The Ninety Days of Genevieve (13 page)

Read The Ninety Days of Genevieve Online

Authors: Lucinda Carrington

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: The Ninety Days of Genevieve
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She had a feeling he was going to lift her up and carry her to the leather-padded couch, but instead he suddenly stopped handling her and stepped back. Her moan turned to one of frustration, which she managed to cover with a little cough, a subterfuge that she did not think fooled him for a moment.

'Tighten it,' he said. For a moment she did not understand what he meant. 'The corset,' he said. 'Tighten it. You can take a couple of inches off your waist.'

'This isn't a bondage outfit,' she said.

'It'll pull tighter,' he said. 'So do it.'

She struggled with the laces while he watched her. Tightening the basque pushed the lightly wired top up hard under her breasts, forcing them to a provocative fullness.

He smiled slowly. "That's much better. Doesn't it feel better?'

'It feels uncomfortable,' she said.

He stepped towards her again. His fingers brushed her nipples. 'You're a liar,' he said softly. 'It feels good. Admit it. It feels sexy, and it feels good.' The tips of his fingers moved to and fro, lightly. 'Let's hear you say it,' he murmured. 'It - feels - good.'

She closed her eyes and gave in to the sensation. 'It feels good,' she repeated, obediently.

He took his hands away. 'You like being watched, right?'

The sudden change of tone startled her. 'Watched?' she repeated.

'You enjoyed it, playing a biker's tart. You enjoyed the idea that those men were getting their kicks from watching you.' 'I didn't have a choice/ she began.

'I wished you'd stop wriggling,' he said. 'Stop making excuses. You enjoyed it. Right?'

'Well - yes/ she admitted.

'But they couldn't see your face/ he said. 'Did that make it easier?'

'Maybe.' She thought about it. 'I'd be embarrassed if I thought I'd be recognised. I don't think I could handle it.' She paused. 'All right, it's more than that. I'd be petrified to think that someone would recognise me.' She reminded him quickly: 'You promised me it wouldn't happen. I have my career to think of.'

'Why does it always come back to your damned career/ he said sharply. 'If you knew your audience would be discreet, would you still perform?'

She brushed her hair back and stared at Sinclair. 'Just what are you leading up to?' she asked.

'You know what I'm asking you,' he said shortly. 'And I think you know who your audience will be.'

She nodded. He wants to make love to me in front of Zaid, she thought. Or maybe he wants Zaid to join in?

'I'm just interested to know why you're actually asking/ she said. 'I thought you gave the orders and I obeyed them.'

'Zaid wants you to agree/ Sinclair said. 'He doesn't want any arm twisting. You have to be happy with the arrangement. When it comes to discretion, it would probably damage Zaid's reputation more than yours if you did a kiss and tell act.'

'I'm not going to do that,' she said. 'Obviously. But why me? Surely Zaid can afford to buy the best professionals you can get? Women a lot more experienced than I am.'

Sinclair smiled. 'He can. That's not what he wants.'

'Then what does he want?'

'Why don't you let him tell you himself?'

She nodded. 'All right.' She had to admit that she was intrigued, and the idea that Zaid wanted her approval gave her a sensation of being in control. It was almost as if both of them were asking her permission to make love to her. 'I'm listening.'

Zaid came into the room almost immediately. He carried a small, black leather case. Genevieve suspected that he had been waiting outside the door and had probably heard all of her conversation with Sinclair. His first remarks confirmed this.

'If s true I can buy the most beautiful whores in the world,' he said. 'I can buy a women who will do absolutely anything.' His eyes moved over her body and again she realised how much he reminded her of Sinclair. 'Have you any idea how boring that is?' He turned, went to the armchair and sat down, putting the leather case on the floor next to him. "These women can act like Hollywood film stars, but all the time you're watching them you know their pleasure is fake. They're thinking about the money you're paying them. Or their next assignment. They're thinking about their boyfriends, or their girlfriends. If you make love to them, their moans and cries are lies. Even their orgasms are probably phoney. And making love is not really my kick, as they say. I like to watch. I like to see a beautiful women being slowly brought to the point at which she looses control. But I want it to be real. Professionals bore me. You aren't a professional, Miss Loften.' His almost black eyes moved slowly over her half-naked body. 'I want to watch you. I want to watch James making love to you.'

