The One Girl (9 page)

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Authors: Laurel Curtis

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: The One Girl
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Chapter 10

Marry Me. Period.

This was it. I was finally going to put my ring on her finger. It had been way too long since I had taken it out of my parents’ stuff with the intention of giving it to her, but I hadn’t had an opportunity to do it, and do it right, until now.

It had been a few days since my chat with Jace. The dreams and paranoia were still there, but I had at least been in a better mood.

Though, my dream last night had been particularly disturbing because it was about the night Winnie left with Drew. We had had a huge fight. Little did I know it would be the last time I would see her.


“Why do you keep making him out to be some villain, Tuck? Drew loves me!”

Drew had been around for years now, and all I saw from him was questionable behavior. He was either sickeningly sweet to Jenny or volatile and making excuses. I hadn’t seen him direct his anger at Jenny, but if you asked me it was only a matter of time.

“Jen, look. I’m not trying to turn him into a villain. I’m just asking you to consider the possibility that his explosive actions might turn toward you at some point. I’m just nervous about it ‘cause I love you.”

“Andrew wouldn’t hurt me! He always apologizes and tells me he wouldn’t hurt me if he gets upset. He’s always looking out for my feelings.”

Yeah, that’s exactly what abusers usually do. Slap you around and then apologize.

I started to shake my head, but when she realized I still didn’t agree with her, she cut me off.

“Just save it, Tuck! We’re obviously never going to agree!”


As I started to feel the sick churn in my stomach that I’d felt the next morning when I found out she was gone, I knew it was time for my trip down memory lane to come to a rapid end.

I needed to concentrate on what was coming tonight and the good times that were sure to follow. My good mood had finally found its way to the surface through all the murkiness, and if I kept thinking like this, it would all be in vain.

My upward mood swing wasn’t without influence. An influence that had long auburn hair and luminous blue eyes. I had decided to take Jace’s advice as far as letting Talie heal me. I still don’t really know what letting her heal me means, but I sure as hell let myself enjoy all of my time with her fully. She was so fun to be around, and it was a fucking shame when I ruined that by being a downer.

Kayla was hanging out with Ruthie and Jace so that I didn’t have to worry about her being around during any of this since she had a knack for ruining most moments between her sister and me, and Talie was coming home from work early.

I had decided on doing a scavenger hunt of sorts, and once I started planning it, it came together pretty easily.

Talie would be home any minute, and I knew she would want to take a shower first thing. As much as I teased her about smelling after she came home from work, that woman never smelled bad if you asked me.

She came in, found me in the kitchen, ran over to me, got up on her toes, put her hands flat to my chest, and put her lips to mine.

My tongue found hers, and I took my time exploring her mouth, reliving a very specific kiss I had given her in this kitchen once before. I worked my tongue over every millimeter of hers, making sure to caress every taste bud with every bit of love that I felt for her.

When I pulled back, her eyes were cloudy and half-lidded, and I could tell her balance was thrown off when she wobbled into me.

I gave her a simple command, before turning her and slapping her ass with the palm of my hand. “Shower, Babe.”

After a few seconds of standing there getting her legs back after that kiss, she put one foot in front of the other and headed out of the kitchen to go take a shower.


Waiting for her to shower and get ready seemed like the longest thirty minutes of my life.

Okay. That may have been a little over dramatic, and thirty minutes was certainly not that long for a woman, but Jesus, she was killing me.

When I was a breath away from jumping right out of my skin with impatience, she finally sauntered in, looking as beautiful as ever with wet hair and a fresh t-shirt and shorts covering her best physical assets.

I watched as she strolled toward me but jerked to a stop as she noticed the paper propped up on the counter.

After contemplating whether she should touch it or not for no more than two seconds, she reached out, picked up the first clue off of the kitchen island, and read it to herself, mouthing the words as she went.

You witnessed my magically disgusting entry into this world.

