The Paranoid Thief (10 page)

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Authors: Danny Estes

BOOK: The Paranoid Thief
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Chapter Eight

Randolph came out of his state of incapacitation
a little sooner than Jill, even with the brutal beating Jill had rendered on
his body, which meant he was able to defend himself slightly when she stormed
into his apartment and reinstated her objections with her fists about the chip
going off in her head.
After which, she ignored Randolph for
a couple of days, allowing him time to heal from both her beatings and the
residual debilitation of the brain chip.
This bit of generosity allowed
Randolph to use an ice pack against his eyes and cheeks as needed while he
worked on plans to, “inform the son-of-a-bitch that being brained fucked was
not going to be tolerated.”
Not by words
of course,
he thought angrily,
they would be useless. No, but by other means. Means I’m well equipped to
achieve with time and research, and best of all, it will be accomplished with
their very own credits and equipment!


Randolph sat at his dinner table with a
lovely array of confections scattered about its surface, finalizing a mini
circuit board, when Jill walked in unannounced.

“Randolph, we’ve got to talk.”

The abruptness of her entrance caused
Randolph to nearly jump out of his skin, whereby the board went flying.
If I’ve ruined that board, he grumbled,
it’ll be three days of work down the proverbial tubes.

“Listen, I have to apologize…” Jill began,
stopping at the table where he sat, taking note of all the jumbled parts on the
table and hearing Randolph’s sigh of annoyance. This broke off what she was
saying to ask, “What’s all this?”

When Jill refrained from resuming her
actions of earlier days, he took a calming breath, which didn’t work very well,
and told her, “What all this is, is none of your business. Now how the hell did
you get in without the room telling me?”

“With my passkey, of course,” Jill said
without thought as Randolph started looking for the board. “This looks as if
you’re building something for a job,” she stated the obvious, accusingly.

“No, I’m not building something for a job,”
Randolph lied. “Haven’t you ever sat down and experimented with your ideas?”
Randolph found the board intact, saying over his shoulder as he stood, to
distract her, “Can I get into your room as well?”

“Not as yet, but maybe later,” Jill
answered as he laid the board down, settled back down in his chair and pulled
the micro magnifier over for a more thorough examination of the board. With a
motion of her hand over the table, Jill commented. “One of the others is a
thief as well, but I’ve never heard of him starting from scratch when all you
need do is place an order.”

“Then he’s far too stupid for this
business!” Randolph snapped, irritated, and added after wiping his face,
“Probably what got him caught. Now what the hell is it that you want?” Randolph
flipped the board over to inspect the back as Jill stammered a couple of words
before angrily slapping the top of his head with something hard. “
, what’s that for?” He glared up at her.

“To get your damn attention while I try to
apologize,” Jill said with heat.

Randolph lowered his head in disgust, then
sat back up in the chair and crossed his arms, noting Jill was wearing one of
those out dated dresses yet again, this one polka dotted white over yellow,
belted at the waist with the skirt hanging a good foot above her matching high
heels. She then took the seat next to him and using a hand to keep the skirt
from bunching up under her as she sat, Jill became all feminine-like, ducking
her head shyly. “I’m sorry. I know you’ve told me time and again you work at a
slower pace, I’ve just never considered your job that difficult. That’s why I
was pushing and I shouldn’t have, nor should I have taken it out on you when it
was I who slipped up.” Jill raised her head just enough so he could barely see
her eyes, before she asked in all humility, “Can you forgive me?”

Randolph heard the emotions in those few
words, which caused a lead weight of guilt to high dive into the pit of his
stomach. And taking note how contrite she look while fidgeting in her chair
awaiting his response, Randolph unfolded his arms and put a small gentle smile
on his lips before saying. “You know, I’ve never been apologized to, and even
if I had and can’t remember, yours was the most heartfelt delivery I’ve ever
heard. So yes, Jill, I accept your apology.”

