The Nymph King (7 page)

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Authors: Gena Showalter

BOOK: The Nymph King
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Broderick reached out to part the woman's grass skirt.

“I'm Shaye,” she said in a rush, the words almost a screech. “My name is Shaye Octavia Holling.”

Valerian knew immediately what she wanted from him.
I'll help you drive the men away if you tell me your name,
he'd promised her. Promised Shaye.
He rolled the name over his tongue, savoring. Relishing. The name fit her. Seemingly cool, aloof, yet utterly sensual.

“Kick him,” he breathed into her ear. “Hard.”

She did so without hesitation, bringing up her leg and slamming her foot into Broderick's stomach. The stunned warrior propelled backward, tripped over his own feet and tumbled to the ground. The rest of the army burst into gales of laughter. Broderick popped to a stand, frowning at Shaye in confusion.

Valerian bit back a grin. His second-in-command quickly selected a pretty, sedate brunette. They rushed from the dining hall without a backward glance. One down…

“Dorian.” Valerian nodded to the black-haired man, whose muscled body emitted a palpable air of eagerness. “You are next.” To Shaye—ah, he couldn't get enough of her name, as delicate and lovely as the
woman herself—he whispered, “When he approaches you, ignore him. Do not even look at him.”

“Are you sure?” Shaye couldn't believe she was relying on Valerian to get her out of this mess. He was the one responsible for it! But she could think of no alternative. Letting one of these barbarians “claim” her, then drag her away and do God knows what to her, held no appeal. “Won't ignoring him bring out all his caveman instincts?”

“Not with this man.” He sounded amused.

Dorian had onyx hair and irises so blue they rivaled the ocean in purity. His mouthwatering beauty was something out of a fairy tale. Somehow, his features were even more perfect than Valerian's. He didn't make her ache, however.
didn't fill her mind with X-rated images of naked, straining bodies.

Shaye's stomach churned with nervousness as the man followed Broderick's example and considered every woman in line. He looked, he tasted, he enjoyed a little too much. Shaye was offended for the women. How dare he treat them so casually? It didn't matter that they seemed to love it. Didn't matter that they asked for more.

When he reached her, he remained out of striking distance and crossed his arms over his massive chest. He studied her, his intense gaze lingering on her every curve. Several seconds ticked by and Valerian stiffened.

“Remove the shells,” Dorian finally said. “I would see your breasts.”

Ignore him
had been Valerian's advice. She turned her chin away from Dorian and studied her cuticles. If he tried to remove the bra himself, he'd walk away with a bloody stump in place of his hand.

“Did you not hear me, woman? I said, remove the shells.”

She yawned—a nearly impossible feat. With Valerian's strong arms banded around her, she was foolishly turned on. Not bored. Despite every other emotion—fear, anger, affront—her desire had remained. Grown. She didn't feel like her normal self around the vain, egotistical giant. She felt like a sexual being whose only purpose was pleasure. Giving and receiving it.

Why had she not felt this way on any of the dates she'd gone on? Why now? Why this man?

Dorian expelled a frustrated breath. He tangled a hand through his silky hair and eyed his boss. “Valerian, make her look at me.”

Valerian lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “I cannot force her eyes to you.”


“Is she the one you want or not?” The words lashed from him, abrupt, harsh. Filled with impatience. “The others are waiting for their turn.”

A scowl darkened Dorian's features. He spun away from Shaye and stalked to the only redhead in the group. “I choose you.”

The degrading debacle continued for half an hour. Only one other woman seemed upset by the happenings, the same woman who'd been as unwilling as Shaye to blithely walk into the water with the nymphs. She was a tiny thing and very pretty, with dark, curly hair, wide, dark eyes and a button nose. And, despite her innocent, school-girl features, she radiated dark, wild sensuality.

Unfortunately, she was selected by a tall warrior
with beads in his sandy-colored hair. One of the men still in line—she couldn't see which—slammed his fist into the wall, the force of it reverberating through the room. “I wanted that one,” he growled.

“Too bad for you, Joachim,” was the smug reply. “She's now mine.” Beaded Hair clasped Nervous's hand and tugged her from the line.

She dragged her heels, but didn't utter a word in protest.

