The Other Man (The Other Man Series Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: The Other Man (The Other Man Series Book 1)
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“You’re pregnant?” I whispered in horror.

Her face had drained of all colour and she swallowed heavily, looking anywhere but at me.

“Err, y-yes.”

The stutter was her tell. She was literally standing in front of me, lying through her teeth. My forehead wrinkled as I stared at her, trying to figure her out. I could never, and would never, understand why women thought lying about things like that would fix anything.

“Jesus Christ,” I croaked. “Jesus fucking Christ, you’ve lost your mind. Are you really so desperate that you have to make up babies to keep me here? Newsflash, Carlie, I wouldn’t stay even if you

“You want kids, Blake. With things with your dad, you wouldn’t leave me with a baby on my own, you’d want to be involved.” She stated, not knowing whether that was the truth or not.

I shrugged, “Doesn’t matter either way considering you’re lying through your teeth and you are
good at it. You’re right, I’d never leave any kid of mine to grow up without a dad, and you misunderstand me. What I’m saying is, even if you did have my baby growing in your belly, I wouldn’t stay
with you
. But fuck you for throwing my dad in my face. We’re done.”

I shut the front door quietly as I left. The thought of staying for a single second longer made me want to throw something.




I drove around for a few hours looking for a decent hotel.

The weather seemed to matching my mood as the rain fell in sheets across the windshield. The radio was off, the sound of the window wipers played on repeat in the silence. I was officially driving away from my marriage with a bag full of clothes and a few extra bits.

And I felt free.

The black cloud that had been hanging over my head for so long was just...gone. Maybe that was why it was raining so hard. I snorted at my own thoughts. I was free, but it wasn’t over.
was why I’d had a permanent scowl on my face since I’d left my house.

I swerved to avoid a pothole and slammed my foot on the brake as the car came within millimetres of mounting the pavement.

“Fuck,” I breathed. I needed to find a place to stay for the night, and quickly.

Problem was, the one place I wanted to be, I wasn’t sure I would be welcomed with open arms. Instead of driving straight to Zach’s house, I swung by the gym first. Not seeing his car in the car park, I went in anyway. The rain hit my face and I cursed my choice of clothing. By the time I made it to the reception, my white t-shirt was soaked to my skin and my jeans were hanging off my hips with the weight of the water dragging them down. I held the side of the waistband in my fist and approached the desk, my shoes squeaking on the tiled floor with each step.

The same receptionist greeted me, “Good afternoon!”

I just looked at her, surely it didn’t
like I was having a good fucking afternoon.

“Zach here?” I asked.

She pursed her lips but said she would find out.

“Sorry, he hasn’t been in all day. He might be later though,” she advised.

Nothing was going to plan. Then again, nothing ever did.

“Can you call him, please?”

“Oh, we’re not allowed to call his personal phone.”

I leaned forward, placing both hands on the desk, “Listen. I’m a friend. He knows me. You can clearly see that I’m in a bit of a situation, I’ll be sure to pass on the message about how helpful his wonderful receptionist was if you could ...please ...just call him.”

Mirroring my movements, she stood for her chair and leaned forward. Her hands were rested on her hips when she semi-repeated, “Staff members are not allowed to call Mr Black’s personal phone unless in case of emergency. As you can see, everything here is running perfectly fine. No emergency. You’re more than welcome to take a seat and wait for him on the off chance he turns up.”

I grumbled under my breath. Yes, she was doing her job. Yes, I could actually despise her for it.

“Fine,” I replied, then reached forward and took the phone off her desk. She gasped in outrage. I dialled Zach’s number and waited until he answered.

“Maria, everything ok?”

“It’s Blake.”

He didn’t miss a beat, “What are you doing there? And how come you’re using the office phone?”

“Can you get here? I’d rather not have ‘little miss helpful’ here listening to this conversation,” he said he’d be right there but before he hung up, I called his name. “I don’t suppose you keep a spare set of clothes here do you?”

