as conditions warrant. Then the station changed to show the capitol building where parliamentary members could be seen departing the capital building. Goldie broke the silence, I don’t like this. The general is playing his cards close to his vest. He can go anywhere from here.

Mac looked at his old friend and asked, Goldie what do you make of the generals actions? Goldie replied I wish I knew Mac but he is a hard one to figure out. He neither asked nor gave any quarter when I served with him. He would spare no effort or man to accomplish what he was ordered to do, Yet I never knew him to betray a friend. Mac asked would he send his people out to search for us? Goldie said it’s possible. He knows we have them. He also knows I am as dedicated to our cause as he is his and where such actions would lead.

His ordering all our forces home concerns me. He doesn’t need them to run the united nations people off our soil. The U.N. teams operate on military reservations or with large units such as we just met at the old air base. They can easily be rounded up and removed from our land, and he has adequate forces to prevent any large scale incursion coming in from Canada or Mexico. Richard said that only leaves one purpose for bringing them back. Either to meet us on the field of battle or perhaps he hopes he can bluff us with the numbers. Goldie said the general doesn’t bluff. He sizes the situation up, decides upon a course of action, then commits his people.

Goldie was silent for a moment then said we may have to force his hand before he gets his own operations underway, whatever they are. He will not hesitate to use every force at his command once he determines his goal. He will commit sufficient forces in light frontal attacks to draw his enemies out then use every man and machine at his disposal to eliminate those who are trapped. Richard said much like the tactic you employed in the recent action at the base. Goldie said right except he would have used choppers and air power and bombs and took no prisoners.

The captain said you believe he would loose air power against our forces? Goldie said if he did in fact decide to come after us he would level our towns and cities to get to us. His responsibilities were always to accomplish what his superiors wanted done and he spared no effort to complete his assigned missions. But he has no commander in chief now, it’s decision time for him and I don’t know how he will handle that. He may be stalling for time until he and the others decide their next move or they may already have made their decision and are waiting until all his forces are available. He doesn’t need more troops to run the UN troops out, that makes me wonder why he hasn’t moved to do so.

Richard said captain we better return to base and contact our people, see what we can find out, We don’t want to get blindsided. Do you have all the provisions you need? Goldie said we are well stocked for now. The captain asked do you need help with the prisoners? Goldie replied they will be no problem. We will keep them alive until their fate is decided. Wilson said so be it my friend. The members of the old special forces team walked over one at a time and took Goldie’s hand and smiled, then without a word they moved towards their vehicles.

Goldie said before you go do you have any former pilots who flew the fighters, choppers, and the long range stuff? Wilson answered saying we do in fact have enough to fill several squadrons. Richard said what do you have in mind. Goldie said if we have to move first to get him to commit himself then it will have to be against an air base where we can secure what we would need for an all out fight. He added, the biggest base and all air force logistics is located right here in our back yard. If need be I have no doubt we can secure that installation with minimum loss of life. They have little or no defensive capabilities. No ground troops and none close.

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