The Ninety Days of Genevieve (34 page)

Read The Ninety Days of Genevieve Online

Authors: Lucinda Carrington

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: The Ninety Days of Genevieve
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'And what about in bed?'

He laughed.

'You don't give up easily, do you? I wouldn't know. Actually I don't fancy Miss Chalfont at all. Her attitude's too masculine. And I'm sure she doesn't fancy me either, for the same reasons, although I don't think she'd have refused me, if she thought she'd profit by it.'

'You think she's a lesbian?' Genevieve asked, curiously.

'I think she's bisexual,' Sinclair said. 'But I'd guess she prefers women.'

'Well, at least you've got that in common,' Genevieve said drily.

'We both played a manipulative game,' he said. 'And we both knew it.' He smiled lazily. 'But I won. I got my Japanese contract. She won't get her client. Thafs the way it goes.'

'Didn't you even wonder what she was like in bed?' Genevieve insisted.

'No,' he said, innocently. 'I was too busy remembering what you were like.'

'In bed?' She almost smiled. 'As far as I can remember, we've hardly ever made love in a bed.'

"That can soon change,' he said softly.

He moved closer to her and she felt her body begin to respond to his physical presence. He pulled her towards him and kissed her. The kiss was long and deep and when they parted she felt deliriously out of breath.

'Why didn't you do that before?' she murmured.

'I just needed a hint of encouragement.' His breath was warm against her cheek. 'I didn't think I was ever going to get it. The last time we were together, in the car, I had the feeling you just wanted to get things over with. You wanted to get away from me. And let's face it, every time I tried to get a positive response out of you, tried to get you to admit your feelings, you turned it back on me. You always said it was business. You always brought up that damned agreement. There were times when I really regretted using the ninety-day idea.'

'I was worried,' she said. 'I thought you were planning to get me to do something really unpleasant.'

'You really have a low opinion of me, haven't you?' he murmured.

This time she relaxed completely when he kissed her. His mouth brushed hers lightly at first, and the tip of his tongue gently probed between her lips, pushing them apart. His fingers massaged the nape of her neck, bending her head back so that he could kiss the curve of her throat and round to her ear. His lips traced a light path that made her skin tingle.

'Blackmailer?' He kissed her neck. 'Womaniser?' He kissed her again. 'Ifs a wonder you're letting me do this.'

'And thug,' she added.

He pulled away from her, surprised. "That's a new one. I've never been called that before.'

'What about Ricky Croft?'

He lifted an eyebrow.
about him?"

'The rumour says you beat him up.'

'The rumour's true, for once,' he agreed.

'Why did you do it?'

'You don't want to know.'

'But I do,' she insisted. 'Was it something to do with those porno drawings he does?'

'As I told you,' Sinclair said. 'I'm not interested in that sort of thing. I prefer the genuine article.'

'Ricky told me Jade Chalfont had bought some of his pictures and given them to you.'

'Wishful thinking,' Sinclair said. 'Jade Chalfont wouldn't buy anything off him. She'd be more likely to punch him in the mouth.'

'And you did,' Genevieve said. 'I want to know why. I can't believe it was because you were shocked.'

'I saw another set of pictures,' Sinclair said. He paused. 'Without going into details, the ones I saw featured you. Mr Croft obviously thought I'd be amused to see you in some - er - rather strange positions.'

Genevieve had a brief memory of some of Ricky's drawings. Knowing how he felt about her she could imagine the kind of sexual indignities he had probably depicted her indulging in. She didn't want to think about it, but her imagination forced her to do so anyway.

'I'll kill him/ she said, furiously.

'That's how I felt/ Sinclair said. 'But he isn't worth the jail sentence. So I tore the pictures up, damaged him a little and I told him that if he ever did it again, or talked about what had happened, if d be the last time he drew anything for a very long time, because I'd come back and break his fingers. One by one. Slowly.'

