The Newlyweds (22 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Bevarly

BOOK: The Newlyweds
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“By HQ, no less.”

“I think I'd be a great asset to a counterterrorist task force here.”

“And here I've been thinking you have a great a—”

“Sam?” she interrupted, grinning.


“Will you marry me?”

He smiled and lifted his left hand, still sporting the ring Pennington had dropped into his palm that first day of the assignment. Even though Sam hadn't needed to wear it since going after Everett Baker, he hadn't wanted to take it off. He still didn't. But now he wanted very much to make it legitimate.

“I thought we were already Mr. and Mrs.,” he said playfully.

Bridget held up her left hand, and he saw that she was still wearing her wedding ring, too. “In everything but name,” she said.

“Easily rectified,” he pointed out.

“We could elope,” she said. “To Vegas. Just like Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jones did.”

Sam thought about that. “Vegas, huh? You know, that could be a really good place to lay low for a month or so, until I have to report for the trial. I'm sure there must be a safe house there.”

“But it might be a good idea if you have a federal agent assigned to keep an eye on you twenty-four-seven. Just in case, I mean.”

“Good idea,” Sam told her. “And you know, I bet there's a lot of things for newlyweds to do in Vegas.”

“But you'll have to lie low,” she reminded him. And then she smiled. “Good thing for you, someone told me that newlyweds tend to disappear for a few weeks after the wedding.”

Sam knew exactly who that someone was, too. And he remembered the rest of the spiel. “Because they want to enjoy each other for a while. In private. Get to know each other. Intimately. Discover all the things about each other that they never knew before.”

“We have a lot to learn about each other, Mr. Jones,” Bridget said, tilting her head to the side for another kiss.

Sam nodded. “And we have all the time in the world to learn it,” he agreed.

Which was true, he knew. Because if he had his way, he and Bridget would be newlyweds—or at least acting like newlyweds—for a long, long time to come.

Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Elizabeth Bevarly for her contribution to the LOGAN'S LEGACY series.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6665-4


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