'How do you know I won't be faking too?' she asked.

'I trust James,' Zaid said, with a quick smile.

Sinclair was standing behind her now. She felt his hands rest lightly on her waist. 'Well, of course, Mr Sinclair is an expert,' she said, with light sarcasm.

Zaid laughed softly. 'So I believe.' He leaned back in the armchair, once again reminding Genevieve of the way Sinclair had sat and watched her during their first session together. 'She's far too self-assured, James. Make her loose control. But take your time.'

Sinclair pushed her forward until she was standing close to Zaid's chair. The pressure of his hands turned her round, slowly, until she had her back to Zaid.

'Didn't I tell you I'd bring you a woman with a sexy ass? Was I right?'

'She's got too many clothes on, James.'

Sinclair laughed. He slid his hands under Genevieve's lace panties and pushed them down, his mouth following them, taking them slowly to her ankles, his lips brushing her thighs as he did so. Genevieve stepped out of the panties. Sinclair stood up slowly, his palms stroking up her legs again to her bottom.

'Turn her round,' Zaid said.

Sinclair turned her, unhurriedly. Genevieve saw Zaid's eyes move from her face, over her breasts and down to her now obviously aroused clitoris. 'Beautiful,' he said. 'Why don't all women shave themselves? Beautiful.'

Genevieve felt Sinclair's hands move to the top of the basque, and cup her breasts. His fingers found her nipples and he rubbed them gently, circling them with his thumbs. She leaned against him, her legs slightly parted, revelling in the sensations he was giving her.

'Do you want her stripped?' Sinclair asked.

'Yes,' Zaid said, after a moment's thought. 'Everything except the stockings and shoes. Roll the stockings down to her knees.' Sinclair tugged at the basque laces and Zaid added suddenly, 'No. Wait. Let her do it, James. You carry on exciting her. She has lovely nipples. I want them to stay hard and erect.'

Genevieve managed to unfasten the basque, but it took her some time. Sinclair's caresses were distracting her. The garter belt was easier. When she bent forward to roll down her stockings, he moved with her, his fingers still busy.

'Now,' Zaid said softly, 'put her on the couch.'

Before she realised what was happening Sinclair had lifted her effortlessly into his arms and carried her over to the padded couch. She felt the leather, cool against her skin.

'Tie her wrists/ Zaid said. 'And her ankles.' He leaned down and picked up the case. 'Here, I brought some scarves. Silk, you see? Nothing but the best for a beautiful lady.'

Sinclair took the scarves. 'Do you want her on her front or her back?'

'On her back/ Zaid said. 'For the moment.'

Genevieve closed her eyes, drowsy with pleasure. She let Sinclair lift her arms above her head and fasten her wrists to the padded loops on the couch. He wrapped the scarves round her ankles. She wriggled deliriously. Then she felt her legs parting. Surprised she opened her eyes again.

'Do you approve of our equipment, Miss Loften?' Zaid asked softly. 'This is a genuine antique. I believe it came from the home of a titled Victorian gentleman. It was specially made. By using the levers we can move you into any position we like. James, a little demonstration, please.'

Sinclair moved a lever and Genevieve felt her legs being lifted into the air until they formed an upright V. Another touch on the lever and her knees bent as the leather supports pressed against them. The couch tipped backwards, and then forwards. It forced her into a sitting position so that she was balancing on her bottom with her legs in the air.

'I'm afraid you look uncomfortable, Miss Loften/ Zaid said. 'The Victorians had some strange ideas. The owner of this couch obviously derived satisfaction from bending helpless women into strange positions, but I think a lady looks much better lying comfortably with her legs apart. James, make Miss Loften comfortable. But on her front this time.'

Sinclair adjusted the couch, slipped the scarves from Genevieve's wrists and ankles and turned her over.

'A slight adjustment, James/ Zaid said. 'Lift that deliciously rounded bottom into the air a little.'