'I think he believed you/ Genevieve said. Looking at Sinclair's grim face she believed him too. 'Why would Ricky do something like that to me?'

'Revenge,' Sinclair shrugged. 'He wasn't any friend of yours. He blamed you because no-one would employ him. He'd already been starting a few rumours of his own, linking us together, and bad mouthing you. Unfortunately there are people around who believe anything they hear, regardless of the source. He even hinted to me that you might like it if I beat you up for real.'

Genevieve stared at him, horrified. 'Why would he say that?'

'Perhaps he hoped I might try it on you. It misfired, because I tried it on him instead. Anyway, I always thought he was a liar. I didn't think you were into the heavy CP, and when I took you to the dungeon I knew it. Forget him. I don't think he'll bother you again.'

'He could have made plenty of money/ Genevieve said. 'He was just so damned unreliable. I could never recommend him to anyone.' She smiled suddenly. 'It must have been a novelty for you, playing a knight in shining armour.'

'It came naturally/ Sinclair said modestly. 'I hate the sexual exploitation of women.' He paused, and smiled slowly. 'Mind you, Mr Croft certainly has a fertile imagination. Some of the positions he put you into were - er - interesting, to say the least.' His hands strayed down her back and cupped her buttocks. "There were a couple I wouldn't mind trying.'

'I thought you hated sexual exploitation?' she said.

'That would come under sexual experimentation/ he explained. He massaged her soft flesh. 'Legitimate research.'

She felt her body responding to him, but pushed him back. 'Don't let's waste the bed,' she murmured.

'I don't intend to,' he said. 'This is costing me two thousand pounds, remember.' He stepped back and looked her over slowly. 'And I'm going to get my money's worth.' He began to take off his jacket. 'Starting now.'

But she stopped him again. 'No. I want to do it. You've stripped me. Now if s my turn.'

He grinned. 'Sounds good to me. But take that coat off first. It makes you look like a boy.'

She opened the front of her tailcoat and let it slide down her arms to the floor. She stood in front of him wearing only the brief black G-string and her high-heeled shoes.

'Have you ever seen a boy who looked like this?'

'Yes/ he said. 'In Thailand. Out there they'll pay a fortune to a surgeon to get a figure even half as good as yours.'

He reached for her breasts but she eluded him.

'On the bed/ she ordered.

She sat on the edge of the bed herself, and swung her legs towards the opposite side, twisting round and then kneeling. He stretched out next to her. She crouched beside him and began to unbutton his shirt. His hands reached for her again, the tips of his fingers brushing her nipples.

'Behave yourself/ she said.

'You really have got the best-shaped ass I've ever seen/ he murmured.

She saw that he was looking above her. Turning her head she realised that there was a mirror inside the four poster canopy reflecting the entire bed. Her rounded bottom was beautifully displayed as she knelt.

'Puts a new angle on things, doesn't it?' He reached out and pressed a hidden button. Curtains parted revealing another mirror behind the bed's high-piled pillows. 'And how about this? Be your own blue-film star.'

She watched herself opening the front of his shirt, revealing the hard muscles of his chest and nipples that were as erect as her own. She leaned over him, closing her mouth over the nearest one and felt his body shudder as she sucked and nipped him with her teeth. Her fingers caressed the other nipple, rubbing and stroking just has he had so often done to her. He groaned and reached for his zip. She pushed his hand away.

'Don't be in such a hurry.'

'I don't have your self control/ he said.

She sat astride him, pressing against his imprisoned erection, both hands holding his wrists above his head, while she tormented him with her mouth, kissing him, running her tongue round his ear, and teasing his nipples into even harder peaks. She could see him watching the overhead mirror, and knew that seeing her on top of him, as well as feeling the things she was doing to him, doubled his erotic entertainment.

She encouraged him into a sitting position and slipped the shirt down his arms, twisting it suddenly behind him, round his wrists, and then pushing him onto his back again. When he struggled to free himself she swiftly unzipped his trousers and reached between his legs.

