The Night Before (4 page)

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Authors: Luanne Rice

Tags: #Short Story, #Fiction

BOOK: The Night Before
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Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for reading
The Night Before
. I loved writing it because it brings together the past and the future. Danny first appeared in my novel
Silver Bells
—many of you have written to tell me it’s a favorite of yours; some of you saw the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie. Amazing things happen in nature, at the edge of the sea. I have set so much of my fiction along the Connecticut Shoreline, and I loved returning there for this story.

My novel
The Lemon Orchard
, out in trade paperback 5/27/14, starts in a Connecticut beach community and travels to Malibu, California. Like certain actual lemon orchards, it is full of love and magic. Please click on the link to enter the world of Julia and Roberto, and learn how far they each traveled to find love:

The Lemon Orchard

And here is
Silver Bells
, an old favorite:

Silver Bells



Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

The Night Before

From the Author

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