The Past Between Us (21 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Van Meter

Tags: #Mama Jo's Boys

BOOK: The Past Between Us
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and Tommy hesitated.
“Tommy…” Cassi warned but there was laughter in her voice.

“I don’t know. I kinda like the idea of being able to find you no matter where you go,” he said, gesturing at the GPS anklet.

“A little mystery is good for any relationship,” Cassi quipped. “Now take it off before I go insane.”

“All right,” Tommy said, unlocking the tracking device and tossing it to the waiting agent. “You’re free and clear. Aside from informal probation for the theft charges, you’re on the path to total law-abiding citizen status. What are you going to do with your newfound freedom and fortune? Thinking of some travel?”

“Actually, I think I’ve done enough traveling for the time being. Right now I was thinking of doing some home shopping. I want a place I can call my own without any bad memories.”

“A fresh start,” Tommy said, nodding. “Sounds good. What did you have in mind?”

She smiled coyly. “Oh, something big enough with room to grow but not so big that it feels cavernous. You know, something homey.”

“Are you saying my apartment isn’t to your liking any longer?” he joked.

“Well, apartment living was never really my style. Besides, your downstairs neighbors have been giving us the evil eye for our nocturnal activities, as they call it.”

Tommy laughed, and the sound warmed her heart and tickled her toes, for it was hard to suppress the memories of their “activities.”

“So, what are you saying? You want to move out?”

“I’m saying…we’re going to need a house of our own when we decide to make it official and tie the knot. Perhaps something near Mama Jo. Oh, and that’s another thing, I want to have some repairs done to her place. Maybe splurge on some new furniture for her.”

“Good luck with that. She’s notoriously stubborn when it comes to those things. I’ve tried for years to get her to let me pay for a new roof but she always puts me off.”

“We’ll see,” she said, grinning as another thought came to her. “You know she’s having a fit over our living situation. Do you ever plan on making an honest woman out of me?”

At that, Tommy sobered. “Nothing would give me greater pleasure.”

She stared at him. “Really?”

“Really. I want to marry you, Cassandra Amelia Nolan. If you’ll have me, that is.”

His uncertainty was endearing. As if she’d say no. She hadn’t wanted to push him but she’d been dreaming of this for a while. Perhaps longer than she realized. And if he was offering…she was going to take it.

She smiled up at him with all the love she felt bursting from her heart and said, “A thousand times yes, Thomas Eric Bristol. Yes!”

Relief flooded his features as she jumped into his arms and he swung her around until she was dizzy. “Thank God,” he said, setting her down. “It was going to be really awkward trying to talk you into having my babies otherwise. It might’ve given Mama Jo a heart attack.”

She laughed. “We can’t have that. We’re going to need her. Neither one of us knows a thing about raising kids!”

“You got that right,” he agreed, but as he nuzzled her neck, he added, “But it’s going to be lots of fun trying to figure it out.”

“You got that right,” she murmured, gazing up at him. “And I can’t wait.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8848-9


Copyright © 2011 by Kimberly Sheetz

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