Once Genevieve was in position, Zaid pulled the armchair forward until he was near to her head. 'Now

James/ he said softly, 'let me see some genuine reactions. Let me hear a woman moaning in pleasure. Let me hear her begging you to make her come.'

Sinclair's eyes met Genevieve's. He smiled. 'That won't take long.'

'Maybe the lady has more self-control than you think.'

'She hasn't any self-control at all,' Sinclair said. He ran his fingers over Genevieve's shoulders and lightly down the soft inner skin of her lower arms. She shivered. 'Not where I'm concerned.'

Zaid looked at Genevieve. 'What do you think of that boast, Miss Loften?'

Genevieve thought there was a lot more truth in it than she wanted to admit. 'Mr Sinclair has an over-inflated opinion of his own abilities/ she said, hoping her voice sounded steady.

Zaid laughed. 'We'll give him a handicap. Or maybe it will be an advantage.' He reached for the case, opened it, and tossed something to Sinclair. 'Use this, James. It switches on at the side.'

Genevieve saw Sinclair inspect the gadget Zaid had given him. It was a vibrator. When he switched it on, it made a faint humming sound. Unlike some of the cruder versions of this sex toy it was not designed to look like a penis. It was ivory coloured and tapered to a blunt point.

Genevieve had only seen vibrators in advertisements and had certainly never used one. She remembered with embarrassment how the subject had once been discussed in the sports centre changing-rooms, and she had expressed the opinion that only frustrated women used such things. Two young women had turned on her quite angrily and told her in no uncertain terms that they both used vibrators for solitary fun and games and insisted their boyfriends included them in their love-making too. They weren't frustrated, just adventurous. By the time they had finished lecturing her Genevieve felt like a Victorian granny out of touch with reality.

Now she felt the tingling sensation of the vibrator on the skin of her thighs. It was light and pleasant, without being overtly sexy. She wriggled comfortably and sighed. Sinclair smoothed the sensitive skin behind her knees, just above the tops of her rolled down stockings, ran the vibrator tip down her calves to her feet. Removing her shoes he touched her experimentally, until he found that she was not ticklish, then adding more pressure, he outlined her toes, one by one, unhurriedly, the vibrator sliding over the silk stockings. She sighed again, stretched and relaxed.

The vibrator moved back up her legs, lingered behind her knees again, and then travelled up to her bottom. Now the feeling began to get more erotic. Sinclair stroked her buttocks, forced the tip of the vibrator gently and briefly into the cleft between them, and then moved on to her spine.

Genevieve turned her head and saw Zaid watching her. She smiled drowsily as Sinclair reached her neck and caressed it gently, then combed the vibrator through her tousled hair. It was a strangely arousing sensation.

'Golden hair,' Zaid murmured. 'I love it. But don't send the lady to sleep, James. Not yet.'

Sinclair laughed. 'She'll wake up in a minute.'

The vibrator began to buzz faster. The tip fondled the nape of Genevieve's neck, then after lingering for a tantalising moment, the base of her spine. Because it was strangely warm and felt almost like a thick human finger she felt herself responding. With her bottom raised in the air it was easy for Sinclair to insert the vibrator between her thighs.

Now his movements were becoming more insistent and more erotic. He probed her masterfully, and she moaned involuntarily. He parted the cheeks of her buttocks and she felt the vibrator slide between them, its tip reaching for her clitoris, touching it lightly, and then withdrawing. After a few minutes of this treatment she was beginning to thrust her hips forward in an attempt to prolong the contact.

'Be careful, James,' Zaid said. 'She's going to come.'

'Stop worrying,' Sinclair said. 'When I promise you a show, you get one. Miss Loften has a long way to go yet.' He put his hand on Genevieve's back. She felt the warmth of his palm and the steady pressure, holding her. 'We haven't tried this yet,' he said softly. 'Let's see if you like it.'

The vibrator pushed between her buttocks, seeking her anus. She had never been entered this way before, and for a moment she panicked and tried to pull away. She felt Sinclair hesitate.

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