The Nuclear Catastrophe (a fiction novel of survival) (15 page)

Read The Nuclear Catastrophe (a fiction novel of survival) Online

Authors: Barbara C. Griffin Billig,Bett Pohnka

BOOK: The Nuclear Catastrophe (a fiction novel of survival)
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She screamed back,

Locked up? Are you insane? A hospital doesn

t just shut its door like a shoe store! Open this door!

Look, lady, I said we

re closed,

said the voice coldly.

You can

t be! This is a hospital! You have to accept someone who

s injured.

We can

t take your husband,

the man stated.


s contaminated with radioactive materials and we

re not admitting any radiation victims.

Sara glared wildly through the tiny window at him.


re crazy! My husband desperately needs medical aid! He has broken bones and oh, God, just unlock the door, won

t you?

On the other side of the pane the expression softened.

Lady, I

m really sorry, but you see, we don

t have a decontamination chamber here. If we admitted your husband he would pollute everyone who went near him, as well as the hospital facility. We just can

t allow that to happen. We have patients to care for in here.

But what about him?

she pleaded.

He needs attention, too.

A visible shrug lifted the shoulders across from her.

Where can I go? Isn

t there some place that has been designated to care for such victims?

begged the distraught woman.

Not that I know of.

It was unbelievable, this lack of concern, this inability of a medical facility to accept Ben for treatment.

Do you mean that there is no  hospital plan to handle this kind of emergency?

Seemingly disinterested in the discussion, the man answered,


and walked off.

The man had left and would not return to her repeated pounding on the door. Angry and disheartened, Sara went back to the car. Ben lay folded uncomfortably on the rear seat, a series of moans issuing from him. His brow was hot to the touch. The fever, a ravage on his body, had returned, resulting in what to her seemed an unconscious delirium. Infuriated with the reception she had received, she started the motor and threw the car in gear.

It was after much searching that Sara finally pulled into the emergency entrance of a second clinic, this one a private institution. Her efforts there produced the same results. The personnel shared an adamant refusal to admit new patients, all of whom would by now have suffered exposure to radiation. The excuse was identical to the earlier one—no decontamination chamber, and risk of contaminating personnel and patients.

It appeared that if the policy of no admittance was uniform, Ben would likely be refused treatment at any medical center. Fraught with anger, her hands shaking almost beyond control, and on legs weak from hunger and fatigue, Sara slowly got back into the   driver

s seat.

Feeling nearly crushed by her burden, Sara

s eyes wandered absently over the dashboard.


she exclaimed.

My God, not that too!

The tank was nearly empty of fuel; but where would she find gasoline today? Station after station had been closed as she had driven through the lonely streets. Businesses were obviously tightly shut against the panicky residents. She stared intently at the gauge. No more priceless fuel could be wasted in random driving. She had to find help for Ben soon; or, if she were to continue her frantic search for help—gas.

With stronger determination, Sara started the vehicle forward. In the back of her mind was the location of another hospital, maybe the right one this time. Her thoughts were a flurry of clearly defined ideas, all focusing on plans—plans of how she could force treatment for Ben once she got to this next hospital. She

d lie, she decided. Instead of saying that Ben was hurt in the White Water explosion, she

d tell the attendants that he

d been in an automobile wreck. Then they

d admit him for treatment. Or would they? The radiation was really the problem, wasn

t it? All right, then she

d say that he was the brother of the governor. No hospital administrator would want to turn away a relative of the governor of this state. But, if that didn

t work....Well, then, she

d take a rock and smash through the windows.

Lost in her thoughts, as she maneuvered the vehicle along the street, Sara suddenly recalled the name of the hospital—Beckman General.

Yes, that

s it, Beckman—it

s near the freeway. Please, please let the gasoline hold out.

Activity from far ahead caught her eye. A huge, familiar sign declared the site to be a service station—and one with people, she observed, peering into the distance. It must have had a back up generator to power the pumps. Her heart rate quickened. Was she to be so fortunate, she wondered, as she increased speed. Whipping the car into the filling lane, she braked it to a halt beside a pump. A beefy, hairy man stood at one of the pumps filling a container. In the service bay, nearly hidden from view, were two other men. Suddenly hopeful, she rolled down her window. Then horror overcame her. The service bay was now a violent, bloody example of the inhumanity of man.

A heavy hammer slashed through the air and collided with the side of one man

s head, splattering the service bay with blood. Sara, catching only a glimpse of the activity, jerked her eyes away. She felt like retching.

There was not time to be sick, however. The gas thief had his container filled and now focused his attention on Sara. He was near enough that his breath stank and it was his offensive odor that made her first aware of his pudgy hand reaching in to her. Instinctively, she jammed the accelerator to the floorboard. As the car lunged forward, the man

s grip on her shoulder was broken and she saw him grasp at the handle where he held onto the door for a second before being torn loose.

