The Nostradamus File (18 page)

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Authors: Alex Lukeman

BOOK: The Nostradamus File
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"Lamont's gone for three months or longer," Elizabeth said. "It depends on how fast he heals."

"That's the only reason I'm even considering Ari's proposal," Nick said
, "because we're a man short. All of Sayeret Matkal's ops are classified and so is their personnel list, but Steph got into their computers. The man Ari wants us to use has hard core combat and black ops experience. We won't have to break him in. He's got as much training as we do."

"We've done it before," Selena said, "with Arkady."

Arkady Korov was Russian Spetsnaz. He'd been on two missions with the Project, in a bizarre alliance against common enemies.

Harker picked up her Mont Blanc and began tapping. "This is sensitive, politically speaking. Herzog wants us to help him discredit an opponent of the current Prime Minister. He's drawing us into the domestic politics of a foreign nation."

"It wouldn't be the first time we did that," Nick said, "but for Ari it's secondary. Finding the Ark and bringing it back to Israel is more important to him. It's true there's a political stink on this. If Weisner gets the Ark he'll use it to bolster his authority to do what he wants. What he wants isn't in our best interest. The fact that Harrison is backing him proves that, if nothing else."

Elizabeth set her pen down. She rubbed her forehead. "Are those headaches of yours catching?" she said. "Because this is giving me one."

They laughed. "Want some aspirin?" Nick said.

"It will take more than that. Ronnie, what do you think? About bringing in Herzog's man?"

"It worked out with Korov," Ronnie said. "Hell, I might have been killed if he hadn't been there. Without Lamont we're stretched kind of thin. I'm for it."


"It will make us stronger. Yes, I'm for it."


"What about Herzog? Everything we do will get reported back to him."

"I don't think it matters anymore. It could be to our advantage. This way, we won't have to worry that the Israelis might do something rash while they're trying to find out what we're doing."

"All right," Nick said. "I'll call Ari."

"That's settled, then. Let's talk about what you found in the church."

"What was in the pouch was a letter from Jacques de Molay," Selena said.

Elizabeth had thought nothing else about this search for the Ark could surprise her
until she heard that. She considered what Selena had just said.

"The Grand Master of the Templars?"

"The same. It's an extraordinary letter. It was written in Latin. The pouch was sealed with something that kept it tight, so the parchment was in good condition. It's downstairs, in the safe. I've got the translation here."

She read from a piece of yellow note paper.


In the Year of Our Lord, 1307, in the S
ixth Month

To Walter de la More, Master and Commander

I, Jacques de Molay, swear by Almighty God that the accusations against the Order are false and without merit. Brother, the King has corrupted the Vicar of Christ. Phillip is not worthy of his throne, nor Clement to hold the Shepherd's Crook. These words alone condemn me to the stake if they are discovered.

You received the shipments from Cyprus, this has been reported to me. I trust you have secured them. 

There are rumors Clement will convene an inquiry. I am uncertain what will happen, but fear the King is set to move against us.

Our enemies are many and strong. You must prepare for an assault. The protection of the Container is a charge given to us by Him who rules all. We must keep it from the hands of those who serve the Great Deceiver. The burden is no longer mine, but yours.

May God keep you safe.


"It's signed by de Molay."

"Wasn't he burned at the stake in 1307?" Nick asked.

"No. He was imprisoned, but he wasn't burned until 1314. 1307 is when he and the Templars were arrested. The letter was written in June of 1307. Pope Clement V held an inquiry in August and the Templars were arrested in October."

"The Vicar of Christ in the letter."

Selena nodded.

"Who was Walter de la More?"

"Master of the London Commandery, the Temple Church. He's probably the one who put that pouch in Marshal's tomb. La More was arrested in 1308 and imprisoned in the Tower of London. He wouldn't sign a confession, so he was tortured. He died in the Tower."

"How does Cyprus come in
to this?" Ronnie asked.

"The main headquarters of the Templars were on Cyprus," Selena said. "The treasury of the Templars was there as well."

"So de Molay knew things were going south and he shipped the Ark to England," Nick said.

"It looks like it. It would have been vulnerable in Cyprus because of Turkish attacks. Likewise in France because of King Phillip. England would
have looked like a better bet. They didn't find a great treasure in Cyprus, just a relatively small amount. Perhaps de Molay shipped that to England as well."

"This is all real interesting," Ronnie said, "but we still don't know where it is. We're out of leads."

"But now we have proof the Ark still existed before 1307 and that the Templars had it," Elizabeth said. "It's probably still wherever la More hid it, or it would have surfaced by now."

"Somewhere in England?" Nick said.

"That seems logical." Elizabeth said. "I suppose it could also be in Ireland or Scotland."

"How are we going to pin it down?" Stephanie asked.

"I want you and Selena to research everything you can think of about la More. There has to be something, somewhere. People are predictable. He would have hidden it in a place he thought no one could find, but he would have had some knowledge of wherever that was. So look for patterns. Look at his genealogy, his family, all of it."

may have been childless," Selena said. "The Templars took a vow of chastity."

"That doesn't mean he didn't have children," Harker said. "Look anyway."






