The Other Man (The Other Man Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Other Man (The Other Man Series Book 1)
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Sated, spent and well fucked she looked every inch the wanton little whore that she wanted to pretend she was.

And she proved it. When she leaned forward, matching Zach’s position and wrapped her fingers around my balls, twisting and massaging. She opened her mouth and took them in.

Zach’s mouth sucking deep on my cock, Carlie’s holding and pleasuring my balls.

I exploded.

My knees shook, my fingers ached and my balls tightened in Carlie’s mouth as my cum shot from my shaft, to the back of Zach’s throat and he swallowed every drop.

I left. I walked to the stairs and jogged up. I tried to ignore the feel of my cock, wet from Zach’s mouth and my cum, hitting against my thigh. I locked the bathroom door, not caring what they were doing downstairs.

I leant back against the door, but faced the bathroom mirror.

Then I laughed humourlessly, not knowing who the person was staring back at me.

“Blake Thomas,” I shook my head. “You are







Three days later, I found myself outside Pro-Weight’s gym and I had no idea how I’d come to be there. My head was a mess and I was living in a daze.

And that was why I stood on the pavement outside the gym that Zach owned. Though I still hadn’t decided what exactly I was there to say. Before I could talk myself out of it, I swung the door open and stepped inside. The smell of stale sweat masked with bleach filled my senses. How Carlie could stand to spend time there, I would never understand.

I froze in the doorway and the receptionist looked up at me with a false smile.

“Good Morning, can I help you?”

“I, um.”

She frowned at me, “Are you ok?”

“No, I,” words failed me.

“Maria, can you pull up all the expired records and make a list of names please? If you pass them on to Nyle, he’s organising all the details for the membership drive,” Zach’s voice echoed across the foyer and the receptionist looked over to the left.

“Sure, Zach. No problem,” she gave him a megawatt smile and fluttered her eyelashes. Wherever Zach came from, he disappeared again seconds later.

In the silence that followed, my heart rate escalated and my palms began to sweat. My reaction was ridiculous and I wanted to kick myself for not being able to pull myself together. The talk I needed to have with him wasn’t going to go the way I wanted it to if I couldn’t even focus enough to speak.

“Sir, seriously, do you need something?” Maria addressed me but she was clearly edging towards impatience.

“Zach,” I managed to spit out.

“You need to speak to Zach? Would you like me to call him?”

“Yes,” I demanded, unable to say any more.

She gave me an odd look but pressed a button on her desk. Zach answered through the speaker.

“There is someone in reception who wishes to speak to you,” Maria told him, glancing back up at me.

“Does this someone have a name?”

She raised her eyebrows but I shook my head, I couldn’t take the risk that he’d avoid me.

“He says no, he doesn’t have a name.”

Zach sighed and the speaker clicked off.

“He’ll be right with you,” Maria advised before going back to her computer.

Appearing from the corridor, he paused and his eyes widened. His steps slowed as he approached.


I sucked in a breath through my nose. Whatever was going on in my brain, he was the solution, I just needed to find out why, and how.

“I need to talk to you,” I explained.

“Here? Or do we need to go to my office?”

For reasons unknown to me, my heart faltered in my chest. The thought of being alone with him behind closed doors both excited and terrified me all at once. Talking out in the open wasn’t an option though.

“Office,” I decided.

Without word, he turned on his heel and tilted his head for me to follow. We stepped inside and he closed the door behind me and the click of the lock sounded. I wasted a few seconds to look around the room without taking anything in. I felt like the walls were closing in on me and there wasn’t enough air. I jumped when Zach spoke, not realising he was so close to me.

“So what can I do for you, Blake? You look like you’re about to pass out.”

“I want to know why you did it,” I started. “I need to know why you did
to me. The first time.”

“What exactly is
that you’re referring to?” He asked, knowing full well what I meant.

“Don’t make this difficult for me, Zach.”

Leaning into my face, his mouth was so close to mine and I fought the urge to flinch away, “Are you referring to the fact that I dropped to my knees and sucked your dick until you came like a racehorse in my mouth and then swallowed every drop?”

That time, I did flinch, “Jesus.”

“What about it?”

“Why did you do that?” I asked.

He shrugged, “Do you have
idea how hard my dick was by then? How much I wanted to feel you on me, in me, surrounding me? Blake, I fuck women, I fuck men, but only one of them ever really gets me off. Want to take a wild guess as to who does it for me considering I’ve been with you and Carlie twice now, yet I haven’t cum once?” Without letting me answer, he carried on. “The whole time Carlie was giving head like a rock star, going for it with all she had, I was looking at you. Wishing it was your mouth on me. I had two choices, give you a mind-blowing orgasm, or bend over and beg you to fuck me. We both know I made the right choice and I don’t regret a second. If you’re honest with yourself, you don’t either. If you did, you wouldn’t have let it happen a second time and you definitely wouldn’t have demanded that I suck your cock again. You might not like your thoughts now, but you wouldn’t be here right now if you were able to stop thinking about it.”

Well, shit.

There was a lot to sort through and not enough time, or space, to do it.

“I’m not gay and I’m fucking married,” I reminded him heatedly.

He smirked, “You don’t have to be gay to like getting your dick sucked, Blake. And in case you’ve already forgotten, it was
your wife
who invited me to your little sexual adventure.”

“Well I haven’t forgotten that detail,” I muttered.

“You still haven’t said why you’re here, Blake. I’m starting to think you don’t even know the answer to that yourself.”

“No, no, I do. I’m here because, because, I’m here to tell you that it will never happen again,” I confirmed with a nod.

“Right,” he said slowly. “I haven’t spoken to you, or Carlie, since the other night. Again, it was
your wife
who asked for it
times. I haven’t tried to contact either of you and I never said anything about wanting more. So again, why are you really here?”