Her brows drew together and confusion marred her pretty face as she muttered, “Um, Tuck? What the hell is this?”

“Just read it and go where it says, Babe.”

The realization hit her swiftly, and her eyes bugged out as she shrieked, “Sweet Jesus, is this a scavenger hunt?”

I breathed a heavy sigh, closed my eyes, pinched the bridge of my nose with my forefinger and thumb, and spoke in a low, serious voice. “Save the commentary, Babe. Just do it.”

She rolled her eyes, but I could see a light in their brilliant blue depths, and she took off at nearly a run for the barn.

She liked it. Thank God.

I caught up with her at Colt’s stall to see she already had the next card in her hands and was bouncing up and down waiting for me to get there so that she could read it.

I gestured with my hands for her to read it, and let her have what she wanted. “Go ahead.”

I promise to give into your crazy demands, even if it does mean naming a colt “Colt”. Disclaimer: Must not bring any harm to you or me.

Your next clue is hidden in something used to protect your pretty face.

As soon as she finished reading she jumped up and down excitedly again and squeaked, “My motorcycle helmet!”

She took off running as I chuckled, but skidded to a sliding stop to ask, “Where is my motorcycle helmet?”

I shook my head and bit my bottom lip, a full smile fighting its way out to cover my face. “It’s in the shed.”

She turned on her bare feet and took off for the shed. She had been so excited that she left the house without putting any shoes on. On my way to the shed I stopped at the front door of the house, opened it, and grabbed her shoes from just inside the door.

I took my time closing the door, jumping off of the porch, and making my way over to the shed. I knew this was going to piss her off, but I just couldn’t help myself.

When I finally got there, I was not disappointed. Her face was flushed and she didn’t dawdle before laying into me.

“Jesus, Tuck! Could you move any slower?”

I answered her with a smirk and tossed her shoes to the ground. “Put those on, and then you can read it.”

She huffed and puffed but put her shoes on.

As soon as she finished tying them, she straightened to full height and held a foot out in front of her for my inspection.

“Alright. Shoes on feet. See?”

God, so cute. “Yeah, Talie. I see.”

I watched as she snatched up the paper from where she had set it down, looked down, and started to read the next clue.

I’ll protect you in all the ways I can, physically and emotionally, whether that’s with a full face helmet or a promise to love you forever.

Take a ride with me to the place where I first offered to share a bed with you.

She looked up at me, disbelief stark on her face. You’d think she would focus on the sweet stuff, but no. “We really have to go to the diner? I just left there! I just washed the smell off for heaven’s sake!”

I grabbed her hips, pulled her to me, and touched my lips to hers. Trying to offer some reassurance, I murmured, “We won’t be there long, I promise.”

She sighed deep and spoke quietly, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t have a bite. “Fine. But only because I want to see the next clue.”

I handed her the helmet that she had taken the clue out of and grabbed my own. Wheeling the bike out of the shed, I climbed astride it and started it up.

I looked back at Talie, ready for her to climb on behind me, but she stood still and shook her helmet clad head.

“What’s wrong, Babe?”

She lifted the shield on her helmet and started to talk to me. “I want my clues, but I don’t have anywhere to put them.”

My eyes flicked down to her shorts to see that they didn’t have any pockets.

When we got married, I was signing on for a lifetime of holding her stuff, so I might as well start now. At least it wasn’t lipstick or a tampon.

“Ok, Babe. I’ll hold them for you.”

She extended her hand to me, and I made sure to put them in the pocket of my jeans that the ring
in. “Now climb on.”

She wasted no time, threw her leg over the bike, and snuggled into my back.

My right hand cracked the throttle and off we went.

Her silky, soft legs were tight at my sides as we drove, and I would have rubbed my hands all over them if they hadn’t been busy steering the bike. That would come later.

As we drove through the town, I realized how pretty it looked at night. Most everything was closed, but everything was still lit up, and white Christmas lights decorated trees all year round. People liked the ambiance and thought it kept the area more well lit, thus, safer.

