The Obedient Wife

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Authors: Carolyn Faulkner

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The Obedient Wife





Carolyn Faulkner



©2012 by Blushing Books® and Carolyn Faulkner



Copyright © 2012 by Blushing Books® and Carolyn Faulkner


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Faulkner, Carolyn

The Obedient Wife




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This book is intended for
adults only
. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.



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Carolyn Faulkner


The words




have always sent a shiver up Carolyn Faulkner's spine.

She knows she's not alone.

Writing started as a way to explore her feelings. Soon short stories flowed from her pen featuring reluctant heroes taking the leading lady in hand, but always for her own good.

Today Carolyn is the author of dozens of books. She writes from her home in Maine, where she lives with her husband and leading man.


Visit her website here:



Don’t miss these exciting titles by Carolyn Faulkner!


A Hard Man is Good to Find


To Trust Her Heart


Body and Soul


A Good Man




The text was short and sweet.  It simply said

Unable to stop herself, Ginger looked around surreptitiously, as if someone else in the office could somehow have read - and correctly interpreted the meaning of - her husband’s command.

Luckily - although she was in a cubicle like almost everyone else on the fourth floor of the mill building her bank had converted into administrative offices several years ago - hers was a bit away from everyone else, so no one noticed when she grabbed her purse and headed for the ladies’ room.

Behind the closed door of the stall, she removed two silver bullet shaped items from where she’d hidden them deep in the recesses of what her husband liked to refer to as her “suitcase”, positioning them exactly as she had been told to do this morning, as he had looked into her eyes sternly, holding her chin in place so that she couldn’t help but gaze steadily the long way back up at him, her bottom lip actively worried between her teeth.

“Because you know that if you don’t insert them, the entire floor is going to hear them buzzing in your purse.”

Ginger had frowned.  She hadn’t thought about that.  Not that she had been planning to circumvent his
. .necessarily.  But she wasn’t much of a fan when he occasionally asked her to do things like this, mostly because she knew that he really wasn’t asking.  He fully expected that she would do exactly as she was told, and somehow, he always knew when she hadn’t.  Whether she had disobeyed in a big or the smallest way - and she knew he would point out to her, as he always did, that the size of the indiscretion didn’t matter much to him - he was able to look into her eyes and somehow intuit just how obedient she’d been.

Or not.

And she had to admit that he was depressingly accurate.

Very depressingly, because, although she had been submissive to him practically from the moment she’d met him - to her considerable alarm at first - she was far from perfectly behaved, even almost a decade later.

In this he had been very right:  there was no way she was going to take the chance that anyone at work was going to hear those two not so little metal capsules buzzing around - louder than any cell phone vibrated and clanging together noisily in the bottom of her purse.  She knew her best friend Charlene would be like a bloodhound if that happened, and Ginger didn’t feel like having to explain their presence to anyone - especially not to Charlene, who could be a bit of a nosey body when she wanted to.

When she got back to her desk - after wondering with every step how she was going to get any work done with those things nestling intimately inside her; and they weren’t even on yet - she texted him back “
” then put her phone back in her purse, where it lived while she worked.  Her boss was pretty laid back about cell phones as long as you didn’t spend much work time on them.  And Ginger was enough of a type A that she barely ever saw
, since she certainly didn’t need to be coached to finish her work.  She often completed her own and then offered to help others. 

Ginger wasn’t quite sure how she’d lucked into this position, but, as unambitious as it sounded, she intended to retire out of it, if possible.  It was the perfect job for her:  people left piles of work on her desk and she mowed her way happily through them, mostly on autopilot, which freed her mind to think of anything else.

Luckily there wasn’t anyone at work who was as attuned to her mind as Sean was or they’d be very thoroughly mortified by what they saw most times, she was sure.

Hell, she’d bet a year’s salary that no one here would ever begin to guess that she was submissive to her husband.  If anything, those who hadn’t met Sean would probably think she was his
, because at work she was completely no-nonsense.  She didn’t spend her time hanging around the copier, the
lunch room
or in the bathroom, like most others did.  Her breaks were exactly fifteen minutes long, her lunch thirty and not a minute longer.  She hadn’t missed a day in seven years, and she didn’t intend to start.  If there was something that she thought could be done in a more efficient manner, she shot the boss an email, and then let it go, never agonizing about whether her suggestions were implemented, although the majority of them had been.

Ginger had been offered multiple promotions and had flatly declined each one of them.  She knew from previous experience what management was like and refused to sign on for those headaches.  They didn’t need the money, and she didn’t need the stress.

She’d been forbidden, anyway, for the latter reason.  Sean had come awfully close to not allowing her to work at all, especially when the bank was going through a conversion - absorbing another bank - and her nice, pat routine had been thrown into
a chaos
of preparation, meetings, and thrice the normal workload.

But he hadn’t - yet.  He knew that she needed that social outlet.  They tended - as a couple - to be quite insular and occasionally spent long stretches where they rarely saw each other.  She’d had a good-sized circle of friends before they’d met that had dwindled considerably once they’d become involved.  Considering the lifestyle they lived, though, he was very careful not to let her to become isolated.

Of course, whether she was allowed to go out with friends was always predicated on her good behavior.  She was, for the most part, very well behaved - almost too much so for his tastes.


Of course, she, like any other human - female in particular, Sean often thought to himself - had those times when doing as she was told just seemed like an impossibility.  On those days in particular
he was genuinely surprised by the things at which she balked - usually it was the most perfunctory of things
.   Oftentimes it was a longstanding rule - one that she’d never had a problem with before.  Like making sure that the dishwasher was emptied in morning - or completely ignoring the bedtime he’d put in place for her. 

Or denying him access to her body, as she had tried - unsuccessfully, of course - the night before last.

Sean wasn’t one to drag out punishments - he preferred to take care of situations as they occurred.  Sean preferred that there
as little time as possible between the unfortunate incident of misbehavior and the correction thereof, although despite his best efforts, circumstances occasionally prevented the swift punishment of misdeeds.

Tonight, however, there would be no such reprieve - short of nuclear war.

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