Jill raised her head with a bright smile,
causing her face to brighten,
said in true
honesty, “Thank you.” She moved a stray hair out of her eyes. “Now if you'll
take a shower and dress nicely, I’ll treat you to a night of dancing and

Randolph cocked his head and looked puzzled
at her. “I thought we couldn’t leave the building?”

“Oh, we can’t. The big shots are having
their yearly ball, and anyone with our clearance may arrive as long as we
behave.” Jill glanced about in search of something. “Didn’t you receive the

“Uh, not that I know of, I’ve been rather

“Well, forget about that tonight.” Jill
stood, and twirling her skirt so it flared out, she said happily, “For we are
going dancing till our feet fall off tonight!”

“Uh, I hate to burst your bubble Jill, but
I never learned to dance.”

“Pay no mind to that,” Jill said, pulling
him out of the chair. “You just get cleaned up, and I’ll do the rest on the
dance floor.” As Jill prodded him toward the shower, Randolph protested he had
no dress clothes suitable for an event like this, but she playfully patted his
face, explaining she’d already taken care of that.

They were both a bit tipsy as they managed
the moving hallway to Randolph’s door later that morning. Finally Randolph
pulled his card out to access his door, which was a bit hard, as Jill held
tightly to his other arm to keep her balance. Still laughing, swaying some to
keep her balance, she attempted an intoxicated speech. “
Johnny, you were won-
And you said you couldn’t dance.”

Randolph got the door open and managed to
get Jill to the back of the couch-chair without falling.

Still giggling after their stumble-walk,
Jill caught her breath as Randolph made for the door to close it. “And the
the music, it was—”
Jill tried a twirl in her knee-length dress but her feet refused to handle the
full circle. Just closing the door, Randolph saw the obvious result about to
happen and reached out in time to catch her up before her bottom hit the floor,
staggering with her unaided weight in his own mildly drunk state as she tilted
her head back to announce, “Every-thing was perfect.”

“Yeah, it was nice,” Randolph agreed,
getting her to her feet and into the bedroom.

Jill sat heavily on the bed and dropped her
purse as Randolph stepped away, undoing the useless silk tie which had come
with his 1,000-credit suit. But before he could get it fully off, Jill leaned
forward to take off her high heels, only to lose her balance. Randolph saw this
and reacted, catching her up, but lost his own balance when Jill grabbed and
jerked his tie, whereby they both ended up on the bed together with a startled

Jill slapped at Randolph playfully when he
moved off her. She then grabbed his arm in aid of sitting up, saying with a
smile, “Hold your horses, lover boy. I want some fore-play before loving you.”

exclaimed. Laying a hand on her shoulder, he told her, “Jill, I think we best
wait till you’re more sober.”

Putting a finger to her lips, Jill shushed
him. “Not a-
word John-
my boy, to-night is not for talking, but for love making. Now be a good boy and
pucker up, as I’m still very

“Jill, you’re drunk.” Randolph stood to get
out of her reach, feeling uncomfortable in how she was talking.

, I don’t care. I’m in the mood to make passionate
love, and
spoiling it,” Jill argued, throwing
a shoe at him.

Randolph backed into the door. “Jill, I may
have been sleeping with you, but I don’t want to take advantage of you while
you’re drunk.”

Jill stood, using the bed for support, and
reached up under her dress to pull off her white lace panties. “I say you’re
not. Now get those tight buns over here and fondle me!”

Randolph remained where he was and took
note of the look in Jill’s eyes; even though they were heavily dilated, he
could still see the storm clouds forming within, ready to strike if he disobeyed
But if I give in, I’m also sure
she’ll be pissed later today, believing I took advantage of her condition.

Now that she had her panties off, Jill
tossed them up at Randolph playfully as she sat. She patted the bed next to her
and undid her belt, saying coyly, “I’ve two lone-
breasts wish-
for a couple of strong hands. Do
have a pair of hands wish-
to play?”

Regretfully, for his well-being he had to
pass up on her offer. He crossed to her as she smiled, playfully leaning back
on her hands.

my dress wait-
to see you, but
have to help them get out.” Randolph sighed and rolled his eyes skyward, hating
himself for this, but gave Jill
a right cross
quick and fast.


