The Moonswept Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: The Moonswept Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)
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Cassandra giggled softly to herself as she looked down at her own massive tits and wondered whether the Lord of the Manor was going to use hers in a similar manner.  Suddenly she found she very much hoped he would do so and reached her hands to slide the straps of her dress to the side to allow them to spill out freely.  The danger of discovery
had, it seemed, completely left her as she now impatiently awaited the man who had promised to come and rid her of her virginity as well as broadening her education about the pleasure of fucking.

The opening of the door and the brief appearance of bright light into the room as well as the chatter of voices sprinkled with much laughter almost startled her as she sat in one of the large lounge chairs with her back to the door.  She knew that her head was below the level of the high back of the chair and wondered whether he would believe she was in here or not.  The door closing and footfalls across the timber floor and abruptly stopping beside her seat disavowed her of the notion that he had left
, thinking her to have gotten cold feet.

“My tits were getting cold, Aidan,” she said huskily as the man
stopped in profile to her.  By the light of the two candles that burned in at either end of the mantle above the fireplace she could see the bulge in his trousers beginning to inflate again.

“Such large pieces of flesh should not be allowed to get chilled, my Lady Higgins,” his voice came to her as a teasing whisper.  “But I fear my hands, alone, will not warm them.”

“Perhaps the poker I felt in your trousers could be used to stir the fire to life and then we can see about your boast to have me rub your spending into my skin to give them an adequate covering of protection,” she simpered.

“I think a fire would be an idea, Cassandra.  Not just for the warmth but I wish to see your body, especially, those large tits of yours
, more clearly.”

“As I would like to see whether your cock is as big as I have been imagining from the brief feel I had on the floor,” she responded with a small chuckle.  Her heart was hammering in her chest now and she found that she was barely resisting the urge to reach under her skirts to give her pulsing cunny some relief.

“Tell me, Lady Higgins, are you so well versed in the act of fornication that my proposal to you has simply made you feel less bored or are you a present from my friends from one of the local houses?” he asked while he busied himself with laying a small fire in the fireplace and lighting it.

“No, my Lord!” she cried indignantly.  “I am no hoyden or floozy such as those that followed you and your men around France!  No man has seen nor touched my body.  If that is what you think of me then you can find another for your amusement!”

With that Cassandra straightened her dress and arose to quickly move to the door of the room.  She had just reached for the knob when a hand dragged her back and his arms crushed her to his chest.  “Then why are you here, little rabbit?” he asked fiercely.

“Because I am a woman, my Lord.  One who has been much educated, if somewhat unwittingly, in the ways of men and women by the sailors that are my uncle and
father.  For too long I have sheltered in my family home and kept my sexual needs to myself.  Something about you, your honesty, openness and the intensity of the darkness I feel inside of you attracts me.  I have never touched another man, never had someone who has made me feel as powerless as you did in a few short dances.

“Maybe it is a mistake for me to be here and act the floozy for you but I felt an attraction, a drawing to you that it seems I have misinterpreted as being to someone that will please me properly.”

“Sailors are prone to boasting about their exploits and their activities, my Lady,” the man said softly as he released her from his firm grip.  He was pleased that she only stepped back a pace from him and waited for him to continue.

“Tis true that many women followed the soldiers in the battles in France.  As they have done for generations of fighting.  Many of them truly understand the horrors of war and willingly entertain in ways that set a man’s mind at ease and help him forget the death and carnage of the field.  It is not something that I would have believed someone as fair and as innocent appearing as you would know.”

“My father,” she began but his hands raising in surrender in front of his chest stopped her.

“I know that you have probably heard some amazing stories about acrobatic and flexible women and their capacities to entertain many men,” he smiled and beckoned her to join him at the window that overlooked the back garden.  “Much like your friend, who seems to enjoy these outings with more the view to the pursuit of the pleasure than in dancing

Cassandra’s eyes widened in disbelief as she spied her female companion who seemed to be in joyous rapture as her naked body was impaled upon a man who lay on the ground beneath her as her hands busily worked on the cocks of two other men who laughed as their spendings covered her face and breasts.  It seemed that several of the other men around the group had already left their mark upon the white flesh and rosy tips of the woman’s breasts.

“So please forgive me if I thought that you were of the same bent, my Lady.  I saw the two of you arrive together but waited until I saw you on your own before approaching you.  Having already seen your friend in action, as it were, I mistakenly thought you were also seeking such entertainment.”

“I had no idea, Lord Fitzclarence!  She always appeared so prim and proper.  But my, my…” Cassandra’s voice trailed off as she watched another man bend her friend forward and it seemed rammed his rather large cock into her friend’s backside.  The woman below them appeared to welcome the newcomer quite joyously as she moved her hips vigorously to fully capture the two cocks in her body.  A third man blocked their view as he stood in front of her open mouth and reached for her blonde locks.

“The sight is quite arousing, don’t you think?” Fitzclarence asked her softly from beside her.

“I need to go home, Aidan,” Cassandra whispered huskily.  “Need to examine how I feel about this!”  She spun to face him, “Is this how you would wish me to act as well?” she asked in a breathless voice.

His eyes blazed and for a moment Cassandra could see the lust burning brightly there.  She ran from him and this time his hands did not drag her back from the door as she opened it and made good her escape.

Cassandra did not look back until she was safely in her carriage and ordering the drive
r to take her home.  When she did it was to see Lord Fitzclarence standing on the footpath at the bottom of the wide steps that led into his home.  His head shook violently in the negative as she went past him.  “No, Cassandra, only for me!” he called.


The night had dragged interminably for the thwarted lovers.

