The Mitchell Family Series BoxSet 1-4.5 (35 page)

BOOK: The Mitchell Family Series BoxSet 1-4.5
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He took my hands and held them. “Just promise me that this won’t change our friendship if I tell you.”

I nodded. “Tell me what, Ty?”

“Oh fuck, this is harder than I thought,” he shook his head.

Seeing his frustration I gripped his hands harder. “Is this about Heather?”

“Hell no!” He scrunched up his face. “Just tell me one thing. Did you want to kiss me tonight?”

He was calling me out. My lips were aching for his touch, but I was so afraid of admitting my desire for him. “Ty, I…….”

He interrupted me and started shaking his head. “I knew it. I knew I fucked up our friendship. GOD DAMMIT!” His fist went into the steering wheel and he jumped out of the car in the pitch black of the night.

I jumped out and followed him toward the back of the car. “Ty please calm down.” I grabbed his hand to get him to look at me.

“No, just let me calm down. I am just so pissed I ruined our friendship. I should have never thought I could trick you like that.”

Trick me?
“What do you mean?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know what I did Miranda. I wanted you to play that pretend game because I wanted to be the guy who was touching you tonight. You have to know how fucking hot you are. You flaunt that body of yours in front of me and I feel like I need to take a million cold showers to relieve the ache I have for you. I wanted you for so long, even back when I visited Kentucky. That night at that bar when we were dancing, I was so pissed when that girl came between us. I could have sworn there was something between us back then, but everything happened and you stopped talking to me. I just …… I saw an opportunity and I took it. Now I ruined our friendship over a couple of damn kisses and a set of blue balls.”

Blue balls….

He thought I was mad at him. He thought he was playing me.

I thought I was playing him.

Ty wanted me. He wanted me for so long.

“I lied to you too.”

He looked up at me with a questionable look. “About what?”

“I lied when I said we were just friends. I only agreed because I thought that is all I was to you. I know how much you love Bella and I just thought you were bein’ nice to me.”

His mouth dropped open. “Every second I spend with you makes me want you more.” He kissed me softly and then pulled away. “I have never wanted someone like the way I want you right now.”

A car passed and honked at us before either of us realized how ridiculous we were dressed, standing out on the dark road. Our hands were entwined together and his thumbs were stroking mine. “Take me back to your place and show me how much,” I taunted him.

It was going to be good and we both knew it.

We made a beeline for the car and once we were inside, Ty pulled back onto the road. His hand reached for my thigh and I used my hand to slide it further up underneath my plastic skirt. It didn’t take him long to figure out that my plastic outfit didn’t come with panties.  He let out a moan as his fingers traced the smooth skin between my legs, getting a hint of how ready I was for him. He started to swerve off the road. “Holy shit, you are so wet.” I giggled when I felt the car speedin’ up.

“In a hurry Ty?”

“Baby, you have no idea how much I want to pull over and fuck you right in this car,” he admitted.

I bit my lip and imagined him taking me in the backseat, or how I could maneuver my body to straddle him while he drove. “Please hurry or I might let you,” I said as I leaned over and stroked his leg.

“I can’t wait to rip that shit off of your skin.” He touched the plastic around my waist.

“Mmmm. I can’t either.” I slid my tongue over his ear lobe and pulled it with my teeth. “I like it rough Ty.”

“Shit! You are killing me right now. I want you so bad. You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this.”

I ran my hand up his chest and found his nipple in between my fingers. I pinched it as I ran my tongue up his neck. He liked it dirty and I knew just the things to say. “I am so hot for you Ty.”

“My dick is throbbing. If you keep talking like that I am going to come in this fucking cone.”

We hit the dirt and gravel driveway and almost swerved into the field he was driving so fast. We pulled up to the carriage house and ran toward the door. Before he even had it open, our lips had met. He flipped on the light and pushed me against the wall. “Stand right here while I find some scissors.”

I drug my teeth against my lip watching Ty walk toward the kitchen. I wanted to touch every inch of his body.
This was really happening.

He brought the scissors over and slid them between my breasts gently, making a point not to scrape me with them. “I have waited so long to see these perfect tits.”