Around five in the morning, the bedroom
door opened and Jill called out, “Randolph, are you out here?”

Randolph blinked a second or so before he
felt Jill sit on the couch-chair.

She nudged his shoulder. “What are you
doing out here? You should be sleeping with me.”

With a bit of effort, Randolph pulled his
thoughts together and answered with a yawn and stretch, “I didn’t think it was

“Why not?”
asked massaging her cheekbone.

“Because you were drunk, and I didn’t want
you accusing me that I helped you get so, so I’d get laid last night.”

“Is that why my cheek hurts? Did I fall or

“Or something is about right,” Randolph
said. She was wearing nothing but a towel, “You were throwing yourself at me,
telling me you wished to make love of all things, love mind you, not sex.” Now
that his mind was working up to semi-speed, Randolph couldn’t help but ask,
“Jill, is…do…I mean, do you love me?”

Jill sobered some and bit her lip, then
shook her head, denying.
“Of course not.
That was just
the alcohol talking.” Still rubbing her cheek, she began, “Now then, do you
have any—”

Randolph finished for her, and in gaining a slow nod he answered, “Sure, third
shelf up in the bathroom.”

“Thanks. Oh, why don’t you get undressed
and come to bed?” Jill stood.

“Why bother?” Randolph yawned, causing her
to yawn as well, putting a hand to her mouth. “It’s nearly time to get up

Jill glanced at the clock over the stove
and seemed to consider for a moment. “No, we deserve a day off. Besides, the
big shots will be wandering around acting important today and I’d rather not be
pressed into being an escort.” Jill turned her head to reach behind in an
effort to scratch her calf, where by her towel slipped, exposing her uncovered
skin. Once the itch was taken care of, Jill caught up only the portion in front
as she turned to walk back into the bedroom, which left her lovely cheeks
exposed. As Randolph watched them disappear in the darker room, he reminded
Rolling under the sheets while
she was tipsy was out, but now that she’s somewhat sober, that body of hers is
fair game.


Jill rolled out from under the covers a
little past 10:00 a.m. and put her feet on the floor, stretching. Randolph
remained where he was and watched as Jill’s honed muscles flowed under her skin
and marveled that he could enjoy the sight of a well-toned woman when he’d
always gone for the ones with more meat on their bones.
you going?”
Randolph asked, propping himself up as she stood.

Jill got clear of the bed and spread her
legs, bent double to stretch, and answered without looking at him, “I’ve put
off my morning run for far too long.” She rose back up and twisted her body to
lay her head on first one knee then the other. “And my body’s telling me about
it.” After two of these Jill straightened back up and headed for the bathroom,
offhandedly commenting, “You needn’t get up on my account, though.”

Randolph sat up, stretching, as Jill closed
the door. He glanced at his pillow, wondering if he should, but hearing the
stool, he looked over as she emerged and pointed out to her searching eyes,
“Your panties are on the floor there and your shoes and dress are in the

“Thanks,” Jill said pulling out her dress
and slipping it on with a look on her face as if she disliked the outfit.

Randolph watched Jill retrieve her panties
and shoes without putting them on and decided to ask her. “Jill, after all this
time I’m still puzzling over some of your actions. I know this may sound stupid
but it’s—it’s like I’m dealing with two people? One moment you’re as timid and
vulnerable as a flighty bird, and the next you’re as tough as nails.”

“Oh that,” Jill said, looking for her
purse, which he pointed out to her. Jill nodded thanks then explained, “I’ve a
multi-personality complex derived from a childhood accident in a pool.” Not
looking at Randolph, Jill opened her purse and removed her card key. “In other
words, I am two different people. However, unlike most people with such, I’m
aware of my other side, and we’ve worked out a suitable compromise, so it’s
under control.” Jill looked over, and seeing Randolph’s face, she smiled,
reassuring him. “Don’t worry about it. When it’s time to be serious, I’m in
total control. Any other time it’s a toss-up who wishes to be out.”

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