Aidan paced the now empty parlour and watched the sun begin its ascent over the city.  Cassandra’s friend had been left lying naked and drunk in the gardens and discretely he had asked his manservant to ensure the woman was retrieved and placed in one of his spare bedrooms.  No doubt the woman would find herself the plaything of several of his servants as a price for their silence over her activities, but he found that he did not care.  He was more concerned over the thoughts of the curvaceous young woman that had left him in a highly aroused state and fled back to her home.

She, he decided in his mind, was going to be his.  The blue eyes and beautiful face haunted him as he closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep in the early hours of the morning.  Sleep eluded him, even after he had jerked his super hard erection to orgasm, moaning her name as the image of her large tits and pouting lips hastened his expulsion into the soft cotton sheets of his bed.  Awake, though bleary eyed he had ordered tea and rolls and adjourned back to his parlour to seek an answer to the problem of Lady Cassandra Higgins.

Meanwhile Cassandra had retreated to the sanctity of her bedroom and closed and locked the door blocking the concerned face of her mother.  The older woman had seen the state of her daughter’s dress and wondered if the young woman had finally found an outlet for her sexual desires.  Thinking
to ensure that she had done so happily she followed her to her room.  The girl’s hurried answer to her query that she had not been in anyone’s bed and that she was simply tired was unsatisfactory but the older Higgins did not press as the door closed and she heard the door lock.

Cassandra’s gown and undergarments were hurriedly discarded in the woman’s rush to spread herself across the bed and jam her fingers into the heated flesh at their centre.  She did not stop at one or two mighty orgasms that saturated her thighs and fingers.  Instead she pressed on, squirming in orgiastic contentment as the sight of her friend being fucked by the three men, the covering of semen on her face and breasts, the feel of the large cock of the Lord Fitzclarence and his whispered obscenities kept playing in her mind.  It seemed that the more she strove to make the next orgasm the last the more her cunny begged for attention.  Finally, exhausted, she fell into a deep sleep with her fingers buried in her tightly clenching cunt.

“Oh, my,” Cassandra sighed as she awoke late the next day.  The clock downstairs chimed eleven times as she glanced down her body and saw the heavy breasts and their nut coloured nipples.  Just staring at her breasts made her sex tingle as she once again recalled his promise to cover them in his spending.  “Why do I want him to do so, so badly?” she asked herself as she raised her body from the sheets and shivered briefly at the cool wetness she felt beneath her ample buttocks as she slid to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the floor.

“Why do I want him to use me like those men used Michelle?” she asked herself softly with a small giggle.  She heard a knock on the door downstairs and wondered who would be calling at this late hour of the morning.

Her mother’s voice, raised in surprise, answered the high-pitched query of a young boy.  Apparently the lad had come to deliver a message and Cassandra blocked out the sounds as she set about retrieving her gown, petticoats and pantaloons from the floor.  Her giggles as she found her undergarment still quite moist and smelling of her own excitement increased as she flung them into her washing hamper.

Bathed and dressed she descended the stairs and met her mother in their large kitchen.  Wordlessly she retrieved a roll and made herself a cup of tea from the ever present kettle over the fire.  She settled onto the stool she normally ate her breakfast at and watched as
her mother calmly stuffed herbs, spices and vegetable into the gut of the large bird she was preparing for dinner.

“Mother, have you ever wondered what drives people to do the things they do?” she asked unexpectedly.

“I don’t have time to wonder about those things, my dear,” her mother answered.  “However, you have a note from Lord Fitzclarence, you obviously made an impression on the wolf.  He has asked you to come to his home for dinner this evening.”

“What?  Where?” Cassandra asked startled.  Her mother indicated a neatly folded sheet of paper on the shelf behind her.  Cassandra walked quickly over to it and opened the paper to find that she had indeed been asked to attend Lord Fitzclarence’s pleasure for dinner at 8:00 pm.

“I cannot, mother,” she said softly.  “The man is single and I do not think it would be wise for me to attend him unchaperoned.”

“Cassandra, you are an adult.  You do not need chaperoning to attend dinner with the man who will be no doubt surrounded by his servants and some of his military troop.  The wolf has ever been a gentleman.”

“Not last night, mother,” Cassandra muttered under her breath.  She could feel the heat in her loins again at just the mere thought of seeing him again.  How could she control it if she were left alone with him!

“You would do worse than be seen with him, Cassandra.  He is titled, a war hero and, from what the local gossip tells me, extremely alone.  No woman has been seen in his home since the end of the war.  I am sure that you will be treated as a lady is expected to be treated.

“I do not see why you would be so reluctant to at least meet with the man.  It is not as if he asked us for your hand!”

“Very well, mother, I shall go.  I will send an answer right now.”

“No need, my dear.  I already told his messenger boy that you would be there.  Run along now, you need to get ready.  His carriage will be here for you at seven.”

As the carriage arrived at her home Cassandra spied from her window and was surprised that the lord himself alighted from inside it.  Her father met him at the door and the two men shook hands in what appeared to be a familiar way.
  “Welcome, my Lord Wolf!” he said in his loud voice and welcomed him into entry way of the house just as Cassandra appeared at the top of the stairs.

“You look delightful, Lady Higgins,” Lord Fitzclarence
beamed and from behind his back produced a bouquet of flowers that he presented with a small flourish as Cassandra reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Thank you, my Lord Wolf,” the woman said with a small hint of disapproval in her voice.  The two men in front of her frowned simultaneously at her tone.  Neither could determine who the woman, resplendent in her mauve attire, was peeved at.

“I see you have found out my sobriquet, Cassandra,” Fitzclarence stated with a small smile.

“Perhaps, Sir, you can regale me with the tale of how you got such a name over dinner this evening?” Cassandra asked softly.  She ignored the glare of her father at her slightly mocking tones.

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