'You're my prisoner/ she said. 'Enjoy it.'

She massaged him gently and watched with pleasure as his body reacted, his hips thrusting forward as she stroked and kneaded. She felt his penis swell beneath her hands, until it was straining and massive under her fingers. Only then did she slowly pull his trousers down fully, and stretch the tight briefs he was wearing over the captive organ so that it sprang free and he groaned with relief. Quickly she removed his shoes and socks and then the trousers and pants.

She sat back on her heels and looked at him. It was the first time she had seen him totally naked. She admired the full heaviness of his balls and the length of his cock, rising from the thick black pubic hair. The same colour hair matted his chest. His body was lean and tanned, with long thighs and narrow hips. She could see the ridges of his abdominal muscles. She reached out a finger and circled one erect nipple, then the other. Each time she heard him draw his breath in sharply.

'Does this feel the same for you as it does for me?' she murmured.

'If it does,' he said huskily, 'no wonder you like it.'

'Turn over,' she instructed.

'Why?' he asked, his eyes half-closed. 'I feel fine this way.'

'You've seen my ass. I want to see yours.'

He grinned lazily and shifted position with slow elegance. She admired the way his muscles moved when he turned. She admired the tight curve of his buttocks. She looked at him on the bed and then in the overhead mirror, his body darkly golden against the white bed cover. Lying on his stomach, with his legs slightly apart and his wrists still entangled with the shirt he gave the impression of being helpless. She knew it was a fantasy, but it was a pleasant one. She could do what she liked with him.

She ran her tongue down to the end of his spine, where she drew little circles on his skin and delighted in the way his body reacted. She drew patterns on his taut buttocks with the tips of her fingers. When she touched certain spots he jumped and shuddered in a most satisfactory way. Moving slowly upwards again, she finally kissed the nape of his neck lightly, below the slightly jagged line of his glossy black hair. She felt his body quiver. She stroked the inside of his thighs, her finger brushing the sensitive skin of his balls.

'You've explored nearly all of me.' His mouth was muffled by the pillow. 'Do I meet with your approval?'

Suddenly she moved her hand forward slightly and tightened her hold on his balls.

'Did Marsha meet with
approval?' she whispered silkily in his ear.

His head jerked up from the pillow and he half turned. She kept hold of him.

'Be careful/ he gasped. 'Thaf s hurting.'

'Marsha?' she insisted. 'The lovely bisexual redhead. Surely you haven't forgotten her already?'

'I don't know anyone called Marsha/ he said.

He tried to get on his knees and escape, but she pushed him back on the bed, still keeping his sexual equipment firmly captive.

'You were stroking her bottom in Goldie's club/ she reminded him. "Then you went off together looking as if you were planning to be a lot more than just good friends.' She squeezed her fingers, riot too roughly, but enough to make him yelp with surprise. 'Just tell me all about Marsha. And don't you dare say you don't know her.'

She massaged him with her fingers, enjoying the reaction it caused.

'Oh/ he gasped.

'Oh?' she repeated, mimicking him. She handled him more gently this time. 'Yes.

She felt his body shaking and realised that he was laughing.

'Jealous, weren't you?'

There was only one way he could have known that. 'You set that up, too?' she accused. 'With Georgie?'

'Of course/ he said. 'If you hadn't reacted so strongly I might not have asked Brad to help me out this evening.' He glanced up at her. 'I would have been worried you might have accepted his offer. I wouldn't have liked that.'

She sat back on her heels. 'You're the one who reckoned you knew exactly how I felt/ she said. 'You should have known I'd never do that.'

He stared at her, not smiling now. 'There was always an element of doubt. I admit that. I sometimes wondered if I was indulging in a bit of wishful thinking. You were always so cool and self-possessed. And always insisting that everything we did was business. I didn't want to make a fool of myself.'

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