The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy (44 page)

BOOK: The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy
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Why oh why did I offer that? I’m too bloody soft.
I really do hate to be rude.

He repeatedly taps his pen against his palm, but breaks off to click his ringing phone to silent, as he watches me. “That sounds like a plan.”
Change the subject now.

“OK, well I’m happy with the progress for the first day. If Danny can ensure that the fireplace is readied and the chimney swept and flue all in form for the fire to be fitted next week, that’d be great.”
Well done chick, you’ve pulled it back to work.

“Then the cornice in the corner, where it’s worn away – who’s sorting that?”

“What… hmm sorry, I was focused on your umm… glasses. Very sexy secretary.”

Thank God he said glasses, but still this guy needed to get some new material.
I prompt him. “Cornice?”

“Oh yeah, the cornice! We’ve tracked down a company that has taken a molding of the existing decoration and they are recreating it from scratch. You’ll never know there was a glitch. All due to be completed by the end of the week.”

“That’s great news.” I’m really satisfied with the remodelling so far. If things were moving along quickly at the beginning it left us more time to deal with the problems, which always arose at some point, close to the end of the project.

“Right, well I’ll make a move. I’ve got to go collect my son.” I sidestep a loose floorboard. “See you lads!” I shout to the workers. Danny tips his head in a gentlemanly manner, and the loner can’t hear me, due to his huge yellow ear defenders and continues head down in concentration.
“Come on - I’ll walk you out.”

I’m not given the chance to refuse as Chris returns his hand into the small of my back possessively and pushes me towards the corridor. I really am going to need to set some boundaries of personal space with him.

Once outside he sparks up a cigarette and appraises me in the same
clothes stripping
way he’d done at Suzie and Gino’s party but I’m saved from feeling seedy when his phone rings again. I remove my glasses in retaliation of his preference for them and halt abruptly, as I hear Chris speak the one name, permanently imprinted on my mind.
“Sebastian – yeah yeah mate I’m here now. Sorry I was busy with Lucia. Yeah, she’s here with me now - we’ve been in the honeymoon suite, having fun!”

Looking up he smiles at me suggestively.

“Sorry mate - just kidding. How’s things? Is all going swell?” he laughs at his own poor joke, continuing, “Really? You lucky devil you. Didn’t expect anything less.”

I watch him hold his hand out for me to wait.

“No worries mate. It’s all under control. Lucia’s going to make sure I’m not lonely whilst you’re away. OK I’ll let her know. I will. I promise. I said I
! Right. Bye now.”

What the fuck?

He ends his call, smarmy smile back on and
the knob
is back. Yuk!

“Somebody’s a little testy today me thinks,” he offers but not particularly to me.

I’m probably giving the guy a harder time than he deserves, due to the wild thoughts now parading around inside my head. He really is away then. I feel a jolt of immense loss and instantly irritate myself.

And? Why does that affect you Lucia - no ties, remember?

“I need to get back to the office now Chris, so I’ll see you this week no doubt.”

It isn’t really a question but he answers. “Oh you most certainly will Lulu. See you soon.”

How is it that Sebastian and Chris were such good friends? They were such polar opposites - Sebastian the
and Christopher the
literally? I smirk to myself, and turn to walk to my Audi, as fast as my 4inch heels will allow on loose chip pebbles. I’m annoyed for feeling so petty that Chris has used my nickname and we’re not that friendly. Sebastian is one of the few that I allow to call me Lulu - and he’d used it several times during sex, which made it even more personal to me.

It’s only as I head down the expansive driveway that I begin to recollect in detail, the telephone conversation I’d overheard. My body is tightly strung at the thought that he is hundreds of miles away in another part of the Country and I didn’t even know! At the same time, I conclude that just because we spent a wonderful weekend together, it doesn’t give me the right to know his schedule and where he is at all hours.
You knew this was a bad idea from the start Lu - you don't do casual!

My chest expands on a deep breath and I switch the radio on and instantly regret it as
Adele’s Chasing Pavements
fills the Audi. I flinch annoyed at my silly reaction to a song. How is it that all of a sudden every song and its words relate to Sebastian and I? I switch stations and am given a choice of
Coldplay’s Green Eyes
You Got the love by The Source
and shake my head in utter disbelief – I suppose its just like when you’re on a diet and every advert on the television is about calorie laden puddings. Annoying though as I love all three of those songs and can’t enjoy any of them right now. In disgust I stab the
button and drive home in silence, the only sound my ticking time bomb of thoughts, festering away uncontrollably.