I was breathing hard as he slowly cut through the plastic. Even after he cut through it, it still stuck to my skin. He dropped the scissors and cupped my breasts with both of his hands, then slowly pulled the plastic away, revealing my naked mounds to his needy eyes.  My nipples were so hard and I wanted nothing more than to watch him kiss and suck them.

I watched Ty’s mouth open as he took as much of my breast in his mouth as he could fit. He pulled away and circled my nipple with his tongue, while squeezing the other nipple in between his fingers.  I was trying to watch his tongue move around, but the first burst of waves started shooting between my legs causing me to throw my head back against the wall. I had never had an orgasm from just having someone play with my breasts, but as he continued to pinch and lick them, the desire between my legs heated with fire and I felt myself convulsing right in front of him.

He looked up at me, realizing what had just happened. “I swear that has never happened before.”

Ty’s mouth was on mine again and I felt his tongue breaking the threshold to my mouth, sliding against mine. I loved the way he stroked his tongue over mine. His hand started at my nipple and then worked its way down to my waist.  He tugged at the plastic skirt and when nothing happened, he broke our kiss and started ripping it to shreds. I wiggled my way out of the rest of it and then leaned back as he took in my whole naked body.  I tried to squeeze my legs together, knowing how wet I was for him, but his hands came down and slid between my folds, separating them while he circled my sensitive spot. “You want me so bad,” he said out loud.

“Does that turn you on Ty? Are you ready to fuck me?” I teased.

I could feel him trying to pull the caution tape and cone from his body. “You have no idea how bad I want you. Give me a minute to get this shit off of me. I will meet you in the bedroom.” He kissed me one more time before heading toward the bathroom.




Chapter 18


The last thing I wanted to do was leave Miranda standing there naked while I ran to disassemble my costume from my aching dick. I fought with that shit ass Duct tape, even taking some of my own skin as I ripped it away from my body.  I still couldn’t believe this was happening.  Once I got everything off of me, I looked down at my throbbing cock and considered beating off so that I could last longer out there for my first time with Miranda. I wanted it to be perfect and just hearing her talk dirty made me want to come.

I couldn’t remember ever wanting anyone the way I wanted Miranda. She was so fucking sexy to me and everything about her turned me on. It didn’t help that I was crazy about her. I had fought this attraction for too long.

As I made my way into the bedroom, all I saw was Miranda sprawled out across the bed, waiting for me. Her hand came up as her index finger motioned me to approach her. She bit her lip as I got closer and I noticed her staring at my dick. I slid my hands up her legs as I climbed onto the bed. Her bare pussy was so close to my face that I drug my chin against it as I made my way up her body. The funny thing was that I had never liked going down on a woman, but I was so turned on that I stopped moving and pressed my lips against her little clit. I was so tempted to taste what I thought would never have been mine. She cried out as I sucked it into my mouth and stroked her folds with my tongue. I couldn’t stop myself. The more I licked and sucked on her sensitive little pussy, the more she cried out.

I wasn’t used to making a girl come and definitely not twice, in fact normally I only cared about getting myself off. The more she screamed out in pleasure the more turned on I got myself.

She was so wet and as I brought my face up to her breasts I was dragging her sexiness all over her stomach. I know she could feel it too, even after I had taken her nipple into my mouth again. I wanted to lick them and suck on them until she cried out my name again. When I finally reached her mouth, she cupped my face and shoved her lips against mine, kissing me even harder than before.  I felt her tongue against my lips and I knew she could taste herself.

Her hand slid down and found my hard cock. She moaned against my mouth as she began to stroke my girth. “Do you want it in my mouth?” She asked in between  kisses.

“As much as I do, I want to slide inside of you more.” I admitted.

I slid over the edge of the bed and reached into my drawer to grab a condom. Miranda backed away and watched as I slid it down my fully erect dick. I was rock hard and ached to be inside of her pussy. I kissed her again while I positioned myself over her. I took my hard shaft and teased her clit with it. “Oh Ty….”

“Say it again.” I kept running my cock over her little swollen clit. She was using her legs to pull me closer, but I fought her, just knowing she was so turned on.

