The One That Got Away (4 page)

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Authors: S J Crabb

Tags: #love story, #romance adult fiction, #romance and mystery, #new adult romance, #triangle relationships, #spies and espionage, #romance adult erotica contemporary, #trilogy book 1, #department store romance

BOOK: The One That Got Away
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Reluctantly we get dressed and head off to
our local café for breakfast. After having worked up quite an
appetite we both opt for the full English and in no time at all are
walking into town. It is fairly chilly so we are wrapped up in
coats and scarves, but not even the cold weather can dampen our
high spirits.

We find ourselves outside one of the smartest
jewellers in the town. I am amazed at all of the beautiful rings
dazzling us from the window. Laughing Nathan pulls me inside where
the heat of the store welcomes us in from the cold. We explain what
we want to look at and spend a happy hour trying on all of the
different types of rings. The sales assistant even makes us a
coffee and the choice is endless. Finally I decide on a beautiful
diamond ring. One solitary diamond on a beautiful band of gold. It
sparkles in the light and I marvel at its beauty.

Nathan, ever the romantic, holds my hand and
gently slips the ring onto the third finger of my left hand. As he
does he kisses me and says, “I love you Bella and I can’t wait for
you to be my wife.” Tears spring to my eyes and even the sales
assistant wipes away a tear, and she must see this several times a
day. “I Love you too Nathan, I always will.”

I don’t want to take it off so the assistant
just hands us the empty box in a gift bag and after Nathan pays we
exit the store our arms around each other. I can honestly say that
at this moment I am the happiest that I have ever been.

The rest of the day passes in a flash. We
decide that we just want to go home and spend the day in bed, a
luxury that we can never normally afford. We want to shut the world
out and enjoy our secret for the short time that it is just ours,
before the planning machine that is my mother starts the wedding
preparation ball firmly rolling.


We have to work the next day and life just
carries on as normal. Nobody has heard anything about any changes
and life settles down again, albeit with a cloud hanging over us

Sunday comes and I spend it at the flat with
Phoebe. Nathan has a football match so I am looking forward to a
lazy day. We have decided to announce our engagement officially
later on as we have been invited to my sister’s birthday dinner
this evening and as both sets of parents will be there it is
perfect timing. I actually can’t wait now as I want to shout it to
everyone that I am engaged to the most wonderful man in the

At about 7.30pm Nathan picks me up. I am
wearing a silk dress with a fake fur coat. My ring is still very
much in residence on my finger and I am happy to see him. He picks
me up and spins me around. “Hey Baby, you look amazing,” he says
flashing me his sexy smile. “Are you ready for the big
announcement?” Laughing I nod my head and we head out to the

As we pull away he says, “Oh you’ll never
guess what happened at football today.” I look at him in surprise.
“Why what happened?” “Our new boss Ben turned up to join.” I look
at him in shock; I never thought for one minute that he would
actually join them. Nathan continues. “He was actually really good.
He scored the winning goal and was a real team player and was also
a really good laugh.”

I suddenly feel surprisingly unsettled again.
I don’t know why it has this effect on me but I don’t like to think
of Ben and Nathan getting pally. However we are soon at the
restaurant and I push all thoughts of Ben firmly out of my

Most people are there already. My sister Amy
is 26 today and we get along extremely well. I rush up to her and
give her a hug. “Happy birthday sis,” I say thrusting the large
gift wrapped present at her. Her eyes light up and she hurriedly
tears off the wrapping - she is such a child still. She squeals
with delight at the pair of boots that she has hinted at enough
times over the last few weeks. “Oh my God, UGG boots! Thank you so
very much.” She kisses me and hugs Nathan.

My mum also gives us both a hug. “Come on sit
down you two and let’s get you both a drink.” However Nathan has
other ideas and pulling me against his side he calls everyone to

everyone, Bella and I have an important announcement.” The table
suddenly goes silent and you could hear a pin drop. My mother
clasps her hands together in anticipation and my dad grins around
at everyone. I know that Nathan had asked him last week officially
for his permission and it is a credit to him that he has kept the
secret from my mother.