Chris had suggested that Sebastian was not in London alone but I just hope that he was guessing or exaggerating the situation. I sense that he thinks that there may be something between Seb and I, and that he is not best pleased but I may be wrong. I’m not sure that he is
that intelligent
; although there’s some serious jealousy there. Chris is most definitely inferior to his friend and knows it.

The thought of Sebastian with another woman now, doing to her what he’d done with me, I couldn’t bear it. I have to resign myself to the fact that this was my fault and I was the one who instigated the arrangement. He may have added the rules but we never made any promises to each other and just because it was
and we had a history of friendship - that did not guarantee a happy ending.

Besides, I’d never wanted that, had I? To be with Sebastian Silver in a long-term committed relationship? Why does that suddenly not sound so strange?

God, it was much easier when you didn’t already know the guy – certainly less heavy so early on – I’d never had feelings for someone so fast before – never felt so utterly bereft at their unexpected disappearance. The emotion does not sit well with me – I don’t do needy. I’m a strong independent Single Mother, who earns my own crust and is comfortable with my own company – this is a totally new experience for me.

I shake my head to myself, knowingly – no – this is the way it must be when it’s real, unequivocally, and undeniably right. This conclusion only makes our situation more unbearable.

Do I want this to be a long-term thing? Surely I don’t want to be with someone so controlling and with a sexual history that would make Dirk Diggler proud?

Following the winding roads home from Holdgate to Bodley, I glance across at my phone in its hands-free holder and notice a text message on the screen. It’s from Jackie.

Leo called to talk to you about accounts.

I said you’d gone home ill with stomachache. See you tomorrow

hopefully Boss :)

Urgghh I hadn’t spoken to him since Saturday night and I still feel pretty bad how I’d arrived with him and then dumped him. How bad was that? I’ll ring him tomorrow and smooth things over. I’m sure he’d be fine. I had bigger problems than Leo to worry about.



6pm I crawl into bed for an early night and snuggle under the king-size meringue duvet in a tired heap. Soup and a crusty roll followed by a pudding of Levonelle, was not something I’d recommend off the menu. Half an hour in and there it is; the lovely nausea has popped in for a visit. Curling up with my cream, fluffy
hot water bottle I sigh in disgust.

You’ve no one to blame but yourself!

If I can just get through the next few hours, I’ll be fine - grin and bear it, as deep down you know it was worth it; entirely irresponsible but worth it…

My thoughts are rudely interrupted by the bark of my phone and wearily turning to grab it from my bedside table I groan in discomfort. The text is boldly screaming at me in all its ultraviolet brightness and a quick glance tells me its from Sebastian. My heart starts to pound.

I’ve been thinking about you.

The smell of you, the feel of you, the taste of you. Sorry I had to leave on short notice - be in touch soon. x

I cradle the phone to my chest, the huge smile on my face threatening to crack open. Yay! He’s thinking about me – he didn’t forget… me. I re-read the text again, and a warm sensation blankets me. I settle down to fall into a deep slumber, happy that he is as restless as I am where
are concerned. Our texts have definitely gone to the next level, even if we haven’t.
Closing my eyes I succumb and feel myself relax for the first time all day.

The trouble with medication is it disturbs your sleep and I awake as a wave of nausea hits me again. Looking at my phone I can see its 10pm – I’ve slept for nearly 3hours solid, at least that means the pill is well and truly in my system now and its job will be complete.

I look down again and notice I’ve had 5 missed calls from my sister and 2 from Abby. I rub my hands wearily across my face in an attempt to focus properly, and enter the code for my phone, ringing Suzie immediately.

“Babe, is everything ok?”

I’m groggy but also acutely aware that I’ve not made enough time for my sister of late and we are well overdue a catch-up. I’m probably not on her
nice list
at the mo.

“How did it go?” she sounds a little snooty but concerned.
I wrack my brain for what she could mean. Surely she didn’t mean…

“The Pill?” her voice goes up at the end of the sentence.

BOOK: The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy
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