Obviously puzzled, he glanced over his shoulder and frowned. “Do not be afraid. I will not hurt you.”

The girl chewed on her bottom lip, tears in her eyes.

“Let her go,” Shaye shouted. She'd seen enough. “Let her go right now! She doesn't want to leave with you.”

His frown deepened, and he glanced at Valerian in confusion. “But…I chose her.”

The girl leveled a frightened, watery gaze on Shaye. Still she didn't speak, just continued to bite her bottom lip.

“Valerian.” Shaye latched on to his wrist and squeezed. “You have to do something about this. She doesn't want to leave with him.”

Seconds passed in absolute silence. “What will you give me in return?” he finally replied. “If I do something as you've so sweetly
my men will think me odd. But if I was to receive compensation, I would be willing to risk their displeasure.”

“I'll allow you to live,” she said through clenched teeth. “That should be payment enough.”

He chuckled, a husky, sensual sound of pure enjoyment.

Damn him and his amusement!

“I'll be nice to you. For a little while,” she grumbled.

He didn't hesitate. “Do you wish to be chosen by another warrior?” he asked the woman.

Her eyes roved over the remaining, eager men. She shrank back, gulped. Then she slowly shook her head.

“Take her, Shivawn, but do not touch her unless you have her permission. And do not force her to give permission,” he added as an afterthought. He paused. “Does that satisfy you, Shaye?”

The way he said her name…she shivered and forced her mind to the matter at hand. No, it didn't satisfy her. But she knew he would not let the girl return to the beach. “Can Shivawn be trusted to obey your command?”

“All of my men obey me.” There was a good amount of affront in his tone. “Go,” Valerian told the couple.

Shivawn hurried the girl from the room before Shaye could utter another protest. Another man, the one who had hit the wall, swore under his breath.

And on the “selection” continued.

Every time a soldier approached her, Valerian told her exactly what to do. Spit, curse, faint. Thankfully, no one selected her. The line dwindled significantly, until only Shaye and a few others remained. Everyone else had adjourned to their rooms.

Later, when this was over, she suspected Valerian would demand some sort of reward for his aid. More than just her promise to be “nice.” He copped a feel when attention was diverted from them, tracing his fingers over the curve of her hip. Dipping his thumb into her navel. Her nerve endings were on fire, clamoring for more of him.

Oddly, his possessive manner thrilled a secret part of her. A part she hadn't known existed. When someone ap
proached her, he stiffened. A few times, he even growled low in his throat, as if he had withstood all that he could.

“It's almost over,” he whispered. His breath fanned her ear as he trailed a fingertip along the bumps of her spine.

She almost slumped into a boneless heap. Only the sudden, unexpected feeling of being watched strengthened her resolve to appear unaffected. She felt a heated gaze boring into her, laden with purpose and determination. Eerie goose bumps broke over her as her eyes darted across the remaining men—and collided with a handsome brunet.

His heavy-lidded, come-to-my-bed stare slammed into her, and she stiffened. He scared her. There was menace in his eyes.

“Lean on me if your feet hurt,” Valerian said, mistaking her reaction.

She pulled her attention from the dark-haired man. “I'm fine,” she said, nearly breathless. Then she frowned; she'd meant to snap at him.

Her captor kept throwing her off guard with his sweet, let-me-care-for-you comments. He was treating her like a precious treasure, seeing to her comforts. She didn't like it. It made her vulnerable, made it harder to resist him.

There had to be something she could do to make him hate her. But what? He laughed at her insults, ignored her taunts.
Keep trying until you succeed, damn it.
If he continued to be nice to her, she would soften toward him. He might just melt the ice she so desperately needed to survive. What would happen to her then? Love? Would she lose herself to a man who could never return the depth of her feelings? God, no. No, no, no.

With all of her strength she attempted to pull from Valerian's hold, to at last put distance between their bodies. He locked his grip, cutting off her breath and shackling her in place.

“Be still, moon. Already my body hungers for yours, and I'm not sure how much more I can tolerate. We are almost done here.”

She stilled, not wanting to arouse him further. But damn this! Why did she have to feel so safe in his arms? Safe and wonderful and aroused? He was dangerous to the solitary life she had built—and wanted—for herself.