“Um, yes. I’m not even going to bother asking why. Just go into my office and you’ll find whatever you need. The code for the door is ‘C’ five, seven, nine, five, then press the hash button.”

“Got it. And Zach, thank you.” I placed the receiver down and handed the phone back to Maria.

“Thank you, you’re a sweetheart,” I lied, with a smile.

I repeated the door code over and over in my head until I reached the door to Zach’s office, and was greeted with brick wall. The place where his office used to be had been renovated after the fire and everything looked completely different. Clenching my teeth, I stormed back to reception.

“He moved his office after the fire, didn’t he?”

Maria smiled smugly, “Yes, sir. He did. Would you like me to direct you?”

Rubbing my forehead with my palm I gave her an equally fake smile, “If you could, that would be great.”

“Easiest way is, straight on until you reach the lifts, take the lift to the second floor, follow the edge of the room until you reach the treadmills and Mr Black’s office is second on the left after the security cameras.”

“Thank you.”

Following her directions was easy. I punched in the code and entered the office and my eyebrows rose. It was huge. Probably designed to match his ego. Shutting the door behind me, I grabbed a clean t-shirt off the rail, threw it on the back of the chair and stripped out of my wet clothes. I peeled my boxers down my legs and added them to pile. I turned to reach for the t-shirt, panicked and dived behind the computer chair when the lock bleeped and the door swung open.

Zach laughed, quickly shutting the door behind him, “Don’t usually get that view when I walk into my office.

I stood up, not caring in the slightest that I was naked and I mock-scowled at him.

“A knock would have been nice.”

He didn’t respond, he stared at my body. His eyes flitting from my chest, my thighs, my stomach, my cock. He licked his lips and I groaned, “Jesus. Don’t look at me like that.”

His grin was wicked.

“Why is it that we’ve been playing around this thing for a while, and the only time I’ve ever seen you naked is that first time?” He asked.

I shrugged, “Usually because you get your hands or mouth on my cock and it’s all over before it really starts.”

He looked curious.

“That’s true,” he paused. “Don’t get dressed on my account! Two things though. One, why are you here? And two, why are you naked? Not that I’m complaining, of course.”

“I’m naked because the heavens came down on me as soon as I got out the car and it took me far too long to work up the courage to come in here. Stupid move, I know. I’m here right now, because I didn’t want to wait a week. You were right and I just needed to cut ties. I grabbed a bag full of my shit and left. Not until Carlie decided that she was going to ask me, when she was naked, if I wanted to shower with her. That was enough for me and I left. I just...I didn’t have anywhere to go and you were the first person I thought of,” I explained honestly.

Fighting a smile, he bit the side of his mouth.

“So it’s done?”

“It’s over,” I confirmed.

“You’re still naked,” He pointed out, needlessly.

“Mm hmm,” standing taller, I crossed my arms over my chest and watched Zach’s eyes fire as they fell, once again, to my erect dick. “What are you going to do with it?”

“I’ve had the taste of you on my tongue for months, I’ve had the feel of you in my hands and the essence of you on my skin. No more playing, Blake.”

He shrugged out of his t-shirt, whipped off his joggers and kicked his trainers to one side.

“I want you to fuck me.”

I swallowed. His words sounded like the challenge that they were. A challenge I was more than willing to accept.

“Get over here,” I rasped, voice thick with lust. In three strides, he was in front of me, breathing my air. His cock stood long, thick and hard. The thought of me fucking him obviously had a major effect on his libido because the tip was already beading with pre-cum. I bent at the waist and licked it clean. His head flew back when I lightly ran my tongue along the underside and then sucked.

I stood up, pulled his face to mine and plunged my tongue into his mouth for a quick, passionate kiss, “I’ve never loved anything as much as I love the taste of you in my mouth.”

Gently biting my shoulder, he whispered his agreement. Voices filtered through the door and I froze.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “They can’t come in here.”

“They could hear us though,” I noted.