Selena saw the red light flashing on her answering machine as she came in the door. Usually the only calls on that line were telemarketers ignoring the do not call rule. She thought there was probably a special place in a particularly hot corner of hell for them and all their employers.

One message. She pressed the play button, ready to delete.

"Hi, Doctor Connor, this is Detective Hanson. Uh, sorry I didn't catch you in."
There was a pause. "
Anyway, I wanted to let you know there's nothing new yet on the guy who attacked you. I'd still like to have that drink with you. Give me a call, if you're up for it.

Hanson read off his phone number. The message ended.

Selena erased it, got a glass out of the cabinet and poured herself an Irish whiskey, a taste she'd picked up from hanging out with Nick. The liquor was strong and warm going down. She walked over to the couch and sat down.

She wasn't going to have a drink with Detective Hanson. What bothered her was that part of her wanted to. She didn't need that kind of complication right now. She took another swallow of whiskey.


What did she want from him, exactly?

They weren't sleeping in the same bed anymore and it wasn't helping things between them. His nightmares made it impossible. He hadn't said much about his counseling sessions. She wasn't sure when he was going again. Something always seemed to come up.

She felt like she was treading water, waiting for something to happen that would define them as a couple, one way or another. Everything felt impermanent. She supposed there were worse things. They made a good team in the field and neither one of them would still be alive except for the other. It made for a strong bond. Just the same, knowing he could
be killed made it hard to imagine a future together.

Working for the Project wasn't
like it had been in the beginning, before she understood what it was really about. It was hard, dirty work, where people got killed. Where her friends were at risk. Where vicious and pathological enemies would do anything to get what they wanted.

he loved Nick, she was certain. She was pretty sure he loved her, but they were different in so many ways. Shared danger gave them something in common. But a relationship needed something more than shared danger to survive.

What about children? She had avoided thinking about children. The kind of work she did, Nick did, it wasn't a good situation for having kids. But she was almost 35. The old cliché about the biological clock
popped into her mind. How much longer could she wait? Did she want children or not? If she didn't have children, her family line would stop. Cease to exist. Just like the Earl of Pembroke.


When the detective had asked for her number, she'd had a sudden image of the two of them in bed together. In some ways Hanson was like Nick. Strong, dark-haired, competent, unafraid. A rugged man who carried a gun.

Are you that shallow?
she thought.
Dark hair and a gun is enough to turn you on?
She thought about Nick. A wave of unease swept through her
. He could be killed, any time, any day. I could lose him in an instant. I've been pushing it away. How can I give everything over to someone who might leave me forever at any moment?

The next thought chilled her.
He has to feel the same way about me. He already lost one lover.

For the first time, she sensed the fundamental problem between them. In her heart, she believed that whatever they had couldn't last. Not because he would leave her for another, or because she wanted someone else. Because a bullet or a bomb could snuff out either one of their lives in an instant.

It felt like someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over her.

There was nothing to do but take it one day at a time. The thought didn't make her feel better, but she could handle one day at a time.
At least she could handle it today.

She got up and poured another drink.






Lev Gefen sat in Harker's office and wondered how this was going to work out. All he knew about the Project was what Ari had told him and what he'd learned from the intelligence files. Like all Special Forces personnel everywhere, he was sure no one
else was as good as his own unit, though he had to admit the Project knew what they were doing. Either that, or they were damn lucky. Good units made their own luck.

I've reviewed your record," Elizabeth said. "I think you'll fit in."

"Those files are classified."

"Yes, they are." She offered no explanation. "Do you have questions for us?"

"Who will be in command in the field?"

"Nick is in command," Elizabeth said. "If he's unavailable, then Ronnie or Selena will take over."

Gefen looked uncomfortable. "I mean no disrespect, but she does not have the same experience as the rest of us. In combat she would be at a disadvantage. Especially hand to hand."

Elizabeth's voice took on an edge. "Selena has proved herself as capable as anyone else on the team."

Selena bit back her first thoughts. "Perhaps you'd like to practice a little hand to hand in the gym?" she said. "Just a friendly match. No pads."

"I am considered expert in Krav Maga," Gefen said. "It wouldn't be fair."

Krav was a highly effective martial art developed by
Lev's own Israeli Commandos. It was meant to stop multiple attackers when weapons were not available. Injuries were common in training, even with experienced instructors.

"My. Perhaps
you can show me something. Unless you're worried I'll beat you."

Lev smiled. "It will be my pleasure to, ah, show you something."

Nick and Ronnie looked at each other. Nick suppressed a grin.

"After this meeting, then?"

"As you wish."

Elizabeth had watched the exchange,
her face betraying nothing of her thoughts. Now she said, "Lev, you'll be staying here, in the guest quarters downstairs. It's quite comfortable. I want you to work with everyone, on the range, in the gym. Just for a few days until we have a mission set up. Give you a chance to get to know one another."

Half a
n hour later everyone gathered in the gym to watch the match. Lev Gefen had at least fifty pounds on Selena and several inches in reach. Both he and Selena wore loose, black outfits. If Gefen was surprised at the black belt around Selena's waist, he didn't show it. He had one of his own.

"I'll try not to hurt you," he said.

"I appreciate it," Selena said. She smiled.

Nick was acting as referee. "Ready? Remember, don't do any real damage."

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