“Joachim,” Valerian called. “Your turn has arrived.” He lowered his voice, murmuring in her ear, “Your scent is amazing. I want you so much. I want—”

“That one,” a male voice said. Joachim—the current “picker,” the angry-looking brunet who had been staring at her, stepped forward.

Valerian froze. Shaye gasped. She'd been so sure she'd scared everyone away…but he had… Dear Lord. Ice chilled her blood.

“What did you say?” Valerian gritted out. His fingers, wrapped so tightly around her waist, dug into her skin.

“I want the pale one, the girl in your arms.” Joachim braced his legs apart, his expression stern and smug. Ready. He looked like a man who craved war. “Give her to me. She is mine.”


,” S
her voice shaky. As shaky as her body. “Help me.”

“I will take care of this. Worry not.” All at once, Valerian felt infuriated that someone would dare try to take Shaye from him, overjoyed that Shaye felt safest with him and frightened that he might actually lose her.

And to his cousin, no less.

They didn't share an easy camaraderie, for Joachim's thirst for power made him rebellious. Wild. How Valerian was going to change the soldier's mind, he didn't know.

“There are two other females in line,” Valerian said. “Are you sure you would not prefer one of them?”

Joachim nodded, never once glancing toward the women in question. Determination filled his eyes. Determination…and lust. For Valerian's head? Or Shaye's body? Either way, Valerian would not give up easily.

Nor would Joachim, apparently. “I want her,” the man said firmly.

Shaye's soft body pressed into the hardness of Valerian's. Her frosty scent enveloped him, fueling his own sense of determination.

“I will challenge you for her.” Valerian pinned his
cousin with a hard stare. “I will give you the opportunity to defeat your king.” Joachim could not take the throne that way, but there was much honor in fighting the king. Even if—when!—Joachim lost, he would be lauded for participating in such a rare occurrence.

For a moment, an all-too-short flash of time, Joachim considered the offer. He even began to nod but stopped himself. He shook his head instead. “Unacceptable.” Frowning, he gripped the hilt of his sword. “Last night, you had female flesh in excess, making you strong. I have been neglected for weeks. We are not on equal ground.”

Valerian's jaw clenched painfully. Did his cousin hope for a night with Shaye,
a fight with the king? “You may spend the night with the three women who pleasured me. They will ensure you are strengthened. We can fight for Shaye on the morrow.”

Joachim's black brows arched, and something—an unreadable emotion—brightened his blue eyes. “You said you would not claim another surface woman, yet there you stand, attempting to do just that.”

“Wait.” Shaye held up her hands. “Hold everything. You slept with three women at the same time, Valerian?” Had she been facing him, he felt certain she would have slapped him. “What, do you expect me to join the love train? You're disgusting! All of you are.”

“Do you want them or not?” he asked Joachim, ignoring her.

Lips curling in a smile, Joachim pointed to Shaye. “I want that one. As is my right.”

“She will cause you nothing but trouble.” His teeth were clenched so tightly, he had trouble getting out the words.

“That's right.” Shaye nodded, tufts of white hair dancing over her shoulders. “I'll stab you while you sleep. I'll cut off your balls and use them for earrings. I'll…I'll—”

Color faded from Joachim's cheeks, and he swallowed. At least her threats to Joachim were more violent, Valerian mused. She'd only wanted to cut out

“I want her still,” Joachim said, though he did not sound as confident.

His cousin would not relent. Frustrated, infuriated, Valerian gave an animalistic growl. He'd never lied to his men, never gone back on his word. His father had died when Valerian was only a boy, leaving Valerian to take over the nymph army. He'd had to prove himself worthy and capable over and over again. And he had.

“Honor them,” had been his father's dying words. “Lead them. Protect them. You are ultimately responsible for their fate.”

He could take Shaye, and no one could naysay him. Grumble about his lack of honor, yes, even curse him to everlasting Hades. But not naysay him.

While he had told himself he could surrender his honor to possess Shaye, he realized now that he could not. How could he expect her to fall in love—and love him she would—with a dishonorable man?

“I have said I would not claim the females brought here, and I will not,” he said.