I had noticed before, but I was usually too busy thinking about other things to really enjoy it. But tonight was different. I had my woman on the back of my bike, and I was taking her around town on a fucking scavenger hunt in order to give her an engagement ring.

It was ridiculous. And I couldn’t have been happier.

I pulled to a stop in front of the diner and threw my feet out to the ground. Talie didn’t dilly-dally, jumping off the bike, unstrapping her helmet, and pulling it off in record time.

I moved slower, but didn’t make her wait too long as I shut the bike off, nudged the kickstand down with my boot, and climbed off, unstrapping my own helmet as I did.

As soon as I was done, Talie grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. She made a beeline for the spot at the counter where I had first spoken to her and wasn’t disappointed when she got there.

I had taped the clue to the counter in that spot, with a specific threat of death to anyone who touched it.

She ripped it from the counter, flipped it over, and started reading.

I promise to share my bed with you and anything else you can think of that you might want. What’s mine is yours.

The spot where you first saw the tattoo you love so much is where you’ll find your next clue.

She didn’t even pause to acknowledge that clue before she took off running back to the front of the diner, out the door, and across the street to the playground.

Almost everyone in the diner was laughing, but Toni, Annabelle, and John were in hysterics as I made my way to follow her with a smile on my face.

When I caught up to her, she was working the clue out from between the two pieces of the playground I’d wedged it between. Apparently, it had been easier to get it in there than it was to get it out.

Her tongue curled out of her mouth with the effort she was putting in, but once she had it, she unfolded the paper and scanned every word quickly but thoroughly.

I promise to be playful with you for as many years as we have. And also, to never get my tattoo lasered off.

Your next clue lives among the only thing you’ve ever threatened to kill me over.

She looked up at me like she wanted to kill me right now. “Coke can be found in a lot of places, Tuck. So how the hell am I supposed to know which one?”

When I was coming up with the clues, I had decided to do this just so I could watch her get riled up.

“I guess you’ll just have to trust me to take you to the right spot, huh?”

I could have kept these clues going for a lot longer, but I was eager to get my ring on her finger, have a two person celebration, and then celebrate with our friends.

So I grabbed her hand and walked her back over to the motorcycle. We did our routine of strapping helmets on and climbing on the bike, and then took off headed for home.

When we got there I parked out front, shut off the bike, and Talie jumped off. Swinging my leg up and over the back of the bike, I put both of my feet on the ground and started taking off my helmet.

Talie, however, took off running for the house with her helmet still on.

God, I guess I had gone really right when I decided on the scavenger hunt. Who knew.

I climbed the front steps, walked through the front door that she’d left open when she rushed through, and opened the closet in the hall under the stairs. I pulled out the flowers I’d put in there, walked to the kitchen, and quietly set them down on the island behind her while she had her head in the fridge.

Walking around the counter and placing my body in between her and the flowers so that they wouldn’t be in her line of sight, I waited for her to get the clue and turn around.

She finally found the clue buried in the back of the Cokes, pulled it out, and whipped around to face me.

She still had her helmet on, so I quickly unstrapped it and pulled it off of her head. “I wanna be able to see your pretty face, Babe.”

I put the helmet on the counter, and looking directly into my eyes, she smiled before looking down to read the paper in her hands.

I promise to keep your fridge full of Coke and your belly full of food. Not to mention, I’d be happy to meet any other needs you may have.

Your next clue has a perfect peach color with the edges tipped in red.

Once again her face scrunched up, making it clear that she was disgruntled. “Don’t tell me we came back here just to go back to that damn apartment, Tucker Cody.”

I smirked, bit my bottom lip, and scooted to the side, revealing the roses to her.

Practically shoving me out of the way, she rushed over and started searching for the card amongst the flowers.

She turned around with the card in her hand, opened it, and let her eyes skate along the words I’d written.

I promise to do everything I can to show you how special you are, and to always make this feel like home.

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