She took her fingers and stroked the tips of her nipples. “Please fuck me Ty.”

She was so wet that I let go of my cock and slid right inside of her. I had never been with someone that had a child, but you definitely couldn’t tell. She was tight and with every stroke I wanted to explode. The friction of driving myself deeper into Miranda was like semen-surged torment.  I felt Miranda’s fingernails ripping into my back as she bucked her body into mine, matching my thrusts.

Her tongue slid across my lips twice before she let me kiss her. Kissing her was too much and I had to keep taking breaks from moving to keep from going too soon. Miranda used her legs and flipped us around so that she was on top. Her perfect tits started bouncing as she moved her body up and down.  She played with her nipples, teasing me while I watched her.  The harder she grinded herself into me, the faster I felt my release coming. I grabbed her hips and held her still while I finally exploded.

Miranda collapsed on my chest and kissed my nipples while I tried to catch my breath. “Let me know when you are ready for round two.” She whispered before heading into the bathroom.

Holy shit!

After removing the condom, I fell back on the bed and must have fallen asleep, because I woke to Miranda climbing into bed next to me. She smelled of fresh soap and had a wet head. She started to lay on the opposite side of the bed, but I reached over and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into my chest. “I think I missed you,” I whispered.

“I think you were snoring,” She joked.

I reached around and cupped her breast into my hand. “I am sleeping like this all night.”

She took my hand and pulled it off of her breast, guiding it down between her legs. I let her hand guide my fingers into circular motions over her clit. She moaned as she continued doing it. I rubbed my growing shaft over her ass, showing her that what she was doing was working, of course she already knew it would. I pulled my hand away and turned her around to face me.  I took my hand and ran it in between her breasts and down her stomach.  “I think you’re beautiful.”

“Does that mean you’re ready for round two?”


I smiled and kissed the side of her mouth. “I am considering it, you little nympho.” I was more than considering it.

“You of all people shouldn’t complain about my love for sex,” She said sarcastically as she traced the skin around my nipple.

“You are so aggressive. I think I am scared of what you might do to me next. I am a fragile specimen you know,” I teased.

“Actually, it’s funny that you mention it. I want to have a little fun of my own if you can handle it.”

Okay, now I was scared!

“What kind of fun are we talking about?”

“Close your eyes and give me your hands.” She was very serious.

I must have been crazy, because I closed my eyes and did as I was told. I felt something wrapping around my wrist and opened my eyes to see a very naked Miranda wrapping caution tape around my wrists. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Shut up and let me have some fun with you. Stop being a pussy.”

She got my hands fastened somehow to the headboard and climbed on top of me. She reached up and covered my eyes with a shirt so I couldn’t see what she was doing. I tried to shake it free, but it wouldn’t slide off. “Seriously, you are kind of freaking me out,” I admitted.

“Shhh, calm down.” I felt something cold touch my nipple and move around. After I felt the dripping I realized it was ice. She had planned this.

I cringed at first, but then it started to feel good. “See, it’s nice isn’t it?”

I nodded my covered head. She pulled the ice away and I could hear her chewing on it. Her hands ran up and down my thighs and I could feel her breath between my legs. I knew she was down there, but she never touched me.

Then I felt something freezing on the tip of my shaft. I retracted my body at the shock of it. “Whoa!”

The coldness traveled all the way down my shaft causing me to get goose bumps all over my body. I felt hands gripping the base as the coldness began to subside revealing soft lips rising and lowering over my cock. Miranda didn’t go slow, in fact she didn’t take her time at all. Her grasp became loosened and she bobbed her head up and down quickly while stroking me in a varied rhythm. The combination of her mouth and her hands, added to the fact that I couldn’t see anything felt so good. Her opposite hand began massaging my balls while she sucked my dick even harder. Just when I thought that it might be possible for me to come again so soon, she lifted off of me, almost appearing as if she left the room. I didn’t feel her moving on the bed and I couldn’t hear her breathing. When I was about to call out her name, I felt the bed shift.

She removed the shirt from my face and leaned down to kiss me. As she pulled away she shoved one of her tits in my face. “Do you like these the most?”