Shaye stiffened. She closed her hands over his arms, which were still wrapped around her, and dug her fingernails into his skin.

“I will not,” he continued, switching to his native tongue so Shaye would not understand the rest of the
conversation, “without reaching amicable terms. Allow me to buy her from you.”

Once more, Joachim shook his head. “No.”

Damn the man! “What can I do, cousin? The woman—” he stopped, pressed his lips together “—the woman is my mate.”

Joachim's nostrils flared, and he bared his teeth. He took a menacing step forward. “She does not seem to think so. She has not accepted you as such.”

“She is human. Their reactions must be different from ours.”

“You would say anything to keep her.”

“In this, I do not lie. If you take her, she can never love you. She will never be able to give her heart to you. In her soul, she will always belong to me.” They both knew the ways of mates and nymphs. Love was love. That Shaye was human made no difference. He had to make Joachim understand. “When you take her to your bed, it will always be my face she pictures. My body she craves. Can your pride stand such a thing?”

Dark, heavy silence greeted his pronouncement. His cousin paled, his jaw clenched.

“What did you say to him?” Shaye looked from him to Joachim, Joachim to him.

Joachim's gaze narrowed on Valerian. “I must think on what you have said. Let us both stay away from her this night and discuss her ownership in the morning.”

Since he'd spoken in the surface language, Shaye understood. “Ownership?” she gasped.

Stay away from her this night? Valerian's body jerked at the horror. Since the first moment he'd seen her, he'd
thought only of possessing her. Denying himself would, perhaps, be the most difficult thing he'd ever done.

“I am in…agreement.” At least his cousin would not be allowed to touch her, either.

“Well, I'm
in agreement.” Shaye stomped her foot, determined to be acknowledged.

He tightened his hold on her, hoping to silence her. Of course, it didn't work.

“Let me save you both a lot of trouble,” she said. “I don't want either of you. Now, I'm a reasonable—”

Valerian snorted.

“Reasonable woman,” she finished, glaring at him over her shoulder. “And I'm willing to forget this entire episode of
The Male Whores of Atlantis
if someone will. Just. Take. Me. Home.”

Ignoring her, Joachim crossed his arms over his chest. “Where will she stay tonight?”

“I will place her in the chamber next to mine. We will both guard her door.”

His cousin paused for a moment, running the idea through his mind. He nodded. “Very well.”

Valerian dropped his arms from Shaye, instantly mourning the loss of her softness, her heat. She must have felt the same loss, whether she would admit it or not, because she laced her arms over her middle and shivered.

“Damn it.” She drummed her fingers against her sides. “Will someone pay attention to me and tell me who's taking me home?”

“I am,” Valerian answered before Joachim could respond. “I am taking you home.”

On a startled gasp, she spun and faced him. “Really? You'll take me home? Now?”

He drank her in, struck anew by the beauty of her. How could one woman make him ache so intensely? Make him forget everyone who had come before her until only she existed?

Reaching out, he held his palm face-up. “Will you come with me willingly?”

Suspicion suddenly blanketed her features. But even that did not detract from her beauty. “You're not lying to me?”


For a long while, she did nothing. Then, she tentatively placed her hand in his. Their fingers intertwined, a perfect fit.

He knew she'd misunderstood his intentions;
was her new home. But he said nothing. Not yet.

Joachim growled and held out his own hand to Shaye. Seconds ticked by as she stared at it. Every muscle in Valerian's body clenched. If she took Joachim's hand, she would encourage the man's attentions. She would disprove the validity of Valerian's declaration.

One heartbeat passed. Then another.

She leveled Valerian with an exasperated glance. “Well. What are you waiting for? Let's go. If we hurry, I'll be able to make my flight back to Cincinnati.”

Flight? She could fly? Surely not. He pushed away his confusion and concentrated on his surprise. She'd ignored Joachim and his proffered hand as if they didn't exist. But him, she asked for aid. Inside, Valerian howled with triumph.

“Crosse,” he called to one of the remaining men. “Prepare the room next to mine.” Hopefully, the loyal
man would know what he truly desired—the removal of all traces of the human women he'd pleasured last eve. Unfortunately, they hadn't limited themselves to the main chamber. Shaye erupted at the slightest hint of carnality, and he did not want her upset.