“I don’t care. I can read your thoughts though and I’m thinking that you’re just going to have to fuck me quietly. Got it?”

I nodded, my nerves suddenly kicking in. I walked in a circle around him. The long lines of his body, the planes of his abs, the way the muscles in arms raised and flex every time I touched him. I committed it all to memory. I slid my hand up between his shoulder blades and pushed forward.

“Bend over the desk, brace your hands on the edge and whatever you do, don’t let go, ok?”

He did as I asked, the motion causing his ass to spread and my eyes lasered in. I sunk to my knees behind him and let my instincts take over. I wanted to touch him
. Starting at his ankles, I dragged my hands upwards, over his calves and the backs of his thighs. I squeezed his ass roughly.

“You’re perfect, Zach. Fucking perfect, everywhere.”

The gravelly tone of my voice made him moan and he let his head fall to the desk.

“Fuck, Blake. You’ve got to do something. Touch me, jack me, fuck me
and fill me
. I don’t care. Any of it, all of it. I need it. I swear I…” He broke off on another long moan as I rubbed the stubble on my face against the cheek of his ass and extended my tongue. I licked a path from his balls to his hole and circled. I licked and sucked at his skin, revelling in the sounds escaping from his throat. Unable to stay away any more, I leaned over him, his ass cheeks cradled my cock and I had the slightest hint of just how fucking amazing it would feel to be inside him.

“I need a condom, Zach.”

He groaned in annoyance, and I silently agreed. No more waiting. Blindly feeling around in the top desk drawer, he sighed, reached around and shoved a line of condoms and a little sachet of lube into my palm. I slid the condom over my cock, but hesitated with the lube. I’d never used it. Never had to.

Did it go on him? Or on me?

I emptied it onto my hand and shared it with the other. Reaching down, I grabbed my aching cock in my fist and stroked myself, coating the condom with the lube. At the same time, I teased Zach’s entrance with the tips of two fingers, smoothing the liquid around the puckered hole and slipping one finger inside. So fucking tight.

“Tell me I’m not going to hurt you,” I demanded, failing to disguise the need in my tone.

“You’re not going to hurt me, Blake. Stop teasing me and
fuck me!”

I lined up the head of my cock at his entrance and paused.

“Do it, Blake. Right fucking now, I want you inside me, I want…”

I pushed slowly through the tight ring of muscle and heat consumed me. His ass squeezed my cock like a vice, the muscles sucked me deeper.

“Fucking hell,” I grunted, at the same time Zach moaned, “Holy fucking shit.”

“Never,” I panted as my hips curved forward, slowly sinking into his ass over and over. “Never, ever has anything felt so fucking perfect.”

And I wasn’t lying.

“Faster, Blake. Harder.”

I pushed faster, he started pushing back. He met my thrusts with equal need. I gripped his shoulders, pulled my cock back so that just the tip was inside his body, and punched my hips forward.

“Fuck!” Zach screamed.

I stilled thinking it was too much, but he reached back and slapped my thigh, “Don’t fucking stop, I’m so close.”

“Your ass is squeezing me so tight. Fist your cock, Zach. Jack it. Do it fast and do it hard because I can’t hold on for much longer.”

He fisted his cock and violently jacked it from root to head and back. My rhythm faltered and my balls ached. The sight of him laid out for me, desperately jacking his cock, was too much. I sunk my dick to the root, buried in his ass and spilled my cum into the condom. As the final drops emptied, I pulled out. Zach was still fisting his cock, reaching for his orgasm. I pushed two fingers into his ass and stroked his inner bundle of nerves. His legs shook, his knuckles turned white on the desk. I twisted around, dropped to the floor and slid underneath him, keeping my fingers deep. His dick leaked across my chin, I relaxed my jaw and took him into my mouth. He thrust forward, the head of his shaft touching the back of my mouth and the thick, warm jets of his cum ran down my throat.

Holy shit.

I wasn’t sure that either of us would ever recover.

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