“Because!” I exploded, standing taller and fisting my hands. “I don’t fucking know, ok! I don’t know. It wasn’t supposed to be like that and I wasn’t supposed to feel like this. You, you’’re a fucking
, for fuck sake! What happened, that’s not ok. You’ve played with my head and I don’t know why or how, but you just need to, to,” I ran my hands roughly through my hair and growled in frustration. “You just need to fuck off, Zach. It’s not ok for you to play with people’s lives like this.”

And it wasn’t ok. His hold was like a prison cell that I couldn’t escape from. Metaphorically speaking of course.

He huffed out a laugh and crossed his arms, still not moving away from me.

“You loved it. Don’t come here, to my gym, to my office and start spouting shit at me because you can’t handle how you feel. It’s not my fault you’re only just opening your eyes. It’s not my fault that you’ve been living under a cloud. You don’t know a single fucking thing about me, Blake. But I know you and I knew everything there was to know before I even met you. It’s not even the thought of what happened that’s confusing you so much, it’s the thought that you
you want it to happen again and again.”

“That’s not, it’s not,” I stuttered, both in fear and in denial of his words.

My pulse increased and my breathing faltered when Zach stepped closer, his hand brushed my thigh and I froze. Did I want him touching me? Even I didn’t personally know the answer to that question. My body seemed to react, my brain had already fled the vicinity.

“You’re already lying and you haven’t even finished your thought,” he accused. “Admit it, Blake. You want me, in every way, and you just don’t know how to handle that.”

I stayed silent.

He whispered, “Admit it,” again.

And I caved.

I fused my mouth against his, kissing him with intensity, with a need I’d never known. The feeling was...strange. But in a really, really good way. My blood roared in my ears and any rational thoughts fled. Thirty-five years old and the best kiss I’d ever had, was my first kiss with Zach. A man.

“You want this,” Zach said as he pulled back. A question disguised in a statement.

I shook my head, not realising what I was going to say until I said it, “I need this.”

“Tell me you won’t hate me, or blame me, for what happens next,” he demanded.

At that, I paused. I watched him, watching me. He needed that from me, he needed to know that I wouldn’t make him carry the guilt of whatever happened. Could I do it? I didn’t have a choice. In the back of my mind, the sensible part of me was clawing its way forward telling me that this wasn’t a new and exciting adventure. It was cheating. Pure and simple. Worse, it was cheating with a man. It was official, I was the worst husband.

“Stop thinking so much. Are we going to do this?”

“We’re going to do this,” I confirmed, not hesitating any longer with my answer. Mind made up, I knew that was the reason I had turned up to see Zach in the first place and it was the only way I was going to get my answers. Maybe it was just the new experience that was messing with my head, or maybe it was Zach. I was about to find out.

Zach ran his hand across my jaw, “You’re nervous.”

His statement didn’t need a response, but I nodded anyway, “Terrified.”

I couldn’t lie to him, I felt it written all over my face. Who wouldn’t be nervous? Scared?

His hand dropped to the waistband of my trousers and slid inside. The sensation of his rough skin against my cock sent all my blood rushing south. It should have felt wrong.

It didn’t.

It felt fucking amazing.

Whispering his words against my ear, he made my aching cock throb in his grasp, “You’re already hard for me, Blake. All that anger is misdirected. You need to let it out, I know, but it’s about actions, not words. You need this, you need
to take it from you. I’ll fuck you with my hand, my mouth and my tongue. Don’t think, just feel.”

Thoughts? I had no idea what they were. It was all about touch, about taste and smell.

“Kiss me,” he prompted.

He didn’t miss a beat, his tongue danced with mine as his hand sped up the glide of his palm against my shaft. My conscience was screaming at me but I couldn’t hear the words over the sounds of my own breathing. My trousers fell to my feet and Zach looked down, biting his lip.

“Lean back.”

I leaned back against the office door, feet parted, arms flat against the frame. He sunk to his knees in front of me and in that moment, it hit me like a freight train.
was what I’d been craving.
was what I hadn’t been able to get out of my mind. The image of this broad, proud, sculpted man, on his knees in front of me. My cock jumped in front of him, even if my mind wasn’t one hundred percent sure that I should be doing it, my little brain clearly was.

“Suck me, Zach, please,” I begged, tired of holding back.

He licked the head of my cock and teased the length causing my thighs to tense, “Don’t tease me.”

He sucked deep but chuckled under his breath at the same time and fuck if that didn’t feel incredible. The vibrations of his laughter shot through my shaft and the heated lust curled in my stomach. My head swung backwards, hitting the door with a thud but the pain didn’t register. Zach hardened his tongue and only used the tip. Somehow, though I would have thought it was impossible, my pleasure soared. I moaned his name and closed my eyes, I couldn’t watch anymore. I felt his hand grip my ass but I clenched my muscles when his fingers ran in between my cheeks. I wouldn’t cope with whatever he had planned.

“Relax for me, Blake,” his words were merely a whisper, but I felt them flow through me like he’d screamed them. “I promise I’ll make it good for you. Let me own all of this.”

I forced myself to relax. His finger eased closer to that forbidden tight ring of muscle and I swallowed audibly.

My cock slid free from his mouth and I almost whimpered, I needed him back.

“Hold on to the door frame,” I hesitated so he moved head further away from where I wanted him. “Do it. Hold on.”

My hands curled around the edge of the door frame and my knuckles turned white. The second I had a firm grip, he sucked my cock to the back of his throat and pushed one finger beyond my limits. The pain I was expecting didn’t come. The intense burn was the match that ignited my lust, “Fuck!”

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