Bella and I
are getting married,” he shouts excitedly and suddenly everyone is
on their feet hugging and kissing us and offering their

Both of our mothers are crying and there is
absolute chaos everywhere. Amy hugs me again, tears running down
her cheeks. “I am so happy for you,” she shouts. “I am sorry if we
have hi jacked your birthday Amy,” I say suddenly feeling a bit
bad. “Don’t be silly Bella, I couldn’t be happier,” she says
squeezing me hard. Nathan’s parents are also overjoyed and there is
much laughter and joking all round. The evening passes in a blur
and all anyone can seem to talk about is the wedding and what
preparations are needed. Nathan puts his arm around me and kisses
me. “I love you Bella,” he whispers and once again my feeling of
happiness threatens to overwhelm me.

The evening is soon over and Nathan drops me
home. “Do you want to stay honey?” I say hoping that he will. “Of
course I do baby but unfortunately I can’t.” Fighting back my
disappointment I say, “why not? We could go to work from here in
the morning. You have enough clothes here.” He looks at me with a
glum expression. “I forgot to mention, Ben asked me to meet him at
head office tomorrow. He has a project for me but it may mean
working there for a few weeks. I have to get the early train and
all of my stuff is at home.” I suddenly feel uneasy again and I
can’t think why. I find it all a bit strange that Ben turns up at
football and then gives Nathan a project away from the store.
Nathan pulls me towards him. “Don’t worry, it won’t be for long. As
soon as I find out what’s involved I’ll let you know.” I smile at
him and hug him very hard. “Go carefully Nathan, I love you.” He
kisses me goodbye and I watch him drive off, again feeling
strangely unsettled.

Chapter 4

It’s Monday morning and once again we have
all been summoned to the Boardroom. This time Nathan isn’t here to
reassure me and the nerves are getting to everyone. I just wish
that we all knew where we stood. April is practically
hyperventilating beside me and we are all feeling that the end is

Bob calls us all in again and as we enter the
room I can see Ben standing to the side near the window. He doesn’t
see me and I slip into a seat at the back. Once everyone is in
place he addresses the room.

Good morning
everybody, as some of you may know my name is Ben Hardcastle and I
am the CEO of the Hardcastle Group.”

I notice that several of the ladies are
looking at him open mouthed and I can understand why as he looks
immaculate, like he has stepped out of a magazine or a film. He
carries on.

You must all
be wondering what changes will be made after the takeover and I am
here to assure you that things are going to continue as normal for
the foreseeable future.”

There is an audible sense of relief in the
room but I am puzzled as from what I know there were huge changes
at all of the other stores in the group when they were bought. Ben
looks around the room and suddenly his eyes lock on to mine. He
stares at me intently and holds my gaze for what seems like an
eternity. As the buzz dies down he breaks away and continues to
speak. “I have decided that I want to change direction with
Kinghams and not just make it a carbon copy of my other stores. I
feel that we can create a unique look to this store that will set
it apart from the others. Therefore I will need all of your help in
making my vision a reality. I will be working closely with you all
to establish the changes and make Kinghams different to anything
else on the High street today. For now just carry on as normal and
I will be in touch over the next few weeks.”

Bob then stands up and says, “Thank you, I am
sure that everyone appreciates Mr Hardcastle’s words and they will
alleviate a lot of worry for all of you. You can now get back to
business with more confidence and help him make a success of the
store going forward for many more years to come.”