Crosse nodded, cast a wistful glance at the two remaining women and rushed to obey.

Joachim, who hadn't moved, at last dropped his arm to his side. “Best you be cautious, woman, and treat me with care.” His voice was low, gritty. “I might change my mind and choose to take you now.”

“At odds already.” Valerian
under his tongue, though he really wanted to attack.

“Why don't both of you go to hell and save me the trouble of sending you there?” Shaye said, radiating absolute innocence. Total sweetness. “Now, be a good boy and take me home like you promised, Valerian.”

He glimpsed Joachim's astonished gaze and fought a grin. That sharp tongue of Shaye's just might save them. He turned back to the others. “Terran, Aeson, you may choose between the final two.” As they cheered, he faced Shaye and said, “This way.” He led her into the hallway.

A few of the warriors, he noticed, had not made it to their rooms. Some were in the process of making love to their new women right there in the hall, while others had simply pushed their lovers against the wall and were feasting between their legs. Moans, purrs and groans of delight echoed.

“My God,” Shaye gasped out.

Such a sight was common in a nymph household, but he did not mention that to Shaye.

With her close on his heels, and Joachim close on
hers, he ushered her past the kitchens, past the training arena, past the warriors' barracks—where more moans and purrs abounded.

“Do they ever stop?” Shaye muttered darkly.

Shock and—was that desire?—laced her voice. Yes, he realized. Yes, it was. The shock amused him. The desire excited him on a primal level. If she were his, he would have vanquished the first and leisurely explored the second right then and there. Soon, he swore. Soon.

His chambers were situated in a hall away from the rest of the palace. Each room was spacious, with a large bathing pool, an immense bed and a panoramic wall of windows that offered a breathtaking view of the Outer City below.

“Thank you for agreeing to take me back,” Shaye said. “I know you don't want to, and I'm grateful.”

He'd never heard such a gentle, tender tone from her. She even wore an expression of genuine gratitude, the sweetness of it softening her features and gifting her with bright radiance. He could not allow her to wallow in false assumptions any longer. “I'm not taking you back to your world, moon. I'm taking you to your home. Your new home.”

She hissed in a stream of air; her nails dug into his flesh. “You knew what I thought, you misleading bastard.”

“Does she always speak this way?” Joachim asked, voicing his first doubt.

“Always,” Valerian and Shaye snapped in unison.

“I'm not staying in your room,” she growled to Valerian. “I told you that already.”

He had to drag her (gently, of course) the rest of the way. Joachim watched the interaction with an unread
able expression. Finally they reached the outskirts of Valerian's rooms.

Crosse exited the main doorway, swishing the wispy material that hung there. His features were flushed with pleasure; his eyes were closed in surrender as he blindly felt his way out.

Having caught his scent, the three naked human women chased after him and trapped him in a circle. Instantly their hands were all over him, touching and caressing his back as they moaned in eagerness. In impatience.

Seeing them, a plan sprouted thick roots inside Valerian's mind—and it irritated him that he was reduced to planning and scheming to have a woman who should, by all rights, be panting for him. He was a king. A leader. His word was law. “Take whichever woman you desire, Crosse, and go to bed.”

The warrior's eyelids popped open in surprise. “My king,” he said. One of the women cupped his testicles, and he moaned. “May I have all three?”

Valerian rolled his eyes. “No. Two are needed…elsewhere.”

Shaye's mouth flailed open and closed, each time emitting a strangling sound. “You're treating those women like objects, and what do you mean
” She pointed a finger at Crosse, but her gaze remained on Valerian. “What if the woman he picks doesn't want to leave with him? What then?”

“You have doubt of their willingness?” Valerian motioned to the writhing foursome with a tilt of his chin. “They are eating him alive even now.”

Her eyes narrowed on them, and she
“Well, you still sound like a pimp,” she muttered. Then,
louder, “Stand up for yourselves, girls. Tell these men you won't take part in their debauchery.”

In lieu of a response, all three ran their tongues over Crosse's bare chest and back. The man whimpered in unadulterated bliss. Shaye pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

“Take your woman, Crosse, and go.”

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