I tried to catch her nipple with my tongue. “I like the way your nipples feel on my tongue.”

She kept coming within inches of my tongue, never letting me make contact. “You want to touch them don’t you?”

“Please let me,” I begged.

She pressed them both together and pinched them in between her fingers. Then she took her finger and wet it in her mouth, just to be able to run it over her nipples.  “This turns me on so much.” She continued playing with them within inches of my reach.

I could actually feel my mouth watering as I watched her. She started massaging both of them and then, like heaven opened up and let me have a peek, she pushed one up and licked her own fucking nipple. “Oh fuck yeah! Do it again.” I bit down on my lip as I watched her wiggle her tongue over her erect nipples one at a time.

She started grinding herself into my stomach and I could feel her getting wet again. The idea that she was still so turned on, even after a shower, made me hornier than before. I wanted to free my hands and touch every inch of her body. She was making me crazy.

“What do you want me to do now Ty?”

“Baby, I don’t care what you do to me, but I have got to be able to touch your fine ass. Please let me have my hands, I promise that I will let you have free reign.”

Miranda laughed. Her lips found mine and as our tongues began to mingle, I felt her releasing my restraints. I immediately reached around to her flawless ass and squeezed her cheeks in my hands.

“Turn around. I want to watch your ass while I am fucking you,” I ordered.

Miranda seemed to get off on the dirty talk, which in turn, got me off. She was down on her hands and knees and if I thought she was fucking perfect from the front, well it was the same case in the back. I ran my hand all over her ass cheeks and started to dive right in. Realizing I hadn’t applied protection, I reached over for the nightstand.

“I get the shot Ty. I can’t get pregnant for two more years. I haven’t been with anyone for over a year now, if you are worried about that.”

I always used protection before and I don’t know why I didn’t just grab a condom, but I drove myself right into that pretty pussy. She let out a loud moan every time I thrusted in and out. I used her hips to pull her deeper.

“Please don’t stop Ty. Ohh, it feels so good…”

I leaned over and grabbed both of her tits, squeezing her nipples while I fucked her.  I let one of her tits free and grabbed the headboard, using it to thrust myself even faster into Miranda. I could feel the walls of her pussy tightening around my dick. I knew she was coming. She was crying out my name and I just lost it.

I collapsed on top of her back and caught my breath. I kissed her back before slowly sliding down next to her. “That felt so good.”

She was laying on her stomach facing me, while I was on my back. Her finger traced the skin on my chest. “It did.”

I grabbed her hand and kissed it. “I could have had that months ago?”

She shrugged and smiled. “Yeah, but we are even better friends now and neither of us is on the rebound. It’s just us.”

“I haven’t asked anyone to be my girlfriend since I was fourteen years old, but after the way I felt tonight at the party and now this, I don’t think I can handle it if we were still just friends.”

She scooted her body over and put her head on my chest. “I don’t think we have ever just been friends. I’ve wanted you to kiss me for so long. I just thought I was just a friend.”

“Have you ever looked in the mirror at yourself? Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are? Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to tell your family that I didn’t want anything from you besides your friendship, when all I could think about was touching you?”

She ran her tongue over my nipple and then kissed it. “So was I worth the wait?”

I let out a cackle. “And then some. I’ve have never been with anyone like you before. You are fucking amazing.”

“So are you.”

I leaned down toward her face. “Can I get one more kiss before I close my eyes?”

I was exhausted and with her in my arms, I felt like I could fall right to sleep, but I had to just feel her lips one more time before I did.

It wasn’t a soft peck. Instead, Miranda kissed me with her mouth open and let me skim my tongue across hers before pulling away. “Goodnight Ty.”

I wrapped both of my arms around her back and held her close. “Promise me that when I wake up, you will be right here. I am still thinking this was all the best dream I ever had.”

“I promise.”

After hearing her words, I let my eyes close and fell asleep with the most amazing girl sprawled across my chest. I couldn’t remember feeling so satisfied and happy all at the same time.



BOOK: The Mitchell Family Series BoxSet 1-4.5
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