The room starts to empty and I make my way to
the door with everyone else. Before I reach it though I feel a hand
on my arm pulling me back and as I spin around I see Ben standing
behind me. “Hang on a minute Bella, can I have a word? I look at
him in surprise “Of course,” As I follow him I wonder what he

The room empties and suddenly we are alone.
He looks at me intently, “What do you think?” I am taken aback by
the question and look at him puzzled. “What of?” I say
questioningly. He smiles. “Of my plan to change the store of
course. I will need your help and hope that you are up for a
challenge.” I am surprised by his request. I suppose I thought that
he must have a team of people already in place to transform the

Pulling me down to the seat next to him he
looks at me earnestly. “Please say you’ll help me Bella. I trust
you and want to work with you on this.”

I am stunned. “But that was years ago Ben.
How do you know what I am capable of now? You may not like my
ideas.” He looks seriously at me, his eyes compelling me to look
into them. “Because I have a good feeling about you Bella. Fate has
had a hand in bringing us back together and I think it was for a

I am suddenly aware of our close proximity.
He is sitting really close to me and I can’t look away. I feel as
though I am drowning in his eyes as they hypnotise me, pulling me
in deeper and deeper. I am reminded of the party again and can
almost feel the same intensity, half expecting him to pull me
towards him as before.

He raises his hand towards my face and
touches it, gently moving his finger down my cheek as though
stroking it. Then all at once he pulls away, his eyes closing and
releasing me from their spell.

I shake my head as if to clear it and look at
him in confusion. He is acting as if nothing happened and once
again looks at me for my answer, a faint smile flashing across his
face. I feel like I am about to make a deal with the Devil and I
nod in agreement. “Of course I’ll help you, just let me know what
you need.”

Abruptly I stand up as if trying to regain
some control. As I do so he follows me and then says out of the
blue, “Oh by the way, I hope that you don’t mind me commandeering
Nathan for a project that I have. I like him and think that he will
go far on my team.”

I look at him wishing that I knew what he was
thinking and just smile, “Of course not, he is very good at his
job, why wouldn’t you want him?” He looks at me his face devoid of
any expression. “Well you would say that wouldn’t you?” I shrug and
for some reason feel awkward. “Of course, you’re right, but my
relationship with him aside, he is actually very good at what he

Ben looks
thoughtful. “Regarding your relationship, it appears to have moved
on since we last met.” He gestures towards my hand and feeling
myself blush again I look at the sparkling diamond residing on my
finger. Looking at him I think that I see an expression of
disapproval and something else that I can’t quite place, and then
it is gone replaced by a smile that doesn’t quite reach his

Even though I don’t need to explain myself to
him I find myself telling him. “Yes, we are engaged. Nathan asked
me the day before the takeover announcement.” He studies my face
and after what seems like ages says softly, “seven months is not
long to know somebody before committing the rest of your life to

Instantly I feel defensive, he knows nothing
about Nathan and our relationship, how dare he feel that he can
question it. I pull myself up and look him defiantly in the eye.
“Maybe not in your book but I have never been more certain of
anything else in my life. We love each other and cannot wait to be
married. In fact the sooner the better.” He smiles ruefully. “I am
sorry Bella, I have offended you and that was not my intention. I
am happy for you both. Anyway don’t let me keep you any longer, you
must be busy.” I nod still feeling put out and head out of the
room. I don’t know why he unnerves me so much? I can’t put my
finger on it but he stirs feelings in me that I never knew I had. I
decide to throw myself into work to concentrate my mind on
something else before I am driven mad.



Work takes over in a big way over the next
couple of months. Nathan is still busy on Ben’s project and we
don’t see each other as much due to the fact that he is mainly at
head office and at the weekends I have to work. When I do get a day
off he is working. It is very frustrating for us both, but it means
that the time that we do have together means all the more.

I am too busy
to even think about planning the wedding, much to my Mum’s dismay.
We haven’t even set a date yet and I have to keep on telling her
that we will sort it all out in the New Year when things calm

I haven’t
seen much of Ben either as he has been busy with his other stores
and I would imagine putting things in place for the change over.
Christmas is on the horizon which means that we are all very busy
making sure that the store is well stocked and the displays look

I seem to spend most of my time at work much
to Phoebe’s dismay, as she loves our little evenings out and days

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