In a flash her vision captured the continuing saga in the service bay. One man was on his knees with a fountain of blood squirting from the side of his neck; the other, towering over him, held the hammer. The blood had splattered on the pavement and mingled with the dark spots of grease. Nearby was the final sickness—a hose gushing gasoline from its nozzle. The liquid that was important enough to kill for was pouring into the gutter.

As she sped off into the dismal morning, she was overwhelmed by a feeling of having barely escaped with her life—and Ben


Looking back to check on him, then at the gas gauge, she decided to take a chance—they

d have to be able to make it to Beckman Medical Center before the gasoline gave out. She headed in that direction.

Beckman General—Sara

s final hope for Ben

s aid—was very close to the freeway and not more than ten miles from the power plant. The presence of other patients was evident at once as she drove in at the hospital. Although no one seemed to be entering or leaving the building, there were people outside, and that, to her, meant the facility was accepting patients.

The tires dragged on the asphalt as Sara slammed on the brakes. Ben had not ridden comfortably during their hectic search, but maybe at last he would receive the treatment he deserved.

Over here!

screamed Sara, her eyes searching for someone in a white coat.

Will you please help me get him inside?

she yelled to those waiting.

No one answered her plea. They sat as if nothing had been heard, as though she didn

t exist. She had never before been so completely ignored.

Oh please! Help us! Please!

she begged.

They seemed not to hear. Could they be deaf? Leaving the car she ran into their midst.


t you...?

and then she stopped.

More than a dozen men and women littered the ground. A small form, a child, lay dead not far away. These were the people who had been caught unaware by the nuclear blast. They

d been traveling the freeway at the time, and they were the few who

d escaped immediate death.

Sara recoiled in horror. The direction in which they had been bound was clearly obvious to her. Those traveling south had the right sides of their faces cruelly burned. Those going north had the left sides burned. Whichever side was nearest the plant was the side that had sustained the damage. Flaps of skin had sloughed off and the swollen, reddish tissues were suppurating and smelled badly. Yellowish, pus-like discharges had become encrusted. The odor was nauseating.

They had wandered in from the point of impact. Most must have been waiting since around noon of the day before, Sara reasoned. For relatives or friends concerned enough to attempt locating these people it would have been an impossible chore. Radio broadcasts had warned residents against all freeway travel from the extreme north to the south of the San Mirado area. The verbal cordon effectively prevented persons from going into the area, and it largely prohibited  attempting rescue of displaced persons already there.

Local agencies had failed to mobilize units to assist those stranded, and since there were no means for direct communication with homes and families, the whereabouts of these people, and other victims of the disaster, would remain unknown until many days later.

A middle-aged woman apart from the group sat staring vacantly into space. Regaining her composure from the initial shock at the sight of these people, Sara decided that she must speak to this woman. She walked around the others to where the woman sat, and leaning over, she softly asked,


t anything been done for you?

The woman laboriously drew her eyes around to look at Sara.

Food and water,

she murmured.

They give us food and water.

Hospital personnel?

She nodded weakly.

But there hasn

t been a doctor to see you?

asked Sara.

They told us yesterday that one would be here soon.

Sara winced in imagined pain as she saw the festering burn that had spread like some enormous cold sore across the woman

s face and into her mouth. The woman parted her swollen lips as though to speak once more, but Sara laid her hand gently on the woman and shook her head.

No, please. Don

t talk must be so painful.

For the present Sara was inexplicably ashamed... ashamed at being so healthy while these poor souls were in such misery. And she couldn

t help them either.

Overhead, the morning sun was just beginning to warm the land. And somewhere lost among those rays of light was the invisible radiation that Sara had begun to absorb into her body. Defeated and exhausted, Sara now realized that her plans to insure Ben

s treatment were nothing but wanderings of a fanciful mind.

She returned to her husband.

There was no point in joining this wretched group. They would wait forever, taking their doles of food and water like so many lepers—which they probably were in the eyes of the Beckman staff.




Chapter Seven


Beckman General Hospital, designed to serve not only the adjoining neighboring communities but also the outlying unincorporated area in the vicinity of White Water, was in its third year of operation.

In its brief history it had become known as one of the finer new medical facilities. Aesthetically pleasing to the eye, it was as well planned and richly furnished as any patient could wish. Internally, it was a staffer

s delight, its various departments laid out with conspicuous detail for best utilization. Operating rooms were kept at a constant temperature, never varying below 72
nor above 76
F. Treatment and examination rooms received their minimum of four air changes every hour. The most technically modern equipment was available to the highly-skilled personnel.

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